“Agricultural, forestry and fishery minister Senzeni Zokwana has allegedly stated that South Africa is prepared in case white farmers want to leave as they did in Zimbabwe, this is according to a report from the News updates South Africa.”
“White farmers think we depend on them for food supplies. They must wake up and smell the coffee because the food we eat in SA does not come from farms owned by whites, it comes from Shoprites, pick n pay and spars” News update South Africa reports Zokwana comments.”
In other words, we can continue to kill all the white farmers we want. As long as the stores stay open, we will have plenty to eat. Yes, these white devils are trying to trick us into thinking we need them. We don’t need them. It doesn’t take a white person to run a food shop.
The Blacks will starve like everyone else when those who own the seven or eight major food suppliers and food distrusters , or food manufacturers decide to stop or reduce the food supplies coming in. So they better laugh while they can. It shows the arrogance of the black’s trying to show that the taking over of a White civilization and culture given to them , that the white’s are not needed so that the black’s can show their intelligence , superiority and creativeness for something they were unable to do for themselves as a black race.
And they, the Black’s want the White race to respect the black race when the black’s believe they have the upper hand , they mock the Whites. If anything can be made to be forced upon the Whites by the world rulers or governments is tolerance, but not respect for a degraded and mentally immature , backward , race , who would still be in the stone age if it wasn’t for White civilization coming to their degraded race and now the White race suffering the consequences for it.
Every night after the supermarkets close and everyone goes home the food mages armed with spawning magic staffs come out and stock the shelves.