In a wide-ranging interview with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Michael Yeadon — Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field — addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century:
His main points included:
There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”
Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” [booster] vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.”
[Yeadon stated], “I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.”
…“[And if you recognize that our governments are involved in a major verifiable lie], don’t just turn your computer off and go to supper. Stop. Look out the window, and think, ‘why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?’ Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.
“The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that.
“It could be something that will produce normal pathology, it will be at various times between vaccination and the event, it will be plausibly deniable because there will be something else going on in the world at that time, in the context of which your demise, or that of your children will look normal.
“That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”
“Now I don’t know [for certain] that they’re going to use that [system] to kill you, but I can’t think of a benign reason, and with that power they certainly could harm you, or control you, so you should object [and strenuously oppose it].”
People can’t deal with this level of evil, but Soviets, Hitler, Mao show its possibility.“It’s become absolutely clear to me, even when I talk to intelligent people, friends, acquaintances … and they can tell I’m telling them something important, but they get to the point [where I say] ‘your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death and that of your children,’ and they can’t begin to engage with it. And I think maybe 10% of them understand what I said, and 90% of those blank their understanding of it because it is too difficult. And my concern is, we are going to lose this, because people will not deal with the possibility that anyone is so evil…
“But I remind you of what happened in Russia in the 20th Century, what happened in 1933 to 1945, what happened in, you know, Southeast Asia in some of the most awful times in the post-war era. And, what happened in China with Mao and so on.
“We’ve only got to look back two or three generations. All around us there are people who are as bad as the people doing this. They’re all around us. So, I say to folks, the only thing that really marks this one out, is its scale.
“But actually, this is probably less bloody, it’s less personal, isn’t it? The people who are steering this … it’s going to be much easier for them. They don’t have to shoot anyone in the face. They don’t have to beat someone to death with a baseball bat, or freeze them, starve them, make them work until they die. All of those things did happen two or three generations back and our grandparents or great grandparents were either victims of this, or they were actually members of it, or at least they witnessed it from overseas. That’s how close we are.
“And all I’m saying is, some shifts like that are happening again, but now they are using molecular biology.
“And the people going along with it, I think they would probably say, ‘I was only following orders,’ which we have heard before.
“But I know, because I have talked to lots of people, and some of them have said ‘I don’t want to believe that you are right, so I’m going to just put it away because if it is true, I can’t handle it.’ And I think … all you need to do is find a good reason to tell people, ‘Don’t take the vaccine unless you’re a medical risk of dying from the virus!’ That seems to me a pretty good line!”
…Finally, in an email correspondence, Dr. Yeadon concluded, “I have latest taken to signing off with ‘May God save us’, because I think we need God now more than at any time since WW2.”
We first reported on Dr. Yeadon last year when he came forward to warn the public that the mRNA vaccines could cause sterility in women — and indeed a number of pregnant women who have taken the vaccine have died along with their unborn babies.
Of course, this massive worldwide depopulation program under the guise of a fake pandemic was predicted, in uncanny detail, in the 2017 study or blueprint, “SPARS Pandemic Scenario” by Johns Hopkins University.
This “study” confirms exactly what Dr. Yeadon is claiming — that there will be perhaps a two year lapse between the time of the vaccination and when major fatal conditions — such as Prion Disease — start showing up in millions of those vaccinated, creating “plausible deniability” for the vaccines.
These vaccine side effects, of course, will be blamed on a “new variant” of COVID — for which the vaccine did not provide protection — creating an endless cycle of vaccination and disease until the desired depopulation targets are met.
And all of this has been made possible because people have been brainwashed — using medical melodramas — to unquestioningly trust their doctors — as their literal “saviors”.
And, of course, their “trusted” Christian pastors, priests, and clergy are in lockstep with the “expert” doctors — telling their congregations that taking the vaccine is their “Christian responsibility.”
Because this conspiracy is so vast and so evil, as Dr. Yeadon points out, most people will simply refuse to believe it — and former Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover once made the exact same observation in an article he wrote for The Elks Magazine in 1956:
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
Maxime Joseph Daigle
I have a suggestion that you as an influencer that has contact with many people and experts on our side when it comes to “Covid”, you should stick with one constant simple message to government and media…” We want constant public debates on the science of Covid by experts from both sides of the arguments”…
This is the only way from my years of experience as an American Indian fighting the sytem in courts and protests…
only solution in the physical world is this to prove them wrong…each side is preaching to their side…non effective.
