Amma, the international “Hugging Guru,” who has made millions of dollars spreading her message of “universal compassion,” is on the European leg of her tour, but seating is limited so get your tickets early:
It would seem to many that the world is becoming more divided and the gaps between us grow more laborious to bridge every day. Most of us are aware of this, concerned about what future trials this shift may present.
However, it is seldom often someone truly strives to bring people together. Mata Amritanandamayi, more commonly known as Amma, stands as a symbol of what compassion and community can do to better the world.
Amma is a spiritual leader from India known for her humanitarianism and spiritual teachers. She also authored many important books such as ‘Compassion: The Only Way to Peace’ and ‘The Eternal Truth’.
Since 2005, Amma and her NGO, Embracing The World, have donated 75 million US dollars to disaster relief, built more than 51,000 homes for homeless and helped more than 100,000 women in starting their own businesses. These represent but just a few of her achievements.
Amma will come to Denmark between October 23 – 24 to spread compassion by giving out hugs, of which she has given 38 million across the world, conduct peace ceremonies (Puja) and practice guided meditation.
The event will be free and take place at Brøndby Hallen, where these will be traditional Indian and Danish food. For further information, you can visit, where you can find the program and read more about Amma.
Even if a hug took only 10 seconds, it would be impossible for Amma to hug 38 million people in 10 lifetimes, but let’s not be overly critical when it comes to changing the world one hug at a time. Denmark, like the rest of western Europe, is in serious decline and under threat of islamification because it has rejected the Christian foundations upon which it was built. And into that spiritual vacuum walks the likes of Amma, the hugging guru who takes your money and puts it toward jewish socialist causes under the auspices of the U.N.
Indian “gurus” like Amma started showing up in Europe and America after World War I under the auspices of the League of Nations as part of an international effort to create a one world religion which would eventually undermine and replace Christianity. The mantra of the New Age is “I’m spiritual but not religious,” and that spirituality consists of going to yoga classes and getting hugs from Amma when she swings into town. The poverty and disease that is rampant in India is a reflection of its true “spirituality”, and it’s also what’s in store for White Europeans if they don’t return to their Christian roots.
Are your serious?? The disease and poverty of India is because of centuries of raping, pillaging, burning, looting and violent takeover by the “CHRISTIAN” British and the MUSLIMS. How well would wealthy Christian America stand up to hundreds of years of slavery and suppression and violent foreign takeover? The fact that millions of Indians still have unity, dignity, faith and living communities is testament to their amazing spirituality that has kept them strong and intact even through unimaginable CENTURIES OF TERRORISM and raiding by Christians and Muslims alike. Learn your HISTORY.
Sure, if it weren’t for those evil White Christians, India would be the most advanced civilization on the planet. By the way, White Christians are also blamed for the lack of progress in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Why don’t White people blame other races for their lack of progress? For example, if it weren’t for the other races, White people would be colonizing Mars by now. Make sense?
History lesson: White people brought whatever advanced civilization that India has ever known. If it weren’t for Whites thousands of years ago inter-breeding with the Black natives, there would be no caste system there today. The “elite” of India today all have some White genetics, and without that, they’d all be “untouchables”. Still think Whites are evil?
Wow! Amma and her hugging must really work. Please keep her inside India.
“Heavily pregnant goat dies after being gang-raped by 8 men”
“A heavily pregnant goat is believed to have been gang-raped by eight drunk men in Haryana, India. It died the following day.
The goat’s owner, Aslup Khan, made a police report after noticing that his goat went missing. He claimed that the suspects are drunkards and drug addicts.
“They tried to molest her in the courtyard. When I raised an alarm, villagers caught them and thrashed them,” he said, reported The Sun UK.
“Enraged, they came back eight hours later and took away my goat and raped her.”
The Tribune India reported that the owner heard the pain-filled bleating sounds of his goat from a secluded house where the incident took place.
Dr Ramvir Bhardwaj, a veterinary surgeon of animal husbandry, said the goat died of a brain haemorrhage.
“It was 50 weeks pregnant. During the post-mortem examination, it was found that there was blood in her windpipe. Samples of its vaginal swabs were sent to the forensic science laboratory,” Bhardwaj said, according to the Hindustan Times.”
38 million…as tallied by the same brilliant accountants who brought us 6 million dead jews during WWI (which was subsequently ignored since jewry failed to complete their NWO through WWI and the League of Nations) and then again after WWII, which gained ‘validity’ simply because enough jewish owned media outlets claimed it to be so – despite the fact that the Red Cross could only confirm 77k dead from typhus throughout ALL POW camps.