Today, the name of Edwin Armstrong should be known to every American school child at least as well as Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, but thanks to the unscrupulous and rapacious behavior of a Russian Jew named David Sarnoff, Armstrong’s life ended in tragic anonymity:
In 1934, much of the world was in the grip of the Great Depression. Unemployment was an epidemic, and many businesses struggled desperately to survive. One notable exception to these economic troubles, however, was the radio industry. Broadcasters in the US were making upwards of two billion dollars a year, and they owed much of their success to the innovations of a brilliant man named Edwin Armstrong. Twenty years earlier he had significantly improved the sensitivity and quality of radio receivers with his invention of the regenerative circuit in his junior year of college, and he went on to further improve them with his Super Regenerative circuit and Super Heterodyne receiver. These laid the foundation for the success of radio broadcasting— in fact, almost any radio you buy today will still incorporate these innovations. But in 1933, Armstrong brought about an even more revolutionary change in the broadcasting business: FM radio.
In spite of these brilliant technical achievements, Armstrong saw little financial benefit from his inventions. Many of his ideas were plundered by unscrupulous people, a trend which ultimately led to Armstrong’s tragic and premature death.
The first of Armstrong’s technology troubles began in 1922 when he lost a patent lawsuit for the rights to the regenerative circuit. A man named Lee De Forest had patented the same invention in 1916— two years after Armstrong’s patent was granted— and sold the rights to AT&T. A long and bitter legal dispute followed, which progressed all the way to the US Supreme Court. Utterly failing to grasp the technical facts in question, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of De Forest, and stripped Armstrong of his patent. Despite the scientific community’s certainty that Armstrong was the inventor of the regenerative circuit, Armstrong lost the patent battle which spanned twenty-one years, thirteen court rulings, and thirty judges.
In the meantime, between court appearances and legal meetings, Armstrong continued to innovate. He started to work on the “static problem” which plagued early radios, despite some colleague’s assertion that static could never be eliminated. At the time, radio was transmitted via Amplitude Modulation (AM), which varied the amplitude of the radio waves. This gave the signal a much wider reach, but resulted in poor-quality sound. Armstrong sought to improve the signal quality by instead varying the radio waves’ frequency, creating Frequency Modulation radio (FM). He won a patent for FM radio in 1933, and the following year he did his first field test when he broadcast an organ recital in AM and FM signals from the top of the Empire State Building. The AM broadcast was static-filled and the FM broadcast was clean and rich. Listeners were shocked by the difference. Later, in experiment after experiment he proved the on-air differences and improvements in sound.
Just before World War 2, Armstrong successfully lobbied the FCC to create an FM broadcast spectrum between 42 and 50 MHz. He built an experimental station and 410-foot tower at a cost of $300,000 in Alpine, New Jersey. He started a small network of high-powered FM stations in New England called the Yankee Network, and began manufacturing receivers to pick up the broadcasts. To all who heard the fledgling network, its quality was astounding. The broadcasts could deliver the entire range of human hearing between 50 and 15,000 cycles while AM delivered only 5,000 cycles. A club for FM radio enthusiasts started in pre-war New York, and launched its own magazine called FM. Armstrong was trying as hard as he could to prove the superiority of FM broadcasts… all people had to do was listen.
Armstrong went on to prove that FM was capable of dual-channel transmissions, allowing for stereo sound. This capability of FM could also be used to send two separate non-stereo programs, or a facsimile and telegraph message simultaneously in a process called multiplexing. He even successfully bounced a FM signal off the moon, something not possible with AM signals.
Of course AM radio was big business in the pre-television days, and there were powerful people who wanted things to stay as they were. Innovation only meant smaller profits for them. At that time there was no more influential man in radio media than the founder of RCA, David Sarnoff. Known as “The General,” Sarnoff controlled all the technical aspects of radio; he also created the NBC and ABC television networks. He was also an important early supporter of television and developed the current NTSC standard for TV that we have used for over 60 years.
