Historian, anthropologist, and archeologist Robert Sepehr has written extensively about the Chachapoyas — The Cloud People — an ancient Aryan people who built great civilizations — which featured massive pyramids and mummies — in Central and South America long before the Incas and Aztecs — and their civilization even pre-dates the Egyptians by almost 2,000 years.
But as Sepehr points out, this early model of civilization — with a white elite ruling over non-white native races — has been found worldwide — from Africa, India, Egypt and Asia.
And wherever these civilizations have occurred, they have ended the same way — the natives eventually take over and the white elite leave, die off, or become absorbed into the greater population, creating a hybrid, racial caste system — like in India — with the whitest of the hybrid race at the apex — and who live on top of the ruins of the original civilization — and take credit for it.
We have transcribed Sepehr’s narration of his short documentary (watch below) on the Chachapoyas here:
Archeologists have discovered Los Pinchudos, a forgotten city deep within the Amazon rain forest of the long-lost tribe of white-skinned, blonde-haired people the Inca referred to as the Cloud People, or the cloud warriors.
Los Pinchudos is an elaborate tomb complex perched into the high rock cliff in one of Peru’s northern Andean cloud forests. It’s a natural and World Heritage Site — and features clay and stone tombs with wooden grooves. The six unusual large statues with large phalluses are what gave the site its name — Los Pinchudos — translates to “the big penises.”
So little is known about these people who carved these settlements out of the dense foliage, but the Inca civilization called them “the Cloud People” or Chachapoyas, which is named after the cloud forest they inhabited in what is now northern Peru.
Although they left no written language, they did leave scores of stone ruins and mummies. For many centuries, the Cloud People cut farm terraces and villages into these steep slopes, and raised llamas and guinea pigs — until around 1470 when they were finally overwhelmed by the Inca who conquered the region. And when the Spaniards arrived in 1535, the surviving joined them to subdue the Inca. The Europeans were very impressed with their skill, courage, and battle prowess, but by the 1700s, smallpox drove them to extinction.
The Chachapoyas did leave mummies — and archeologists have discovered an underground burial vault inside a cave. The Spanish conquistador, Pedro Cesar de Leon, wrote of the tribe, “They are the whitest and most handsome people that I have seen. And their wives were so beautiful that, because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Inca’s wives and also to be taken to the Sun Temple.”
The oldest mummies in the world are the Chinchorra mummies from Chili and southern Peru — while the earliest Egyptian mummified remains date around 3,000 BC, the earliest Chinchorra mummified remains date to 5,000 BC. The Chinchorran culture was the only Andean culture that performed mummification on all members of the society, while all other Andean cultures only the elite were mummified.
The Chinchorro mummies have caucasoid hair and features — and only Chinchorran culture existed exclusively of caucasoids. All other Andean cultures were comprised of a Caucasoid elite ruling over another racial group.
A major burial site of the Nasca culture was the Chauchilla cemetery, established 200 AD, used for about six or seven hundred years — and the hair of the mummies is obviously caucasoid hair, and they were all wearing long robes. The ceramic vessels were produced by the Mochi culture, from around 1 AD to 800 AD, and they all have beards — facial features are caucasoid, and all wearing long robes.
The Wari civilizations was a pre-Inca population who inhabited the area that now known as Lima in Peru. They left blue-eyed decorated mummies. 2,000 years ago, a mysterious and little-known civilization — the blue-eyed elite ruled the northern coast of Peru — these people were called the Moche — they built huge pyramids that still dominate the surrounding countryside — some were well over 100 feet tall.
The Lord of Sipan tomb is held by some archeologists as one of the most important archeological discoveries in this region — and in the world — in the last 30 years. The main tomb was found intact, untouched by thieves. The Spanish explorer, Pizzaro, asked the Inca who these light-skinned blondes and red heads were — and the Inca Indians replied that they were the last descendants of the Viracochas — Viracochas, they said, were a divine race of white-skinned men with beards. And they were so like the Spanish that the Europeans were called “Viracochas” from the moment they came to the Inca empire. And the Incas thought that the Viracochas would come sailing back across the Pacific.
