A recent article in the Jerusalem Post outlined the “lessons” that the Israelis have allegedly learned from the “pandemic” which they want to share with Americans — the most important being that the majority of new COVID cases in Israel are occurring in people who are fully vaccinated — and the unvaccinated are not to blame:
Israel has been one of the world leaders in vaccination efforts, a success that should show the way forward for many countries being assured that vaccines may help them return to “normal” during the pandemic. This is particularly true in the US, where the CDC has warned of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and experts are quoted saying that the “unvaccinated are the greatest threat to pandemic recovery.”
The tendency in the US to assign blame and find scapegoats is amplified by major media, which argue the pandemic is “spiraling out of control due to unvaccinated people.” Israel has a lesson here and it is a cautionary tale: Large numbers of vaccinated people are testing positive, apparently due to the new “Delta variant” that has impacted much of the world.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has said that “the scientific facts are clear: Those who get vaccinated get infected less; those who get vaccinated are less contagious. If you don’t get vaccinated, you put yourself and your loved ones in danger, especially the elderly.” On July 20, The Jerusalem Post reported that of the 143 hospitalized patients, 58% were fully vaccinated, 3% were partially vaccinated, and 39% were not vaccinated at all.
Israel is still very much trying to struggle with what to do next in an uncertain era. This is because the simplistic analysis that media have tried to shoehorn the pandemic into, quoting some experts, has sometimes been misleading.
There is no magic “return to normal.” Countries discover that just when they think cases are going down, they find them going up. Various measures, from social distancing to masks and lockdowns, have not always been effective. There are many cases to learn from, whether the experience of Australia – where a tough border policy initially appeared to enable “normal” life – to Sweden, where the choice not to lock down was slammed by outsiders but turned out to work fine. Big data tells us that the number of cases per million in Sweden, for instance, is not vastly different from Israel, where there were lockdowns.
The US has lurched from one extreme to another during the pandemic. The new zeal against the “unvaccinated” has sought to heap blame on a swath of the country where vaccination rates are slightly lower among adults for the spread of COVID. There are also calls for vaccine mandates in the military and angry articles asserting that unvaccinated areas are to blame for the spread of the Delta variant.
“Delta variant surges in US amid lagging vaccination,” reads one headline. One commentator, who is not a medical expert, has said on CNN that “we are going to move from a world of incentives to disincentives… This is no longer people just hurting themselves. It’s people incubating deadlier forms of the virus, more infectious forms of the virus, and exposing others to harm, especially children.”
In this line of argument, “vaccinated America” has “had enough” of the unvaccinated. “This was the week that vaccinated America started to get really fed up,” says Brian Stelter on CNN. He says there is a major divide in the US and that is why there is talk of “mandates,” apparently related to vaccines and masks.
Israel was able to achieve an impressive rollout of vaccinates – and not only to vaccinate much of the adult population, particularly the elderly who were vulnerable to COVID’s first waves, but also to achieve impressive vaccination levels in the military, where 83% were vaccinated by March and there were zero deaths.
Yet today in the Jewish state, despite all this and without being able to blame the “unvaccinated” – who make up only a small number of people – there is a rise in COVID cases beyond 1,000 a day to even 2,000, which is a lot for such a small country.
Despite major American media claiming that the rise in cases is primarily in states with low vaccination levels, in fact there are large numbers of cases in many states across the political and vaccination spectrum. This is because the US doesn’t want to have a healthy media discussion, with actual experts, about what is going on.
Some media in the US prefer a simple conclusion, blaming unvaccinated areas for why the pandemic isn’t over, and concluding that “in the United States, this pandemic could be almost over.” There’s no evidence it could be over, because with the exception of China, where there are almost no cases, most of the world is seeing the pandemic continue.
Countries with the highest vaccination rates, including the UK, Israel and the US, continue to have rising cases. High profile cases of vaccinated people getting COVID are beginning to break through into media, with cases like the UK’s health secretary. This has led to discussion about what these “breakthrough” cases are.
Back in April the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US said that “evidence suggests vaccinated people don’t spread COVID-19.” Articles put up headlines such as “yes, vaccines block most transmission of COVID-19,” as The National Geographic wrote. That was the situation in Israel as well: The number of new cases declined dramatically as the vaccine rollout increased.
Then, cases began to grow again in June. By July there were thousands a day. This is alleged to be due to the spread of the Delta variant, which has tragically and coincidentally come along just as everything was returning to “normal.” Now articles are explaining “why vaccinated people are getting breakthrough infections.” Mask guidelines have been reversed. The CDC agrees and has also reversed the indoor mask guidance. This has been surprising for some, and articles have asked “why are vaccinated people still testing positive for COVID-19,” as Fortune wondered.
Others point out that vaccines weren’t going to reduce new cases to zero and that if you have a highly vaccinated public, then some of those who are infected will be vaccinated. But this still leaves an elephant in the room when it comes to Israel’s experience.
According to NBC, “CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with COVID have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others. Based on that finding, Walensky said the CDC is also recommending that all school children wear masks in the fall.”
AS USUAL in the US, they are concerned that “messaging” might lead people to do something that is not in their best interest. This is why America also issued misleading mask guidance early in the pandemic when they claimed there were shortages of masks. People were told not to wear masks so that there wouldn’t be a shortage.
Now the question is about vaccination rates. “Within the administration, there had been concern that a focus on mask use could take away a key incentive for people to get vaccinated, which they believe was a factor for many people in choosing to get the shot,” says NBC.The US has made another odd decision as well, which is worth quoting in full from the NBC report: “Just how widespread infections among the vaccinated are in the US is unknown. The CDC said in May it would stop monitoring the number of infections in vaccinated people aside from cases where a fully vaccinated person was hospitalized or died. Walensky said on Monday the agency has been tracking specific groups for breakthrough infections and would be reporting that data soon.
“The limited data so far has left doctors saying they feel they are flying blind in trying to assess the risk the new variant poses to their patients and relying on data out of other countries like Israel, where researchers released data last week showing the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was just 39% effective against preventing infection from the delta variant and 91% effective at preventing severe disease.”
America, which has the resources to track big data such as infections and spread among vaccinated people, appears to have dropped the ball when it comes to gathering important information early on during the vaccination effort. In essence, this dovetailed with the rise of the Delta variant, such that when people needed this information about how it was spreading among all sectors of the population, some information was not forthcoming.
Israel, which has tried to reduce politicizing the pandemic, is reporting how many cases there are a day and apparently how many are among vaccinated people, because Israel wants to know what to do next….
Both governments in America and Israel are, of course, lying — but they are merely lying about different aspects of this fake pandemic.
Israel appears to have been very successful at getting its small, easily manipulated population vaccinated — making it impossible to blame the unvaccinated for any new “breakthrough” cases as America is trying to do.
There is no credible evidence that unvaccinated people are more likely to incubate and spread the alleged variant — on top of the fact that asymptomatic people do not — and cannot — spread COVID — an important fact that this article from the Jerusalem Post conveniently ignores.
And Israel isn’t blaming the unvaccinated for a very simple reason — they want to roll out the “booster” vaccination for the “Delta” variant — to “prove” it works against this “variant” — and then sell it to the rest of the world — starting an endless cycle of vaccination-new variant-new vaccine shenanigans until they’ve reached their depopulation goals.
America, on the other hand, is obsessed with getting almost 100 million unvaccinated people to accept the vaccine — because that’s a huge control group that could — and will expose — the fraudulence of the the entire “pandemic” boondoggle.
And if the experience of Israel is true — that the original vaccine loses effectiveness after only six months — and also requires a “booster” every six months — pragmatic Americans will just say, “Then why should I bother with it at all?“
Already-vaccinated Americans are not going go along with these endless COVID boosters the way the Israelis have — they were promised their “normal” life back if they went along with the vaccine.
And since the “Delta” variant is brand new — how is it possible that Pfizer has already developed a vaccine against it?
Does the “booster” cause your body to produce more spike proteins just like the original? If so, how are these “booster” spike proteins any different?
If the world salad of one of the leading “experts” on the “booster” trials is any indication, answers to these common sense questions will not be forthcoming.
I’m really surprised by this. Confused even.
20 Mechanisms of Injuries (MOI)
How COVID-19 Injections Can Make You Sick; Even Kill You
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Cleveland, Ohio
C 2021
J&J – Johnson and Johnson – uses adenovirus and transgene to create the spike protein
AZ – AstraZeneca – uses adenovirus and transgene to create spike proteins; high risk of blood clots
Pfizer and Moderna – use mRNA to create the spike protein
Spike protein – antigen on surface of the SARS-CoV2 virus that binds to the ACE2 receptors on the
surface of cells to enter into organs to start replication.
Anti-S-Antibody – the antibody generated by your immune system B-cells after being exposed to
the Spike protein; the antibody is supposed to bind to the spike protein on the surface of the virus
to block entrance into the cells. However it is not known if this actually occurs.
MOI #1 – Injections can lead to death through anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening allergic
reaction. With COVID shots, the allergic reaction is suspected to be caused by previous exposure
to and sensitization to polyethylene glycol [PEG].
MOI #2 – Anti-Inflammatory macrophages, called M2, are inhibited by anti-spike-antibodies [anti-S-Ab].
MOI #3 – All COVID shots lead to the creation of a spike protein through a process called
translation. The spike protein can damage the body by at least FOUR pathways:
1. The spike protein behaves as a hapten, a small molecule that binds to the surface of organs,
leading to an autoimmune response.
2. The spike protein can damage organs directly by promoting cardiovascular complications,
damaging blood vessels in the lungs, and breaking through the blood brain barrier (BBB),
important for protecting the brain.
3. The spike protein can incorporate into human DNA through a process called transfection.
4. The spike protein evokes the release of destructive anti-spike-antibodies, [anti-S-Ab]
discussed below.
MOI #4 – Spike protein can trigger changes in blood vessel walls, leading to pulmonary artery
hypertension (PAH), which is fatal even under the best current conventional and alternative
MOI #5 – In men, the spike protein can bind to the ACE2 receptor on sperm. Risk of infertility is indicated
but not yet proven.
MOI #6 – Spike proteins cause inflammation and disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB),
leading to neuropathology and brain degeneration.
MOI #7 – Neurological degeneration: spike proteins can damage the FUS gene and mutate the
TDP-43 protein, leading to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
MOI #8 – Neurological degeneration: mutation and altered function of the TDP-43 protein can also
lead to frontotemporal lobe degeneration (FTLD), a cluster of chronic, degenerative
neurological diseases.MOI #9 – Mutation of the FUS gene can also lead to cancer.
MOI #10 – Adenoviruses used in both the Johnson & Johnson shot and the AstraZeneca shots
pose a risk of cancer.
MOI #11 – Anti-spike-antibodies [anti-S-Ab] can cause significant damage, specifically to the lungs. The
antibodies can also cross-react with 28 different human tissue types, establishing a mechanism for multisystem autoimmune disorders and multiorgan failure.
MOI #12 – Previous coronavirus exposure and the concept called ‘original antigenic sin’ stops true
protection against the SARS-CoV2 if previously ill with a coronavirus infection.
MOI #13 – There is an increased risk of COVID illness and COVID-related death in persons who has been
previously vaccinated with an influenza vaccine.
MOI #14 – The larger (highly elevated) SARS-CoV-2 antibody response from a COVID infection or
from a COVID shot, results in prolonged and more severe illness.
MOI #15 – COVID shots can lead to enlarged lymph nodes that may have long term ramifications.
MOI #16 – Widespread use of COVID shots results in non-neutralizing antibodies, especially in
people who have already had a COVID infection. This may be leading to virulent mutant viruses.
MOI #17 – Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is a phenomenon occurs when a person is
exposed to a circulating coronavirus after being vaccinated. The anti-S-Ab enhances the entry of
the SARS-CoV-2 virus into the cell (usually macrophages) and accelerates its replication, causing
more severe illness than they would have experienced if they had not been vaccinated.
MOI #18 – Johnson/Johnson and AstraZeneca shots release a transgene that can lead to
potentially deadly side effects from injecting raw genetic material that can induce anti-DNA
antibodies and can integrate into human DNA.
MOI #19 – Both Johnson/Johnson and AstraZeneca shots carry a snip of double stranded DNA
(dsDNA) [transgene] wrapped in an adenovirus outer “shell.” 50-billion particles are injected
with each injection. dsDNA-antibodies are diagnostic of a long list of autoimmune disorders.
MOI #20: The AstraZeneca shot has been known to be associated with potentially deadly blood
clots, a condition named Vaccine-Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia (VIPIT).
“Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely
dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original
REF: Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1):
1-3. https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-rna-based-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-1503.pdf
30% of Vaxxes Placebo.
Another one bites the dust.
Leaders-Dispatched who denied The Death Vaxx
It must be working?
A taste of their own medicine.
Burning Green Pass Passports in ITALY.
Amanda 23 Dead-Clotshot
Boys with Myocarditis.
20500+ Dead form Covid Vaccines EU, 1.9 Million Side Effects.
They didn’t isolate the Virus thats the Issue
The Science Changes;
1.2 million dollars for corona virus proof.
“German journalist Samuel Eckert is offering a reward of 1 million dollars for those who provide irrefutable proof of the existence of Covid-19,” he writes in one of his tweets.
He adds: “By proof, he means the isolation of the virus according to Koch’s postulates. To date, no one has been able to win Eckert’s challenge,” reiterating that the virus does not meet the classical requirements established since 1905.
“When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid,” said Knauss.
Hard pass on the jab.
Influencer with 127k followers #DrJenniferCassidy gets #AstraZeneca shot.
Looks like ADE to me…
Two elderly ladies find the cure for Covid.
$1200 Dollar Fine Squashed for breaking Scamdemic Rules.
Just say NO.
Who owns the Companies..
Will the tru believers fall in line to their kike overlords or will they get another bout of selective hearing?
Tru believers have no problem with the faked death count, “Ooga Booga, 608,000 deaths CDC say!”, but when the jews in the CDC slip in the “94% died with the Coof, not from it” or Debbie Birx lets us know that we’re counting all deaths as Coof-19 deaths, or the Jew York Times let’s us know that 90% of PCR tests are false positives, they don’t put 2 and 2 together.
Israel defending Americans from the constant slander and lies of the jewish media?
Or are they just worried about the blowback they are going to generate and want to get ahead of it before people start attributing mass deaths to the jewish pharmacy cartels and the lies of the jewish press?
I don’t know who’s jewing who any more…
Thank you.
I love this site so much.
I kept wondering why on earth they are so aggressive about making everybody get the jab. Then I saw this comment: “They need everyone to take it. They know there are severe fertility and autoimmune issues with these drugs. The unvaxxed are the control group. In a few years when all the side effects are obvious, they cannot have 50% of the population highlighting the terrible problems. If they get everyone jabbed, then they can blame the side effects on “long covid.”
“The public must be educated about the life-threatening risks of mRNA vaccines before vaccination. .. For the pandemic creators, it is also of strategic importance to eliminate the control group of the unvaccinated – and to do so as quickly as possible. Otherwise it would quickly become apparent that only vaccinated people die. ”
—Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Geneticist, former director of the national institute for health and medical research France
Which is why it was ‘suggested’ that White Males and White Females do some ‘sperm donor and egg donor activity,’ PRIOR to getting the Quackcine. Not a bad idea at all. I’m suggesting it to my adult children.
Oh, and this article should get greater traction.
If everyone knew the truth that Israel was behind 911, USS Liberty attack, JFK assassination, the holocaust racket, and much more, they wouldn’t even listen to these liars in the first place. The Israeli gov’t and also our own gov’t have totally destroyed their own credibility with many of us (who know). Not a damned thing they say, not one damned thing, should be considered at all. Gates already spilled the beans with his population management speech and commercial regarding “new vaccines” to shrink the number of people alive. I think if everyone knew about their false flags and murderous plans we wouldn’t even have to go through the trouble of learning about this variant and that variant, and all the medical jargon they spew to mesmerize us. In my opinion, serious bloodshed via armed resistance is the only way out of this jewish evil.
I can believe that Israel had JFK whacked.
What I still don’t get is why JFK went against Israel on nukes when he went along with the (((agenda))) on everything else.
JFK condoned desegregation at government gunpoint, destroying what was left of the US dollar (EO 11110), giving the US federal government over to communists (EO 10988), and defunding right-wing conservative & Christian activists (AmRen link) of his time. All the destruction of the USA that Ike had started, JFK gladly continued. Including trying to implement regime change and other globalism.
It is even more confusing to me as I do not understand what the hullabaloo over Israel getting nukes was anyhow because the (((USSR))) already had them by the dozens and the USSR and Israel were in cahoots. At least that is what we were told.
I think he simply was a loose cannon. JFK may have been the last “organic” President. But even JFK was an insider. But a ‘loose cannon’ insider.
Contrast that to Trump. He is not a loose cannon. They had him groomed from day one. It may appear that Trump was a loose cannon, but I think that was just part of his schtick. And it worked! Conservative mid-western c.hristians love him.
JFK was too well liked across both political climates. He had to go. Maybe the motivation was to show the world that they can. Imagine the power of politicians that follow knowing what happened to JFK.
Step out of line …………. look what happens.
I’m not sure that JFK could count as an “organic” President, as there’s not much question that his political machine used “Crook County” to steal the 1960 election from Nixon…and then he and RFK employed and expanded Ike’s anti-conservative laws + policies to deny Nixon a conservative media platform to protest the steal (not to say that he would have).
IMO JFK is the forerunner of BJ Clinton, a dem groomed to schmooze with the Middle American but who continued verbatim the anti-American (((policies))) started by his Republican predecessor. If only we could have given Wallace or Rockwell a shot in office…
Could JFK have been a super-shabbos goy who suddenly grew a conscience and got “goodified” to set an example, as I am of the opinion that Stalin was? I could see that, but I would still be curious why Israel would have needed us to get The Bomb, were Israel and the USSR not quite the “bosom buddies” history remembers them as?
On top of this, Wall Street firms have over 1.5 QUADRILLION in bad bets going sour. Didn’t even know that the word Quadrillion existed before the latest Wall Street blow up, which started in the Fall of 2019. The FED started giving those gangster banks 100 billion a day in November, then 150 billion a day in December, then opened up the floodgates in January 2020.
Not many know of this, since the )))MSM((( kept screaming “Orange Man Bad” & “Covid, we’re all gonna die!”
Covering up Wall Streets thefts by screaming COVID.
U.S. Banking System Has a $168 Trillion Nightmare Looming. It Was Ignored in Written Testimony for Today’s Senate Banking Hearing
To blame the unvaccinated people for the increase in corona virus cases is just like blaming heathy people for causing others to become sick or ill.
The uninformed vaccinated are going to regret their decision once these fake jabs start doing what they are meant to do, compared to the unvaccinated.
We wouldn’t be so lucky. 4+ billion deaths in the next 2-3 years would be so obvious it would put the Moloch-worshiping pedo elite in danger. It’s going to be much slower, subversive, and insidious. The goyim will never figure it out.
Who said this?
“If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world”.
That’s right ….Bill Gates.
Those of us who are informed will know regardless of how many deny it or never understand what’s happening and we can make a stand for those who suffer.