(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The Sacramento Bee daily newspaper was forced to apologize for running an Easter poem as a two-page paid advertisement that jewish groups claimed contained ‘antisemitic’ language even though it didn’t mention Jews by name:
“The ad appeared on April 10 and 12, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and featured a poem signed by a person named Robert Forest, the Jewish News of Northern California reported.
“The ‘religious’ folks who ran the show, didn’t like him [Jesus] stealing their thunder (and putting the ‘sheep’ in the know), so they watched and waited hatching evil schemes unabated, looking to kill the man who brought God’s love, planning to slaughter the holy man they hated,” the poem read. It prompted many complaints from Jews and others, the Jewish paper reported.
On April 14, the Bee’s editor and president, Lauren Gustus, wrote “An apology: Ad with anti-Semitic language is unacceptable.”
In her 10-paragraph [apology] item, Gustus wrote that the ad “celebrating Easter included anti-Semitic language. We deeply regret publishing it.”
She said the language was “offensive and unacceptable, a violation of our principles as a news organization and did not meet our standards as a member of your community.”
Gustus said the Bee will make a contribution to Sacramento’s Unity Center, a pro-diversity institution that is housed inside the California Museum, that matches the cost of Frost’s ad. The paper will not accept further ads from Frost, she said, and will be improving its review process for ads to prevent a recurrence.”
Ironically, the author of the poem probably didn’t mention the Jews by name so that his poem would be accepted for publication — and he was right — it was.
While the entire text of the poem seems to have been scrubbed from the Bee’s website, the section of it that pertains to the Jews is in the photo below, and if this is what now passes for ‘antisemitic’, the Jews have set the bar to a new low.
It’s doubtful that even 50% of the readers of this poem even knew that it was referring to the Jews at all, but the Jews sure knew.
After all, it’s been 2,000 years since the Jews demanded that Christ be murdered, and despite their best efforts to rewrite history and exonerate themselves of that crime, the truth continues to follow them until the end of the world.
According to the ADL, to claim that Jews control the press or that they have inordinate political power are antisemitic ‘canards’, but all it took was a few phone calls to this newspaper, and they immediately received a lengthy written apology, along with a generous cash ‘donation’ to a jewish-backed charity.
Perhaps those ‘canards’ aren’t so inaccurate after all.
And one of the ways that Jew are using that ‘non-existent’ power they have is pressuring Bible publishing companies to remove all the passages in the New Testament that are directly critical of the Jews, which means about 50% of it.
The resurrection of Christ is a rebuke of the Jews, so just like Christmas it will have to eventually be cancelled.
Brazilian Davi
To show aversion to false Hebrews we use the term anti Semitism, but when all misunderstandings about the race of Jews and Europeans are clarified we will change it to Anti Camitism or Anti Cainism, looking forward to that Great Day.
I guess this comment can go here.
This morning , I look to see any more about the Anti Semistism Awareness Act. I can see how the Jews use incidents to get their way and get sympathy for themselves. Too many thoughts make it hard to sound sensible or even intelligent. More like making one feel more and more stupid.
A news article says representative Michael Lawler of New York ,Republican , says that we must give the Department of Education the tools to……… hold college administrators accountable for refusing to address antisemitism on their campus’s. He is the bill’s lead sponsor. Lawler’s bill has 61, co sponsor’s including 15 Democrats. and would cut off funding to academic institution’s found to tolerate such behavior. I always felt that if one wanted to find out the kind of people betraying this country is to see who sponser’s bill’s such as this . I once did so and found the bill was put up by a Jew and Catholic proving to me that the Jews get support so that they are not obvious or alone to be accused of looking out only for themselves.
The bill passes the House by 183 Republicans. Are the Republican’s really the patriot party and moral party that they or their promoter’s tell us they are. Look them up! All they are is another political party . If this country was really unified, we would not need two parties. There was a day when the parties had opposing views and policies ,but worked and cooperated. But Trump has made our political affairs to be like a disagreement , that is fought out until his side wins.
To see our politician’s pass laws protecting the Jews against criticism , shows how stupid and uneducated, publicly educated and self taught they are. Our ancestor’s, historian’s, investigative reporters, author’s, news people , publishing housed have revealed history to us and we are letting a small clique determine what we must believe or not believe. And also this small clique can make it law that our own money can be denied to our own educational system , that they and their followers and believers decide, do not follow their will, but must teach or not teach what they decide .
