(Jerusalem Post) Norway’s largest print newspaper apologized this week for running an article about Israel and antisemitism that used the phrase “the Jewish question” in the headline:
That phrase has a long history of being used to demean, dehumanize and stigmatize Jewish people, both before and during the Holocaust.
Espen Egil Hansen, the editor in chief of Aftenposten, issued a lengthy apology for the original article – which ran in the newspaper last week. In a full page commentary in Monday’s newspaper, Hansen apologized for the original article, which was headlined in print: “The Jewish question splits the left on both sides of the Atlantic.” The article examined accusations of antisemitism against figures including US Rep. Ilhan Omar and UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Hansen took full responsibility for the unfortunate wording.
“The wording should never have been used and we regret it,” Hansen wrote. “This phrase has a particular historical significance and is strongly linked to the national socialists before and during World War II and to the extermination of the Jews.”
Hansen pointed out that the online version of the article never used the phrase “the Jewish question,” and instead was titled: “Are they anti-Israel or anti-Semites? The question splits the left on both sides of the Atlantic.” Hansen said that during the editing process to shorten the headline for print, it was trimmed down to “the Jewish question.”
“The wording was not caught by quality control and unfortunately ended up in print,” he wrote. “I am responsible for this as an editor. After such a very unfortunate choice of words, the management of Aftenposten will be reviewing the entire production to understand how it happened and to raise awareness of the issue.”
The editor in chief also referenced the dark past of the newspaper itself, which cooperated with Nazi occupying forces and produced a Nazi propaganda paper during World War II. Hansen said that portion of Aftenposten’s history “is a heavy heritage to carry, but it is part of the newspaper’s history that we cannot close our eyes to.”
Hansen concluded that “Aftenposten’s readers have every reason to be disappointed” in the newspaper’s use of the phrase last week.
This article conveniently leaves out the fact that zionist Jews themselves have used the phrases “the jewish question” and even “the final solution”.
It was totally kosher when the Jew Karl Marx posed “the jewish question” — and for Zionist Jews like Theodor Herzl, the “jewish question” concerned whether or not Jews should stay in White Christian countries or should they live in Palestine.
And Zionist Jews themselves posed the phrase the “final solution” to the “jewish question” as a fulfillment of their dream to “return” to Palestine.
But when the goyim raise “the jewish question,” they always do so in an antisemitic rather than laudatory manner.
When the goyim discuss the “jewish question,” the answers to that question are rarely to the liking of the Jews — because Jews have convinced everyone that the answer always leads to the Gas Chambers™.
The last thing the Jews want to allow is for the goyim to openly and dispassionately debate whether or not Jews have a legitimate presence in White Christian society.
It’s a question that Christ brought up 2,000 years ago, and we all know what the Jews did to Him for asking “the JQ”.
This hypocrisy shows just how twisted the Jews can be. They coined the phrase “the final solution” to describe Zionism–and when you think about it, the only solution to the “jewish question” is complete separation of Jews and White people, which means they all go to their jewish ghetto in Palestine. And yet they turn around and claim the evil Nazis coined the term “final solution” to mean genociding 6 million Jews. Can there be any clearer example of how the jewish mind operates? They know they are hypocrites, but do you?
“Antisemitism” – an illness that Christians get, but that Jews die from.
“Antisemitism” – an illness transferred through Jews.
There are a lot of sayings. What is the truth? Is it an illness? Or is it recovery from an illness. Is it just a nonsense-word which has lost all meaning when semites are the greatest anti-semites .
One of the funniest concepts, that the media have tried to get us accustomed to is “Jewish self-haters”, that is what they call the few – unfortunately very few – Jews, who have courageously denounced Zionism and other forms of Jewish abuse of power.
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“Let us take it from A and forward. Is it moslems, that there are many of in our country? …. Yes!
Are there many of them in the crime- and welfare statistics? …. Yes!
Do they have anything much to say anyway? …. No!
Who has something to say then? … The media – a lot and every day. They have the word uncontradicted and rather one-sided.
