Dr. Andrew Bostom, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University, has written an in-depth essay demonstrating how the jewish watchdog Anti-Defamation League is intentionally misleading the public by creating a false impression that so-called “White supremacists” are far more of a danger to Jews than Muslim or Leftist extremists:
Absent significant cognitive dissonance, anyone keeping abreast of the ongoing global jihad carnage—from Afghanistan to India to Yemen—even Germany—would not be surprised that “white supremacist” killings remain a marginal epiphenomenon. Just in the past 30 calendar days through November 2, 2019, there were (at least) 72 Islamic jihadist attacks (tabulated here) in 19 countries, during which 352 persons were killed, and 304 injured.
Perusing, or drilling down on the most recent U.S. Department of State (USDOS) “Country Reports on Terrorism 2018” (just published November 1, 2019), confirms, again, this irrefragable truth, as summarized by City Journal’s Seth Barron, when he reviewed the 2017 report:
…[A]lmost all the world’s extremist violence is concentrated in a handful of regions, where very few White people live….
Consistent findings from a report entitled the “black and white book of terrorism in Europe” were reported during the spring of 2019. The initiative of a Spanish woman member of the European Union’s (EU) Parliament, Maité Pagazaurtundua, these EU data demonstrated that between 2000-2018, there were 633 deaths due to jihadist attacks, but only 14 deaths attributed to the “extreme right,” and these were matched by 12 deaths attributed to the “extreme left.”
Moreover, a University of Oslo Center for Research on Extremism study issued June 2017, found that when Jewish victims were queried about the perpetrators of Antisemitic violence, or violent threats against them in Western Europe, between 2005-2015, they reported a grossly disproportionate number of the victimizers were Muslims (Antisemitic Violence in Europe, 2005-2015 Exposure and Perpetrators, p. 17).
The excess rate of such Antisemitic violence or threatened violence by Muslims, compared for example, to those with “extremist right wing views”, ranged anywhere from 3.1- to 13.2-fold! Indeed other than in Germany, where the percentages of left wing vs. right wing attacks were essentially equal, left wing Antisemitic violence or threatened violence also exceeded right wing Antisemitic violence, or threatened violence…
Blithely ignoring the worldwide context, which includes the intimate connection between jihadism, and Islamic Jew-hatred, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing this past April entitled, “Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism.”
Much to the chagrin of both the majority Democrats who organized the hearing, and one of their prime witnesses, Eileen Hershenov of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), another witness, Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, refused to abide the proceeding’s willful blindness.
Mr. Klein emphasized the excess occurrence of hate crimes against Jews in America—a consistent phenomenon for over two decades based upon hard FBI data (1996–2017). Despite the Committee’s, and Ms. Hershenov’s, hand-wringing about “Islamophobia”—notwithstanding 53 jihadist attacks which have caused 158 deaths in the U.S., since the cataclysmic 9/11/2001 jihad carnage, and zero, remotely comparable depredations by Jews—hate crime rates targeting Jews, between 2015 and 2017, remained 2.2 to 3.1-fold higher, relative to the rates of hate crimes against Muslims.
…Mr. Klein’s evidence-based testimony, in stark contrast, exposed the moral perversity of focusing on “Islamophobia,” or worse still equating it with Antisemitism, when Jews are being subjected to a global pandemic of Muslim Jew-hatred, which includes the attitudes of U.S. Muslims. Adding insult to irony, Klein’s presentation featured, appositely, unique data compiled by the ADL itself!!
…Mort Klein further shattered an even more profound taboo: he made plain how Antisemitic themes from canonical Islam—the Koran, and the traditions of Islam’s prophet Muhammad (the “hadith”)—as preached in U.S. mosques, but most importantly, by Sunni Islam’s Vatican, Al-Azhar University, and its Grand Imam Papal equivalents, were responsible for inculcating these Jew-hating attitudes in the global Muslim masses.
…In “response” to Mort Klein’s presentation of ADL data such as those illustrating the 16 countries with the highest prevalence of extreme Antisemitism—all of them, Arab Muslim societies whose populations are 90-100% Muslims (with the exception of 60% Muslim majority, Lebanon)— ADL’s Eileen Hershenov, Senior VP for Policy, had the temerity to portray, the virulently Antisemitic Muslim denizens of these countries, as follows :
“One of the witnesses (Klein) talked about global attitudes that we look at…and the ADL does track that…[V]ulnerable, marginalized communities have bigotry within them.”
