(RMX News). The situation in the border area between Poland and Belarus is worsening as thousands of illegal migrants attempt to breach the border fence, but according to its ambassador to Germany, Andrzej Przyłębski, unlike Germany in 2015, Poland will not open the borders — and will use live ammunition if the situation “comes to a head”:
Przyłębski noted that, currently, there are around 4,000 migrants at the border, mainly from Afghanistan and Iraq, attacking border officials with wooden blocks, spades, and the like. They brought tents to sleep in and equipment to break the border fence, all with the permission of the Belarusians.
“The situation is coming to a head now because the Belarusian police and soldiers are barely letting them go back to Minsk. They force them to storm the Polish border. Belarusian soldiers have already aimed at our soldiers with weapons. The first shot can soon be fired,” says the ambassador in the interview.
Przyłębski, however, thinks that Poland will be tougher than Germany was in 2015. He is sure that the country will not allow illegal migrants to cross the EU border. By keeping its stance, Poland wants to set an example that the defense of the EU border, contrary to some German idealists, is possible, he explained.
Poland’s ambassador furthermore related that he had not heard anything about declaring a state of war, yet, as Poland’s constitution does not allow extending the state of emergency. However, there is some speculation a state of war could be declared in the end. According to him, this would only happen if Poland was attacked by the so called-green men, the covert Russian, militarized forces seen previously in the Ukraine conflict. He thinks that Belarus would not risk such a conflict because Poland can defend itself.
When asked whether there are concerns about “unsightly” pictures in Poland of Polish forces pushing migrants back, Przyłębski suggested that there are some worries about journalists and the opposition. “But we will be tougher than Germany back then and will not be frightened by manipulated images. Yesterday, Polish television showed migrants blowing cigarette smoke into a child’s eyes to make them cry, then they took a photo of them and sent it around the world. The Gazeta Wyborcza, considered the Polish flagship newspaper in Germany, published this manipulated image as truth. As you can see, we have traitors in our own country,” notes Przyłębski.
According to the ambassador, Poland feels supported by the EU and Germany with words, but unfortunately not with deeds. Poland would like NATO soldiers to be deployed, as well. “The most important thing, however, is to create an understanding here and throughout the EU that when this group crosses the border, the next will soon come. Because for Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, this is both an opportunity for enrichment (each migrant pays around €10,000 for the trip to Minsk) and revenge against the EU for its support of the Belarusian opposition,” he added.
In Poland, Lukashenko’s actions are interpreted as hybrid war, the ambassador confirmed. But not a hybrid war against Poland, but against the West, in this case, against the EU. Przyłębski also suggested that Russia shares responsibility for the migrant dispute. “Because Lukashenko cannot do something like this without Putin’s consent. We hope, however, that the growing discontent of people in Minsk, which is now being flooded with migrants, will bring Lukashenko to his senses,” said Przyłębski, adding that further sanctions must quickly follow.
This attack on the Polish boarder is being encouraged and abetted by the EU itself — so Poland should not expect too much sympathy or help from the West — and certainly not from NATO.
Of course, the EU — along with the (((Polish press))) — would like nothing better than for Polish soldiers to open fire on “defenseless” migrants forcing their way into Poland, “seeking a better life.”
The EU-Soviet wants “recalcitrant” Poland brought to its knees for not going along with the planned racial suicide of Europe through orchestrated Third World invasion.
But he Polish ambassador’s comments confirm an earlier warning issued by the conservative Polish politician, Dominik Tarczyński:
I’ve got a message for all illegals. If you don’t want to be pushed back, if you don’t want to be arrested, if you don’t want to be shot, do not come to our borders. Do not come to the Polish border, then you’re safe. It’s not us, it’s not our police who came up to beat you up, to push you, or to arrest you. It’s you who tried to break the law on our land.
If Poland does not make a stand, what other country will?
Herr Voice Of Germany
They do it again
Herr Voice Of Germany
For those who missed the headline
Testimony of a polish soldier who was forced to kill innocents and bury them in the woods – 21st century Cheka´s´alive and kickin´
*Does anyone still think the “bright forces” won wwII?*
A Solomonoff
That’s what you get for joining the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. They always align themselves against Christianity in every single European conflict in the last 30 years.
But this is a deeper problem with whites. They aren’t willing to fight back and do so without seeking permission. Our ancestors–be it in Poland or Britain or America or Germany or Russia–didn’t give a damn about “how it would look” to kill invaders or drive out threats from our lands. If white men are waiting permission slips to fight back, they’re going to be waiting a LONG time. They might even be dead by the time they get the permission they seek. “Oh, we whites are a brave strong race of people….but we won’t fight back because we’ll get called names and get in trouble!”
Pete Griffin
What a shame it has come to this.. two White, Slavic brother countries on the verge of a shooting war at their border over a bunch of worthless muslim “refugees.” You just know there are tribesmen, probably in Russia, behind this.
