- CFT on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of IsraelChrist Is King: Thanks for your prayers and concern. Been facing some serious health issues, but have made a recovery,...
- john844 on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of IsraelGetting REAL concerned about y'all... Hope everything is OK - you sure are missed.
- Normant on Jews Reveal Their Plans For The Destruction Of America: Wage War Against Iran — And Lose Its EmpireThe Talmud Judaism's Holiest Book Unmasked.- The Secret Jewish Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis. CHRISTIANS MUST...
- Zygmunt B on Polish MP Dominik Tarczyński: The Soul of Europe Must Remain Christian To SurvivePolska potrzebuje edukacji, kretynie... Ludzie cierpią z powodu niewiedzy, a ty ich w niej utwierdzasz...
- Another Christian Nationalist on The Error Of Christian Dispensationalists: Did Israel Reject Jesus? (Part 3)Jesus was rejected by his hometown of Nazareth, see Luke 4: 16-30. This is what the Apostle John is alluding...
- Walter on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyAll we can do is inform others and encourage them to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Can't change what...
- Bernard Douglas Cook on Holocaust Museum Head Explains How The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The Holocaust Is Proof It HappenedYes, you're right, in fact there was an investigation where ground imaging radar was employed, finding no evidence of any...
- Bernard Douglas Cook on Holocaust Museum Head Explains How The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The Holocaust Is Proof It HappenedExactly!
- Elijah on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of IsraelI too hope all is alright, CFT your work is appreciated. Good to see you again Christ Is King.
- Tom Hyatt on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of IsraelGreat Article! Glad to see someone else that understands!!! Judah was the son that stayed and was jealous. For many...
- Normant on Rabbi Claims Israel Will Replace America As Next World ‘Superpower’ And Jews Need To ‘Embrace Their Destiny’Operation SIG. Operation SIG is the Soviet strategy of using the Middle East conflict as a means of turning the...
- Normant on Rabbi Claims Israel Will Replace America As Next World ‘Superpower’ And Jews Need To ‘Embrace Their Destiny’Jewish leaders of the CDC amid the Covid Pandemic that never existed https://jewishcontributions.com/infotables/covid/ October 2020 Trump spokesman states there is...
- Normant on Rabbi Claims Israel Will Replace America As Next World ‘Superpower’ And Jews Need To ‘Embrace Their Destiny’Fluoride (Rat Poison) Recommended by the CDC on humans, Poison your Water and ToothPaste with Fluoride (Rat Poison) PharmaJewdicals RAT...
- Normant on Rabbi Claims Israel Will Replace America As Next World ‘Superpower’ And Jews Need To ‘Embrace Their Destiny’Jewish Rabbi's in Brooklyn over 18x more likely to molest a child than a Catholic Priest https://i.imgur.com/bhG1Yt3.jpeg
- antiJ on Whistleblower Rabbi Witnessed ‘Child-Rape Assembly Line’ Among Orthodox Jews In Brooklynmost jews + zionists are mentaly sick because they follow a mentaly sick demon .
- antiJ on A Response To ‘Is God Racist? – Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth’ By Verbotenesarchivsurely demon JHWH is a racist with his chosen tribe ordering them to kill all Amalek (all nonjews) . the...
- truthwillout on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of Israelhttps://youtu.be/aeX4p34xLRY?feature=shared
- Hans Auht on A Christian Response To ‘Jesus The Jew’ By White Nationalist Thomas DaltonThomas Dalton, Ph.D is the type of person that values the opinion of his fellow humans to an extraordinarily high...
- LukeP on A Closer Look At Deuteronomy 23 — Prophetic Fulfillment Of The ‘Assembly Of the Lord’Hi first time commenting. I'm sorry but I've read this section over and over after finishing the article and I'm...
- Terry on Healthy McDowell Triplets All Become Autistic Within Hours of Being Vaccinated1. When you add mRNA to your DNA you blank up your DNA. You willingly gave yourself transfections or gene...
- Keith on Malachi: The Treachery Of End Times Anti-Christ ‘Judeo-Christian’ MinistersWho is God's Chosen People? Simple: We are all God's Chosen People, in that the Satanist were Chosen to do...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary PrayerJesus was the son of God...he rebuked them . Jews are not the chosen and are a cancer upon the...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary Prayeryou guys would of died out like Easter Island if it weren't for us. show some respect. pray to Jesus...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary Prayerwe aren't and never were a democracy. Democracy is Communism. past an present democracies are Democratic Republic of Korea, German...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary Prayer"Jews haven't done anything to anyone"? you are unqualified to comment if you believe that
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary PrayerJews leave after they've destroyed a place...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary PrayerJesus was the son of God...he rebuked them . Jews are not the chosen and are a cancer upon the...