Well, maybe that is a good thing. Because now we will see what the Jews will do to the internet sites , that criticize the Jews. Who have copies of the Protocol’s of Zion, Reveal the blood accusation libel, accuse them of being the instigators of communism, and so much, much, more.
It’s amazing to see how the Jews are so skilled in making themselves seem the innocent victim’s or racism and antisemitism. Henry Ford is claimed to have apologized for writing the books about them . But I’ve read that he never apologized. that it was his representative. But read how the Jews explain it. Read how they explain away how the Protocol’s of Zion are a lie. Basically made up by the Russian police, I believe from a story or novel written by A Cremivex or some such spelling. I ‘m just not interested in proving anything .
I believe that the Protocols of Zion are Truth. They were revealed in 1905. The Jews tried to overthrow Russia in 1849, 1905, so that only a stupid ,ignoramus would believe that it is impossible for it to be a Jewish creation. The Jews had time from 1849 to 1905 to create such a document and make a plan to use its methods over that period of time and to be discovered . That makes it 50 years to work it out and try some of its suggestions. I never read anything in history or anywhere else that the Russian’s ever wanted to dominate the world, until Jewish communism.
This is also in the news article. It says that “the definition has however drawn fierce opposition from first amendment advocates such as the ACLU and liberal Democrats who says that it veers sharply into the realm of restricting political views.” Oh , the ACLU is interested in first amendment rights when they decide to restrict political views by prosecuting person’s or groups for expressing the right to free speech if they don’t like it, but I have noticed that they have gone to court in support of the various groups and person’s , even American Nazi party member’s they are against , I guess , to pretend they are a just and fair and unbiased organization.How can a Jewish organization be fair and unbiased when they are supposedly created to protect Jews and anyone of minority , and then defend a person opposed to the Jews and minorities and pretend that they are defending freedom of consciousness or speech? The Jew still promote their WW11 idea that the German’s are book burner’s. But I read that Hitler’s party got hold of a Jewish room, building or whatever that was used by the Jew’s and the German’s cleaned it out of the communist literature and burned it and that is what we see in the picture, the burning , of Jewish communist literature. What then is the truth?
It is the education section of this country that has the ability to get the Jew’s version of what they want put out as history because it is the one that publishes our book’s, history, news, comic book’s, child and school book’s , training manual’s , encyclopedia’s, preserves our history , culture, daily events and on and on and on.
Stacy Adam’s ran for President and when she lost she blamed it on racism. I wonder many times when that ugly black representative to the United Nations who raises her arm continually, time after time , after time after time, what must go through her ugly ,black mind , of opposing the murderous, destructive military tactics of the Jews of Israel and Netanyahu , against the Palestinian’s , when her race wants to continually remind the world of slavery of the black’s when even White’s and other races have had slavery, been slaves and passed around the world just as the black’s were, yet they think that they are special and deserve reparations for their slavery. But the more I think of it, the more that I agree. The black’s deserve to be compensated for their slavery by the White’s and being taken from their homeland’s and continent and then shipped back to the country’s and continent that those black’s living in White civilization;’s and countries can go back to Africa and show their primitive relatives what they know and learned . We let the Black’s and their supporter’s whine and cry about apartheid of Rhodesia and south Africa and now that the black’s have control of a civilization the lusted after and were given, can’t even maintain it. their burn , loot, kill and destroy what they have and their own leader s are no different than any other. and as far as the black’s crying about their slavery, from what I understand , that if slaves were available , and a choice could be made is that the White slaves were preferred. I often wonder if all of the people who suffered under vicious , violent rulerships like communism in this world aren’t in the other world demanding justice for the evil done to them in this world.
The Jews still pretend even today that the Jews are suffering and starving in Russia begging for donation to help the poor Jews in Russia as though communism still exists. Is Russia free of communism. Is Putin still a communist under the influence of Jews as some claim?
Read about Biden still wanting to support transgenders. And Trump is our savior? Trump , for 4 years has whined about the election stolen from him because he can’t stand to be ashamed of being a loser and continuing on with his life as others would , who are cheated as a natural thing. He has to prove to the world that he would imitate Netyanyahu if and when he gets the chance. Even when Biden pretends to stand up to Netyahyahu ,he does it like a shamed person who has given him the Ok to do as he wants to conduct the war and is now afraid to defy him because he knows the power behind Israel . Biden shows that the propaganda of the United states may be the most powerful country in the world , but he, Biden is not the most powerful leader, but only in his own country and a groveling subject to Netenyahu.
the more and more I think about it, I believe that the Jews are, if they are Jews, are just being used as the dominate force in history to the eventual domination of the world because of their nature , because there are too many other group’s and name’s involved in this world domination scheme and it is not just the Jews.
