“Up to 90% of land reform projects are unsuccessful, according to ANC presidential hopeful and businessman Mathews Phosa. He said internal conflict and a lack of skills were some of the factors that had contributed to this.”
“Phosa says there is a lack of political will to get South Africans interested in farming. “Farming is very expensive… an ordinary black community cannot afford farming‚ so you need risk capital to support the farmers and the communities‚ especially the emerging ones.”
Notice the marxist euphemism for theft of white farms: “land reform”.
And notice how blacks instinctively look to the government to solve their dilemma. The problem, of course, is that the government is now black, and no effective help will be forthcoming. South Africa will slowly devolve into chaos as the food supply dwindles – exactly like Zimbabwe. Farming, the blacks have discovered, is yet another “racist” endeavor designed to marginalize blacks and make them dependent.
I was just thinking of a solution for Mathews Phosa’s problem of the farms of the White’s that his fellow Blacks , thought belonged to them and says they are not producing: go see the humanitarian , Bill Gates, you know, the one who loved his fellow man so much that he wanted to use his vaccines in Africa and India and then got the whole world infected with laboratories fooling around with bacteria’s virus’s , to make as weapons of war and then the whole world became exposed and infected and after a year and a half of lockdowns, people going out of business, dying, he went and took his money out of vaccines and decided that now he needed a new money making scheme so he wouldn’t be blamed for the world wide pandemic and decided to invest in agriculture before he was arrested for crimes against humanity.
Or he could see his Black relative, Oprah Winfrey , who , like the Blacks of Africa that got into power now use the wealth to lord it over their fellow blacks while still screaming racism to cover it up, Oprah Winfrey , who lives , not in a modest dwelling, but a $ 46 or $48, 000,000 estate. Then you Blacks in Africa can see and prove to yourselves how much Blacks in the United States t really think of and care about you unless they use you Blacks of Africa to get sympathy for slavery, which the ones of today are just spoiled , whinning cry babies using it for their lack of progress or maybe intelligence.
Also you could take off the suit of the White world , if you hate it so much and show proudly how you dress without the White worlds gifts and progress. I had a black friend in grade school and some in college. You blacks of today are whining, crybabies who want the world given to you and you can’t even take care or progress what you have.
Hey, Mathew Phosa, why don’t you blacks get a hoe and weed your crops like I did as a boy, or use a shovel to dig a garden as My father and I did , and many others during WW11 when food was rationed or one could not afford it. You , spirituality backward, mentally, backward and culturally backward people wanted the land you claim was stolen from you , and now you can’t make it yield “Fruit.”
You Blacks have been spoiled like the little mentally deficient beings you are and just can’t seem to want to advance as a race, but keep blaming others for your lack of mentality to raise yourselves up as a race. No wonder the One Worlder ‘s want to push the idea that there are no such thing as races. Then blacks like you can’t be blamed for your status in the world, but all of us for your problems ,but then , by that, blame it on others holding you back.
You blacks have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and maybe tens of millions , hundreds of millions of years to develop your continent , so that you blacks could develop your continent so that it couldn’t be taken from you and you just couldn’t do it and you lust after what others have created like you’re being deprived of something owed to you. Also , what do you mean farming is so expensive?
You must mean that you want the world so give you free tractors, cultivators, cattle, seed, and everything that goes with it. Even given a free civilization thrown into the laps of you blacks who complained that it was stolen from you , you blacks just can’t keep it going. And it’s falling down around your ears. I guess you also want chickens to lay eggs for you free of charge!!
Mr White
More proof, thanks for sharing the information and cant wait when the “WAKANDIANS” blame whitey for all of their failures.
Let that bastards starve to death and the other problem is the liberals and other christian groups that send food and donations to Africa