The president of Belarus had it announced that Belarus will cease preventing jihadis from reaching Poland because Poland and the rest of the EU are sanctioning Belarus as they believe it’s presidential election was stolen.
Belarus is allowing the full brunt of the EU repopulation agenda to affect Poland, in the hope that doing so will make Poland pull its head out of its posterior and realize that the EU is anti-Poland as well.
It seems to me Belarus is doing what we in the USA have long half-joked about: busing the illegals into the limousine liberal areas of the US that continue to vote leftist.
Patrick White
It should have been shoot to kill right across all of Europe’s borders, at least 30 years ago. We wouldn’t be in this mess now if it had been.
you know the post WWII white man-needs permission to even wipe his own butt. White men care more about money and comforts and “optics” than they do being ruthless, strong men who will destroy threats to their people. white men today are not the white men from the Middle Ages. Hell, white men today aren’t even the white men 100 years. At least white men, even in Western Europe and America, would fight to the death against threats and didn’t care “how this looks” doing so. I even hear some of you say “Don’t fight back, that’s what they want!” Ok, so we should just roll over and die and let them wipe us out–along with our entire bloodliness—because fighting back is “what they want”? Got it.
Yes sure looks like the joo globalists be killing 2 bird with 1 stone : 1. Shaft Belarus for its noncompliance with the plandemic mandates And 2. Slam the poles for their closed-border policy at same time. Haha
Again, this is what irritiates me with white men today. They won’t fight back, even though they know the stakes if they don’t, for fear “we might get in trouble” God, I’m getting so SOOOOOO tired of this whiny, defeatist, compliant attitude with whites today; even whites like you who should know the dangers of not fighting back.
provocateurs arabe
Dominik Tarczyński posts photos of “poor” migrants at border wearing expensive designer clothing:
The jews creating the destruction of Europe and all White nations with replacement by browns PLAY DIRTY. They cheat. They lie. They manipulate in order to achieve those ends.
Poland needs to fight fire with fire. They will never defeat these jewish invasion plans by being nice guys. So, the Poles say they recognize the ill will that would be created by being tough with the would-be invaders on their border. Understood. Then they should allow the brown migrants to breach the border while making it look like the migrants forced their way in. Allow the migrants to make their way some distance into Polish territory (but herding them so they don’t entirely disperse). Then make public the atrocities some of them have committed against Poles, whether real or the Poles have to manufacture them. THEN start shooting them.
Poland and we all, are in a war, a war against the toughest, most vicious, most fiendish, lying, conniving, brutal enemy our race has every known, the jew species. There is no room for the honor that we White whites use amongst ourselves in warfare. Especially because the jew is fighting for more than simply to win. The jew fights to totally, utterly annihilate us.
This is the best answer I’ve read on here. Whites are going to have to stop being nice and fair dealing with these monsters. Our ancestors would have been shedding blood long ago. Some will say “Oh, but they weren’t dealing with banks and media and legal systems.” Maybe not, but they didn’t care what the stakes were. They knew they and US would be wiped out if our ancestors did not act aggressively and immediately and ruthless with our enemies. White men today just give excuses for tolerating the situation they’re in. They whine “We have no power!” while bragging about how strong and “ready” they are to fight. It’s not just the Poles either. It’s white men all over the world, from America to England to Italy to Poland to Sweden to Germany to France. They need to be the kind of men that Sobieski and Vlad the Impaler and RIchard I and Martel were and not the “respectable conservative” FOX News types.
This border crisis is fake. Yes, the dirty Muslim migrant masses are real. But they were flown in to Belarus for the sole purpose to storm the borders of Poland to precipitate a “major” international “incident” to shame and destroy the reputation of Poland’s stance against immigration.
WWII started when the Germans crossed into Poland to stop the ethnic cleansing of Germans in the Dansig Corridor, the slaughter orchestrated by communist Jews. When Germany “invaded”, the West had the “casus belli” that they’d been waiting for to destroy Germany for daring to stand up to international Jewish money powers.
They know Poland will not willingly let in any Muslims, nor should they. France is reeling right now by the destruction wrought by third world immigrants, and they are moving hard to the Right now in order to find the political wherewithal to throw them out, and that Right in France is now led by a Jew, Eric Zemmour. That’s what awaits Poland if they cave to EU demands on immigration — a euphemism for white replacement.
Are we getting the full story?
As I first heard this, Belarus is using the muzzies to pressure the EU, which sanctioned them over their last election, and to pressure Poland as the powers that be in Poland are “woke” and tools of the EU.
In other words, the other side of the story is that Belarus is calling out the EU’s hypocrisy about muzzle diversity being our greatest strength.