Do the politicians spite the media? … No! If they do they are done for and they know it.
Who rules the media? … Ah, now we are getting somewhere.
The Zionists do, the leaders of Judaism worldwide. There is nothing that indicates that the situation is any different in Denmark. I am particularly referring to the West. It is the bulk of the worlds mass media. The movie-industry, lead by Holowood, most of the larger TV-stations and radiostations. Most of the worlds newspapers, weeklies, monthlies and special magazines. Most of the worlds publishing-houses. That way they can control the public opinion of the West. It is outright brainwashing. Black magic. Read “Jew Watch”.”
If ‘anti-semitism’ is going to continue to be classified as some sort of disease, a medical prognosis would be completely cut and dry:
It’s a disease contracted by whites (Christians) as an infection spread by jews. It can’t be construed as anything else.
Before the site below was censored from existence by Jewry, the headline had read:
“Norway isTOO WHITE….according to the President of the Jewish Communities in Oslo”
“Copenhagen in 1819”
“It was now 12 years ago, that the Englishman, “the perfideous Albion” had attacked the city with firebombs and rockets. This outrage had not been forgotten by the citizens of Copenhagen and could not be forgotten either as long as many sites of fire reminded the inhabitants of the city daily of the three nights of horror, when bombs, burning arrows and rockets were raining down upon them. After these horrors came 7 hopeless years of war. The Danish sailors were in captivity in the “Prison” in England. The business houses went bankrupt. Poor people starved and froze during the long winters of the war. And in 1813 the state went bankrupt. When the war was finally over – in 1814 – the capital of the twin-kingdoms Denmark-Norway, once a rich and magnificent city, was an pauperized city of ruins; now only the capital of a small, poor country; for the twin brother, Norway had been forced into the arms of the archfiend, Sweden, by the evil superpowers. The responsibility for the unbroken row of misfortunes was not hard to place. The perfideous Albion, the treacherous Englishmen, bore the main guilt. Next the sly and wily Ponte Corvo, Napoleons treacherous general, who had now settled himself broadly as king of Sweden and Norway.
Now he called himself Charles John the 14 th; but in the eyes of patriotic Danes he was and remained the treacherous revolutionary general. However, the misfortunes of war had several causes. The state bankruptcy was mostly caused by the Jews. The man in the street in Denmark could not explain in detail how the Jews had worked against the interests of the fatherland. It was a complicated matter. But it must be true; because at the same time as the state went bankrupt, many Jews got rich. And during the difficult years after the war they increased their wealth. Now just recently a couple of Jewish business men, the Raphael Brothers in Oestergade(da.: Østergade) had, in a very provocative manner, displayed their wealth, that must have been gathered during Denmarks years of poverty. These Mosaits had had their shop rebuilt and rearranged with large display windows in frames of cast iron, which had never been seen before in Copenhagen. And behind the shining glas windows was drapery, so much and so expensive, that poor Christian folks found such a flashy exhibition of wealth altogether scandalous. And now it was said in the town, that several hundred Jews had wandered across the border from Germany towards Copenhagen and that several thousand more would follow. The rest was obvious. In a few years many of these immigrants would be the owners of the finest shops in the Oestergade. But this was too much. Little handwritten notes were put up on the walls by patriotic youths and on the 4th of September, in the evening, apprentices, sailors, bounders, shop assistants and students gathered in front of the shop of the Raphael Brothers’ in Oestergade. First sounded the defamatory: Hep, Hep … and that gave them courage to shout.”
[Also note the section for]:
Soeren Kierkegaard om Jews
Jews rely on Whites to have little or no historical understanding of any of these issues, and they certainly would never imagine that any of the goyim would know that these two phrases “the jewish question” and “the final solution” are both from the pens of Jews. But, of course, if you point out that Jews are being hypocritical, you’ll be called an antisemite.
I’m trying to decide whether or not this is humorous because this kind of jewish bootlicking is par for the course in Norway, or that I have to laugh out of sheer disgust that this is par for the course in nearly every (formerly) white country…