(AP News) The Polish government is reconsidering whether to exhume human remains at a World War II-era site where Jews have alleged many of them were burned alive by Polish neighbors, though the country’s chief rabbi says the work would violate Judaism’s prohibition on disinterment under most circumstances:
Authorities will weigh “various circumstances” in deciding if exhumations should go forward in the town of Jedwabne, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told private broadcaster Polsat News.
During the German Nazi occupation of Poland, Poles killed at least 340 Jews on July 10, 1941. Most of the victims were locked inside a barn that was set on fire.
Some Poles want the massacre site excavated to uncover possible evidence that Germans ordered Polish villagers to do the killings. The work was started in 2001 and stopped by the justice minister after several days due to Jewish objections.
Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich said exhuming the place where the barn stood “would desecrate the memory of those who were buried there.”
“It makes moral sense that we should follow the religious traditions of those who were buried there,” Schudrich told The Associated Press. “Jewish law hasn’t changed in 2,000 years, and what we said in 2001 remains the same now.”
The Jedwabne pogrom was one of several massacres carried out by Poles during the German occupation. Many historians see it as evidence that anti-Semitism existed in a significant part of the Polish population.
Many Polish nationalists think it is unfair to blame Poles and that Germany bears the ultimate responsibility given the methods of terror and violence Nazis used in occupied Poland.
Poland was occupied by Nazi Germany for more than five years during World War II. Nearly 6 million Polish citizens died, some 3 million Jews and almost as many non-Jews.
That the question of exhuming remains has resurfaced reflects the pressure on Poland’s ruling party from far-right groups that call historical evidence of Poles doing the killings to be a “Jewish lie.”
A right-wing TV broadcaster sparked the discussion anew by asking an official about it recently.
The ruling Law and Justice party is led by the twin brother of the justice minister who stopped the earlier exhumation, Lech Kaczynski. He was killed along with 95 others in 2010 when the Polish air force plane they were on crashed in Russia.
The surviving brother, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has taken the party on a more nationalistic course in recent years.
Once the government decides whether to proceed with an excavation, prosecutors will have the final say, Morawiecki told Polsat News in an interview on Tuesday.
“For us, the most important thing is for historical truth to be emphasized, and the historical truth about the fate of Poles during the time of World War II is extremely sad for us,” the prime minister said. “But it also testifies to what a splendid, great nation we are and who bears the sole guilt for the Holocaust.”
The Poles know exactly what is going on here, and they know what an excavation of the site will probably reveal: nothing.
This is just one of thousands of alleged “pogroms” or “massacres” blamed on the Nazis and/or Poles which probably never happened except in the paranoid, unhinged minds of Jews who were fleeing East from the Germans as they swept through Poland to uproot the communist subversives and anti-occupation agitators.
Despite all their allegations, mass graves of Jews are few and far between anywhere in Poland or Germany — and if there are any mass graves, they contain the bodies of Polish Christians liquidated during the Red Terror — or of Jewish communist partisans — “enemy combatants” — who were liquidated by the Germans during the liberation of Poland.
And this is why the Jews don’t want bodies exhumed — not for religious reasons, but rather because it will show the world that the Jews lied about what happened in WWII.
With the current Polish government in the hands of nationalists, the Jews have become very nervous about maintaining their official narrative of the so-called Holocaust.
By over-playing their hand, the Jews are forcing the Poles to prove to the world that they were not “complicit” with the Nazis in the so-called Holocaust.
And in proving their innocence, the Poles will start digging up sites like this one to find that the entire story was a lie, like the Katyn Forest massacre.
Horst Wessel
Poland was also occupied by Bolshevik Jews who were not so kind as occupiers, remember jews wrote the fake history.
protecting .de as they are ‘pulling the line’ for jews, haverbeck in prison 3 years, taking in migrants, least likely to fight for country, while strong Poland is refusing migrants, embracing identity, and tells j’s to pound sand.