So all over the world we find legends such as the Viracochas — they all share similar themes of being visited in the distant past by a race which seems to have been deified.
According to the principal Inca legend, before the reign of the first Inca, the Son god — Kon Tiki Viracocha — had taken leave of his kingdom in present day Peru, and sailed off into the Pacific with all of his subjects.
It’s interesting to note that in Africa, there’s a gentleman by the name of Credo Mutwa — he’s a 94 year old shaman living in South Africa — and he claims that tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed people had been seen by black African tribes throughout the continent long before the white Europeans arrived. Credo is a very respected historian of the Zulu nation — and he said when the Europeans first came, the black Africans thought it was the return of these same white gods which they had called Mzungu. And as a result, they called the European settlers by the same name, which is still used today.
This is very much the same reaction as the Central American people had when Cortez and his Spanish invasion party arrived in 1519, and they thought that this was the returning Quetzalcoatl.
As a Christian this is a fundamentally insulting article, strewn with fallacies and blatant racism.
Firstly, the idea of an Aryan race has been debunked for generations, so characterizing these mythical people as such is to perpetuate a hidden agenda to your readers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race
Secondly, blue eyes are an adaptation that occurred in humans appox 6-10 thousand years ago, long after light pigmented Caucasoid skin had developed, so light skinned people with blue eyes would have been extremely rare outside of northern Europe or Scandanavia. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm
Thirdly, the Chachapoyas lived between 800 and 1500, nowhere near as old as the Egyptians…
Lastly, the only blonde haired, blue eyed people of the time would have been Northern Europeans and Scandanavian people who were Vikings. Their earliest foray in to the world as seafaring peoples was around 800 years ago, and they only made it as far as England…
The whole theme of this article is to tie the description of Jesus as being “white” in to these “superior” white beings falsely interpreted from one or two ancient cultures… Such an insidious attempt at that…
Charles Martel
Insulting to whom? The ancient Indian natives in South America worshiped these blue-eyed “gods” in their own folklore. They weren’t insulted by the idea, but you are on their behalf? How noble of you.
You quote wikipedia as an authority on the Aryan people? Did you look at the sources for that article? Indians? Scientific American? What a joke.
With the defeat of Germany in WWII, all discussions of the Aryan people have been taboo, or “verboten”, politically incorrect, “discredited”. Just like cross racial IQ tests and the like. The victors write the history and “science” books.
Blue eyes have been found outside of Europe, long before Europe was settled:
DNA Study Finds Early Inhabitants of Israel Were Blue-Eyed and Fair-Skinned
Geneticists Discover Adam’s Original White Skin Gene — Traced Back To One Man In Middle East About 10,000 Years Ago:
7 Pillars
Well, both ancient Greeks and Romans had blue-eye blondes in the population, not super common, but evident in their literature. The original Aryans were the ancient Persians, and they had these features too, though not dominant. So too with the ancient Israelites.
It’s certain that blonde hair and blue eyes existed long before Europe was settled. These features were not “created” in Europe due to any environmental factors like lack of sunlight. If certain European groups had a higher frequency of these traits, it was due to genetic isolation and selective breeding.
All that said, the Aryan race, as it were, is not identified just by blonde hair and blue eyes. It shows a diversity of phenotypes that no other race on Earth shows.
Holly Bell
Sorry, you are so stupid.
Gary A Ashley
I don’t understand why this would be information that Christiansforthethruth.com would be interested in. Blue eyes come from Europe. While Christianity comes out of North Africa. True Europeans were not capable of developing their own religion and belief system, but they were great at adopting other cultures, technology, and beliefs. The Celts that would have made it here in South America would not have given up their culture and who have been worshipping a European Belief system.
lol ok jew.
I guess if you are retarded you think blue eyes means celts.
Older than celts. Blue eyes. Your argument is nonsense.
If spiders and ants didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be here.
God created me in one day. Unlike you I never came from a monkey! Fossils are a conspiracy theory!
So Whites somehow made their way to the New World, started a civilization in the New World, became “browned out”, and then their duly developmentally-stunted civilization ran on as a sort of cargo cult until the Europeans arrived in the 15th century? Sounds like a real world case of the “Lost World” genre.
