Between 2015 and 2017, the Pew Research Center surveyed 56,000 adults in 34 European countries and found that western Europeans were far more likely to accept Jews into their families than those in Eastern Europe:
Eastern Europeans are far less willing to have Jews in their families or as their neighbors than their Western European counterparts, a gap that is even more pronounced when it comes to attitudes toward Muslims.
According to an analysis of a series of surveys by the Pew Research Center carried out from 2015 to 2017 among some 56,000 adults in 34 European countries, the gap between Europe’s two halves is significant.
The figures are also largely unchanged among young adults, aged 18-34, suggesting that current attitudes are likely to remain constant for the foreseeable future.
Only 40 percent of Russians said they “would be willing to accept Jews as members of their family,” and just 35% of Greeks, 43% of Ukrainians, 51% of Czechs and 57% of Poles.
Among Western European nations, meanwhile, the figure was 69% in the United Kingdom and Germany, 76% in France, 79% in Spain, 89% in Belgium — and was at its highest in the Scandinavian countries: 92% in Sweden, 92% in Denmark and 95% in Norway.
Only 5% or less in Scandinavian and northern European countries said they would reject Jews as their neighbors, with the highest figure in Western Europe being 12%, in Italy.
The corresponding figures given for Eastern Europe were divided by religious affiliation within each country. Rejection of Jews as neighbors was as high as 33% among Armenia’s Christian Orthodox and 30% among that population in Romania. In Lithuania and Ukraine, 24% and 21% of Catholics, respectively, said they wouldn’t accept Jews in their neighborhood.
The East-West gap is even more pronounced when it comes to Muslims, who are less liked than Jews in every European country except Muslim-majority Bosnia.
In the East, just 34% of Russians said they would accept a Muslim in the family, 31% of Greeks, 25% of Ukrainians, 12% of Czechs and 33% of Poles. Among Orthodox Christians, 77% in Armenia, 48% in Latvia and 40% in Belarus said they would reject Muslims as neighbors. Some 66% of Catholics in the Czech Republic and 56% of that population in Lithuania also said so.
In the West, the figure for those who accept Muslims as family members was 53% in the UK, 55% in Germany, 66% in France, 74% in Spain, 77% in Belgium, and among the Scandinavians 80%, 81% and 82% in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, respectively.
The figure for those who accept Muslims as neighbors was 78% in the UK, 77% in Germany, 85% in France, 86% in Spain, 91% in Belgium and among the Scandinavians 90%, 91% and 92% in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, respectively.
Acceptance of Jews and Muslims tends to correspond to the extent to which citizens of a particular country view their religious identity as fundamental to their national identity. In Greece, for example, where few want either Muslims or Jews in their families, 76% agreed with the statement that “to truly share their national identity” one needs to be Greek Orthodox. In Russia and Ukraine, 57% and 51% believe belonging to the national Christian church is fundamental to belonging to the nation.
Jews will point to these results and use them as “proof” of how “antisemitism” is still a serious problem, especially in White Christian countries like Poland and Hungary. But the Jews should be encouraged on two fronts — first, western Europe has largely become judaized and adopted jewish values and worldviews. The proof is that all these countries are now in serious decline, both economically and racially. This is something that Jews can hang their hats on and proclaim, “Mazel Tov!”
Second, orthodox Jews do not want to be assimilated, so they should welcome this news that Eastern Europeans reject the idea of having Jews in their families. This intolerance will ensure that Jews will remain Jews, and Christians will remain Christians, and true “diversity” will survive in the East. Prospects for the survival of diversity in western Europe seem much more dismal, as most families are race mixing or accepting race-mixed people into their families, thus blurring racial and religious lines.
Under jewish influence, western Europe is looking more and more like Brazil, while Eastern Europe is looking more and more like Europe of old — White and Christian.
JUDAS ISCARIOT is alive and preaching from the pulpit of many American Churches.
Any “teacher” who diverts Christians into bowing to the Jewish Temple Priests is a JudasGoat betraying the Flock of Christ.
He who blesses Israel Crucifies Christ.
CHRISTians should welcome any Jew that comes to Jesus.
Jesus is the NEW Covenant presented to mankind by God.
CHRISTians cannot support or aid Israel or the Jewish Nation that denies the Lamb of God.
OLD testament / NEW testament
WAR god / PEACE god
OLD covenant / NEW covenant
ANTI: a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock;;;; ANTICHRIST).
The LAMB of GOD was the FINAL sacrifice. Rebuilding the Jewish Temple and resuming bloody animal sacrifices repudiates the Crucifixion, SACRIFICE of Jesus. JOHN 2:20 King James Bible “Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?”
JESUS -IS- the THIRD TEMPLE if you are a CHRISTian.
Let’s not forget it was Christ who cursed the fig tree ( Israel ) and prophesied it’s destruction ( including the temple and it’s walls ). Also he left it desolate.
Jews have been poisoning Christianity with “christian zionism” and the Scofield bible.
“christian.zionism” is a Death Cult and a Mental Illness, period. No one can worship a War god and a Peace God at the same time. Low self-esteem. Feelings of inferiority causing them to grovel to the past. “c.z” is the belief of small people who are easily awed and impressed by “royal” weddings and other irrelavent shows.
How can anyone claim to believe in Jesus and the ANTI-Jesus both at the same time?
By the way you muslum hating C-Z-morons:
‘These Muslims [Ishmaelim] are not in any way idolators. [Idolatry] has already been removed from their mouths and their hearts, and they unify G-d in the appropriate manner without any admixture [of idolatrous beliefs].’” Maimonides, Responsa, 448
ANTI: a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “opposing,” “antiparticle of,” antibody; antifreeze; antiknock, antidemocratic …….. ANTICHRIST).
What is more ANTI-Christ than:
(1) to crucify Him …. Under Roman Law the Jews could not impose a death sentence so TWICE they dragged Christ before Pilate demanding His crucifixion until Pilate grudgingly “Washed his hands” . Jesus was crucified by the Romans AT THE INSISTANCE of the Temple Priests who threatened “NO Crucifixion, NO Peace” Sound familiar?
Jesus was a HEREM (excommunicated) Jew … the Priests could not push for a death sentence on a “Jew in good standing”.
JUDAS ISCARIOT was a Jew ….. in good standing with the Tribe.
(2) Immediately send many agents of the Priests (SAULof Tarsus was ONE) to kill His followers.
(3) Inspire such fear of being murdered by the Priests that the first Christian church was hidden in a cave
(4) Instigate pogroms against His followers throughout the Roman world,
(5) spit evertime you see a cross for 2,000 years,
(6) under the cloak of Communist Bolseviks they HOLOCAUST 66MILLION Christians Here is a breakdown and a listing of the Jew Bolsheviks
TODAY ISIS(rael) is behind the genocidal invasion of Christian Europe.
(7) Today they use “front groups” like the ACLU, ADL, SPLC, to attack Nativities and any other symbol of Christ they can.
The essence of Judaism is vengeance, the essence of Christianity is forgiveness. They are Polar OPPOSITES.
Jews ARE the ANTI-Christ
‘Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Messiah.He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son” 1John2:22.
I think one of the keys to (((their))) success is identifying as Whites. Let’s face it, not ALL Jews have a big hook nose. Many can easily pass for White, especially since so many of them change (((their))) names to hide (((their))) satanic identities.
It’s time to #expose-the-nose, and pointedly, specifically, and deliberately differentiate between US and (((THEM))). We need to expose the crypto-jews and get in the habit of correcting everyone when they mistake a cockroach for a child of God.