I did not paragraph to save space .
hyperborean wanderer
the germans burned books from a degenerate transgender clinic. it was the first one. books trying to mutilate and sterilize their children as well as books about seducing young boys, etc.
there are tons of links to sources in this article
“Caraballo then cited another source, this time from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. The article stated a day in history, May 6, 1933 — the exact day that the Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexology was broken into and then its library was eventually entirely removed and burned by the Nazis. The books were burned at Berlin’s Bebelplatz Square alongside 20,000 other books across Germany.
Also, Erin Reed, an independent LGBTQ+ journalist, said to Rowling, “Magnus Hirschfeld’s institute was raided by early Nazis and the first 30 years of trans research were burned, Joanne.” She continued, “Here’s a picture of an early edition of the German Nazi publication Der Stürmer with Hirschfeld’s picture on it essentially calling him a groomer.”
The author also faced criticism from people who saw this denial of Nazi practices as part of a larger pattern of antisemitism, stemming from the portrayal of characters in “Harry Potter” series that plays on harmful Jewish stereotyping, portraying Gringotts goblins as greedy bankers. One person posted their observation: “So JK Rowling has officially reached the Holocaust denial stage of transphobia, huh? I honestly can’t say I’m surprised considering this is Little Miss Hook-Nosed Banker Goblins we’re talking about,” they said.”
A Newsweek article says that the Antisemitism bill was passed by:
186 Republican’s. Nays-22.
133, Mays-68.
Which party is the most Christian if what is said about the Jews is true? The article hints at the idea that this , if passed , may make the Bible illegal
The House of Representatives makes the law and the Senate passes them. Today, news is that Republican Lawler and Democrat Gottheimer are pushing to get the Anti Semitism Awareness Act passed by the Senate.
It is said that it passed overwhelming by the House and directs the Department of Education to use the definition promulgated by the International Halocaust Memorial Remembrance Alliance when enforcing anti discrimination laws.
Anti semitsm is supposed to be or represent a certain perception of Jews which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.
Lawler claims that when you hear “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free ,” that this is calling for the destruction of Jews and the State of Israel.
This Antisemitism Awareness Act isn’t new, but I can’t remember anymore much about it because its been a while and not made an issue of.
What is funny is that the last several days , and weeks , I’ve wondered why there wasn’t more anger at the number of over 3500 Palestinian’s , killed, but thought that it seemed a little late now for these college protests when Gaza has been destroyed , thousands killed and the destruction of the total area and people are gathered at Rafhia and Netanyahu keeps showing defiance to Biden that no matter what Biden says that he intends to invade Rafhia .
And news tonight mentions that there are believed to be outside agitators. Gee whiz, how long did it take whoever it was or group or agency to decide that?
I wrote dozens and dozens of letters to Congressmen in 2013 asking them if they renewed the Federal Reserve Act because I thought being 2013, that it would be 100 years and they would renew it. I never got a single response. But from all we see happening today, it’s not difficult t to see that Congressmen have to be very careful about what they say or it may come back to haunt them.
I’ve read that it was against the law to have a copy of the Protocols of Zion in Russia under communism. When will that happen here?
Already books and knowledge are and have been suppressed or unobtainable. Even many videos put up by people on their sites are either removed or as one site , had at least 8 videos and every one was made to be unobtainable.
It’s getting more and more difficult to fight the evil in this world because we elect official’s in our government if they please us, say the right things we want to hear, believe to be good , or promise us things we want to hear. Biden relieving people of their school debts will get him the votes , I guess he hopes of the votes of the young. He is said to want to raise taxes on the higher income groups, and claims to want to equalize the income disparity among peoples. What a stupid politician. I guess all of the slogans about being all you can be , you can do or be anything you want and such slogans were just made to encourage people and make them feel good to achieve more in life on their own. But now that we have a Democrat in office , he can achieve while he is in office some of the New World Order goals.