Also, Ecclesiastes 3:19 (KJV) was mentioned on here a while ago, a verse that, if “beast” is taken to mean “non-White”, would seem to codify the White Man’s Burden, and at the least establish that Whites and non-Whites are on the same level..? Is this an instance where the word “beast” is only referring to non-humanoids?
Christ Is King
“So Whites somehow made their way to the New World, started a civilization in the New World, became “browned out”, and then their duly developmentally-stunted civilization ran on as a sort of cargo cult until the Europeans arrived in the 15th century?”
Correct, in my opinion.
Basically the options, as far as I see it, are:
1. The indians of south and central America all came up with a white god or gods by themselves, not having contact with each other.
2. The indians DID have contact and they shared myths… but I haven’t found through my studies that they knew of each other at all e.g. Aztecs didn’t know Mayans existed. This was because they weren’t big travelers, which is a fact.
3. Space aliens like Van Daniken reckons.
4. God and angels visited them.
5. White people of some description, either Adamites or preAdamites or whathaveyou, set up shop there and then, as you say, got browned out.
“……would seem to codify the White Man’s Burden, and at the least establish that Whites and non-Whites are on the same level….”
RB — could you unpack this statement if you don’t mind?
I’m not sure what you are trying to say. Explain also what you mean by “White Man’s Burden”. I’ve heard the term; but I’m curious how this figures in to your comment.
My understanding of White Man’s Burden is more or less like Kipling made famous: that Whites have an innate call to strive to civilize the savages even though it is no secret that the savages hate us more the more we do for them.
The KJV of Ecclesiastes 3:19 can be read so that it seems Whites and non-Whites are on the same level, and that our fates are interlinked, in which case we would have to help them to help ourselves:
“For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.”
The NIV pretty much removes any way to read it like that, and presents the verse as simply saying that we’re just as mortal as the non-Whites/animals. Which proved to be a problem according the comments in here for all the Age of Exploration Euros who accidentally proved their mortality to the brown cargo cult savages. Dunno how the browns got the idea that Whites were literal gods.
Interesting. The word “preeminence” is an interesting word.
But I suppose had we never interacted with any of the non-white peoples —- the verse would be meaningless. I wish our Ancestors would have simply ignored them.
I wish we had ignored them entirely as well, but it would seem that God himself introduced them to Adam in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:19) , and had Noah take them onto the Ark (Gen 7:2). I’m sure there must have been a reason, but I am at a loss as to what it was.
Now there might be some doubt there, since there do appear to be cases where “beast” in the KJV appears to be referring to non-humanoid animals (eg:Nehemiah 2:12, Leviticus 11:47), but there are a boatload of times when it seems like it could only be referring to non-Whites, particularly when KJV uses the phrase “beast of the field”.
A poster on here mentioned to me that “beast of the field” is more aptly “beast of civilization/cultivation”, yet we know that this beast is not an ox (Psalm 8:7) and it would seem that it is also not a horse (Rev 6:8). The translators for the KJV were a tad sloppy with their translation when it came to “beast”, but perhaps they knew that they could be loose with this as it was understood to them that “man” in the Bible applied only to Adamic Whites?
Thanks RB. Fascinating conversation. Too bad we aren’t all hanging out by a fire under the stars and simply having these kinds of conversations. It is challenging and fun to think these things through amongst friends.
Initially, I was a bit thrown-off when you implied “we are equal” when you said we are ‘on the same level’. But I understand now the point you were making.
Cheers mate.
They are desendents of the Atlantians and Lemurians. There have been many! mummies in the Gobi who have blond and red hair, but the Chinese won’t let us study them
Here’s my crazy theory…different segments of same base & Already long- existing human species genome that had been developing along different paths in varied star-system enviroments through migrations eventually found their way here to create the morass that exists on this rock today…..and local primates were sourced from that already ancient genome And not the other way around.—That last assertion is bound to get anyone roasted on academia’s coals haha
Intriguing! So ya think God is a space alien or something along those lines? Like Van Daniken?
Seems my theory would make von daniken’s space ‘gods’ hardly ‘alien’ but rather our own genetic ancestors including transient or visiting genetically related peoples who were still mostly resident on other worlds.