…The ADL, epitomized by Senior VP for Policy Hershenov, has adopted an Orwellian, negationist gloss on its own data which capture the global pandemic of extreme Muslim Antisemitism. Compounding this heinous offense, ADL ignores the canonical Islamic motifs of Jew-hatred mainstream institutional Islam preaches relentlessly, fomenting the worldwide scourge of Muslim Antisemitism.
The ADL is a jewish supremacy and pro-Israel advocacy group, and in order for Jews to reign supreme, the group that is the greatest threat to that supremacy — White people — must be deomonized, defanged, subverted, marginalized, and destroyed.
Rule of thumb for the ADL: everything they cynically accuse ‘White supremacists’ of is what they themselves are guilty of.
Clearly, the ADL does not consider Muslim antisemitism to be much of a concern, even though common Jews on the streets are subjected to it every day. The ADL tries to slyly conflate Muslim antisemtism with White supremacism so that they can force their draconian ‘hate speech’ legislation down the throats of law-abiding White Americans.
And the ADL is perfectly willing to sacrifice the lives of common Jews at the hands of Muslim and Black extremists if that’s what it’s going to take to destroy their real enemy — and often their greatest allies, the White race.
nicholas Keesing
hello apologies for late comments
im a man of both jewish extraction house of levi and goyim, my dad is jewish but not my mother
im pretty sure that the so called death camps were in fact forced labour camps primarily, similar to the gulags, rather than abattoirs per se – Arbeit Macht Frei etc still hideous examples of what humans do to one another but there was no organised jewish soap manufacture etc
i view with dismay the overwhelming jewish control of world banking, 90%+ of billionaires are jews, wtf?!! they seem to control media, entertainment industry world wide
I loathe zionism, and have a suspicion that certain well placed jews consider whites ‘amalek’, and despise those that think of anyone not jewish as goyim or their servants they need work camps those ones to teach them a lesson – honest hard work will teach them to respect the working classes
this ‘battle’ has been waged for thousands of years pograms etc
the book fictional best-selling novel Exodus for example, justifying the creation of Israel is little more than a heavily slanted disgraceful apologia for the UN decision, people lap up this narrative and more modern examples in the absence of any other it took me half a lifetime to shake myself clear of the illusion, ironically my discriminating intellect comes from that side of my family haha
i have a suspicion also that anyone who tries to divorce the European from their banking system or even discusses such, gets shafted
I’m into meritocracy only and have noticed that jews who are Judaic, etc, have a peculiar mindset when discussing these issues, they close ranks
bugger being anyone’s race-based slave ay we are all equal under the eyes of god
damn that bloody chosenite hogwash and damn white supremacists too, im into eurocentric supremacy a different thing – Italians and greeks aint aryans lol
kindest regards
Christians For Truth
Thanks for the excellent comment, Nicholas. We took the liberty to copy and move it to an article on our homepage so that more readers could see it.
friday jones
The Parker Mankey incident was a prime example of a Leftist trying to drum up a lynch mob against a Jewish man for being a conservative.
White non Jewish supremacists aren’t a threat to White Jewish supremacists because they pretty much don’t exist. https://i.ibb.co/XpTTdgf/White-Jew-Power-Final.jpg
Well, NATURALLY the fbi MUST be investigating this guy because he says us evil white people ARENT mass murdering jews, then he intimates that maybe its ok to be white…
That picture of Greenblatt and Foxman shows two Mafia dons, two organized crime figures who are so juiced in that even the FBI and CIA don’t dare lay a hand on them. These guys make Al Capone and Lucky Luciano look like common street corner punks in comparison.
Greenblatt, current head of the ADL is a member of the extremist jewish supremacist group, Chabad Lubavitch, a sect of radical Jews who believe that all goyim ultimately exist only to serve Jews. They also believe that the White race — or “Amalek” — must be exterminated, because they believe it will come down to one final confrontation, and only one — the Jews or Whites — will be left standing. And they are willing to take down the entire world to make this happen, if necessary.