I’ve also heard it mentioned that it is against the law in Belarus to feed these muzzies and that the Poles & EU have been trying to send in food trucks and Belarus has denied them. Are these muzzie rapefugees going to run out of food? Between food and sanitation issues, how long can this standoff last?
It does seem odd to me that Poland and Hungary both have leaders who claim to be against the EU but yet they’re still in it.
Better informed
There has never been any ethnic cleansing nor murders of Germans in Poland. Goebbels propaganda! Go back to historical materials.
You mean like the massacre in Bromberg?
Photos of massacred Germans in Bromberg:
Or the Hans Schadewaldt Report (1940) The Polish Atrocities Against The German Minority in Poland
The same ethnic cleansing of Germans was going in the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia:
Very good, sir. Thank you.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Putin is on good terms with the Belarus president, so he must also be part of the Kosher Nostra behind this planned invasion.
The typical response to invaders is to shoot, but if Poland does that, it will catch hell from the Zio MSM & maybe even be blockaded from trade, so the Juden can destroy Poland plus teach it a lesson, that when the holoHOAX junkies demand more shekels for their lies, you best open your wallet.
More excuses for our people not to fight back “oh my gosh the media and our enemies who want us dead will not like us for fighting back, oh no!!!!!” Seriously I’m tired of this defeatist whiny excuse making attitude our people have
James Shea
… thanks for the excellent article, hopefully, more Europeans are waking up to what the Kalergi plan is all about, … it looks like Sweden may have a chance for an anti-immigration PM, … ?
Whilst one cannot ring a bell to make the ‘animal’ behave perpetual fear just may. Long-time head of Comintern (the Communist International) Grigory Zinoviev, a Jewish Communist terrorist and Holodomor perpetrator had a strong relationship with Lenin.
His quote of 1918 establishes a deliberate policy of terror and mass slaughter where on the cards “We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million the Soviet population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated”.
Confirmation came from Lenin himself “Put more force into the terror. Shoot every tenth person; place all the suspects in concentration camps!”
The writer Maxim Gorky describes Lenin’s reign of terror. Consequently, it was under Lenin that the most horrific torture took place. Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. Jewish Communist Cheka (guards) cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a club forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unravelled. Children caught eating what was considered ‘state grain’ were shot as ‘traitors’ to the state.
Consequently deportation to gulags was familiar and often Europeans would be taken with no explanation. Possibly the most infamous gulag was The Nazino Gulag (Cannibal Island) Nazino also known as ‘cannibal island’. Speculation has that as news of the horrific tortures committed against Europeans on this desolate Siberian Island hit the Jewish press they endeavored to deflect consequences away from their tribe.
God bless Poland!!
How Jewish Elites Use Non-White Immigration to Undermine Western Nations
The Hart Celler Act — United States 1965
The Migration Act — Australia 1966
The British Nationality Act — United Kingdom 1981
Ralph Miliband was born in the jewish quarter of Warsaw. He emigrated to England in 1940.
After the war he joined the Labour Party, despite his hatred for English culture, and proceeded to become an intellectual proponent of the New Left. His writings and lectures proved influential in the reworking of several British Nationality Acts over the decades, as they became increasingly more open to non-White immigration.
Weimar Germany to Weimar UK: the Britain we once knew no longer exists
‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII.
They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It’s not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger. Sarah harks back to the days when ‘people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn’t have much money, but we were contented and happy. ‘People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!’
‘I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,’ wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, ‘and I wonder why I ever tried.’
‘My patriotism has gone out of the window,’ said another ex-serviceman.
: ‘Those comrades of mine who never made it back would be appalled if they could see the world as it is today.
‘They would wonder what happened to the Brave New World they fought so damned hard for.’
‘People come here, get everything they ask, for free, laughing at our expense,’ was a typical observation.
‘We old people struggle on pensions, not knowing how to make ends meet. If I had my time again, would we fight as before? Need you ask?’
Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.
‘Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.’
‘I wondered why God would let the forces of darkness win this fight.’
-Fedor Kazan
Thanks for giving me the time to ask you some questions. I would like to begin by asking what brought you the German SS?
Fedor: It is better to start with my history young man. I was born on a farm 5km from Busk in 1920; I was one of three children. While I remember nothing about the Red revolution, I do know my family was forced to flee more than once to avoid Red Terror, and my father was murdered by a Jewish mob looking for Christians to murder. This area of the Ukraine was very volatile, it housed one of the largest Jewish populations, and there were border disputes with Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and gypsies.
Don Joe
Dominik Tarczyński is the same man who welcomed 500 blacks from ethiopia coming to warsaw because of their “shared” Christian heritage. Why do you promote him?
Pete Griffin
I don’t believe this is true, and don’t appreciate false news. Please give a source, because my source says that between 2000-2020 Poland accepted zero Ethiopians, and rejected 5.