I remember when the book was in the news, called I believe ” called “An eye for an Eye” about WW11. It was said that it was b being banned in this country. You can get it now,
It’s getting more and more discouraging to care what happens in the world because we can see what is happening right in front of our eyes , yet like the people who rioted in Washington D.C. and the protestors in the colleges, they just make more people and public official’s see them as radical protestors and destructive , and dangerous .
Part of the solution is in Washington DC to get honest , decent , moral politicians elected. When Pat Robertson was on his political intention to get more Christian politicans in Washington DC , a young Republican was later asked why they never accomplished anything and he said that there are cliques and special interest groups and clubs in Washinton and if you are not accepted or liked or invited in , you can get nowhere.
And it is funny that Pat Robertson wrote a book about the New World Order and it had nothing new in it any more than Bill Oreilly’s books. And Pat Robertson and his son are Christian Zionists.
It has evaporated now, all of the videos of the rioting, destructive Arabs taking over Europe, but one video is of an Arab declaring that they will wipe the White’s out of existence and another of an Arab youth declaring that they romance Christian and White women , but when they marry they want an Arab girl.
Why do the Jews want the Department of Education to push the Anti Semitism Awareness Act? Because they will be the one to indoctrinate the youth, our military, Police, friends etc.
An example of the future of this country can already be seen and that is we will have either have Joe Biden or Donald Trump back in office to feed their ego’s at getting a job that puts them , no matter what they do or accomplish , good or bad into the history books.
And just because a President or future politician like Biden can brag of coming from a steel making area to impress voters does not mean that he or his mother, father, brothers, sisters, or even when he married knows what it is to live from day to day, work overtime whenever you can for the extra money, have or not have a car to go to work, sleep in beds with your brothers and sisters, have only the shoes you wear until they wear out, have a limited number of clothes, see your mother and father make sure their children eat , even about their own selves, have no credit, or ask for credit from decent businessmen, live from day to day , pay to pay. They care for our vote until they get into office.
Many site’s noticed that Hillary Clinton thanked the Council of Foreign Relations for all their help in giving and I guess proposing bills to be passed by Congress.
Gene – I doubt anyone reads your comments. They are too long and too many. You may as well just talk to yourself, at least your fingers won’t get tired.
Oh, Max:
I also wrote hundred of letters to our Congressmen in the year 2012 and asked them if they renewed the Federal Reserve Act as it would be one hundred years and I was just curious thinking about it , if it was to be renewed or a continuous thing.
I never heard back from any of them.
What else do you do besides read comments by others and this site and mock them?
The world really needs to wake up and learn the difference between an Israelite and a Jew because they are two completely different things.
Israelites are the Hebrews of old from the direct lineage of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.
Jews are Khazarians that were told that they had to choose an Abrahamic religion after being defeated by the Russians and others nations that were tired of being robbed traveling the Silk Road through Khazaria. They chose Judaism and are the Jews.
These would be the Zionists and the Ashkenazi Jews. They have no blood relation with the Israelites and Hebrews.
Paul Kurt
The poem dedicated for this Easter passcha celebration is interesting . that a newspaper today should publish anything of this revered tradition and culture . Was the paper serving its reader by this expression of freedom. Or did the editor , proprietor president calculate: yiddish cry of indignation .
The author seemed callow . But as CFT observes is cautious and never uses forbidden words. Although according to gospel, epistle and even apostles story by Luke , irrefutable . Why was it printed? And then retracted in a quick response of grave error. O’ ! what have I done! It was followed by the usual apology and penitence , which is never requited and rejoined with yiddish acrimony and conceit.
Yes, it brings one to suspect it was another yiddish revival of the crucifixion story . The “Christian” culture was depressed and the story was a theme even controversial for the churches. Better left unspoken so not to offend the loving jews . The indifference , jew had caused was dying culture so they brought it to life with their loud remonstrance of martyrdom . Even at the risk of revealing the real story of murder of Jesus of Nazareth. But who reads the Bible ? And what do they learn in thier churches ?
If you try to publish something interesting or voracious in a current news paper , ones learns , they are all centrally owned and every word is printed with thier agenda . It suppresses truth and promotes their own glorification . And consequently why news papers are given epithets of mullet rapper and libel platforms , who lie with impunity. Which is thier definition of free press.
Goylent Green
Show me someone with a triple digit IQ, a healthy curiosity, a conscience and guts enough to remain intellectually consistent in the face of unpopular conclusions and I’ll show you an “anti-semite.”
