While the Sunday Times “Rich List” has taken a hit thanks to the Covid pandemic, reducing the overall wealth of the top 1,000 richest people in Britain by 3.7 per cent, the Jewish brothers David and Simon Reuben – Russia’s biggest foreign investors in the metal industry in the 1990s – remain in joint second place, with a fortune worth £16bn:
Born in Mumbai, they grew up in north London and attended state schools. They made savvy business choices, eventually joining forces to control 5 per cent of the world’s aluminium output through their company Trans-World Metals.
They have also invested in prime London property such as Millbank Tower, Connaught House in Berkeley Square and the former Naval and Military Club in Piccadilly.
Sir Leonard Blavatnik, the Ukrainian-born Jewish mogul who made his multi-billion-dollar fortune in the aluminium industry in the former Soviet Union, has held on to fourth place with a net worth of £15.78bn.
His other investments include a property empire including hotels in Hollywood, Miami Beach and Cap-Ferra and has a stake in Russian oil company TNK-BP. Blavatnik is based in London, and lives in a £41m home in Kensington Palace Gardens with his American wife Emily.
Born in Uzbekistan Alisher Usmanov built his fortune from steel and mining. His largest investment is in Russian metals giant Metalloinvest and he has also funded MegaFon, the country’s second-biggest mobile phone operator. His wife, Irina Viner-Usmanova is Jewish, and he crept up to seventh place with a net worth of £11.68bn.
After the so-called fall of communism, “Russian” organized crime figures, who just happened to be largely Jewish, ransacked the country with the help of Jewish economic “experts” from Harvard, buying up its industrial infrastructure for pennies on the pound.
Over 25 years later, these organized crime figures have now worked their way into “legitimate” business, social, and “philanthropic” circles in the West.
And some of them, like “Sir” Leonard Blavatnik, have even been knighted — now that’s a funny-sounding name for English aristocracy.
Of course, the Reuben brothers are literal paupers compared to the Rothschild dynasty, the defacto rulers of the U.K., but somehow they never make this celebrated “Rich List”, which should be renamed “Jewish Nouveau Riche List”.
The English aristocracy is no longer English — it has been replaced by this literal mob in three piece suits.
Aren’t so many Jews multimillionaire’s and billionaire’s because in taking over countries , like they did Russia and European countries before ,during and after the revolution of 1917, the Jews got the wealth, treasury, resources, savings, military, business’s etc. of every country they took over or managed to get control indirectly by gaining positions of political, economic, religious , cultural power? And passed it on as they aged and died?
It’s made out in the newspapers that it’s due to the Jews ingenuity or money making skills or to seem very vaguely that he got his wealth , but never revealed how.
It seems no one is concerned about the money and military aid and resources slopped like scrubbing a dirty floor thrown to Zelensky . And he not only tell’s the world what he wants, he demands as though someone is behind him whispering in his ear , for the most advanced and exotic weapons. And Communist , Joe Biden gives it .
Biden had no trouble or resistance at all to give all he wanted to for Ukraine, but had resistance for his budget for our country.
When is the Jewish Federal Reserve going to create a depression to “lay us low” and take over business’s , property etc. as our ancestor’s warned us? If your indebted to someone, they control you until the bill is paid or take your assets or you file bankruptcy. Our national debt is a revolving credit card to never be paid off, so who does our water resources, mineral’s, monuments, museums, hospitals, roads, shipping fleets , trucking fleets, food stocks, land, national parks, etc., etc. belong to when we can’t pay our debts, while our news media mocks Russia and its ability to pay ? Where’s our gold reserves? Apparently in the vault’s of the Federal Reserve who can seize a country ‘s gold reserves and steal them whenever they want from a country. It’s hard to explain when you’re not an historian or economist. It has been said that there was plenty of food available during the depression, but all we ever see of it is poverty and people in food lines or breadlines. If your storing food for a rainy day, you better not brag, because when your friend and neighbor is starving, he will become your enemy.
I’m guessing when the world is yoked under a One World military that the Jewish , British businessman , Robert Maxwell said that we will have whether we want it or not, then our military will be no longer needed and suppressed and come under the control of the United Nations, the New World Order or whatever new name they develop.
Don’t forget that Jewish Bill gates is touting future virus’s and now we are hearing of a monkey virus. How convenient. Sickening, nauseating, disgusting and they get away with it because the day to fight them by the ballot box is gone.
Even with it being told to our faces that they are working for a New World Order and that our government intends to keep the Russian people down as a nation , or part of the rest of the world community we don’t care.
The Russian people always have to suffer because of the Jewish communism and the Jews intends to make sure the hatred and distrust of Russia never ends. The war between Russia and Ukraine could have been avoided if Biden and Blinken wanted it too , but they wanted war like Bush and Albright wanted war with Iraq. It proves these filthy immoral scum will destroy the world if they have to , but if they have to destroy it to control it they will.
“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
–Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “200 Years Together”
I know, they tricked America to declare their holy war against Germany head of the holy Roman Catholic church because these people took a stand against the anti-Christian corrupt power hungry Jewish Bolshevik communist Weimar Republic …..the propaganda machine keeps giving us WWII victims of the Nazi sob stories, but you don’t hear them talk about the Bolshevik communist slaughter of millions of Christians in Russia, the Holodomor because the barbarians were majority Jewish. Many of them fled to the US where they found their way into positions of power and guess what they do the same to America as they did to Russia and Germany…..and they do it with impunity.
Have you seen this short video by a fine fellow by the name of Harry Vox?
All of these Ashkenazis from Russia that stole from the people are now exiled from Russia for the rest of their lives. They should have been put in prison instead. Solitary confinement for life.
Many came to the U.S. when Gorbachev emptied out the Russian prisons.
Behind every great Jewish fortune is a great crime.
Thank you for this article. I didn’t realize that so many “Russian” oligarchs who made their fortune in the 1990’s were actually Jewish.
The Russia hate is another manifestation of Jewish control of America. The Jews HATE Putin & Russia because Putin stopped their looting of Russian assets under the drunk Yeltsin.
Just as they did during the Wiemar hyper inflation in Germany the Jews had money shipped in from overseas and were buying up assets at pennies on the dollar.
That led to huge resentment of Jews in Germany and again in Russia.
Yes, but Putin keeps the Yids happy, and when the Chabad rabbis want to see Putin, they have an open invitation. Putin even has his own Chabad rabbi to give him “advice”. Don’t for a second think that Putin is independent of very powerful Jewish influence:
Exactly, the Bolshevik communist think that they have fooled American’s to the point of no return…..and here is one telling you that I Constitution gives them the power to genocide you with impunity…..one of the lawyers who came in the spotlight during the OJ Simpson trial…..LHM……James Madison dealt with this issue in Federalist 47 and this supposed Constitutional lawyer born in America, but doesn’t have a clue that the purpose of the Constitution was the prevent the tyranny of morally corrupt men like him. I am not a Constitutional lawyer, but I bet you I have a greater understanding of the organic Constitution and why it was written. If this doesn’t wake people up to the “minority group” tyranny America nothing will…..https://evolveconsciousness.org/you-have-no-right-to-not-be-vaccinated-dershowitz-madman-authoritarian/?fbclid=IwAR0YbA4N5cgIGwa-pko93LtPayGNv0M87z7wPlfrmgKCD_084X4s9t9LJ0w
Isn’t it remarkable how the bulk of the Soviet state assets ended up in the hands of mid-level technocrats from a supposedly persecuted minority? There has to be a good book on this but I haven’t found it.
There is a two part series of videos on this on YouTube. It is VERY informative and very good.
“The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs”
This is a link to Part I, you can follow this to Part II after the video:
Holysmoke…..they enriched themselves by plundering Russia, but I have to swallow the victim of white people and the white supremacy and antisemitism is on the rise propaganda without. The question that I keep asking myself is why can these people plunder nations with impunity? If they were “White” men everybody was going to call for their head but Jewish criminals get a free pass…..why tell me why?
Lisette, Whites are hampered by something that Jews lack: a conscience. Jews can rationalize lying and cheating in ways that would destroy White people. Whites are disabled by their inability to believe that Jews are capable of such monstrous lies. As the German philosopher once called the Jews, “the Master of the Great Lie.”
When you are psychopathic and not held back by moral and ethical qualms, you can easily subvert, destroy and dominate a people who are constrained by Christian morality, which is written on their hearts–it’s in their DNA. It is NOT in the DNA of Jews, which allows them to rip us off with impunity.
We Whites cannot fathom how a people could lie about 6 million deaths in the Holocaust–we unfortunately project our morality on Jews and foolishly, to our detriment, believe they are just like us–they are NOT.
It’s easy to become rich if you have no morals.
It’s hard to find a billionaire that isn’t a cold, amoral prick. He great wealth does not mitigate their traits, it enables them.
Well said 🙂
@John 3, I thank you for that…..I came to the same conclusion, but it goes deeper….the turn the other cheek stuff…. that doesn’t sit well with me and I bet you Jesus would agree. I’ve been through the book and for the life of my that didn’t want to go in. This was the beginning of wisdom, because I didn’t compromise what is inherent in me. This taught me that faith cometh by hearing, I am also highly in tune with that testing the spirit by the spirit. Because by the fruits of their labor can you tell the hypocrites. A Christian who comprises faith and principles for whatever feels good is no Christian at all. In the spirit of Christ….
Scripture will always go deeper than our intellects can fathom, but much is actually ‘skin deep’, like the understanding of “turn the other cheek”. We are to turn our cheeks to our brethren, not to God’s enemies. Our own brethren can easily make themselves our enemy, for various reasons. We usually do not comprehend why we are being offended by our brother at the time of the offense. More often than not it is our Father testing us. When we lash out at our brethren, whether we feel like they ‘deserve’ it or not, it does not serve our Father’s purpose. Our own suffering at the hands of our brethren may serve a higher purpose than we know. There had to be Roman soldiers ambivalent to Christ’s plight available to fulfill God’s will, right?
One other thing – (((they))) have help; they are, as Jesus said, ‘Of their father the devil’.