If you want to contact me to discuss more about why I come to this conclusion, please don’t hesitate.
Best Regards,
victor young
Spot on Mac.
Thank you for speaking out. Well spoken. I’m from North Chesterfield Virginia.
victor young
Max not Mac talk to text at fault
Lizzy Elise Gingerich
I haven’t not believed in this STUFF, from the start HONESTLY!!! Also: IT Makes Me ANGRY, ALL Of THIS MAKES ME So ANGRY!!! my family BELIEVES In IT Though, Totally, And THEY ALL Three Just Got JABBED!! Or Are About READY To GET JABBED!! Hey I TRIED……
victor young
Spot on
Vaxx deaths starting in Asia now…
First Experimental Vaxx death in Thailand reported, just as a huge Fear Campaign ramps up.with Useless deadly PCR Covid test cases.
Single Point Command for Genocidal Drive.
The government will adopt a single command system to improve the efficiency of the national Covid-19 vaccination drive, with the aim of inoculating about 30 million people over the next three months and 50 million by the end of the year.
Meanwhile taxi drives and whole areas of Thailand compulsory Mask wearing , Taxi Drivers driving short of Oxygen what could go wrong?
Thai Doctor:Currently resides in Germany, thinks he will leave Germany and return to Thailand for safety, big mistake
The International Jewish Bankers rule everywhere they have a Central Bank, thats everywhere.
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi – Covid19 Vaccines Will Decimate World Population.
US To Dump 60 Million Unapproved Blood Clot Causing AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccines On India.
20 Year Old Suffers Stroke and Paralysis after Vaccine.
Critically Thinking with Dr. Tenpenny And Others.
They’ve used sophisticated brainwashing techniques thought up at Tavistock Institute to blind and manipulate the masses. I also think they’re using some type of witchcraft because people are deceived – even Christians.
I just tried talking to a friend who got the vaccine when I warned her against it. She acted like I am the one who is deceived. I tried but could not get through – now she refuses to talk to me.
We were warned of mass deception in the last days. Well we’re seeing it right NOW.
This all is very unlikely. Or can anyone please tell me:
How could they coordinate dozens of companies developping vacczines without even one whistleblower coming out with the truth?
The governments’ fear-mongering is one thing.
The critics’ fear-mongering is no better.
Still, I won’t use vaccines as I have an inborn immune system and encourage others to do the same.
Especially for children vaccination is really useless, as they are save already due to their youth and biology: “The leading idea is that children have fewer ACE2 receptors on their cells than older people have. The ACE2 receptor is where the coronavirus latches on as it invades cells.”
Adolf Hitler wrote this in Mein Kampf,
It would never come into their heads [the mind of the individual] to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
Roberta Pate
Great quote. Thanks for sharing.
In the comment section of a whistleblower’s article, you asked:
“can anyone please tell me:
How could they coordinate dozens of companies developping vacczines without even one whistleblower coming out with the truth?”
A whistleblower such as
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon? Could you be more obtuse if you tried?
Ultrafart the Brave
“Could you be more obtuse if you tried?”
“Obtuse” is just a polite way of saying “dumb” – an exceedingly apt description of Hans’ initial perplexingly illogical question.
Hans is a rea-life living example of the article’s final quotation.
Hans: First of all, we don’t know yet if all the different injections will do the same thing. But I do not believe such a coordination would be difficult to achieve. The global power cabal has had many decades of time to plan and prepare. Making sure that all the required companies would be under control, their leadership being in on the agenda, would be one part of that. If you just have enough time to prepare — and these people do make their plans and prepare systematically a long time in advance (for example, during the ’90s, IBM made an advanced microchip named IBM2020, which shows that 2020 was planned to be a significant year for this agenda already then) — that part is achieved quite easily, both by maneuvering your people into the right positions and by taking control over the mostly corrupt and morally weak people to be found in corporate top positions who aren’t yet ‘initiated’. This cabal has made an advanced science of how they take control over people to make them do what they want. Then you have the compartmentalization. Most people working for these companies don’t know the secret functions of the injections. They may want us to believe that these injections are developed and produced through a totally ‘open-source’ and transparent process, but this is naive, I’m afraid. The entire show of a “race against time” to invent these ‘vaccines’ after a “novel virus” took us “by surprise”, blah blah, is just propaganda. Everything was already in place for this agenda before the beginning of 2020. All the individuals who have TRULY been involved in developing these injections and who knew what they were doing and the purpose it plays, were already so soulless before they got the job that they would never be a security risk for the agenda. They know who they own completely.
