In the wake of the two mass shootings this week in El Paso and Dayton, the Jewish community has been making ‘urgent calls’ to lobby lawmakers in Washington to give law enforcement ‘heightened tools’ to fight online white supremacy as a form of ‘domestic terrorism’:
The El Paso shooter has been linked to a virulently hateful anonymous chatroom site called 8chan — also frequented by the shooters in Poway, Calif., and Christchurch, New Zealand — which poses a unique challenge in tracking potential domestic terrorists. For now, 8chan has been taken offline by hosting and internet security companies like Cloudflare.
But nothing on the internet is ever truly gone. And the white supremacist ideology that inspired the El Paso shooting — echoing President Trump’s words, the shooter decried a Hispanic “invasion” of Texas — is incredibly widespread. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that the Dayton shooter showed his girlfriend a video of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh on their first date. The accused killer in that attack, an avowed white nationalist, cited the work of the Jewish organization HIAS to help asylum seekers at the southern border as motivation.
Law enforcement is “being outgunned through social media and technology platforms,” said Michael Masters, CEO of the Secure Community Network, the national Jewish security initiative, “where individuals are able to spread hate, anti-Semitism and support violence. By sheer volume, the problem is overwhelming.”
In order to help, Masters says the Jewish community must exert pressure on lawmakers. “Law enforcement does a lot for us as a community,” he said. “If we can step up to the plate to work to serve and protect them, to give them the tools they need to do their job to protect us, it’s incumbent upon us.”
A concrete place to start is the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2019, which gives agencies like the Department of Homeland Security the resources to monitor domestic terrorism, said Oren Segal, director of the ADL’s Center on Extremism. But the act has been languishing in Congress since its introduction in late March. Its passage would be a step toward fighting white supremacy with some of the same tools — passed into law in the wake of 9/11 to fight international terrorism — that law enforcement currently uses against al-Qaeda and ISIS.
“We need to know the data, the numbers … and we’re hoping that that act can help get us closer to that understanding,” Segal said. “From there, more specific remedies can follow.”
Here we have a powerful and influential jewish group bragging that they can pressure U.S. lawmakers into passing laws against their perceived enemies, i.e., ‘White supremacists’, but if we point out their influence and how they use and abuse it, we are smeared as ‘conspiracy theorists’ repeating ‘canards’ about jewish power.
Make no mistake, it’s the jewish media that has been conflating ‘White supremacism’ with ‘domestic terrorism,’ as this article proves beyond any doubt.
And the Jews would love to see ‘White supremacists’ investigated, arrested, and sent down to Guantanamo Bay to be subjected to brutal interrogations otherwise reserved for other enemies of the Jews, such as ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Once Jews can successfully get ‘White supremacists’ labeled ‘domestic terrorists’, using the Patriot Act, Federal law enforcement can suspend habeas corpus and arrest Whites without any specific crime being committed — the “pre-crime” strategy that Trump has begun to talk about publicly.
My suspiciion about ashkenaz is they fled Rome after burning it to the ground to the khazarian lands (khazar deriving from the original pronounciation of Caesar ‘kae̯sar).
In a book called “Das grosse Matthäus Evangelium” – the great gospel of Matthew – of the 18th century if i remember well – it is claimed that Jesus told german mercenaries that their people is the newly chosen people of god. I think in reference to this information (((they))) took german names and tried to speak german (too complicated for them) so (((they))) invented Yiddish – to deceive god as the Talmud teaches (((them))).
They spelled “Jewish Supremacy” wrong.
– They cry out in pain as they strike you.
The Khazarian Empire is under threat, and they are desperately trying to stop the spread of their past
We know who the terrorists are and, as is usual for Jewry, the jews’ name those whom the jews want the general public to call their enemies to have a label attached to us, which label should belong to the jews, since it is Jewry’s true disposition and history.
With the jewish control over most of the means for nationwide communications distribution, it is the definitions and voices of the jews which are, by far, most often heard. The jews maintain networks of associated front groups and business interests who echo Jewry’s refrain. Wayne LaPierre seemed to know their tactics, much more than I had ever suspected.
Wayne LaPierre had identified Jews as being the enemies of America who are led by European-style Socialists, and referred to them as being a “political disease” whose goal is “Absolute control”.