Orthodox Realist
wonder who they were.
pre-flood adamites?
fallen angels?
time travelers?
only a genetic study could reveal that…
Well, DNA tests were done on King Tut, and it said he was white European….I would assume it would be the same with these people.
No need for them to be nephilim, fallen angels, time travelers, or other occult figures to explain them….
For me, the most interesting part of their culture is that they appeared to have no written language, or at least any that has survived….which is very unusual for white people….although, most pre-Christian Europeans were also illiterate….
Orthodox Realist
DNA tests tell you way more than just “white european”.
Give a scientist your DNA and he could tell you your race, nationality and even the county that your fathers came from.
We can obviously differ between the ancient Egyptians (Mizraimites) and say, the Tocharians looking at their genes – even thought both of them were obviously 100% West Eurasian (aka White Adamic/Aryan).
So we could also predict with great certainty the where these chuckerpoyas were originally from (which obviously couldn’t be a Genesis 10 Nation simply because the Flood hadn’t happened yet).
Who knows, they might actually turn out to be the fallen angels?
We can’t know till we get the test results.
They wrote with the same as we use today ‘computers’ which were all environmentally friendly. Think about what will remain from today in 3 thousand years, perhaps a few old-fashioned story books and some rock art.
In Hawaii as well, the natives thought Captain James Cook had fulfilled the prophecy of the gods visiting them with white-sailed ships.
Until a White sailor fell ill and died, the natives thought Cook and crew were gods.
This is fascinating stuff.
Christ Is King
Yes, that’s right. Captain Cook and his crew were treated very well all throughout the Pacific Islands, with feasts and ceremonies aplenty… with the exception of Maoris in New Zealand who were agressive and hostile towards them… the Maoris thought that the HMS Endeavour (Cook’s ship) was a ” floating island”. The HMS Endeavour was little, not a big warship, so a floating island is a pretty odd thing to come up with; admittedly it is a lot bigger than a Maori canoe.
Nilton n.macedo
Então a elite globalista criou a mentira maior de que a raça humana saiu da ÁFRICA o continente mais atrasado até hoje e sem construções ciclopicas e querem que acreditemos para empurrar a agenda racista para destruir a raça branca.
“So the globalist elite created the biggest lie that the human race left AFRICA the most backward continent to date and without cyclopean constructions and they want us to believe to push the racist agenda to destroy the white race.”
Thank You.
Christ Is King
Fascinating! A coincidence is that I’ve just been reading various books from the 60s and 70s about the various pre-Spanish Indian empires of South America. Really interesting to note that whilst the Aztec, Inca, and Mayan empires apparently didn’t realize each other existed, (as they didn’t journey very far from their jungle homes, I understand,) they all had the same myths, with different names, that one day white gods that looked like men would come from across the sea and help them with all their problems and woes etc.
I would also be very interested to know as to who really built the big stone structures and sculptures of south east asia… I don’t imagine for one second it was the ancestors of the current inhabitants: they still can only build bamboo huts if left to their own devices.
I think you’re referring to the sculptures on Easter Island? I read something years ago that said within that tribes that lived on the island, there were legends that white people created them and then left the island….
Christ Is King
Sorry, I shoulda been more clear… I meant more south east asia like Cambodia. Here is a good example of what I mean… https://sailingstonetravel.com/koh-ker/
If the pre European asians were able to build things like that, what happened to their collective knowledge that resulted in them living in jungle huts when the Europeans arrived? Where did their collective intelligence go too? Why didn’t they take up residence in all the jungle temples that are dotted all over Cambodia instead of dwelling in bamboo huts? It has always struck me as odd.
Yes, Easter Island is another mystery all right!
Pretty sure that the Cambodians believe that if you live your life well, and generate good karma, you will be reincarnated as white. It would be odd if that was a relatively recent addition to their Buddhism.
I did read in some book long time ago, that Aztecs was waiting for long time for tall Blue eyed Gods who came from east. Even the mass sacrificing slaughter as they practice was for the Gods who came from East. Cortez who came from Spain with his army was in many eyes of Aztecs as God from east.