Racist extremist groups, including neo-Nazis and other White supremacists, are allegedly encouraging members who contract novel coronavirus disease to spread the contagion to cops and Jews, according to intelligence gathered by the FBI:
In an alert obtained by ABC News, the FBI’s New York office reports that “members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus, if contracted, through bodily fluids and personal interactions.”
The FBI alert, which went out on Thursday, told local police agencies that extremists want their followers to try to use spray bottles to spread bodily fluids to cops on the street. The extremists are also directing followers to spread the disease to Jews by going “any place they may be congregated, to include markets, political offices, businesses and places of worship.”
“Anti-government folks in America love to target law enforcement as a symbol of America’s authority,” said Don Mihalek, the executive vice president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Foundation and an ABC News contributor. “It’s just sad that that’s their focus at a time of crisis in the nation.”
Strangely, as told by the jewish Forward, this alleged report was not issued by the FBI but rather by the Federal Protection Service, a division of Homeland Security, and it made not specific mention of Jews as targets:
Multiple white supremacists have discussed using the novel coronavirus as a biological weapon, Yahoo News reported on Saturday, citing a document from a division of the Department of Homeland Security.
An intelligence brief issued Feb. 24 by the Federal Protective Service, which protects federal government buildings, claimed that “White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.”
The memo, which was based on online conversations on the messaging app Telegram that the government had gained access to, claimed that some extremists had proposed targeting government offices as well as minority communities. Among the ideas proposed included having infected white nationalists purposefully spend time in non-white neighborhoods in order to infect others, as well as leaving “saliva on door handles” and spitting on elevator buttons in office buildings.
The Telegram channel is devoted to “accelerationism,” the idea that inciting or conducting violent attacks on minorities and the government will accelerate the creation of a white ethno-state.
DHS did not respond to Yahoo News’ requests for comment.
The fact that the Department of Homeland security would not respond to Yahoo News’ requests for comments suggests that this story is a complete fabrication, probably leaked to the media by the Anti-Defamation League in order to keep its absurd ‘White supremacists are domestic and international terrorists’ propaganda campaign in the new cycle.
Imagine a group of ‘White supremacists’ believing that by putting saliva on door knobs they can help usher in a White ethno-State. Only jewish writers who work for Marvel comics or Netflix could up make this kind of far-fetched propaganda.
Even ‘White supremacists’ are smart enough to understand that by trying to spread the virus ‘to Jews’, they are just as likely to infect other ‘White supremacists’ in the process.
This fake news is not only an insult to the intelligence of all White people, but Jews themselves should also be offended as this paranoia-inducing propaganda targets them in order to make them falsely believe that the ever irrational goyim are secretly plotting a ‘new’ Holocaust by any means necessary, including ‘weaponizing’ the common seasonal flu virus by licking door knobs.
Be scared, very scared!
Licking doorknobs and spitting then spreading it around, wasn’t this done already by an Asian postman. Sure I seen a video of this a while ago. The guy was doing it at the homes of elderly people who he knew could die from Covid. As usual they twist things to blame white Nationalists. They are really scared of the white Nationalists and it’s showing.
Israel created the STUXNET virus to attack Iran.
Israel has the capability to create Covid19.
Israel hates China because China aids Iran and North Korea who oppose Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians.
The STUXNET virus got away from them and so did Covid19
Red china is israhells largest purchaser of stolen technology and intellectual property. The bolshevik jews were behind mao all the way. [with financial help form american jews] red china is the jews ‘next stop’ ; dont kid yourself that (((they))) hate the chinese – theyre all communists.
The Israeli flag is a styalized Skull & Crossbones …
{skull/Star of Death}
{bones/top & bottom stripes}
Sy Bergsteinowitz
But when pAntifa terrorists throw bottles containing urine and feces at peaceful protestors, the ADL doesn’t say a damn thing.
I bet a govt shekel storm on the ADL would make the hurt feelings go away.
Didn’t a fag try to give the flu to Gary Bauer when he was a presidential candidate several years ago?
Ya know… I wish there were a tenth of the ‘mean white supremacists’ in this country that the jews and their lackeys in media and government would have us believe. For if there were, we would have no jew/black/brown/yellow problem atall!
White people don’t want to hurt Jews or non-Whites–we just want them to leave us alone to live our lives as we want without their constant meddling and interference. Simple, really.
I agree but they won’t leave us alone, all through history they have tried to destroy us. Change our history and corrupt our churches. If you want to know why then find an uncorrupted version of the Bible and actually read it all. You can ask God to help you understand what it means and he will show you the way to the truth.
Of course, it has been shown beyond reasonable doubt that a doctor (((lieb))) in the us manufactured the virus mutation at the behest of the red chinese. Several of his ‘lab assistants’ – all shown to be members of the chinese army [one got caught and arrested apparently] smuggled vials of a ‘substance’ out of ft detrick – why were members of a hostile army doing there with a jew creating bioweapons? Apparently (((lieb))) was well paid… and Ft detrick lab was closed immediately afterwards. This strain was apparently designed to target asians and work with something in their dna. The chicomms used it to cull an oversupply of labour and as a cover to murder dissidents.
It worked so well that (((TPTB))) decided to use it elsewhere. [ Interesting to note that Iran was targeted first… there are now apparently 5 different strains that act differently on different races. All have been found in the US.] The manufactured and false panic – in this country perpetrated by (((media))) spurred on by the cdc, whose dept of immunology head just happens to be rod rosensteins sister…-is designed solely to effect regime change and collapse our economy. The dumb goy are swallowing it hook line and sinker… Inalienable God given liberties are being taken by tinpot local govt officials drunk with power at will. false shortages are being created which WILL lead to violence in the streets, which is of course what they want.
This is basically a bad case of the flu. One must ask WHY the panic and who is behind it… and as always, the jew benefits. Every. Single. Time.
This story is proof of just how dumb the Jews must think we are. They’ve always thought of us as the ‘stupid goyim’, but this is reaching a new low. Perhaps we’ve given them ample reasons for holding us in such contempt for allowing them to take our countries away from us without a shot being fired. Amazing.
I Dunno
Projection, as usual- what they want to do to us.
A virus would not be an ‘evil’ virus without some white-supremacist boogeyman to help transmit it to poor innocent non-whites (but to hell with the other whites – they are supremacists too, they just don’t know it). After all, only a sick, demented WS would think of ‘weaponizing’ a virus…right?