A speech which the jews have managed to keep off of public television stations and from the news reports in America, hoping to keep knowledge of it away from the general American public, is a February 22, 2018 speech, given by him at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Flanders found the speech covered in an article on the Israeli jewish site, Haaretz, soon after. That article is now censored from public viewing and is suppressed it by having been edited and condensed into a short blurb on the site.
Flanders has edited the article, which had seemed to be fairly presented, to present most of what Wayne LaPierre had to say in the original report at Haaretz.
“Wayne LaPierre identified the enemies of the NRA, and of America, as Jews – from Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders, from Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor George Soros to former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. LaPierre singled out Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York as one of the Democrats who are “liars to the core.”
“History proves it. Every time, in every nation in which this political disease rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like [“philanthropists of Jewish lineage” – (Hareetz’ description there)] George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”
LaPierre, who has led the NRA for three decades, outlined a vision of a vast conspiracy led by “European-style Socialists” who, he said, have turned the Democrats into a “party which is now infested with saboteurs” and which has infiltrated and taken over such bodies as the FBI, the U.S. intelligence community, the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service.
Their goal? “Absolute control, in every corner of our government, is their ultimate dream. These intellectual elites, they think they’re smarter than we are. They think they’re smarter than the rest of us. And they think they’re better than we are. They truly believe it, and you know it, the privileged and the powerful. They think they deserve to be in charge of every lever of power.
“This growing Socialist state dreams of manipulating schoolchildren to squeeze and squeeze information about their parents. They’ll be asking your kids if mommy or daddy spanked them, or what mommy and daddy feed them for dinner, they’ll want to know what TV shows you watch, what magazines or newspapers you read – and, oh yes, do mommy and daddy own a gun.
“And all that private information will be entered into that ultimate list, that cloud of data storage, that couldn’t care less about due process and constitutional freedom, and your privacy as an American citizen – and then it’s just a short hop to the systematic destruction of our most basic freedoms in this country.
“On college campuses, the Communist Manifesto is one of the most frequently assigned texts. Karl Marx is the most assigned economist.”
“Anyone who attempts to resist is smeared into submission…Yep, you know it. Ah, yes, the Art of the Smear – we do live in the Socialistic age of the Art of the Smear. It doesn’t have to be true. It just has to stick somewhere, anywhere. It’s designed to degrade, to destroy, and it’s all over the national media to serve their agenda, and is a movement that loves a smear – ‘Racist,’ ‘Mysogynist,’ ‘Sexist,’ ‘xenophobe’ and more.”
“You name a group, and they’ll find a way to turn them into victims. They keep their movement growing by finding someone to be offended by something, every minute of every day.”
A good analysis and good Intel. You quoted this: “On college campuses, the Communist Manifesto is one of the most frequently assigned texts.”
Where I graduated high school, also Das Kapital were required full semester studies to graduate. However, to understand the insideous schemes behind them, not become them. We had a great teacher, and my lifetime watch on these evil people has been a lonely road because so few know the background of this satanic ‘religion’ called Marxism. Buy the books. Study them, know your enemy and understand what they teach our children so you can help them out before they fall.
Thank you, sir!
Did you forget to tell us who their father is? Cain, the first murder. And his father, Satan…
Genesis 3:9-20
Matthew 8:44
Matthew 13:38
…and so on. Get a good marginal reference, Scripture resource and go for the ride of your ‘new’ life…
RogueOps Novels, Here is another article which points out Jewry’s tactic of transference, in blaming others for what the jews have done or are doing. It covers differing contexts in which Jewry has done that, and is doing.
“In a transparent attempt to deflect their own crimes onto their enemy, Israel is nowfalsely claiming that Syria’s Bashar Assad created ISIS: [More]
For Jews it is standard operating procedure to blame their enemies for crimes that they themselves have committed. The most obvious example is blaming the Germans for genocide in WWII to cover up the fact that jewish Soviet communists had ordered the genocide of tens of millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s. More recently, they blamed the 911 attacks on the Saudis and Muslim extremists to cover up their own involvement in the planning and execution of the attacks.
And any leader in the Middle East that stands up to Israel’s imperial agenda will be compared to Hitler, just like Bashar Asaad, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. This is a bad cartoon for children, but unfortunately adults believe it.” [Continues]
Marx referred to Kapital as horse manure.
The book is famous for being the most unread. . .
“Jews” created Communism.
I never took Mr. LaPierre to be jew savvy. This is wonderful news. The NRA may be useful yet…
The Jews are only calling for the disarmament of Whites – not for those with high murder rates such as : Blacks, Muslims or Browns and certainly not for themselves or their IDF training camps in the US.
