(Haaretz) The suspicious conflagration at Notre Dame de Paris that badly damaged the ancient cathedral on Monday was possibly divine punishment, an influential Israeli rabbi said on Wednesday, invoking a 13th-century burning of The Talmud:
“Addressing the fire at the 856-year-old church in Paris in a Q&A article published on religious-Zionist Israeli news website Srugim, French-born Shlomo Aviner, now the rabbi of West Bank settlement Beit El, also said it is a mitzvah – a deed done from religious duty – to set fire to churches in Israel, but warned that shouldn’t be done anyway, because they would then have to be rebuilt.
Asked if the fire at Notre Dame was cause for grief, Aviner said “that isn’t our function at this time. There is no command to seek out Christian churches beyond Israel and burn them down. In our holy land, things are more complicated. Indeed the Rabbi of Satmar wrote that one of his reasons against immigration to Israel is that here the command to burn churches applies but it isn’t exercised,” and therefore being in Israel without burning churches is prohibited.
He added that the rabbi Menachem Mendel Kasher said that building churches, “which we’ll have to do” should they be burnt, is a greater offense than leaving them as is.
Gadi Gvariyahu of the Tag Meir nongovernmental organization, which monitors hate crimes in Israel and the West Bank and promotes interfaith dialogue, called Aviner’s remarks “sad, angering and shocking.”
“If an influential rabbi says ‘there is no command to seek out Christian churches abroad and burn them down but in our holy land, the issue is more complicated’ – what will the extreme right be likely to do?” Gvariyahu added.
The American Jewish Committee said in a tweet that Aviner’s comments “are repulsive and un-Jewish.”
At first, Aviner pulled back from explicitly calling the fire a punishment from heaven. However, when answering the question “So it can’t be said that it was punishment?” the rabbi wrote, “It is possible, after all. The first big Talmud burning was in Paris, there in the plaza of the Notre Dame Cathedral.”
Aviner said it was a result of the Paris trial, “In which Jewish sages in France of that generation were forced into confrontation with the Christian sages. The result was the burning of the Talmud. The Talmud books were brought to the Note Dame square in 20 wagons … and were burned there, meaning, 1,200 Tamlud books.”
Answering a question about displeasing non-Jews by failing to demonstrate grief at the cathedral fire, Aviner wrote, “That is no reason to grovel. … Rabbis must remain faithful to the truth. Every God-fearing Jew must adhere to the truth.”
So the big concern among Jews here is not that the rabbi made these revealing admissions, but rather they are afraid of what the “right wing extremists” are going to say.
There’s always been an understanding among Jews that non-Jews, especially Whites, are not supposed to know what the rabbis are really saying about them.
When rabbis make these types of public pronouncements, the liberal Jews go into damage control and distance themselves from the controversial comments.
But that’s why their Talmud was burned in the first place: the Christians found out what the Jews really thought of them and Christ written in those pages.
The Talmud clearly states that a non-Jew who reads the Talmud can be put to death for that reason.
But then again, the Jews don’t like what the New Testament has to say about Jews being the “children of hell”, which is why there is a commandment to burn Christian churches, as the rabbi admits.
They are also pushing to censor the New Testament and have the anti-jewish passages removed.
Contrary to what the so-called judeo-Christians believe, there really is no mutual admiration society among real Jews and real Christians.
After fire in Notre-Dame de Paris and especially after were collected nearly a Billion euros to restore the cathedral, I started to think…I thought MUCH!
Was could it be protected the cathedral from THIS TRAGEDY?
Was could it be protected “without money”?
Was could it be protected for ~€50 million?
Was could it be spented ~€950 million for health, education and culture?
And the answer to all the questions is YES, WAS COULD!
And the answer to all the questions is “Gas Fire-Suppression System”
If in the cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris some time ago It was installed “Gas Fire-Suppression System” today she It would have been intact!
Notre Dame de Paris would still be intact if France was still white and Christian…
Why does not anyone comment that the Jews pledge 122 million dollars for their reconstruction?
Any money from Jews will come with strings attached, and there is already reasonable speculation that if Notre Dame is rebuilt that the new version may not be as “Christian” as the original. It may become a symbol of the “New France”, which is no longer Christian or White.
Jewish philanthropy is rarely anonymous as the Bible tells charitable Christians to be. Jews always announce their large “donations” publicly to maximize the public relations benefit to Jews as a charitable, caring, and generous people. If donating money to Notre Dame did not benefit Jews somehow, the Jews would not do it.
Considering that many people rightfully are skeptical of the official cause of the fire, one of the best ways to deflect suspicion away from Jews and their Muslim frontmen, would be to foot the bill for the rebuilding. And we will be told by the jewish-controlled media that the French “people” are “demanding” that it be rebuilt to be more “inclusive” in one way or another.
spot on
Wow, you must be psychic! That is exactly what is happening!
“In an article entitled ‘Give Notre Dame a Modern Roof the Alt-Right Will Hate’, Daily Beast writer Erika Harlitz-Kern claimed Notre Dame represents a part of “white” Western Civilization, and therefore must be altered to reflect a global society…Harlitz-Kern said Western Civilization is actually not a European phenomenon, but the result of global influences.
“Such a view of the Middle Ages is inaccurate. In fact, what is considered to be European culture, in the past and today, is an amalgamation of impulses from all over the world.”
She then praised French President Emmanuel Macron’s government for holding a globalist competition for architects to present their modern design ideas for Notre Dame’s roof and spire.”
“The international competition will allow us to ask the question of whether we should even recreate the spire as it was conceived by Viollet-le-Duc,” Philippe said.
The jews continue to prove that their social engineering, cultural Marxism, liberalism, multiculturalism, whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-it, is designed to apply to everyone BUT them, to their sole benefit, for the purpose of totally irradicating their mortal enemies, the children of God – the white race – and completely enslaving the remaining non-white peoples. This is literally ‘spiritual warfare’, exactly as the Bible tells us. We are seeing the fruits of the labors of the enemies of Christ, and almost all white people – the only true heirs of Christ and therefor the only true Christians – will not see it until it is too late. Good thing God has always had His glorious plan followed to a “t” by a remnant of His people. The story of Gideon’s 300 is a perfect example. The remnant of us know, so it is up to the rest of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” to realize the complete truth behind the understanding of not walking hand-in-hand with God, our Father, and satan, the jew…
Genesis 3:15 spelled it out at the beginning. There would be “enmity” between the two opposing bloodlines in Eve’s womb: the bloodline of Adam in Abel vs. the bloodline of Cain who is not accounted in the genealogies of Adam for the simple reason that he wasn’t Adam’s biological son.
One cannot understand the arc of history unless it is seen in the context of Genesis 3:15 and the battle of these distinct bloodlines.
Well said. This is made quite explicit in (among other places) the Apocrypha, Wisdom 12, speaking of the Canaanites (whom the modern “Jews” are connected to, as they are of Esau who intermarried with the Canaanites) :
” But judging them little by little you gave them an opportunity to repent, though you were not unaware that their origin was evil and their wickedness inborn, and that their way of thinking would never change. For they were an accursed race from the beginning ” – Wisdom 12: 10-11
sounds like the antiChrist just admitted [[[they]]] did it.
There is a significant body of thought, not without evidence, that the [[[special people]]] were behind it. Wouldnt surprise me, but i think its a towelhead thing… mmmm… might be wrong on this one. [but of course, as islam is a jewish construct and the moslems are [mostly unknowing] jew tools, i guess the kikes are behind it either way! ]
Common Jew tactic. If you confront a Jew regarding Barbara Lerner Spectre, they will rebut by saying something like, “Barbara doesn’t speak for Jewry”….or something stupid like that.
Ironic……that doesn’t seem to work for us. The Media will bring up David Duke and then IMPLY Duke speaks for all White Americans.
As long as David Duke continues to take the Jews’ word for it that they are the Israelites of the Old Testament, and as long as he continues to claim that Jesus was a Jew, then David Duke should never speak for White people, especially White Christians.
You are right. Jesus was NOT A JEW! It is blasphemous to make such a claim, because Jesus existed long before the Jews, long before humanity, long before the Earth. He merely chose to take human form among them for a time, perhaps because they are the most evil humans on the planet, and therefore the most in need of salvation.
So, my judeo-xtian friend…still missing the boat on race, I see. Still wanting to be heard, but not wanting to listen. Please stop acting like you agree with what’s being said here, then continue into a jewish-inspired diatribe about what you claim to be Christianity. I truly want to believe that you have the right genes, and the right intent, but every time I read your comments, it is obvious you show neither intent, nor desire to digest what is being addressed here, other than grabbing on to slivers of comments as if in understanding, but then go off the universalist, denominational, judeo-xtian deep end.