All opinion or testimony “Christian “, all veracity and virtue of our culture and race is and must be antisemitic. All honest thought or opinion of healthy minds which can discriminate must be antisemitic. In this case a benign poem about resurrection is condemned . Above testimony about newspapers help conclude all freedom of speech or opinion is gone .
ALL people of Good Will should oppose the ORIGINAL “nazis”.
The most Genocidal Monsters in history:
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” “necessary for the Rothschilds’ Baku Oil. The Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence was not “good for business.”” Armenians had lived in peace thousands of years, until Jewish money wanted them out.
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish Bolsheviks
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, KATYN FOREST & the Ukrainian Death Camps where the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders. Teach about Bela Kun and his Jewish comrades who committed the Red Terror in 1918 Hungary. http://www.jrbooksonline.com/some_pics_from_cecile_tormay.htm
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS.
Yes – never forget nor forgive, but please stop using the term ‘nazi’ to denote evil or mass murderers; the NS – no National Socialist in Germany used the term ‘nazi as it was a made up propaganda word by churchill’s handlers – whilst certainly not perfect and had many things wrong, was basically anti-jewish. THATS why the term ‘nazi’ has become a pejorative.
Use the term bolshevik, communist or just antiChrist – its more accurate.
But bless you for telling the Truth Alberticus.
AshkeNAZI is what they are. They always call other what they are.
—- Max —-
Did you read John844’s comment?
You are saying that the “Jews” are the Knotsees. That would be incorrect. That would make them “Good People”. The Germans were the Good Guys. Not sure if you knew that. There was no mass genocide of jews or any other people.
The Germans simply wanted the Jews OUT of Germany. Germany did not want war.
Please don’t compare International Jewry to Germany circa 1933. It is completely inaccurate and ignorant of the true Facts.
You could probably insert “Germany” or “Holocaust” into the search engine here and get plenty of information.
http://www.jan27.org is a good resource
http://www.renegadetribune.com (although very anti-christian)
NEVER apologise for the Truth. Period.
Christianity is implicitly ‘antisemitic’, a rejection of Edomite Jews and and their anti-Christ Judaism, which is why today’s “Jews” want it stamped out completely.
Both Islam and modern “Judaism” are products of Babylonia BS mixed with other things. They’re as evil and uninspiring as the worthless people who practice them. God has no use for any of them.
I guess we’re gonna start finding out who truly is a Christian in these trying times…who will truly stand up for Christ?
All 10 of us? 🙂
“When the Son of Man returns, will He really find faith on the earth?” Luke
Chuck Sneedson
That poem is pretty good. The Bible blames Jews for Christ’s death, not the Romans, so it’s also accurate and appropriate.
Doesn’t surprise me. My local paper is no different. The local rabbi has had five front page photographs, plus several articles covering him and his political activism since the beginning of the year. He heads a synagogue of 60 or so people, and yet he has more coverage than the mayor or even our congressman. I spoke at two local city council meetings about the fact that he was getting a huge “bull horn” at the expense of other people who can’t get their views printed in the paper at all! He was again given more space in the paper to criticize the fact that I had the nerve to exercise my 1st Amendment rights to speak at an open public meeting. Nothing, nothing will change until people stop allowing these blowhards to use their “sharp elbow” approach to shut us up. Once the COVID-19 “pandemic” ends I will be right back speaking out. (The meetings have been live streamed due to the social distancing rules.) Speak out. Don’t care what people think. You are here to please Christ, not “the world”!
Why is it, that everyone who speaks the truth about jews, folds under pressure to the jews and always apologize later? Like Mel Gibson, Marlon Brando, Dolly Parton, Billy Graham, etc. They all change their minds and later grovel to jews for forgiveness. Why?!? Are they under threat of death or do they fear losing their careers?
If it were me, I’d tell the jews to go to hell (that’s where they’re going anyways) and any BS coming from them would only encourage me to be all the more louder. I’m not afraid of jews. We could easily turn the tables on them but it requires the great masses to become aware of the jew. It’s no wonder the jews are trying to shut us all up. They seek to escape the punishment they deserve, which is coming to them and I can promise you that.
Christians should curious to know just what the jews think of them.
A JEW, Harold W. Rosenthal – 1976, Admin. Asst. to Senator Jacob Javitts, REVEALS:
…We have been taught that our current economic practices are benevolent therefore Christian. These pulpit parrots extol our goodness for loaning them the money to build their temples, never realizing that their own holy book condemns all usury. They are eager to pay our exorbitant interest rates. They have led society into our control through the same practice. Politically, they hail the blessings of democracy and never understand that through democracy we have gained control of their nation. Their book again teaches a benevolent despotic form of government in accordance with the laws of that book, while a democracy is mob rule which we control through their Churches, our news media and economic institutions. Their religion is only another channel through which we can direct the power of our propaganda. These religious puppets’ stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.” — Harold W Rosenthal, Admin. Asst. to Senator Jacob Javitts 1976
Christians For Truth
DiCarlo, it is our opinion that the infamous Harold Rosenthal interview that is widely circulated on the internet is a hoax.
Also, and more importantly, the Christian pastor, Charles A. Weisman, who claimed that he personally interviewed Rosenthal on tape, also claimed the original tapes went “missing” and all that was left was the transcript. This is far too convenient for our liking.
At best, it’s a well-intended hoax, but the Bible cautions us never to lie in order to reveal God’s truth, and that includes telling the truth about Jews.
The anti-jewish, anti-zionist writer Michael Collins Piper wrote an important essay on all the different hoaxes like the Rosenthal interview are circulating the internet:
I fully respect your opinions and beliefs, but it’s only your opinion. I have mine, and that is that the Rosenthal interview actually happened, and like everything else, the jews have obscured the evidence. So, what’s new? And also, I was a listener, and fan of MCP until his unfortunate passing but strongly disagreed with his views on the Sandy Hook hoax, and on Obama’s birth certificate. So, now I’ll add this disagreement with him.
But, don’t worry about telling lies to people in an attempt to wake them up about the jews. Lies or truths, even with encyclopedic amounts of common sense evidence can’t wake up people who don’t care or don’t want to know, and lastly, instead of worshipping Christ, worship the jews. Unfortunately this includes the overwhelming majority of White “Christian” people.
Are you the person that used to frequent the blog, Incogman on a regular basis, alongside such luminaries as, American Born, GTR Man, Barney, Akira, Mel Gibstein, SOG, Cannibal Rabbi and many other great posters and commenters on the perfidiousness of the satanic jews ?
I glanced at the article and if all the things Michael Collins Piper says are hoax’s, the Christian world may as wells stop criticizing the Jew as Piper’s list covers almost all the major ones as hoax’s.
And where is his proof. If one looks Jewish proof of Protocols of Zion as hoax’s one could say the same thing. The Jew’s are highly skilled at defending themselves.
Al Liguori
OR you could apologize like this:
“I’m very sorry that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and to this day continue to blaspheme Him.”
The Jews didn’t kill Jesus Christ , Al Liguori. You must be listening to the ” fake News ” that Alex Jones and Donald Trump claim that is being put out by our supposedly Jewish controlled news sources.
I never was in a Church until I was at least 12 years old and I always heard the Catholic Church and Priest’s claim when I started attending that the Jews crucifixied Christ.
But the Jews got the Catholic Church to put the blame on the Romans.
So it must be the Roman’s that crucifixed Chrsit. And the Catholic Church should know, shouldn’t they or are they under the influence of the Jews?
The Present Pope is a Jesuit and the Jesuit’s were started as a Catholic organization by a Jew to supposedly fight the dissention in the church.
I’ve read so much about the Inquisition and always thought that it was just being used against the general public. but unless it is a lie , I’ve read it was directed against the Jews who were causing disruption in the Church with their heresies. Look up John Calvin and some others and if I remember corrctly, he was a jew.
Maybe I just didn’t notice when I read about the inquisition that it was directed at the Jews until I read other literature claiming that it was.
The Catholic Church also taught publicity , and from the pulpits, that homosexuality was a evil and wrong. But do you hear anyone dare mock or make fun of a homosexual today? No!. And it was proclaimed just a openly and loudly as the Jews crucifixing Christ. Because it has been made legal by our government and now we must accept it publicity .
We don’t stand together like the Jews and as the blacks, or other minorities. We elect out politicans and then forget about what they do in office until an issue is made about something, like abortion. If we let the politican’s know what we expected of them when we elected them and let them know that they have one term and if they betray us, someone else will have their job, maybe the Christian ‘s might have control of their own country. On my short wave radio was a man who spent his own money to share with people his Christianity. He seemed a very humble man. Other people trying to expose the evil in this world have spent their own money for sites, that couldn’t get enough donation’s from listeners and had to quit.