Logical Extremist
Well when those companies, politicians, and media are saturated with jews, I can’t see how you don’t understand how this is possible. Furthermore, there ARE whistleblowers and people speaking out about this. The problem is jews and their media are actively censoring them so the normies never hear about it and if they do, they just brush it off as a kook because the vast majority of what they are ALLOWED to hear tells them something different. People are herd animals and will follow wherever they PERCEIVE the herd is heading. That’s why jews buy up all media so they can control what people perceive is the popular opinion even if in reality it isn’t. I read comment sections on leftist rags and the vast majority of people aren’t buying into the covid narrative but because the articles themselves say otherwise, the majority will sit and do nothing.
Roberta Pate
This is all a part of their protocols and it is alarming more people do not understand or grasp the need to enlighten themselves with the grip those Jews have on us.
Nancy Corcoran
When I first became a Christian in 1976, I had an enormous hunger to read the Bible and “chew the cud”…meditate on what I was learning, comparing verse by verse. It was very soon that the Spirit of Truth Who was teaching me showed me that whenever confusion arose and spread – I was to “Look fir a lie trying to exalt itself over truth”….accompanied by false scales, false balance, and the moving of boundaries (all things Hod hates). He showed me also to “Ignore the voices of haste, or emergency, of panic that insist ‘Do this NOW or you will blow your chance!’ “ The Spirit of Truth is calm, peaceful , and sows His seeds of truth in peace (not with strong winds of confusion and panic). He is a gentleman Who respects the free will and time we might need to think of things in calmness. He who gave us our free will would not violate our free will by putting us into fearfulness and panic. He earns our trust during peace and sound-mindedness. The Spirit of Truth is light a traffic light inside of us …red light- “Stop here. Do not go forward. Something is very wrong!”, a green light – “Go forward…smooth sailing… keep going forward until the light changes”, or flashing yellow – “Don’t move yet…you don’t have all the information you need…wait…caution… the light will turn either strong red or strong green.” I am saying this from my own experience – I first had a yellow light in me, but then I saw confusion, fear, and Dr. Fauci and others “in the know” moving boundaries…saying this, then that, changing their statements. I prayed for wisdom to come to me in peace – and I got a strong “red light” inside me. When I heard Dr. Geerten Vanden Bossche (a 30 year developer and designer of vaccines who oversaw the development of the Ebola vaccine) advise “DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE!”…he confirmed the warning of my red light; he spoke truth and it brought peace hearing him. I only know now – for me – I will obey what God has given me.
T. Cain
Wow great insight brother! Makes me think of the scripture “do not be easily alarmed in your spirit or by a spoken word concerning “the end” -1st Thes Our Father works slowly like nature
T. Cain
I mean sister! Haha sorry
Such a good insight, the enemy always works in hast and get it now attitude…
So the animals it was tested on died? Well not straight away.
Steven Tuter
Correct; The cats and the ferrets died upon the arrival of the very next virus event in their future , the variant killed them because their immune system did NOTHING as the “cloaking device”‘ ,,IE: The rna/dna chemo~injections had blinded their abilities to recognize pathologies … 🙁
SARS vaccine tested on ferrets released back into the wild. When exposed to SARS in natural environment they died because their immune system over reacted to the virus. Was documented in SARS papers.
There is certainly no virus at all.
I’m surprised at how few people realize this. There is NO SUCH THING AS COVID. It’s a total scam.
Trump sold this covid scam and vax just as much as everyone. Dems and Repubs are both in on it. Just like 911.
A lie caused a fraud war. It’s a nazi take over.
Stop the mask, resist at every turn.
“…….It’s a nazi take over……………………”
Codes — please elaborate. Because we could only hope the great men and women of Germany circa 1933 would rise up in the World today.
“Learning” is a lifelong endeavor.
Please Read — “Germany’s War” by John Wear for starters.
Get your head out of the sand please.
Clifford Clinton
Germany was trying to stop this kind of thing and suffered the real holocaust for her efforts. People’s idea of WWII is upside down. The villains were really the heroes and the heroes were really the villains.
Susan Beedon
No Trump didn’t sell it. And yes Covid is real! Maybe not quite as bad as they are saying but it’s real. I had it and so did my husband.
Susan, you and your husband may have had flu-like symptoms that they told you was “COVID”, but those symptoms weren’t caused by “COVID”. The COVID test, if you tested positive for it, is bogus and does not test for the presence of the virus. According to the CDC, no one in America got the seasonal flu last year when usually 30,000 die from it every year. Strange, no? Most likely you were one of those who got the seasonal flu that was erroneously counted as “COVID”.
Hear, hear!!!
Sorry,but you are spreading false information. I know plenty of people who were diagnosed with the flu and were prescribed Meds for flu, just like in the past. Some of these then also contracted Covid. Some still haven’t tested positive for Covid. Trust me the flu and Covid are both real viruses and totally different!!!
N=6? N=8? Any control group? And idea how many times the fake test was multiplied?
Or I KNOW what’s real because of my personal experience and that experience and my conclusions now apply to SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE!!
“totally different!!!”
Yeah, right. I’m not sure who’s putting you up to this shilling, but they’re not getting their money’s worth. Your poker tell?: “Trust me”. If you feel you actually have to tell people to trust you, that’s a sign that you’re not to be trusted.
Logical Extremist
The CDC literally came out and admitted the PCR test doesn’t differentiate between covid and the flu. You’re right, influenza and covid exists and every year covid mutates to a different strain, ie covid 17, 18, 19. However, YOU have no idea with the PCR test what you had. On top of that, healthcare systems such as Allina barred doctors from even using specific influenza tests and mandated the PCR. Why? Because the government was paying for covid 19. This isn’t rocket science. Just from the fact you used “spreading false information” proves you are soaking up all the standard media rhetoric and have an inability for critical thinking. I don’t blame you because the vast majority of people are herd animals and depend on the herd to think for them collectively.
My fiance and I both had Covid and it definitely is real.
No, you tested positive for it, perhaps, but that’s meaningless. Did you have flu-like symptoms? Then maybe you had the seasonal flu. The PCR test is bogus, and doesn’t test for the presence of the COVID virus. Don’t believe the hype.
God designed our immune system and man thinks he is more intelligent more knowledgeable than God?
I am sorry to inform those who think this but man will never be more knowledgeable than God. This is why I believe the vaccine has been created by evil powers. Also the governments want to force people to take the vaccine and force a passport for control of world population.
JUSTSAYNO…….. critical logical thinking brothers and sisters . Think before you do …… do some research … please do not be a lemming
Edward I
Yes, David, if human beings need vaccines because our own immune systems are insufficient to protect us, then God has failed. And any Christian who believes in vaccines tacitly believes in a god that fails, which is not the true God.
Jewish Group Files ICC Lawsuit Claiming Israel’s COVID Vaccine Program Is A ‘Crime Against Humanity’
Many excellent articles on the COVID scam:
Can you cite your sources for this article? Was this an interview with Mr. Yeadon and where can we see it in full?
Christians For Truth
There is an embedded link to the original article about the interview with Dr. Yeadon at the beginning of the article at the top, first sentence. Here’s the direct link:
Be careful. As soon as we begin demonizing Jews or any other group or person, we are no longer Christian. No matter how heinous the crimes, even the most evildoing person remains created in the image of God, and has the potential to achieve His likeness. Never forget this.
I guess that means that Christ himself is not Christian because he repeatedly demonized the Jews — as did the apostles. Only Adam was created in the image of God, and not every biped hominoid is of Adam. Never forget this.
Yes, we are primarily hybrids. That’s why the genealogy leading to Jesus’ birth is listed. It’s why Noah’s family was found to be the only pure blood (righteous)(but not all of his son’s wives were, thus the seed of the serpent lives on). The elite in our world have often chosen their Father Lucifer, taken his mark, and are overtaken by the parasite they inject. Cannibalism is celebrated and pedophilia is their norm. These are the people America worships!
Covid was used by both sides. By forcing everyone to stay home we lost interest in their propaganda, saw through their hypocrisy, took the millionaires down a notch and ratings have never been lower. Have NO other gods.
That is exactly the problem with ‘New Christians’, that cowardly high and mighty turn the other cheek stuff, instead of thinking and putting things in proper perspective. That same self-serving attitude waged war against Germany and Europe on behalf of the Bolshevik communist minority group, and see how that turned out, America became a anti-Christian Bolshevik communist ‘minority group’ dictatorship, with the help of New Christians, who believe that Jews are the god chosen master race. “No matter how heinous the crimes, even the most evildoing person remains created in the image of God”…..exploiting people to foment hatred, pitting them against eachother to divide, engaging in perpetual wars and advocating genocide is indeed in the image of God, and if you are critical of the wickedness your are no longer Christian…..unbelievable….my brain hurts.
Right on!
Shah Mark
Nailed it.
Christ Is King
Many Christians fought and died for Christ against many different religions so that you can turn the other cheek.
By your logic every man, woman, and child that went on holy crusade was not a Christian. Napoleonic wars? Prodestant vs catholic?
By your logic any Christian who demonizes anything or anyone, is not a Christian. How do we gauge demonizing? How do we measure what is acceptable and what is demonic? If Jesus is the measure then He was always demonising people! Therefore it must be down to the individual, or is there a group concensus? Presuming that it is up to the individual to decide what is demonizing and what isn’t, by your warning us to “be careful” you in fact have just shown, by your logic, that you are not Christian. Never forget this.
Only those who are born again In Christ have the image of God restored to them which was lost in the Fall. To deny this is to pervert the Gospel!
Please read this article called The True Image of God
No one is born again. You are repeating the error of Nicodemus. Go back to the blackboard.
Dennis Roe
Wake up buddy, they want you dead or enslaved.
David Goliath
Uh….you might want to take this up with Jesus Christ…..He spent the better part of the NT slamming the small hats.
“Be careful. As soon as we begin demonizing Jews or any other group or person, we are no longer Christian”
i’m not a Christian, so i can demonize all day
“As soon as we begin demonizing Jews or any other group or person, we are no longer Christian.”
Ridiculous. Would we be unChristian if we demonized a group of… demons? lol
Yet another disinformation agent on this board. Go back to twitter
Just a guy
The major medical journal “The Lancet” just came out with a new “study” that lists all the negative effects that COVID allegedly has on human brains, such as:
1. 6 months after exposure, 1 out of 3 patients have neurologic/psychiatric problems
2. dementia, mood disorders, strokes
3. 1st ever neurophyschiatric diagnoses were twice as high in COVID patients
In other words, all the problems that are caused by the COVID vaccines are being blamed on COVID. What a cover up!
The vaccine was not made for covid19, Covid19 was made for the vaccine
Dale De Morgan
LaLa Rue
Clever diversion. Do not get this vaccine.
“1. 6 months after exposure, 1 out of 3 patients have neurologic/psychiatric problems”
Caused by the virus — or by the insane lockdowns, masking, ‘distancing’ and lack of human touch, forced suspicion of every other human as dangerous, loss of jobs, solitary deaths of loved ones, destruction of civilization by powers that should not be!?
Ever heard of confounding factors? WAY more of those than any proof about some not-quite-isolated virus, eh?
2. dementia, mood disorders, strokes
{cue music} One of these three is not like the others, one of these three does not belong.{/m}
For “mood disorders” : see my answer to 1. above. The other two MIGHT be diagnosable by actual scientific methods (MRI, brain scans) — but dementia might not. So really, ONLY strokes MAY be diagnosable as physiological.
Sorry, FEAR PORN, all the way!
My family won’t listen they dismiss it all .
My brother and my mom went ahead with the vaccine despite evidence shown to them .
I’ve come to the conclusion that they’ll never believe me so i don’t bother trying anymore .
Luckily my dad and i are wide awake and we’re both ducking and diving from the GPs requests .
In the end they will treat us anti vaxers like the Germans treated the jews like we’re dirty .
History is repeating right in front of our eyes .
The tactics the Governments will pull on us is going to test us big-time .
This is a flaw in their big plan. They will end up culling only the most brainwashed and docile among us, leaving the most independent and mentally and spiritually strong, and thus harder to dominate. God will have the last laugh. As the poet Robert Burns (1785) wrote,
“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!”
jon perry
I thought that.
The same way the endless wars that the Deep State creates culls off our bravest and strongest, leaving the soyboys and their genetic offspring to run the show.
“…..Germans treated the jews like we’re dirty …..”
Maybe you could elaborate here. “How” did the Germans do that — ‘treated them like they were dirty?’
Do you know WHY the Germans wanted the Jewish people removed from Germany???
Difference is Michelle, the Germans had good reason to want the jews out of their country; its now the jews [ and their lackeys] that are treating US like unwanted animals , partially because we understand them and mostly because they do the ‘will of their father the devil’.
Jews produce all of the pornography in the world.
Jews will kill him soon. So jews are masters of their own destruction, this time will be no survivors. Not matter what they have is never enough, they want the planet for their own. So ETERNAL hell is waiting for them, they can call their own.
Agenda 21 and The New World Order are what we are seeing come to fruition. I suspected that if the vaccine doesn’t kill people then they are injected with heavy metals (they found heavy nanoparticles in the vaccines) which will then allow the powers that be to keep you in line and control you through electricity as Jose Delgado did in his experiments. He said one day the technology would be used to control people and this may be what they’re doing.
They’re heavily chemtrailing us with heavy metals now too so that could be what the devils are up to.
I don’t know how I landed on this page today but it was from God. I have been trying to warn others about this. I was catastrophically damaged by a pharmaceutical – so bad that I break down once a week and beg God for death. In the midst of it He gave me several huge blessings although the damage is still here and very hard to bear.
I no longer trust doctors. A family member is a nurse and told me things. My other family member is a microbiologist who is horrified that no peer-reviewed studies were done. You can bet the psyop was thought up at Tavistock where they hire all the psychologists to figure out how to best manipulate the emotions of the people.
PLEASE JOIN ME IN ALERTING OTHERS IT’S OUR HOPE. I was so discouraged from trying to warn other BELIEVERS INCLUDING A PASTOR that refused to listen that God let me meet two new friends who know it’s evil.
This is the BEAST SYSTEM. May God help us.
Sophie- I’m glad you found this article. And, just to let you know that you aren’t the only one, my younger sister got her life destroyed by a pharmaceutical. And this basically destroyed the lives of the rest of my family. My sister is slowly getting better, but it has taken 4 years and she’s still not all the way back.
“6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020”
“As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use authorization to fight a “pandemic” that is now over a year old, reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% here at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.
These new products, which many doctors and scientists claim do not even meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” are described by the manufacturers themselves as “operating systems” called the “software of life,” and prior to COVID they have never been approved to be used on human populations.
Notice that 80% of these recorded deaths are among seniors over the age of 65!
How is this NOT a national tragedy that should be headline news everywhere??” [More]
The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines
*AstraZeneca CEO – Leif Johansson (JEWISH)
*Pfizer CEO – Albert Bourla (JEWISH)
*Moderna CEO – Stéphane Bancel (JEWISH)
*Prof. Zeev Rotstein, the CEO of Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center told Radio 103FM that the hospital is involved in Russia’s clinical safety trials.
*Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s Jewish Past inspired Vaccine Work – Family of top pharmaceutical leader Albert Bourla miraculously survived the Holocaust in Salonika, Greece.
Why the vaccine ….
Acceding to the vaccines, whether “required” by “your” standard government, or by the same interlocking jewish networks which are behind the stealth Corporate government and the CFR, the unconstitutional vaccine passports [mandates] will turn you into being a controlled slave, even if they were not to maim or kill you. Once they obtain that illicit power over you, via the public’s apathy and inaction, they then consider that the majority of the people’s apathy is their license, and they can then do whatever they wish with any one, or groups, of you. Apathy is one of the planned wonders of a multi-“cultural” “Democracy”.
“Plans For ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were In Place 20 Months Before COVID-19 Outbreaks”
“Paul Anthony Taylor, writing for the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, is reporting that the ‘European Commission’ – the executive body of Europe – first published a proposal for vaccine passports on April 26, 2018, and that there was also a ‘Global Vaccination Summit’ hosted in Brussels, Belgium, on September 12, 2019, for vaccine religious zealots, just 36 days before Event 201.
If you think I am being facetious for calling attendees to a Global Vaccination Summit “religious zealots,” then take a look at the titles of their three round table presentations that the Summit was based on:…”. [More] ….
to more lies
I don’t trust anyone at the top of our gov, the labs, many doctors, anymore. That’s what happens when we have been lied to by most Dems!
It’s a sad day when can no longer believe Dems, especially when it comes to our health. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out they knew China was making this virus.
It is not the Dems. There is an evil group that built The Federal Reserve – research it. I don’t know if anyone knows who is at the top: the Papacy, Jesuits, Illuminati – but they use violence and murder to achieve their ends which is why Congress is all kept in line. They murdered JFK and RFK.
Its not the Dems? It is the Dem Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act and sold America to the international supremacist bankers. The whole Congress supported his declaration of war against Germany which opposed the Bolshevik communist fascist international banking cabal. It is the Dem FDR who subjugated Europe and put the Marxist Bolshevik communist dictators at the center of the universe. History doesn’t lie….it were and still are the Dems who turned America into a Bolshevik communist liberal democracy. The enemy is not in some faraway land but in New York and Washington D.C.
I agree that the Democrats are mostly satanic now but the whole left/ right paradigm is a lie – both parties are controlled by whoever is at the top of their pyramid. Whoever is at the top most likely communicates directly with Satan.
I know Woodrow Wilson sold America out and he has a lot to answer for. I don’t know how much him being a Dem played into it or if he was just a weak man. It doesn’t matter. What matters now is WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?
I’ve been laying awake nights. This is what I’m personally doing and I ask all of you to do:
1. Reading the Word to get God’s direction
2. Fasting as I’m able – this is a neglected discipline
3. Alerting every person I possibly can about what’s really going on.
If anyone else has suggestions let’s hear them.
I remain unconvinced that there even is a covid-19 virus as described by the media and politicians.
Blaming China for this “virus” is just an excuse to start another Cold War with China. As the youngins say, “Change my mind”
PS: nice job with the site updates CFT.
Yeah, I’m really on the fence with it… on the one hand I think it is a bad flu, but on the other hand it may be a concoction from a devil in a lab or something. If I had a third hand I might say that it’s a punishment from God… maybe? I really just dunno. One thing I do know is that there is no way I’m getting vaccinated for Trendy-virus!
Virtually everyone is experiencing severe allergies that are being triggered by the unbelievable amount of toxins our bodies are inundated with every day. Our food is not food. Our water is poisoned. Our air is chemically sprayed. Our medicine is murderous sorcery.
That’s how Covid19 was created…with a little push from the media…and 5G…
“Blaming China for this “virus” is just an excuse to start another Cold War with China. As the youngins say, “Change my mind””
i do think its time that we should stop buying products from China when we can though. No reason to build up a potential enemy that already seems to have designs on Taiwaan.
I wonder if they are going to call him a conspiracy theorist like they do professor Francis Boyle and others who challenge the international fascist crime syndicate.
Big Red Machine
Right now people are being lulled into a false sense of security, as the vast majority of healthy people who have gotten the vaccine have experienced few real side effects. This will encourage more the have the confidence to get the vaccine.
Then two years from now, the devastating effects begin to show up as the mRNA vaccines continue to overload people with these antibody proteins, creating debilitating brain conditions, like Mad Cow disease. And right on cue, the media will come out with stories that a “new variant” of COVID causes Mad Cow disease!
So many people will die that insurance companies will no longer honor life insurance policies of people who have received the vaccine — make sure your loved ones plan ahead for this possibility….
Are life insurance companies currently paying out for deaths attributed to covid-19?
So many of the ones that I am familiar with exclude terrorist acts/acts of war.
SC Rebel
Interesting. The vaccine considered a terrorist and therefore not covered under insurance.
At any rate, we here already know the reason why people can’t come to grasp that such overwhelming evil exists. Without the Holy Spirit, you can’t discern.
It’s hard to watch people that you know and love fall so easily for this. But I have to keep reminding myself that Jesus is Lord.
Christ Is King
Yes, that’s just so true, SC Rebel… without the Holy Spirit, you just can’t discern. I like that statement of fact. People just blindly wander around going from one gasp inducing news item to another gasp inducing piece of dross: the are just empty vessels! If only the Holy Ghost would fill them! Truth would then be plain, surely!