- Betty on New Zealand Abolishes Any Reference to Jesus Christ from Parliamentary Prayerit's the JEWS endless wars in the Middle East and the resulting destroyed, destabilized countries (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Libya,...
- cas on How A Chabad Rabbi Tricked ‘Neo-Nazi’ Frank Meeink Into Believing He Was Actually ‘Jewish’"2.4%" is within a "margin of error" lol and not to mention i have yet to find a truly independent...
- iain on The ‘Wild Olive Branch’ Of Romans 11 – Who Can Be Grafted Into Israel And Who Cannotjust because ethiopia today is blacki-ish now does not mean the eunuch was black. if so then you make the...
- creat on The ‘Wild Olive Branch’ Of Romans 11 – Who Can Be Grafted Into Israel And Who Cannot1. The Ethiopian was an ethnic Phoenician, not a black. The Phoenicians are typical Phoenician stock. https://phoenicia.org/phoeEastAfrica.html. Your mistake is...
- Lelele on 1931: German High Court Rules Jewish Talmud Encourages Jews To Murder Gentilesthere were some mediterean white phenotype among pre indo europeannneolithic Iran farmers . later you may have had some sparodic...
- Thomas Pickering on ‘High Demand’ Among Russian Jews For Israeli Passports After Putin Announces Military Draft For War In Ukrainehttps://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com/2024/10/the-jewish-master-plan.html
- Normant on Army General Reveals How Judeo-Masonic Oligarchs, Chabad Lubavitch Jews, And The C.I.A. Gained Control Of UkraineA Jew, Sir Alfred Mond, the ex-Minister of Health of England, in his English Review, in "The World Battle of...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyThank you for your commentary (& those of many others here). Having once been (& for nearly 3 decades) a...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyWhilst I certainly wouldn't wish to challenge your scholarly exposition on the etymology of names, we must STILL remember that...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyDitch the compromised google/meta judeo/ corporate technocracy and the garbage pseudo "historical" propaganda of the likes of Wikipedia. Using Yandex,...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyDidn't their World Jewish Congress even ADMIT that the whole jew-skin lampshades deal was a horseshit crock piece of wartime...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyYup! When the International Red Cross documentation of the TRUE figures of dead camp jews were revealed, the rabid zionists...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th Centuryjesuit, zionist, freemason, bilderberger, WEF/UN/NATO/WHO, Fabian society, Tavistock institute, RIIA, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral commission, Committee of 300, and...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th CenturyHa! Yup- they'd have you believe that an "anti-Semite" is some "vicious racist, who hates the poor, blameless jews for...
- oculus veritatis on Jews Apoplectic Over New Painting Honoring Simon Of Trent, A Child Ritually Murdered By Jews In The 15th Century100% correct. Beyond any & ALL defence, debate, or denial. Scotland (where I live) is AS BAD & politically corrupt...
- oculus veritatis on 1931: German High Court Rules Jewish Talmud Encourages Jews To Murder GentilesYes! We're one to search for pdf downloads of the talmud (A) via a Google search, & (B) via a...
- Michael on The ‘Wild Olive Branch’ Of Romans 11 – Who Can Be Grafted Into Israel And Who CannotColossians 3:9-11 KJV [9] Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his...
- hyperborean wanderer on Jews Force Newspaper To Publicly Apologize And Grovel For Printing ‘Antisemitic’ Easter Poemthe germans burned books from a degenerate transgender clinic. it was the first one. books trying to mutilate and sterilize...
- jim on Jews Admit Angela Merkel Flooded Germany with Migrants Because of Her Commitment to JewsYou simply don't know much history. Jews and Muslims collaborated with each other against Christians at many points in history....
- Thomas Pickering on The Road To Dealey Plaza — How JFK’s Refusal To Allow Israel Nuclear Weapons Sealed His Death Warranthttps://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com/2024/10/the-two-worlds-paradigm-example-of-jfk.html
- Juri Bezmenov on Why Are So Many Jews Denying the Holocaust?From my experience no one does a better job exposing the lie of the 6M than Ron Unz, a non...
- Christ Is King on The Prodigal Son Identified – The Lost Tribes Of The House Of IsraelCFT, are you alright? I pray to God you are!
- Eryk on The ‘Wild Olive Branch’ Of Romans 11 – Who Can Be Grafted Into Israel And Who CannotIt's been more than 4 months already... will you bother to give your followers an update or will you just...