Seeking to kill FM radio before it could threaten his profits, Sarnoff’s company successfully lobbied the FCC to have the FM spectrum moved from Armstrong’s frequencies to the ones we use today: 88 to 108 MHz. That move, which occurred on 27 June 1945, immediately rendered Armstrong’s Yankee Network obsolete, along with all of the FM radio sets which had been produced. The cost to re-equip the stations for the new frequencies would be enormous. The FCC ruling said that the 40 MHz band was to be used for the new television broadcasts, in which RCA had a heavy stake. RCA also had an ally in AT&T, which actively supported the frequency move because the loss of FM relaying stations forced the Yankee Network stations to buy wired links from AT&T. The deck was stacked against the future of FM broadcasting.
Matters became worse when Armstrong became entangled in a new patent suit with RCA and NBC, who were using FM technology without paying royalties. The cost of the new legal battle compounded the financial burden that the problems with the Yankee Network had caused. His health and temperament deteriorated as the FM lawsuit dominated his life. His wife of thirty-one years, unable to cope with his worsening personality and financial strain, left him in November of 1953. RCA’s greater financial resources crushed Armstrong’s legal defences, and he was left penniless, alone, and distraught.
On February 1, 1954, Armstrong’s body was discovered on the roof of a three-story wing of his apartment building. In despair, he had thrown himself out the window of his thirteenth-floor New York City apartment sometime during the night. He died believing he was a failure, and that FM radio would never become accepted. Through the years Armstrong’s widow would bring twenty-one patent infringement suits against many companies, including RCA. She eventually won a little over $10 million in damages. But it would take further decades for FM radio to reach its potential.
Behind every great Jewish fortune you will find a great crime, and there can be no doubt that is certainly the case with David Sarnoff, who was just as much a gangster as he was a ‘respected businessman’.
But Edwin Armstrong is just one of many America inventors who were robbed blind by Jews — including Thomas Edison who invented the movie projector, which Jews literally stole, took to California, and built the Hollywood movie industry on its back without giving Edison one single dime.
And despite Israel’s recent public relations attempt to portray itself as the Start-Up Nation™, Jews have never invented anything of substance — say what you want about White Europeans, but we have invented virtually everything of lasting significance in the modern world, and the Jews are completely reliant on us to keep it going.
And the only way Israel is going to be an international “hub” of technology is for them to do exactly what Jews have always done: steal technology from White inventors and use companies in Israel to market those technologies to the world, while taking undeserved credit for it all.
Edwin Armstrong’s life and death encapsulates exactly what is happening to the White race today.
We obviously have not learned anything from history.
Only exception to this poor fellow is his death. At this post war time when nice jewish people , who miraculously escaped holycost were flooding at mr Eisenhowers invitation an America intoxicated with victory propaganda there were many “suicides” . Also in Europe . It was actually a part of education and religious. The destroying angel arrived to toss contumacious opponents of nice jews from windows.
Appears this is no longer necessary since most are already breathing cadavers and the one , who may dare to refute or devil forbid compete with jew monopoly can be destroyed by one word.
American greatest inventor was NIKOLA Tesla . Amstrong can’t leak his shoes !! And you can delete me like jews does on JewTube and everywhere where jew dominate !!!!
Nikola Tesla was greatest inventor EVER and almost nobody remember him.Jews like JP Morgan wanted to kill him because he wanted to give the world free electricity.
The Jewish Law is an eye for an eye. Lex Talionis is why the Czar was killed. When in Rome do as the Romans do, seems not to apply to this segregated people. Maybe we should be more Jewish.
This doesn’t make sense……” It’s not that “we” fail to learn. It’s that “jews” have controlled all sources of information”…..If Jews are above the law in the majority white countries, the problem is white people. If somebody comes in your house and changes your rules it is your fault, not the person changing the rules. It happens over and over again because you allow it. Majority white countries are addicted to Jews, because they believe that Jews are superior god chosen people…..and the rest of the world is burdened with the falsehood.
