We have previously featured the work of historian and anthropologist, Robert Sepehr — whose specialty is tracing the history of the Genesis 10 Aryan-Adamic peoples — such as the Chachapoyas or “Cloud People” who built the remarkable pyramids of Central and South America.
Here we have transcribed one of Sepehr’s lectures on the ancient kingdom of Kush — which figures prominently in the Bible. Many Christians are under the false impression that ancient Kush was originally built and inhabited by Black Africans merely because it is black today as if it has always been that way. They will robotically cite the encounter between Philip and the man from Ethiopia in Acts 8 as “proof” that the gospel was to be brought to “everyone” — including Black Africans. Clearly, this hellenized “Ethiopian” — or Kushite — with his chariot and ability to read Greek was a white man — and only Christians whose minds have been seared with afro-centric marxism would insist this man to be black.
But as we see here in Robert Sepehr’s video, Kush — even at the time of Christ — was still a white Adamic nation inhabited and ruled over by “Queen Candace” who was a descendant of the original Kushites — direct descendants of Noah. Yes, over time, Ethiopia — and all of Kush — was eventually overrun by arabs and nubians who occupy that land today — and like all the original Genesis 10 nations, they were eventually displaced by an alien people who live on top of what was — in ancient times — yet another advanced Adamic civiliztion.
We have transcribed Robert Sepehr’s narration — you can watch the video posted below:
Sudan is a country in north east Africa — bordered by Egypt in the north, Ethiopia to the east, Chad to the west, and Libya to the northwest. It houses 37 million people, making it the third largest country in Africa. The history of the Sudan goes back to the time of the Pharaohs — and includes the rise of the kingdom of Kush at around 700 BC, which in turn, would control Egypt itself for nearly a century.
After the fall of the kingdom of Kush — since the 7th century AD — Sudan was settled by Muslim arabs and saw extensive islamization and arabization — with much of its former history lost or erased.
The ancient Kush capital was called Meroë in Sudan — given the name by the Aryan king of Persia, Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great, in honor of his sister who was called by that name. The site of the city of Meroë was marked by more than 200 Nubian pyramids in three groups — many of which are in ruins, mostly by looters searching for treasures. So who were these ancient “Nubian” pyramid builders? Did you notice how I said “ancient Nubian” — as opposed to any modern population one finds there today?
The same way we have Aryan-built pyramids in China — built by the six foot, six inch tall blonde Aryan mummies found near them that pre-date the arrival of East Asians to the area. Places like the kingdom of Kush — or even Ethiopia — were established and ruled by an Aryan — or Caucasian — race of people in antiquity. Now when I say “Aryan” — people often think of India — which was also established by Aryans millennia ago — but they fled to places like the New World, becoming what we call “Native Americans” — evidenced by the swastikas and caucasoid mummies one finds littered all over — now hidden and covered up by organizations like the Smithsonian Institute….
I can assure you that Christopher Columbus did not get “lost” and think he landed in India. When they called Native Americans “Indians,” they knew who they were.
A 2,000 year old relief carved with an image of what appears to be a stylishly over-weight princess has been discovered in an extremely fragile palace in the ancient city of Meroë in Sudan by archeologists. It wasn’t unusual for queens — sometimes referred to as Candaces — to rule, facing down the armies of an expanding Rome. The sandstone relief shows a woman smiling — her hair carefully tressed — and an earring on her left ear. She appears to have a second chin, and a bit of fat on her neck — something considered stylish at the time among royal women from Kush. Researchers don’t know the identity of the woman depicted, but based on the artistic style the relief appears to date back about 2,000 years [to the time of Christ…ed.] and shows someone royal — very similar to other images of princesses but could also have been a queen. Royal women of Kush preferred to be depicted as over-weight — possibly representing fertility and maternity — but in actuality it’s still considered a mystery. The discovery occurred in 2007 during an archeological exploration of a royal palace in the city where the stone blocks were reused in antiquity by the palace’s builders — are were originally from buildings that stood at an even earlier time.