Jewish, Dennis Prager, when he gave a speech at Zionist ,John Hagee’s church claimed that the next thing that the Jews must get done is to have the accusation of blood libel taken from them. If that happens, will they next go after or have the government pass laws to make it illegal to blame them for what is exposed on the internet? Will the internet next by suppressed upon certrain subjects? Can then, the internet site be shut down or the person arrested and fined who has copies of the Protocols on his site, or blaming the Jews for the crucifying of Christ? Time will tell. Isn’t it nice that it is supposed to be a surprise , we are told , thjat Israel did not heed warnings, that Hamas attacked and killed over 1,000 settlers at a festival and Netanyahu was trying to get the United States and the UN to declare it a genocide? Why? To use that against the world forever like they do WW11 with their tales of 6,000,000 gased Jews by the German’s? Only the Jew’a are allowed to hate forever and eternally and search out their supposedly declatred enemies and bring them to justice. Their claim of 6,000,000 gassed by Germany has worked for over 70 year’s because the figure has been promoted for hundred’s or thousands of years, depending on your source.
I believe ,if I remember , that under communism it was a death penelty to be caught with a copy of the Protocols of Zion. Will it be a crime some day to have it on your website, a copy of it , to make reference to it or claim the Jews are guilty of it?
We have to be getting close to some major event.
The Jews tried to overthrow Russia in 1849, 1905, and succeded in 1917. Even if a person reads about how various Czar’s tried to please their subjects, they are alwayd vilified.
There have been news articles since Isreal invaded Gaza of people critizing the Jews or declaring their support for Palestianain’s and I don’t have any idea of how many, but many poeple have been fired from their jobs, lost job opportunities and careers, reputation etc.
We can’t fight them individually. When David Duke was exposed as a Klansman , the jews said: that he was young, good looking, intelligence and they had to get rid of him before he became prominent and able to influence people. Who knew or cared who David Duke was before his name became a news item?
When the ADL criticized Alex Jones, it was said somewhere that his influence grew. Was that the purpose? He helped encourage people to go to Washington D. C. to protest the election, and it ended in riot, but do you hear Alex Jones name mentioned about the riot? He claims that the Secret Service set him up. Is Alex Jones an agent provacteteur? Alex Jones is nothing but a Rush Limbaugh of the conspiracy world.
There ‘s a book or booklet you can find that says the Jews stated the Anti Defamation League to defend or after he was hung, Leo Frank. There is a lot of information about that crime and the Jews are still trying to get his name cleared of the crime which occured somewhere in the 1920’s I believe.
It’s a good thing for the Jews to have the Anti Semitism Awareness Act passed. There ‘s a danger that when this war is over , Israel may be accused of war crimes, news of them threatening and forcing Palestianian’s out of their homes , maybe war crimes by Ukraine. Who knows. Is this being done to stifle criticism.when things settle down?
Maybe I never noticed it as a boy or growing up, but I don’t remember police forcing people to lay on the ground, drawing guns on citizens,etc. People carried guns to go hunting or target shooting. I remember my high School friend bring his shotgun on the school bus one day to go hunting after school. Today you never know who has a gun or other weapon, or where it is safe to stop or hang out or camp or hike .
When the George Floyd incident happened, there were articles in the “Fake News” That revealed that Isreal was training and tactics to United States police . So did George Floyd get a taste of Jewish police and military tactics that they use against the Palestianian’s but taught to our police? No fuss was made about it by anyone , but it was revealed in the news.
So, I don’t know if I was in trouble with the law , that strangers would care , unless it was my own family. So , it is easy to pretend that we can fight the Jews when our own Christian politicans that we and the minorities vote for, vote for laws directed especially at White’s.
We make a big fuss about abortion, but how many women practice birth control or families have one ,two or at the most three children. I once looked up politican’s fighting over a “Heartbeat Bill.” Out of 7 or 9 on the commitee , only one had five children.
I once saw a lone young Mennonite young woman walking around a state capital carrying a sign , and I thought that it took a lot of courage to do it.
Can we count on our fellow citizens to support us if we protested against the Jews? Event ‘s say no. ashington DC and the Palestianian riots prove it. We would allow ourselves to have our feelings, attitudes, and beliefs stirred up.
Even a union can take citizen’s who have good secure jobs, have good benefits , secure lifetime jobs become dissatisfied and want to unionize.