John 3
That’s a facile and overly simplistic explanation–you do not understand why Jews are able to dominate Whites so easily–it’s not because we think the Jews are “superior” or “God’s chosen”.
I’ve said this before: Whites are hampered by something that Jews lack: a conscience. Jews can rationalize lying and cheating in ways that would destroy White people. Whites are disabled by their inability to believe that Jews are capable of such monstrous lies. As the German philosopher once called the Jews, “the Master of the Great Lie.”
When you are psychopathic and not held back by moral and ethical qualms, you can easily subvert, destroy and dominate a people who are constrained by Christian morality, which is written on their hearts–it’s in their DNA. It is NOT in the DNA of Jews, which allows them to rip us off with impunity.
We Whites cannot fathom how a people could lie about 6 million deaths in the Holocaust–we unfortunately project our morality on Jews and foolishly, to our detriment, believe they are just like us–they are NOT.
“Whites are disabled by their inability to believe that Jews are capable of such monstrous lies.”…. this argument again doesn’t make sense. Martin Luther, Voltaire and a host of others are to this day called anti-semite because they challenged the Jewish behavior. The British and Dutch for instance welcomed the Jews who were kicked out of Spain and Portugal to their territories as supposed victims of Catholics and were given free reign to conduct the trans-Atlantic slave trade selling African’s as cattle for a profit from the comfort of their kingdoms and conquered lands out-side of Europe. This totally contradicts the “disabled by their inability” argument. The Anglo-Saxon ruling classes of Europe became addicted to the money making schemes of the Jews that brought them prosperity. The state of affairs all over the western world today supports my position that whites are not “disabled by their inability” they are conveniently unwilling to bite the hands that feed them, and it starts at the top. They persecute and kill their own and wage war against humanity on behalf of the supremacist Jews. If you say that whites are disabled by their inability, you in essence say that they have no brains and can’t help themselves.
Armstrong got thoroughly Jewed.
Thanks for this article. I had never heard of this man. His should be as famous as Edison or Tesla.
Raul Monroe
Look up “Armstrong oscillator”; it was unique in that it used a “tickler coil” in its feedback path. In the story’s photo of Armstrong the tickler coil is to the left of his head and labeled L1. Circuits using novel feedback mechanisms have been the stepping stones for dramatic performance improvements over the years. William Hewlett’s use of a simple minature incadescent lamp launched what would become at one time #19 on the Fortune 500.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Jews are like peacocks–sorry real peacocks–they like to parade about and have the Goyim always admire how beautiful, rich, successful and intelligent they are, but just because a group of people excel at telling lies, stealing, conniving, subverting and setting off false flags doesn’t mean they’re smart, it just means they’re deceitful, murderous crooks.
A “beautiful” Jew is a contradiction in terms.
How many generations does our Lord Jesus have to endure in order to get the faithful generation that will invite Jesus to
move freely through them to once and for all destroy the Synagogue of Satan. The Church of Christ exists to remove all pretenders to the Throne of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.
He will not compel us, nor force us against our free will, but He will move nightlight through yielded vessels who are ready to go to the Final Battle with the satanic fake “Jews”.
“Behind every great Jewish fortune you will find a great crime.” That’s so true. We could name them all (jewish crimes) but it would take volumes of books.
Enquiring Mind
“Behind every great Jewish fortune you will find a great crime” I wonder if this is what was on Mario Puzo’s mind when he wrote The Godfather. The first sentence is almost identical to this.
These travesties have continued to be repeated for the last 7000 or so years. We obviously collectively fail to learn from our history.
Thank you….repeating the same thing over and over again is insanity
While I agree with the comments here, there’s one point I’d like to clarify. It’s not that “we” fail to learn. It’s that “jews” have controlled all sources of information prior to the existence of the internet.
They’re working hard to censor all “dissident” thoughts though. The free internet is under continual attack, and will soon be completely controlled, so it’s up to the present generation to stop them before all knowledge of their true nature becomes lost again.
Thank you, CFT. It’s sites like this one that will be their downfall.