(Times Of Israel) In a remarkable fit of paranoia, a group of Jews have complained to the San Francisco transit authority that an advertisement on their trains which merely states “History Matters” is antisemitic and should be removed:
The Bay Area Rapid Transit in San Francisco accepted an ad from the Institute for Historical Review, a known Holocaust-denying group.
The ad, which shows a map of the world overlaid with the words “History Matters” and the name of the group, will run through the month of September on digital boards in two BART stations, The Jewish News of Northern California reported.
BART spokeswoman Alicia Trost told the newspaper that as a governmental agency, BART cannot reject ads based solely on the identity of the advertiser. While it can refuse ads based on language and appearance, the new ad does not contain offensive imagery or text, Trost said. BART did require the group to remove its web address from the ad.
The $6,000 ad buy was the first ever by the Institute for Historical Review, which is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The About section on its website says that it is “an independent educational center and publisher that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past, and especially socially-politically relevant aspects of modern history.”
It later says: “We work to provide factual information and sound perspective on US foreign policy, World War Two, the Israel-Palestine conflict, war propaganda, Middle East history, the Jewish-Zionist role in cultural and political life, and much more.”
Among the linked articles on its website is one suggesting that Israel knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks, another about “Liberating America from Israel” and several about Holocaust denier David Irving.
Based on their over-reaction to such an innocuous ad, one has to wonder what the Jews are so worried about?
Is there something about history that the Jews don’t want the general public to discover?
Why do they want to pass new laws to make certain subjects in history illegal to even question?
What this jewish-written article fails to mention is that the Institute for Historical Review was infiltrated and taken over by Jews many years ago.
The IHR is no longer a so-called Holocaust denial organization — its nominal figure head, Mark Weber, has been roundly criticized for no longer discussing the Holocaust — but rather now focusing on generic problems with political Zionism. He’s been compromised pure and simple.
For an in depth analysis of how the Jews, including known Mossad agents, infiltrated the IHR, listen to Michael Collins Piper’s well-documented and thought-provoking expose here:
“Germany Must Perish!”
A prime example of the vile hatefulness of the jews that will never be banned until we ban them…
Yes, the book, “Germany Must Perish,” written by the Jew Theodore Kaufman in 1941 has never been banned, but the Jews would love for it to disappear down the memory hole–because it is proof that the Jews were the ones behind the destruction of Germany in WWII.
Luckily, the book is available for all White people to read for free online. In fact, it should be required reading for all White children in school–instead of “Heather Has Two Mommies” by the jewess Leslea Newman.
but then again....
Ever notice how many “history” books on the New York Times bestseller list are written by Jews? If it’s not written by a Jew, it’s no longer considered “reliable” history.
When was the last time you saw any book written by a Jew banned from sale on Amazon?
At the end of the day, Jews are better at banning book than they are at writing them.