Many people don’t comprehend, Lynda, that jews come from all differing racial categories and from different countries. That is one reason that the jews can always infiltrate and be seemingly harmless until their leaders decide to activate and use them. Once the main jewish groups seek to gain power, the jews residing inside our country push for other jews [often with other racial looks] and other racial people to come in, which the jews use to hide themselves among, and to use to enable them to pass legislation favoring Jewry, and to cause racial divisions so that others are blamed while international Jewry consolidates it’s power over the target country. Ashkenazi jews are the dominant jews who use the strategy, having almost taken over from the once dominant Sephardic jews who were the primary jews in the US until the Ashkenazi’s brought in Zionism with them in their immigrations into the US during the 1880’s and after.
A jewish FAQ site gave this description telling some about Jewry, which few among the public know about or consider. All of these jews align together in networking globally against their chosen targets.
“Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe and their descendants. The adjective “Ashkenazic” and corresponding nouns, Ashkenazi (singular) and Ashkenazim (plural) are derived from the Hebrew word “Ashkenaz,” which is used to refer to Germany. Most American Jews today are Ashkenazim, descended from Jews who emigrated from Germany and Eastern Europe from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s.
“The Yiddish language, which many people think of as the international language of Judaism, is really the language of Ashkenazic Jews. Sephardic Jews have their own international language: Ladino, which was based on Spanish and Hebrew in the same way that Yiddish was based on German and Hebrew.”
“There are some Jews who do not fit into this Ashkenazic/Sephardic distinction. Yemenite Jews, Ethiopian Jews (also known as Beta Israel and sometimes called Falashas), and Asian Jews also have some distinct customs and traditions….For more information on Ethiopian Jewry, see the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry or Friends of Ethiopian Jews. For more information on Asian Jewry, see Jewish Asia.”
In the Genesis of the Bible – Ashkhenaz is a son of Gomer. Magog was a son of Japeth and his land , named for him , is in ancient Asia Minor. The Ashkhenaz are an Urgaritic (TURkic) people which migrated east along the Oxus – intermarrying with all the tribes. Modern day Jews are fundamentally of this extraction – including Esau which intermarried with them – and they have gathered most nationalities into their polyglot. Their Yiddish language probably goes back to Esau of Seir (as in the dragons of Seir) – which was named (Y)Idumean. They might have migrated West through Germany, but the ancestral origin of the Ashkhenaz will be where the Bible says it is. And in terms of the archeology of that land there can be no doubt that the Rephaim (the giants who survived the Flood) were among their nation.
Flanders, don’t expect the Jews to ever tell the truth about their origins, as their history is a collection of myths and fabrications refined through the mists of time, always custom-suited to the culture they are trying to live among and infiltrate. Trying to define jewish identity is like trying to nail jello to a wall.
As usual, you “nailed” that critique 😉
I rather doubt the branding of someone as a ‘white supremacist’ even has to involve any terroristic or even violent acts – a white individual(especially female)who has not and will not ‘date’ a black gets certain people in a bad enough uproar.
Jews would like nothing better than see the government label all ‘antisemites’ as ‘domestic terrorists’, and since they believe that Christianity is the root cause of all antisemitism, they can also label all Christians as ‘domestic terrorists’. That’s the end game, folks. Don’t believe it at your own risk.
What’s truly amazing is this current satanic rhetoric would not have been tolerated by the Amerikan ‘public’ even 20 years ago. How far we have fallen.
Yep, and most kids under 20 think it’s always been this way, which is why creating “generation gaps” is so important to the Jews’ divide and conquer strategy. No trust between parents and children, no talk about “how things used to be”. It’s also why grandparents are so important because they remember how it was 80 years ago, so kids could get a real sense that something’s gone terribly wrong.
Only in a homogeneous White Christian society can unrestricted gun ownership work because only in these societies is there a high level of trust. Jews trust no one, not even themselves, and especially don’t trust White people, which is why they, on a gut level, don’t want anyone to have guns except themselves.
Blacks and Hispanics cannot be trusted with guns, whether they are Christian or not, as their native countries attest. Private gun ownership is a White privilege because Whites, in most cases, can indeed be trusted with them. Yet another reason multiculturalism necessitates a restriction of White rights, i.e., discrimination against Whites.