Unfortunately, most Jews you’ll ever meet have absolutely no clue that this is going on in their name and that they are being used as pawns in a much larger game. Some, like Bobby Fisher, have spoken out about it, but most don’t even want to know the truth because it would terrify them.
Sorry Ari, I can’t agree that the “lesser” jews don’t know what’s going on. Whenever a “big” jew is caught doing something wrong, practically every one of it’s “lesser” brethren will scream “anti-septicism” (my preferred version) in their insistence that a jew can do no wrong.
I’ve also personally been seriously “jewed”, as has someone I know very well, adequately demonstrating to my satisfaction that jews are either directly “of” the devil or brainwashed from birth in their insane hatred of White Human Beings.
We are their most dangerous enemy because, despite their false claims of having a high average IQ, they know that we are the only race (species) that can out-think them, defeating their evil plans by using our superior intellect.
Some may disagree, and I respect that right, but that’s the way I see it.
I do agree with you though in that it will be “us or them” (Humans or jews) in the final reckoning.
“Lesser” Jews cry antisemitism when other Jews are attacked not because they know what’s going on at the top of the pyramid but rather because that’s how they’ve been told to behave from the time they could talk. Never trust the goyim completely, etc. Plenty of “lesser” Jews involve themselves in negative stereotypical jewish behaviors, but that’s doesn’t mean they understand how it fits into the big picture.
That’s not to exonerate them because of their ignorance. Ignorance is not a defense. My own experience is that despite their so-called “intelligence” most Jews are remarkably ignorant and anti-intellectual when it comes to understanding what’s really going on in the world. As I said, I think they don’t want to know, because they think that by not knowing, it somehow gets them off the hook of responsibility to change something that they know is wrong. They truly fear the truth because their nature involves so much deceit.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Universal Consciousness. The jews seem to have their own. Not to be confused with group think.
Bring up the subject of 9-11. From my experience, jews will universally avoid the subject. It’s as if they all know at one level or another their people were responsible for it.
If you can’t tell if the person you are speaking with is jewish, slip 9-11 into the conversation and observe their reaction.
I agree, Jews definitely are a paranoid people, as if they are constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s like they always have their hand in the cookie jar and are surprised when no one calls them out. They grow up being told that the goyim have blamed them for everything in history that goes wrong, but they’ve never been told that many of those things are true, so they walk around with this persecution complex. So yeah, when you start talking about 9-11, they might get a little skittish, afraid of getting blamed, but also afraid, deep down, that Jews were in fact involved.
I agree Barney. I too am growing tired of this mythical “Good Jew”.
It is Ironic because Edmund Burke’s quote is used “corporately” to lay a collective guilt on the White Race. But you never see or hear anyone use his quote when there is Jewish Perfidy. Never!
Ari would like us to believe that your average shop keeping Jew is innocent. This is how we will get in trouble AGAIN if we ever get the chance to right this wrong.
“…..All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for white men to do nothing..…” Edmund Burke
No, I do not believe in the mythical “innocent” Jew. My point was that the average Jew you meet in the world doesn’t know, and doesn’t want to know, what the Jews at the top of the jewish pyramid are doing to destroy White nations. It’s a willful ignorance. Their hope is that if they have their heads in the sand, that they will just be left alone. They screech ‘antisemitism’ whenever Jews are being held accountable for anything bad that happens because they don’t want the responsibility of doing something about it. There is far more pressure among Jews to conform than there is among Whites. Jews that stick their neck out are ostracized.
Ari wrote —
“………there is far more pressure among jews to conform than there is among Whites. Jews that stick their neck out are ostracized…….”
I will have to politely disagree. It is their Nature that keeps them from action.
Men like Benjamin Freedman were tools just like Balaam’s donkey.
Some do know the truth and write books about it. Gerard Menuhin is the son of the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin. This book should open a few eyes. Very well researched.
Thanks for sharing….posting the picture of the radical German feminist on page 62 caused FB to censor me…..the conventional narrative of WWII is a massive hoax….the villains became victim and the victims were turned in the demons thanks Edward Bernays propaganda aka psychological warfare.
I Dunno
I. Dunno
KOIRE is on the jew surname list [avotaynu]. The video is controlled opposition, telling a few important truths, while sidestepping jewish perfidy.
These seed of the serpent prove the veracity of Genesis 3:15 more and more every day.