Here is an interesting, short interview with Robert Maryks, who appears to be a Jewish college professor (he received an award from The Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies) whose specialty is the Jewish influence on the early Jesuit Order in the Catholic Church.
In his book, The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus, Maryks details the significant role of “conversos’’ — Jews and their descendants who appear to have converted, at least superficially, to Catholicism before and during the Spanish Inquisition:
Q. Did the conversos come about because of the Spanish Inquisition?
A. Not exactly. Most people think of Jewish conversion in Spain as the one that took place in 1492, but there were other massive conversions in the 14th century, if not earlier. A wave of pogroms occurred in 1391 which resulted in the creation of very affluent and influential conversi in Spanish society. Mostly they were top royal administrators or ecclesiastical figures. It was very symbolic when the chief rabbi of Burgos converted to Catholicism before the pogroms and went on to become bishop of the same city.
Q. Why was the Jesuit order so inclusive in its early days?
A. Ignatius of Loyola, the Basque who founded the Jesuit order in 1539, was joined by men who came largely from Iberia. It was a liberal order for the first three decades. Loyola was very open to accept candidates of Jewish ancestry into the order. He made sure there was no discrimination among candidates. One of the founding fathers was a converso. The Society of Jesus was substantially influenced by Christians of Jewish ancestry.
Q. So where did the purity-of-blood laws come from?
A. This class of conversos were definitely accepted by a good number of people and some were protected by royal powers, but other officials resented their power. This led to the first anti-converso pogroms in Castille in 1449 and a law in that year by the mayor of Toledo that deprived conversos of government jobs because their blood was impure because of Jewishness.
Q. And life got worse for the conversos?
A. Yes. The archbishop of Toledo issued a purity-of-blood law in 1547. So the foundation of the Jesuits coincided with the increase of purity-of-blood laws. In 1593, the society issued a law which said that no candidate of Jewish ancestry could enter the society, and those conversos already in the society who had not finished their vows had to leave. This was much harsher than the first because it did not limit the genealogical inquiry. In 1608, an inquiry was set at five generations.
Q. How long did this law last?
A. It existed until 1946, when, after the Holocaust, the law was abrogated. Some Italian fascists reminded the Jesuits that their purity-of-blood laws were even harsher than the German ones. The Nazis checked fathers and grandfathers. The Jesuits went far beyond that.
Jews didn’t have to submit to forced conversion in Spain — they could have simply packed their bags and gone elsewhere, just as the “wandering Jews” had done throughout their history.
And in the wake of the Inquisition, many Jews did indeed leave Spain for the New World instead of converting.
But joining the Church was an easy way for Jews to rapidly rise in Spanish society — it was literally their ticket to success, and many took it, without ever intending to truly convert to Christianity.
Despite these “purity of blood” requirements, the Jesuit Order maintained its reputation of being a safe haven for crypto-Jews all the way to the present day.
It’s no wonder that the Judeo-Masonic Order of the Illuminati was founded by a converso Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt — and Masonic membership plagued the Church off and on through its history..
But just because the Jesuits ‘officially’ wouldn’t accept crypto-Jews didn’t mean they were necessarily barred from the Catholic Church completely — the Dominicans, for example, also had a reputation as being tolerant of crypto-Jews.
This controversy over whether or not Jews could truly convert to Christianity went to the heart of the faith — and the converso “judaizers” were indeed powerful enough to successfully undermine the purity of blood requirement for the Church overall.
It was, in fact, Jews within the Catholic hierarchy who self-servingly proclaimed that Christianity, contrary to scripture, was open to everyone, regardless of race — and the warnings in the Gospel of John were conveniently ignored.
You can read a full review of Maryks’ book at the Occidental Observer.
You can read the book online here for free — hard copies of this book already cost more than $100 used.
My dad’s ancestors were all Catholics many generations. Mom’s side were all Reformed of different denominations many generations. I respect both sides. Some may have had ancient Hebrew roots. You cannot link people’s religions to their behavior. Hindu’s say people are born Devine or Demonic. That’s all there is to it. Yes there are Demonic people in all religions and there are Devine people in all religions. The Devil isn’t choosy. The Reformation was about freedom to choose, however in doing so the crypto Catholics, Jews and Muslims who came here as Reformed no longer wanted to obey the laws of the Pope, the Rabbis and Mohammed. This is why Satan has taken over America. We lost our protection.
They had been “converted Jews” from over 500 years prior but never practiced Judaism. They were Pagans, called the Khazars who believed in the God Baal. The practice of sacrificing infants to the God Baal during the Winter and Summer Solstice is one of the practices which got them kicked out of the part of the world we now know as Ukraine in the 11th Century. They were the most treaturous, murdering highway bandits on the trade routes. Many merchants and other travelers lost their lives, property and identities. If they would not convert to Judaism heart and soul but continued to pretend to be Jews, why would they be sincere about converting to Christianity? They continued to practice the worship of Baal. They are not Jews. Many of them had joined the Jesuit Order, infiltrated Christianity. There are Jews who practice Judaism and are decent good people but keep in mind, they were discovering their error at the time they changed the conversion rules to five generations in 1608.
Have you visited the Vatican? It is full of Satanic imagery.
In response to Lina. The Freemasons were infiltrated by the Illuminati in 1789. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit, founded the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. It is why we use the term for help, May Day, May Day! Anselm Rothschild funded him. George Washington received a letter from a Bishop friend of his, warning him that the Christian Freemason Organization had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and that they practiced unspeakable acts of Paganism. It’s amazing how much has been removed from our history books.
I still can’t tell if it really has to do with evil Jew agenda or not.
It’s too hard for me to understand, there’re also too many different theories to confuse.
Is it really Jew, Jesuits or doesn’t really matter?
I think that it isn’t too important for us to know whether Jews are behind or not.
what’s the right way fight against whatever the evil is? Be a good example for others to follow as Jesus said
I started today to look up Executive Orders , Joe Biden signed and what they involved as he made a big fuss about signing them as soon as he got into office. There are over 52 plus other types of orders. I ended up on so many sites about the Jesuits and one claimed that the Department of Homeland Security was created by the Jesuits. I can’t figure out whether they control the Jesuits or the Jesuits use the Jews, but they are working together because there are too many similarities between what we see the Jews promoting and what others reveal about the Jesuits.
It’s a run around and why many mock the ones who see what is happening over the ages, because there are so many persons, agencies, groups, organizations, etc. involved and people who try to expose this world dominations plot can only do it from the Jewish angle, the Vatican, Jesuits, Various ancient families, personalities, great Britain, communism, Fascism, socialism, Catholic Church and on and on indefinitely. Even various religions like Mormonism and the Jehovah Witness’s and others.
I believe Hillary Clinton had the Presidency and at the last minute, she was betrayed, and Trump became President. Hillary has , she says a Jewish grandmother. What Trump did for Israel no one protested loudly, but it may have seemed that no one would defy Trump if he was President. And we see that no one did.Trump has a daughter , converted to Judaism, a Jewish son in law, Jewish lawyers, as advisors. He claims he supports Israel 1000 per cent. He gave Israel , Jerusalem for its capital, the Golan Heights, and passed H.R. 6421, the anti Semitism Awareness Act. I’ve read that Trump gave Israel, Jerusalem as a favor to Sheldon Adelson.
I believe they got rid of Trump because he’s cocky, arrogant, and was making people believe that he was on their side , and the Jews, Jesuits or whoever, decided to get rid of him, and go for Biden, because Trump was gaining too much popularity among the people and they were fearful he may become to popular to stop. This becomes a story now of Jesuit coadjutor’s or as some say: short coats , that Biden . Biden is getting bad advice , or running it as he wants for so many to say that he doesn’t listen to his advisors and we have about 5 days before the United States withdraws from Afghanistan and a person is convinced to suicide bomber himself and sacrifice his life at the last moment , for what?
I believe the Jews are behind this and want or do not want the United States to leave Afghanistan as they want war with Iran. Now , it trump can be made to believe he is savior of the world, he will be glad to do anything and everything he is told to do to bring about, WW111, Armageddon, end times. Trump is being pushed by someone behind the scenes and one can see now with some calling for Biden, Harris and others to resign, or be impeached, Trump will become the hero , if Pelosi doesn’t get the job or is warned away from it. Just like foreign dictators that live in this and foreign countries claiming their are the rightful rulers, presidents of their country and our government overthrows it and re installs them, we have a similar case: Donald Trump , still claiming he is the rightful President. Trump’s a Zionist and has and will betray us more if he gets the chance to be President again. He’s supposedly wasn’t warlike enough for the Jews in his first term, but if they get in believing he’s saving the US , it reputation , the world, he will do anything the Jews say or whover is behind theis One World domination scheme.
Catholic true Jesuits versus Rothschild fake Jesuits (infiltrators). The true Jesuits were great counter JudeoMasonic PROTESTANT counter Revolutionary warriors and intrepid missionaries of Christ spreading Christianity particularly to the Orient. Satan does not like this.
Catholics unveil Jewish plot – caused PROTESTant Revolution
The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936
The Protestant Reformation in England
William Cobbett.
Freemason plan of infiltration of the Catholic Church
Catholic Opposition to Freemasonry
Jew-British Pax Brittanica is the removal of Pax Romanum as a spiritual force in the world.
“To fight against papacy is a social necessity and constitutes the constant duty of Freemasonry.” (Masonic International Congress held in Brussels 1904, page 132 of the report.
British Israel, ‘Judeo Masonry’, and the Catholic Church
Undermining America with anti-Catholicism
Memoirs of an anti apostle
Served at “Georgetown University, another Jesuit college.”
‘Biden inauguration [Jesuit] priest Rev. Kevin O’Brien under investigation in California”
“The Jesuit priest who officiated then-President-elect Joe Biden’s inaugural Mass — and has been a family friend for almost 15 years — is under investigation for unspecified allegations and is now on leave from his position as president of Santa Clara University in California, according to the college.
The Rev. Kevin O’Brien allegedly “exhibited behaviors in adult settings, consisting primarily of conversations, which may be inconsistent with established Jesuit protocols and boundaries,” according to a statement by John Sobrato, chairman of the college’s board of trustees.
Sobrato’s statement did not specify the allegations against O’Brien but said the trustees “support those who came forward to share their accounts.”
He said that while O’Brien is on leave, the priest will be cooperating with the independent probe, with conclusions to be shared with the Santa Clara University Board of Trustees.
Rev. Kevin O’Brien, who officiated Joe Biden’s inaugural Mass and has been a family friend for almost 15 years, is under investigation in California.
The Rev. Kevin O’Brien, who officiated Joe Biden’s inaugural Mass and has been a family friend for almost 15 years, is under investigation in California.
In January, O’Brien gave the service at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle for Biden, the nation’s second Catholic president, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris before the inauguration ceremony at the US Capitol.
He also presided over services for Biden’s inaugurations as vice president.
The priest — who has been president of Santa Clara University since July 2019 — has known the Biden family for about 15 years, according to the university. When he met the family, he was serving at Georgetown University, another Jesuit college.” [Continues]
If you study Genesis 47, you will find the FIRST PROTOCOL OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. It was there for all to see, but we suffer from Cognitive dissonance, and are wilfully ignorant of what is before our eyes. For the past 3000 years, the Jew has used this modus operandi, to fool and control the Goyim/Gentile – playing the MIDDLEMAN between the RULER and the RULED! Underline verses 26-27
Now go to Deuteronomy 7:1-26 and read the Script for the JWO.
Throughout history this parasite infested every empire and country and “sucked it dry” and then moved on.
GOOGLE: The JEWel wasp and the Cockroach.
See how this parasite turns its victim into a zombie!
Laurent Guyénot • April 8, 2019
This is how the Jew brainwashed the Gentile with its book of myths!
GOOGLE: Gentiles in Halacha.
See from this Jewish document how Jews have hated Gentiles for 3000 years!
The following is an article written by an American Jew in 1928:
By Marcus Eli Ravage
So close yet so far… talking about the crimes of the jew and how he subverts people yet believing him at his word when he gives you a set of bylaws to follow, hmmm.
Catholicism aka Christianity on its entirety gives the jew the opportunity to infiltrate since you don’t check for nationality, you check for so called belief in some spook, as long as the jew pretends to believe in the spook he invented for you, you accept him as your brother.
Learn from the mistakes of the past.
Sprinkling holy water on jews doesn’t make them your brothers.
Sprinkling holy water on jews doesn’t make them your friends.
Sprinkling holy water on jews won’t stop them from subverting your societies from within.
The only way to deal with jews is to NOT let them in and kick them out, no exceptions, no holy water, no repentance, no excuses!
No more conversions. Their blood is poisoned and they hate us all.
Even if you became atheists overnight the jews would still hate you because you are not jews, period.
How many times have you converted and forgiven jews? And what have you got in return? Subversion and betrayals, paid with blood and tears.
The only way out is to ditch the mindset that let them get away with it, and that means parting away from Christianity.
No matter how hard you try to explain it away, or how you try to frame it, the very same fact that you have to explain so much and turn a blind eye to its obvious subversive nature is telling of how noxious it is.
Don’t gaslight me nor yourself, your eyes don’t fool you and you don’t need special guidance from a priest or from a pastor or from “God” himself to interpret what they want you to think, what it says is what it says and it’s noxious to worship such a religion invented by jews.
Return to your ancestral roots. Stop worshipping the counterfeit cult called Christianity. In the long run, it’ll be better for you and for everyone.
No need to be condescending, really, especially when you’ve fallen for the biggest Jewish lie of all: that Christ and Christianity are invented by Jews. Christ was NOT a Jew; He was a Judahite. And today’s ‘Jews’ are not Judahites but rather Edomites posing as Judah. Real Christianity is NOT based on Judaism but a rejection of Judaism. The Old Testament was written by, for and about White Israelites, not Jews. Christianity if understood and practiced as it as intended, is far more ‘antisemitic’ than you think you are or are capable of being.
Mainstream churches today are all under Jewish influence, but that’s not because Christianity is Jewish but rather because they have infiltrated and subverted the faith, which is not the fault of Christ. The Catholic Church is an abomination, a heresy that is NOT Christian, and your criticism of it shows you have a firm grasp of the obvious.
Revelation states that in the End Times the whole world would be deceived, and that includes 99% of Christians, and 100% of White Nationalists, like yourself. Read, study, learn:
Yep, the Catholics of Spain put this mess in motion forcing them to convert and they have been playing the divide and conquer game ever since, pitting Protestants against Catholics. Christians have not learned one iota from their own history, because the show still goes on. Europe and America are in the Talmudic straight jacket.
The head of the Spanish inquisition was a convert crypto per the Jewish Encyclopedia. His name was Tomas Torquemada and he killed many Christians under the guise of rooting out heresy for the Vatican.
Seems some things almost never change
King James Bible book of John 5:16 – And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.
John 5:18 – Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
John 7:1 – After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Act 9:23 – And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him
Act 23:12 – And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.
Act 26:21 – For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.
“purity of blood” requirements?! Jews INVENTED “purity of blood” requirements.
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
So right off the get-go you hate all NON-Jews, NON-members of YOUR group(TRIBE).
You “bundle together” for support and safety, the very definition of Fascism
THAT means, that if I am not one of the TRIBE, you do not like me.
Jews have been practicing eugenics for 3,500 years. Jewish mother “makes” you a Jew. Jewish father decides your tribe.( A get-less woman cannot remarry within the faith, and any children she might have will not be considered Jewish.)
“Purity of blood” was ‘invented’ by God, not those you are pointing out as FALSE JEWS. God’s creation laws of ‘kind after kind’ IS the essence of “purity of blood” laws. Why else is geneology so important in Scriptures? Whites are the only ‘pure blooded race’ on earth – modern jews couldn’t have invented our DNA. This is simply more evidence that (((they))) attempt to usurp everything about us, in a mindblowingly obvious case of identity theft!
I’ve noticed that Alberticus literally cuts and pastes that same comment about jewish xenophobia every time he leaves a comment. He’s on autopilot, not putting too much thought into what he’s posting.
According to Jewish law, only the mother needs to be a racial Jew for the child to be Jewish–the father need not be Jewish. Obviously, Jews do NOT have a “purity of blood” requirement. They are all race mixed, and a “purity of blood” requirement would exclude them ALL.
The Jew will forever be changing identities just as the Virus continually modifies its protein-coating to evade Detection & Elimination by the targeted host body’s immune system.
And thus is the story repeated concerning the jew and all white institutions. They have long infiltrated and subverted them all. This is a great example of how and why.
The infiltration and subversion of the Catholic Church by Jews has probably been one of the greatest victories that Jews have had in their ongoing agenda for world domination. Without subverting Christianity first, the Jews would have no chance whatsoever of ever making the Protocols of Zion a reality.
It actually started all the way back with Jerome. Before his Vulgate translation, the Latin Bible was translated from the Septuagint. But Jerome translated much of the Old Testament from corrupted Jewish texts, which had been modified countless times by the 4th century.
Here’s proof- the oldest Septuagint manuscripts contain Tobit 4:12, the best and clearest example of Biblical advice stating men and women should only marry within their race. This line made it into the old Latin Bible, but it’s strangely absent from Jerome’s Vulgate! It couldn’t be more obvious that the Jews removed it. Interestingly enough it was restored to the Vulgate in the late 1900’s.
But even ignoring that, the church went from organizing and uniting Europe against the Muslims to outright letting them in. And guess who historically benefited from the brutal Arab conquests? Yeah, the children of Satan, the ones who crucified God and rule the world today.
St. Jerome used the Septuagint, but thought the Jewish texts were valid (which as noted were already being perverted into the Masoretic text used by Protestant bibles). Here is a good video on the subject:
The REAL Douay Rheims (the so-called Douay Rheims is a Challoner re-translation not the original) is available at
Check this out……”But joining the Church was an easy way for Jews to rapidly rise in Spanish society — it was literally their ticket to success, and many took it, without ever intending to truly convert to Christianity.” A bunch of Iranian refugees join the Protestant Church to get a leg up…I witnessed it with my own eyes…..and guess what when I started questioning I was told to step back because I asked too many questions….the Church members went out of there way to pamper the refugees. But when I needed some help…ohwel you can guess, niente, nada….
Funny how today Jews helping the Third World invasion into Europe are advising invaders to falsely claim they are Christians in order to fool the border guards? Jews have a long history of knowing the benefits of lying about being Christian:
“The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales: A Genetic and Genealogical History”
252 pages
“…. Indeed, there has never been a time during which a large Jewish-descended, and later Muslim-descended, population has been absent from England. Contrary to popular history, the Jewish population was not expelled from England in 1290, but rather adopted the public face of Christianity, while continuing to practice Judaism in secret. Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Muslims held the highest offices in the land, including service as archbishops, dukes, earls, kings and queens. Among those proposed to be of Jewish ancestry are the Tudor kings and queens, Queen Elizabeth I, William the Conqueror, and Thomas Cromwell. Documentaton in support of this revisionist history includes DNA studies, genealogies, church records, place names and the Domesday Book.”
Also, a link to: “Jews and Muslims in British Colonial America: A Genealogical History”, Elizabeth Caldwell…
Thank you for this piece…..we are getting somewhere. Spain forced these devious creatures to convert and they brought their wicked ways with them and perverted the faith…..the genesis of the breakdown…..
It’s ironic that Catholic apologist E. Michael Jones claims that it was Jews who falsely maintained the notion that one’s genealogy, traced back to Abraham, was an important element of the faith for Christians, but history shows otherwise–it was the non-Jewish Christians who wanted to maintain the purity of blood for Christians, but it was the converso Jews who opposed that idea for obvious reasons–and were able to change Church policy so that race was not a factor in conversion.
Virtually all Spaniards today, according to genetic testing, show some Jewish-Sephardic/Muslim admixture–this wasn’t caused merely by the Muslim invasion and 500 year occupation, but also from the Catholic Church which tolerated race mixing as long as people converted:
“The Genetic Legacy of Religious Diversity and Intolerance: Paternal Lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula,” published by American Society of Human Genetics, 83, 725-36, December 12, 2008
Two books that may be of interest to those looking for real history:
1. Jewish Influence in Christian Reform Movements, Rabbi Louis Newman
2. The Plot Against the Church, Maurice Pinay
Found them at: