Like Esau, America has sold its birthright for a mess of multiculturalism and diversity. In conforming to this radical social agenda, America betrayed its posterity to an alien ideology which makes White people feel like strangers in their own lands.
To understand how far we’ve fallen short, we need only look at how life was lived not so long ago when America was still great because it was still unapologetically White and Christian:
Update: Youtube has censored this video, here is the backup video on Bitchute.
also awol
What on earth did you fight the British Yids wars for? they paid you back with import Communism.
Immigrants becoming isolationists after moving to America is what started the anti-immigration movement by whites that conquered America.
At first immigrants were gratefull and respectfull and appreciative of those who live here first and were the ancestors of those who built America and made it what theise people wanted so much that they left their homelands for.
Suddenly, street signs in America were not even in English and whole cities were small versions of a other countries. Case in point “little saigon” in garden grove Ca. How about Chinatown? Koreatown? Black Ghetto anyone? Bueuller?…..Mexican barrio town? You name it, we got it. They stoppped assimilating and started isolating and pretty soon those places will turn into “no go zones” like in Europe.
You can blame the Jews and their Freemason whores for multiculturalism.
Actually, if you do your research you will find that the Jews and their Freemason whores were responsible for most wars including World War 1, World War 2, American civil war, etc. and most revolutions, including Russian Revolution, French Revolution, English revolution, etc. This is just scratching the surface what Jews and their Freemason whores are responsible for.
I watch this film and I fall in love…yes, with my race. My people. They were good people. Loving people. Their children are full of hope and promise. There were communities that invented, built, planned, worshiped, played, flirted, and became the pioneers of a better life for Americans; these are the people who went to the moon. I don’t see these people now. I see half-breeds, and bastards, and mulottos and ugly, violent animals flooding our nations and destroying hope and promise. God help us.
I wish we could go back
The TV generation born in the 1950s was socially engineered by the Rockefeller foundation with Cultural Marxism in the schools, the entire onslaught in movies, printed media and the radio, the sexual revolution of the 60s – a CIA black op, vaccination, water fluoridation. And, of course, the Vietnam War – an entirely winnable war that would have strengthened the entire free world against the Communist Revolution. The Generals who mapped out the winning battle plan to resist Chinese Communist takeover of the former Indo China were relieved of command. And the American war effort was sabotaged through the US chain of command. This was, of course, for the Communist Revolution and the demoralisation of Americans.
Yes, and though they’ve lost their home, Americans still can’t see it. Huge caravans arriving daily on the border some reported some not and yet the American people don’t say a f*cking word. Not a protest, nothing. They just hand this nation over like it means nothing. I’m ashamed. Not of the nation itself, but of what’s become of her people. Cowards – selfish cowards.
One of Flanders older comments, made at a site now censored out of existence by jewry, confirms what you have had to say about Viet Nam.
Flanders says: November 14, 2017 at 4:04 am
I was an American Marine in Viet Nam and had two tours there. The military wants younger men for a reason, and it’s not all because the youth are more capable. They are also moldable and impressionable, having left a civilian life where the public is as deeply snowed about the reasons given for war as the new recruits.
The communists in Viet Nam were awful to the Vietnamese people. Of that, there can be no doubt. The primary enemy that Marines and all military men had, however, were the communists in the US, especially the jewed media. They lied to the American public and they lied about the troops. The jew media played up the anti-war movement and the jew treasonors back home, including Jane Fonda. The media played the public against the war and even encouraged them to abandon and hate their own military men and treat them with contempt. The jew media turned acts of internal treason into an supposedly “honorable” thing. My many friends who were dead or in POW camps there, or in military cemetaries here at home because of that “war”, were sold out, just as every true American who is still living was sold out.
Most military were there for different reasons, but it was much as you have said in your report. We had esprit de corps for our brothers, but that was about it, other than a real love for our country and it’s people. We had orders from higher-above to not fight effectively when we had the chance, and targets were denied to us which would have quickly ended the war with a US victory.
LBJ was a Crypto-jew (check out USS Liberty), just as was Lady Bird, and they had extensive financial holdings in RMK-BRJ, the biggest civilian contractors in Viet Nam. They and other jews had other holdings, too, for making money and fortunes from the war. The jews intentionally extended the time and caused the deaths of many good true American men. Both the military and the American nation were finally sold out by the jew, Henry Kissinger, at the Paris Peace Table. There was never a military loss by America. All losses were political, orchestrated by Jewry, both internally and from outside America, too.
Americans need to understand that communists have been active since prior to WWI in America, and they have never gone away. Almost all of those communists and it’s leaders were, and still are, JEWS. That is who is the enemy, the “dual-citizen” domestic traitors, and that is who our military should be fighting. The military men of today need to understand that, and follow the constitution instead of traitors of higher rank. The jews force “immigration” to dilute the power of Americans, and gain a final real power. The jews want to control the US so that they can use American military power to control the rest of the world. That has been the intent of Jewry all along. They are communists and they will not stop until made to. Let’s not let them do that!
Semper Fi
The jew Communists created that “war.” The government has been Communist since 1913, with the creation of the jewish “Federal Reserve System.”
See God in the faces of those children. . .that is what jews hate and want to kill. Do jews have any understanding of their own psychology? Or do they have a blind spot which precludes understanding?
The structure. The discipline. The manners. The morals.
Women were actually dressed, and had more of a tendency to shy away from the camera than the men.
Not one sign of ADD or ADHD in any of those children.
Saw no signs of graffiti or trash in that small, factory town.
Nearly everyone with smiles on their faces or laughing…even the only one who thumbed his nose at the camera.
This culture no longer exists. It has been replaced by the jewish utopia.
This people no longer exists.
They live in us, still.
As for the Jews, they know their time is running out.