Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael–Jewish National Fund chairman Daniel Atar has warned of “catastrophe” for the Jewish people due to intermarriage and rising antisemitism in the Jewish Diaspora:
Speaking to journalists at a Nefesh B’Nefesh “mega-event” for potential immigrants in New Jersey on Sunday, Atar said that high rates of intermarriage in North America represented a severe threat to the Jewish people and that combined with rising antisemitism, particularly in the US, he was increasingly worried.
“Antisemitism and intermarriage are a catastrophe for the Jewish people,” said Atar.
“Sixty-five percent of Jews in the Diaspora are choosing to disconnect themselves from the Jewish people,” he stated.
The 2013 Pew Report on Jewish Americans found an overall intermarriage rate of 58% among American Jews.
Atar said that KKL was working on efforts to bolster Jewish identity in the Diaspora, but said also that Israel was not doing enough to encourage aliyah, especially in Europe, where he noted that many French Jews were emigrating not to the Jewish state, but to Canada.
Atar and KKL took the opportunity at the Nefesh B’Nefesh event to launch its “2040” initiative, designed to bring one and a half million Israeli citizens to the country’s so-called periphery in the north and south regions, including new immigrants.
“In recent years, KKL has placed developing the Negev and Galil as its main goal in order to bring Israel’s periphery closer to its center,” said Atar. “This will help strengthen the country’s social and security sectors leading to a more balanced and secure Israel. I believe that the Jewish Diaspora should, and can, play an important role in realizing this goal, first through Aliyah and then populating those areas.”
So-called “experts” in the media have been telling us for years that in order to rid the world of racism we need to race mix to the point that there are no more “races”. If that is true, then jewish “inter-marriage” should also rid the world of antisemitism. After all, if all families are like the Trumps, with jewish children and grandchildren, then how can antisemitism persist? There is more jewish inter-marriage than every before, and if we are to believe the jewish media, there is more antisemitism today than prior to WWII.
It seems that when Jews like Daniel Atar advocate against race mixing, he’s unwittingly undermining the only hope to eradicate antisemitism. Jews are already race mixed, so “inter-marriage” cannot be a significant threat to jewish identity. But if we do accept Atar’s contention that “inter-marriage” is a ‘catastrophe” for Jews, then it must also be a ‘catastrophe’ for White people and their identity. Perhaps he’s right–perhaps race mixing is a ‘catastrophe’ for everyone, and that a little antisemitism or racism is a small price to pay for the preservation of all of our ethnicities and traditions.
Here is what some prominent Jews in the media have said about race mixing for everyone but Jews:
Gabriel Powell
I am sorely disappointed this scumbag is dead. I have family in Tucson and I would love to have gone on vacation the to have a word with this SOB in person. I wonder how many White people attended to this stain while in the hospital. I guess I should take consolation in the fact that he is screaming in hell tonight.
The difference, I think, Chesterton and Jake, is that those jews who count themselves at the apex of Jewry, do so through their female bloodlines. Although, those are mongrelized, too, they count themselves as the chosen of the “Chosen”, similar to the Cohen’s. I had made a reply on a similar issue a day or two ago.
Don’t forget that it is the jew’s credo to , “Kill the Best of Them”.
Despite all of the jew’s pretenses, all jews are mongrels. The jews are mixtures from white, negroid and Oriental blood. The jew’s minds and culture are geared toward advancing the devious Oriental mind aspects, while seeking to diminish the negroid blood.
Jewry has used the white-skinned characteristics of their blood to infiltrate and establish an equality pattern among White people whereby the jews first become sufficiently “trusted” to be capable to use their oriental subversive techniques against those whom Jewry consider as their primary competitors, the White race. That part of it is important to the jew’s strategies. Once Jewry has established themselves among any people, but especially among White people, that is when the subversions begin and become more obvious, but all done over a sufficient time where suspicions are not overly aroused.
The “bigger jews” [Jewry] do that by financial networking to obtain controls by which to undermine the press and speech within any country, while the “little jews” go about destroying the established culture and traditions, while they network in order to place themselves into strategic positions within the state structures to begin importing other races, who will become attuned to their jew control. After the emplacement and establishment and of the “innocent jews” in a society, the initial “big jew” work done is to emplace their own agents for that international consortium for jewish bankers and financiers, usually publically represented by the Rothschild families. You can observe some of their work here in subverting the USA.
All the jews encourage Revolution and warfare, while pretending to do exactly the opposite, from whence the jews remain in the background while their purges begin of our White people who are sent to bleed and die in the wars arranged and promoted by Jewry. The military requirements are set to utilize the “Best of the White race” as the fodder for their jew wars, wars which are managed by the international jew bankers, and from which all jews internationally become richer and are placed in better positions of control. The jews establish front groups to hide that it is the jews working behind the scenes, which are staffed by the jews and their Freemason helper groups, which are managed by Jewry’s B’nai B’rith such as the CFR, Bilderburg and Trilateralist, and other related NGO’s and organizations.
If that sounds similar to the operations of communist cells, it’s because it is.
[View the “Good” groupings listed below as only being Jewry’s tactical operations in the nature of using controlled opposition groups to accomplish the aims of Jewry] [Who Controls]
The rabbi has got it wrong.
By mixing in this way Jews have infiltrated and subverted numerous societies.
Exactly right. That’s how Jews infiltrated and replaced the White European aristocracy. They got the White upper class in debt to them, and to “forgive” the debt, they got them to agree to marry their ugly jewish daughters. Good luck finding any European aristocrat that doesn’t have a little Shlomo in the woodpile at this point.
Zuckerberg is starting a line of wealthy asian Jews, proving that a Jew can have any racial admixture as long as some rabbi somewhere offers his “blessing” for a few shekels. With Whites, thankfully, there are no priests that can magically turn non-Whites into Whites by sprinkling holy water on them.
And they will need that camouflage when they switch gears from devouring America to then devouring China.