Archie Bonkers
If it’s about who bares the sole guilt, take a closer look at who was responsible for Gleiwitz. Naujocks, Heydrich, and Müller started WWII by that radio station false flag operation. Are the Jewish Bolsheviks that attacked Poland off the hook, too? When you look up and down the roster, there were half Jewish Nazis running the show. Hitler’s DNA is said to have Jewish blood. Why should any of these jews allowed to live a free life after WWII when they had a hand in every instigation, yet the non-jews bare the “guilt”?
This reminds me of the incidence of the ‘native’ Americans and the U.S. federal government strong arming the archeologists (even Douglas W. Owsley, division head of Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian) and not permitting a thorough examination of 9,000 yr. old remains found on the bank of the Columbia River and dubbed “Kennewick Man,” because the findings would have upset the well-worn narrative fed to everyone regarding the peopling of the N. American continent. The Army Corps of Engineers purposefully wrecked the site where the bones were found in order that there’d be no way to thoroughly examine that area along the banks of the Columbia.
Did you know that Congress passed a ‘law’ in 1990 titled, The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) that gave Native Americans the right to claim human remains they believe are from their tribe? However, NAGPRA required there be sufficient evidence to prove the remains are from the tribe claiming them.”
In this case, “sufficient evidence” came in the form of a bone fragment of “less than one-hundredth of an ounce” sent to a lab “in Denmark for DNA analysis by noted Danish paleo-geneticist Eske Willersby at the University of Copenhagen. The earlier Smithsonian bone study said Kennewick was not Native American, but the Denmark genetic study released in 2014 said he was.” But, WHICH tribe was never actually settled. “We probably will never be able to say who is in fact the closest living relative of Kennewick Man,” Willersby concluded.
The entire episode was a sham. Check out the article in the Couer d’Alene Press dated May 15, 2016 and titled, “SCIENTISTS, BUREAUCRATS AND INDIANS FIGHT OVER PREHISTORIC KENNEWICK MAN”
Won’t be surprized if the graves are actually those of dead christians killed by the chosenites.
“In 1939, of all the European countries, Poland had the highest concentration of Jews. They made up 10 per cent of the country’s population. As the largest community of Jews in Europe, Polish Jews were also the least assimilated. They looked, dressed, and behaved differently from Polish Christians … In prewar Poland, more than half the Jewish children attended special Jewish schools. Enrollment in religious school, in turn, discouraged mastery of the Polish language. Thus, in answer to a 1931 census inquiry, the overwhelming majority of Jews mentioned Yiddish as their native tongue (79 per cent) and only 12 percent gave Polish as their first language. The rest chose Hebrew. Jews and Poles lived in separate and different worlds, and their diverse experiences made for easy identification. It has been estimated that more than 80 percent of the Polish Jews were easily recognizable, while less than 10 percent could be considered assimilated. [Tec, 12]”
“oh vey, you can’t disturb the dead.”
– Exhumes Franco.
If Jew dont want to disturb dead let`s them stop accusing Poles. One way or the other. In Brześć Litweski exhumation were no problem. We know that jedwabne was done by germans because only on surface ca 100 bullets and shells were found. Poles had no fire arms
The “Soviet” was indicative of the jewish-controlled, but openly communistic elements within Russia. Those Bolshevik communists were largely a jew-communist faction who opposed all religious expression.
“Documents released Monday and seen in advance by The Associated Press lend weight to the belief that suppression within the highest levels of the U.S. government helped cover up Soviet guilt in the killing of some 22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn forest and other locations in 1940.”
“The Katyn Forest Atrocity, FDR and Stalin!!”
[[[they]]] cant have the truth getting out, now can they…
To be clear, The Bible was indeed penned by men, but is Holy Spirit inspired. period.
jews had nothing to do with writing the BIble. look in THEIR OWN jew encyclopedia, it states jews are EDOMITES. Not Israelites. and that’s true. in 125 BC, the Israelite John Hyrcanus conquered the Edomite jews and allowed them to stay. the Edomites assassinated the rightful ruler, herod made a deal with Rome, and Herod the EDOMITE JEW took the throne.
in 70 AD, a mere 200 years later, the jews were thrown out by Rome.
That’s the history of the jews in the “Holy Land.”
Agent 156
I have to say, you have swiftly become my favorite curated news source this year. Literally tracking what I term the BREAKING OF THE SPELL — the vile spell woven from lies at the Nuremberg (kangaroo court) “trials” — moment by moment, piece by piece, as it unfolds in real time. THANK you for this.
“Breaking the spell”
What an apt description. I think that absolutely is one of the aims of CFT. Thank you for being a part of it and be sure to help spread the truth! God bless!
It’s hard not to notice just how ugly every monument to the “victims” of the so-called Holocaust is. Jews have no concept of beauty, at least as far as their ability to create it. Every jewish monument and synagogue looks like a WWII cement bunker or Soviet-era housing. Why would God “choose” a people like this who are incapable of creating beauty?
stephan williams
God didn’t choose them. They made that up like they make up everything else. The Bible was written and re-written by men, not by a god.
That’s why I describe them as the “self-chosen”.
Yes, I was being ironic. The Bible was written by men, but not by Jews. But Jews figured out that if they claimed their ancestors wrote the Bible, it would give them both social power and protection from their critics.
inspired goy
The Bible was indeed WRITTEN by men, but by adam-man only, who are the true children of the God of the Bible, which is the foundational understanding for truly believing the Scriptures are indeed the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. Jews have been instrumental in the developed mistranslations over the millenia as they have always weaseled their way into scribal positions (today known as ‘media’) during the COPYING processes.
It starts in the the Garden of Eden when God said to the devil (about the devil’s son, CAIN).: I (GOD) will put ENMITY between YOUR SEED (the line of Cain) and the WOMAN’s seed (WHITE PEOPLE). jews are descendants of CAIN. The jews know this very well. THey just don’t want YOU to know it lest you connect the dots
Israel is a PEOPLE, not a place, and Israel migrated into and SETTLED EUROPE following the Assyrian captivity of 745 BC.
As per the JEWISH almanac, it is INCORRECT to refer to an ancient Israelite as a jew, and INCORRECT to refer to a contemporary (modern day) jew as an Israelite or even Hebrew. Jews are, as JESUS STATED, sons of the devil. Obadiah 1:18 Esau=Edom=jewry
Before Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, the line of Zarah Judah and other Israelites traveled to the Greek Isles, took over, and started the Greek civilization. Sparta, Athens, ISRAELITES. These great men spread out even more, to the Iberian (Hebrew) peninsula and then into the British Isles. This is all history you can verify for yourself. Letters passed between the Greeks and Jerusalem that attested to their kinship.
Now, many years later, Assyria captured the Israelites in Palestine (except Jerusalem). THey were relocated at the base of the Caucasus Mountains. Assyria weakened and the millions of Israelites who hadn’t already migrated into Europe agreed to migrate en mass into Europe and did so through a pass in the Caucasus called to this day “The Pass of Israel.” They like Zarah Judah, conquered and created European civilization.
Then, Jerusalem fell to Babylon. Jeremiah the prophet took the stone of destiny (look it up) with him to Ireland, along with the princesses Tea Tephi and Scota (from which we get SCOTland and Nova SCOTia). Tea Tephi princess of the line of PHaraz Judah married the Irish King who was of Zarah Judah. She’s quite famous in Irish lore/history. The stone of destiny went from Ireland to Scotland to England. In England, a throne was built to accommodate it and it is still there in Westminster Abbey. It is a type of sandstone found in the middle east and is not native to the British Isles.
jemcase, interesting story, but there’s no proof from the Bible that the line of “Zarah Judah” founded Troy instead of going into Egypt with the rest of the Israelites. Read: