Netflix has released a “Christmas special” movie that depicts Jesus as a homosexual and the Virgin Mary as an adulterer, prompting more than one million people to sign a petition to have the film removed from the popular streaming service:
A Primeira Tentação de Cristo, or The First Temptation of Christ, is a production of the Porta dos Fundos ‘comedy’ troupe from Brazil. In the supposed parody, Jesus is shown bringing home a homosexual lover to meet Mary and Joseph.
On social media, Netflix proclaimed: “Jesus, who’s hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong, it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.” Translated, Porta dos Fundos means “back door.”
More than one million people have signed a petition at demanding that the “gravely offensive” video be removed from the online streaming service. Politicians and public figures have denounced the video and Porta dos Fundos. Famed Brazilian actor and director Carlos Vereza, for example, wrote on Facebook that the troupe of satirists is “pitiful” for creating “trash-porn movies.”
Also on social media, evangelical Christian pastor and politician Marco Feliciano deplored that courts have ruled against banning Porta dos Fundos productions for the sake of “freedom of expression.” The outspoken Feliciano is seeking “joint action by the churches and good people to stop” the group.
An organization that brings together dozens of evangelical Christian communities in Brazil, Coalizão pelo Evangelho, or the Coalition of the Gospel, has also denounced the video. On the organization’s website, Pastor Joel Theodoro of Bairro Imperial Presbyterian Church in Rio de Janeiro wrote that he has canceled his Netflix subscription because the video constitutes a “humiliation to the Lord.”
At the same, website Pastor Thiago Guerra of Trinity Church in Sao Paulo wrote that Brazil’s Penal Code calls for fines or imprisonment for those who publicly mock anyone on the basis of religious belief or publicly vilify an act or object of religious worship.
Netflix told O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper that it “values and approves the creative freedom of the artists it works with, and also recognizes that not everyone will enjoy this content. Hence the freedom of choice offered by the company in its varied menu of options, which include, for example, Biblical stories.“
What’s more offensive: that Christ is depicted as a sodomite or as a mixed race Brazilian with a perma-tan?
The reaction to this controversy provides a perfect illustration why Christianity was never meant for non-Israelites, like the vast majority of Brazilians who clearly perceive Christ as if He were some kind of “object of religious worship” like a statue of the Virgin Mary.
But all that aside, would Netflix air a “comedy” about a group of rabbis who kidnap and murder Christian children as part of a jewish holiday celebration? How about a comedy about Jews celebrating Purim at Auschwitz? Need we ask?
Of course, when it comes to trashing Christianity, it’s always protected “free speech”, and if you don’t want to watch it, you can just “change the channel”.
“Freedom of choice” is the noble guise under which Jews peddle their filth and degeneracy.
Chances are most of the Christians who are “outraged” by this show will not cancel their subscriptions to Netflix. After all, if Netflix can get away with broadcasting kiddie porn — and they did — why would they hesitate to blaspheme Christ?
This is one, of many examples where Christians should send their comments to local priests, radio and television and their hosts , the Pope, congressmen, women, Christian organizations and express your views. They will not respond, but if some information is given or expression that it is just not a complaint or general comment, it will affect their consciousness.
Firexample: if you refer to Hitler being gay , show the Jews degradation of Germany after WW1. The Holocaust, show proof of Jews control of Russia..
Show pictures of starvation and dead bodies of Ukrainians .
When Jews get laws passed for them , they usually have a Christian to sponsee. It and a Jew and another behind the bill..
So then write to the Christian congressman and tell him what you think. He won’t and can’t respond to cause controversy for himself, but he will know that people are aware of how their country is being subverted. Just be careful to not make threats.
It works.
I think if the jews are behind this disgusting provocation as they are behind all kinds of perversion promotion, they are really calling for a second holocaust!
Marceli Gastaldi
These two men in the photo are Brazilian Jews Gregorio Duvivier and Fabio porchat, curious that all over the world Jews defame Christians in the name of freedom of expression.
Is it not inevitable when “freedom of expression” is abused. Who more than jew would distort , pervert and make obscene at every opportunity , what was once revered. We have swallowed the camel of jew “equality” . Now , we suffer we can not vomit it nor digest it. And it will kill us.
This kind of garbage is just going to make Christians dig their heels in and defend their faith even more. Jews always shoot themselves in their collective foot.
Incredible… as Mr Ottify says, there was a time not too long ago that these bastards would have been drawn and quartered; oh to return to days of yore!
have never, nor ever will have , anything to do with netflix, if for no other reason than they gave hussein obama million$ to do something…which I dont think ever got done. Hmmm…
add netflix to the list of imprecatory prayers….
There was a time, when the white world was known as “Christendom”, that heads would have rolled over such a blasphemy. “But that’s just too harsh,” says the Christians’ bleeding heart. No wonder the death penalty wasn’t enough to keep God’s children on track (though it apparently was the ‘perfect’ amount O.o).
Oh, how ‘progressive’ we’ve become…