Ancient Nubia — known for rich deposits of gold –hosted some of Africa’s earliest kingdoms with massive amounts of slave labor — became quite wealthy, even ruling some parts of Egypt for a brief time. But their pharaohs were never of sub-Saharan African descent, despite what is taught by corrupt afro-centric marxist universities which no longer try to educate people but to indoctrinate them into a false politically-motivated view of history.
While it is true that there are sub-Saharan African mummies, it is also true that ancient pharaohs and nobility like to be buried with their slaves to have servants in the afterlife — oftentimes even mummifying their cats and buried with their horses — and this could be found in many places….
[Begin National Geographic segment on Kush]:
Every year, the world produces some 500 million tons of iron — the history of this metal goes back thousands of years. Several ancient civilizations learned to manufacture iron — including the Hittites whose empire thrived in what is now Turkey in around 1,600 to around 1,200 BC. Later the Assyrians used iron weapons during their invasion of Egypt in the 7th century BC. In the 4th century BC, the manufacture and trade of iron led to the rise of another empire — Kush — which became a powerful trading center located near the modern-day border of Egypt and Sudan in northeastern Africa.
Much of Kush bordered the Sahara, but the city of Meroë in the southern part of the country was dotted with trees. The people of Kush used this wood to fire the furnaces they used to produce iron. In addition, Meroë had a rich supply of iron ore — the mineral from which iron is made. Meroë was also located not far from the Red Sea which gave Kush access to the major trading centers further south. In addition to iron, the people of Kush traded gold, jewelry, pottery, and ivory. But just as iron had an influence on the rise of Kush, it also had an effect on its fall. Meroë’s economy began to suffer in the 4th century AD — one of the reasons for the decline may have been the loss of the forests in Nubia where trees were harvested to fuel the iron industry. In about AD 350, the neighboring kingdom of Oxam invaded Kush — and the Kush empire fell. Today Kush is largely forgotten, but the metal that built the empire is still important in all our lives today….
[End segment]
From the 3rd century BC to the 4th century AD Phoenicians rulers of the kingdom of Kush controlled significant territory along the banks of the Nile, ensuring the production of significant quantities of iron — mined in large part with slave labor. The Phoenicians also mined copper in Cypress — as well as tin in Great Britain — and even mined the best copper in Michigan U.S.A. which is uniquely mixed with silver…
Robert Sepehr in reality is a jewish man from Iran, his father who is a film director won an award for a movie about the holocaust.
All of this can be proven with this video:
At 1:52 you can see Robert Sepehr happily attending the ceremony.
He also considers jews to be White and he is against Christianity.
Ken Dahl
Sepehr took a DNA test and showed the results on his YT channel. It shows that he’s basically 50% German from his mother, and 50% Iranian through his father. But interestingly, he doesn’t mention that his father is an Iranian Jew, an obvious intentional oversight. He goes out of his way to show that he has no Ashkenazi DNA. Nor does he acknowledge that the ancient Persians, who were white aryans, are not the same people are the Iranians today, who are part Arab.
That said, he does get many things right about the ancient world, especially the aryan influence.
No offence but your message is mostly wrong.
DNA tests can easily be faked and are not very precise unless you use the very expensive ones and jews like persians are not a race but a mixture of races so the dna results can also be misinterpreted in more than one way.
Also about the last part robert sepehr has also been exposed for stealing other people’s researches and promoting them as his own and also he said some things that as you said are clearly wrong and easily refutable.
I believe that the video I linked in my first comment is enough for every sane-minded man to stop listening to sepehr.
Ken Dahl
My comment is “mostly wrong”? How so? I said his DNA test showed he isn’t white or aryan. I said he misled his audience that modern Persians are still aryan. I pointed out that his father is a Jew, not an ethnic Persian. I pointed out that he tried to deceive his audience that because he had no “ashkenazi” ancestry, that alone did not make him a Jew. How could Persian Jews be aryan? I pointed out that Persians are mixed race arabs. Where is that wrong? My comment about Sepehr was far more detailed than yours, but mine is “mostly wrong”?
You can watch any of his videos and see he appropriates other people’s work, but does that make the content wrong or inaccurate? Every source you will find on ancient history is compromised, so what does any “sane man” do, throw it all out? That’s silly. Take what is good and leave the rest.
Acts 8:27 And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship.
This man deliberately came to worship. How do you say he was reading a Greek text. It may very well be He was a Jew. After all he was a treasurer. Just imagine if He was a Jew reading Hebrew or Aramaic. This may very well change the matter.
We know Jews travelled to Jerusalem on the holy Days. To have a copy of Isaiah confirms He must have been a wealthy man. In Greek there are subjective genitives and objective ones. He may have been of or from Ethiopia but not Ethiopian per as such. This may help your argument of countering the instance of his blackness and origin. Still it is not conclusive only observational.
Fr. John+
The Author of the post is substantively correct. The fallacy that Ancient Israelites of Jesus’ time, and even up to 200 years prior to Christ’s incarnation, spoke/read Hebrew is contradicted by the fact of the existence of the Septuagint!
A Greek ‘translation’ of the proto-Hebrew Scriptures, starting at least as far back as 250 B.C., when the Pharaoh wanted a copy of the world’s great literature for the famous Library of Alexandria. By the time of Christ, most Israelites spoke/read Greek, not Hebrew.
So much so, that when Jesus or the Apostles quote O.T. verses, in over 90% of the cases, the translation is a direct quote from the Septuagint. Jesus also came from “Galilee of the GENTILES’ – i.e., a Greco-Roman outpost in the Province of Palestine. Judaizing cults who think that Jesus’ name was Yashuah, etc. are just imagining things.
Yeah, about the Ethiopian riding in the chariot in Acts…
Black Africans didn’t have the wheel until Europe colonized them in the 1800s.
Does this mean that ancient blacks saw the wheel in use by the Cushites/Arab traders but couldn’t duplicate it themselves?
Since they can today make something that looks like an airplane, and have built a nationally revered oversized wooden scooter (Chukudu of Congo), what does this mean?
Did we actually raise their IQ? Could they always do basic mimicry mentally but couldn’t do it physically until they received access to tools from Whitey?
Good to see a comment based on COMMON SENSE.
Christ is King
Wow RB! I had no knowledge of the scooters. Those scooters look like a heap of fun, I must admit! Hahaha! Some have a spring for suspension!
Seriously tho, some teachers I know struggled for years to get “refugees” from deepest africa to comprehend STRAIGHT and CURVED. Many blacks came thru the system of tryna learn to do basic metal and wood work… most failed coz they couldn’t grasp the idea of what a STRAIGHT line is, and what a CURVED line is. Teachers were having mental breakdowns tryna get it in to there heads. Ask them to file a piece of metal flat and straight, and they would file it round and just not have a clue that it was wrong, and why it was wrong. I saw it with my own eyes on more than one occasion.
The blacks just don’t have the same level of brainpower as even some other blacks in africa, let alone white people, arabs, asians, and the like.
Offer some proof please. Conjecture is not relevant. Blacks wore wheel bead around said necks. How did that happen without a logic of comprehension.. A round wheel bead of decoration proves you are totally wrong. Go preach the gospel.
Adam Bede
“Proof”? The proof is the testimony of the first explorers in Africa, eyewitnesses who saw how these savages lived, saw that they had no woven cloth or wheels. Having “beeds” is not proof they could conceive of a wheel. “Beeds” occur naturally as small stones and can be fashioned as such so easily that monkeys can do it. To look at a small stone and extrapolate a wheel out of it requires an IQ that far exceeds the abilities of native Africans on their own. Why do you insist on elevating the Africans to a place where you can accept them as Adamic? You’re the one who needs to read the gospel because nowhere does it account for the four primary races that we see in the world today.
I wonder at the mind that would seriously consider beads as proof of being able to build chariots.
The brazenness with which the argument was made is quite astounding, indicating a severe lack of self-awareness.
With that in mind, all the argument proves is that the one who made the argument either has a failing mind or they are a troll.
Fascinating! I agree that the Smithsonian is covering things up: the red skin indians hold great sway over academia when new discoveries are made thru cultural nonsense… “rebury that!” they shout, if anyone digs up anything unordinary and unusual. Read the accounts from white folks who were captured by indians; they tell of all sorts of things that the indians claimed were from aincient people before them.
Same thing happens all over the world… if it doesn’t make sense politically, academia and the natives bury it again.
So where did East Asians and Black Africans come from, if they weren’t natively in Ethiopia, China, or (from other articles) Mongolia & Japan?
Was the entire east coast of Africa free of nignogs until slavers moved them there?
perry mason
Black Nubians came from sub-Saharan Africa, migrated north into Egypt and Kush. This is well document in the histories of Egypt….And there were Asians in China, just not in the places that the Aryans settled in, same was true in South Africa…..the Whites settled the land, and then the Blacks moved in…..
So tall Nordic whites occupied the western part of Jyna while the pan-faced gooks held the eastern coast and, as with India and Japan, eventually White ruled it all but was bred into oblivion?
Frankly, I’m confused as to why ancient Whites would want to live in what amounts to Apartheid. Why be king of the savages when the savages could have just been culled?
Nicholas Nicholby
“Frankly, I’m confused as to why ancient Whites would want to live in what amounts to Apartheid.”
4,000 years ago there were a lot fewer Asians than there are today, and fewer non-whites in general. Whites are natural explorers, and spread out across the world rapidly, and encountered all kinds of primitive peoples. Naturally they would see the whites as “gods” and such, so they became de facto rulers. How is that hard to understand? Everywhere Whites live today they live in what amounts to Apartheid, in their own communities, often far away from non-white areas.
I have talked with my South African contact and when I mention that South Africa is Black African land, they ALL say the Blacks in south Africa came from North Africa. When I talk ,read or listen to to Whites & others, such as the writer of this article or others from the North they say, Blacks came from the South of Africa
Blacks can’t win no matter what the argument. I come from the old School of Whites which proved that African Black people came TO parts of Central and South America long before Whites,unless of course you ask a White person.My Generation KNEW that Africa was the CRADLE of CIVILIZATION and Whites, especially the WHITE JEWS ( Ashkenazi) don’t want the world to know that.
WHITE Jews invented, discovered, built and KNEW everything, didn’t they…UNTIL of course one studies REAL HISTORY
Oh, did I forget that JEWS are always the victims, the same Victims who murdered 60,000,000 Russians,mainly Christians in the JEW-CREATED Bolshevik WAR on Russia beginning in 1917!
Prove me wrong.
So according to (((National Geographic))), the Kush empire fell because they burned up all their forests to stoke fires?
Too bad the Kushites didn’t have access to the engineering genius of Adolf Eichmann, a man who found a way to keep wood-fired crematoria burning at smelting temperatures for 6 years straight without needing to chop down a single tree…
LOL! 🙂
Only an antisemite would use science and common sense to doubt that 6 million people could be wiped off the face of the earth leaving behind no physical traces such as bones or ash. Therefore, science and logic are inherently antisemitic.
And on other hand Poland committing new holohoax as Polish president sign law forbids jews claiming property so call holohoax survivors.
Oh wow! Thanx for sharing! That article is full of fascinating quotes! e.g.
‘“Poland has become an antidemocratic, non-liberal country that does not respect the greatest tragedy in human history,” Lapid stated.’
What an astonishing sense of selfish self importance the jews have.
I am a bit confused by this article as it sure seems to suggest that the Indians encountered by Columbus were White Aryans.
It also says that Columbus knew who the natives were. While in antiquity we may have sailed from the Med to North America, by Columbus’ day we had only just recently rediscovered how to sail down the west coast of Africa. Which suggests to me that any knowledge of North Americans was lost to European renaissance era men.
Lastly, is it really plausible that the Phoenician and Cush empires were mining/importing copper from Michigan up through the height and fall of the Roman Empire?
AFAIK, Rome is not said to have any North American colonies, but if Cush did then how did they sail there and how come they weren’t able to whup Rome?
He never said that the Kushites were mining copper in the New World, just that the Phoenciians were, and the Phoenicians brought it to Kush. Rome did not have a presence in North America, but Carthage may have. Kush was not a maritime empire the way the Phoenicians were.
And, no, I don’t think he meant to suggest that the Native Americans that Columbus encountered with white Aryans….rather I think he may have been suggesting that the Native Americans may have been descendants of the Indians from India would had race mixed with the original Aryan conquerors, which is explains why the Native Americans used the swastika in their folk art.
Why would the Phoenicians mine copper in Michigan? There’s plenty of copper deposits in the Middle East. Mining copper in Michigan hauling it half way across the world doesn’t make any sense.
Yet they push lying hateful propogandas on YT vids and comments stating America a stolen land or propogandas like How US stole Native Children. They get away with antiwhite lies and some younger gen thinks they know better than everyone and mentions that Columbus was White and no one before him came also that he stole the land. Public schools brainwash.
This article contains a quote that, for ~7 centuries, the Phoenician rulers of Kush mined copper in North America.
The quote raises some questions because, as written, it says that the Phoenicians were mining copper on Cyprus + Michigan & tin in Britain, before and during the Roman Empire. History holds that the centers of the Phoenician empire, those around the Med, got whupped fairly early on, and wound up routed by the Romans, who turned the Med into their lake.
If some vestige of the Phoenician empire continued down in Kush as an independent entity for the stated 300 some years after the Romans conquered the rest, then it would have been a heck of a haul to sail from Ethiopia to/fro Britain, Cyprus, and Michigan.
I can’t imagine that Columbus thought the brown savages that he found in the New World were worthy of being called Indians as in heirs to ancient India any more than I could see Cortez calling today’s Latinos as Spaniards.
Yes, I found the indian part of the video confusing and a bit hard to fathom, really.
Still, it’s made me think…
South Wales
You have to see other videos by Robert Sepehr on the “Native Americans”. They weren’t all mixed race Asiatics. For example, the earliest Indian site in Windover, Florida showed through DNA analysis that the skeletal remains were White Europeans or Aryans and proto-Aryans:
He explains the use of the swastika by the Native Americans:
This is still confusing because the savages in the USA were technologically backwards and scarcely had a civilization.
Where was the spirit of invention and self improvement, a sign of Whiteness, among them?
Additionally, how would Columbus himself have been familiar with any stripe of Indian?
Amusingly, his Wikipedia article mentions that access by Christians to Asia was barred from the year that Columbus turned 2 years old until he became 37…in the year 1488.
Margot Robinson
Ethiopians are devout Orthodox Christians and they are nothing like the blacks we have in the USA,
and they speak a semitic language.
Hindu Indians speak Hindi, but they’re not the Aryans who created it.
It’s nice that the African savages in Ethiopia are LARPing as Christians, as it makes them somewhat better behaved, but ultimately it is just a cargo cult.
Paul Robeson
All Blacks who practice any form of Christianity do so as a superstition, such as to appease an angry god or pray for material gain or the death of an enemy, or an excuse to shake their booty to the church music. Strange how Blacks so willingly worship a White god. Would Whites ever worship a black god? Some whites so convert to religions of the 3rd world, but they are an extreme minority, and most of them probably have daddy issues or a drug problem.
John Anon.
Also, the ‘Orthodoxy’ that the Black Africans say they practice is monophysite, ergo HERETICAL.
They also claim to have the Ark of the Covenant.
But Christ has brought a ‘better covenant’ (Hebrews) so, it’s all moot as to WHAT they may (or may not) believe. They are not Admites
Ethiopian’s have a distant look that is different than most Black’s..