For the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg so-called “war crime” trials, a new Jewish film on the subject is featuring Benjamin Ferencz, the last living prosecutor — who apparently has similar tall tales of his own, just as outlandish and improbable as the Jewish survivor “witnesses” they paraded before the court:
It seems grimly appropriate that the last surviving prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials — the moment Nazi evil met some form of comeuppance — is a Jew.
And yet the age of 100, Benjamin Ferencz does not display the rage of a man who witnessed the horror of the death camps — but instead reveals his satisfaction that he was able to help bring some of the Shoah’s perpetrators to justice.
Despite being Jewish, it was “not difficult” at all to hear the evidence given in the trial, he says, because he had “comprehensive documentary proof of the incredible slaughter of about one million Jewish men, women, and children — which I also witnessed as a member of the liberating forces at several concentration camps”.
The trials (there were 12 in all) opened on November 20 1945, and have become a byword for the application of fair and balanced judgment to war crimes, and also for new categories of crime — crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and the crime of genocide.
In a new film by award-winning filmmaker Jenny Ash, the Nuremberg trials and their legacy are examined, showing spine-chilling original footage of the court proceedings in the first trial of 21 leading Nazis, including Herman Göring, Hans Frank and Julius Streicher.
And Ben Ferencz — who was a prosecutor in a later Nuremberg trial, that of the Einsatzgruppen officers — is on hand in the film to report some of the dreadful sights he saw while collating evidence.
Speaking to the JC from his home in Miami, Ben Ferencz makes it clear that the memories of the Nuremberg trials are still as sharp today as when he was visiting the abandoned concentration camps in the late spring and summer of 1945, after the war ended.
In the film, he says: “Until then, we didn’t even know the term ‘concentration camp’, we had no idea”. But, over horrific scenes of the slaughter in the camps, Mr Ferencz says: “The impact of my first visit was indescribable. There were bodies piled up like cordwood”.
Mr Ferencz told the JC: “Of course the trial could have been done differently. There were many possible ways of dealing with the criminals. The Russians, for example, would have shot them all without trial. It was the Americans who insisted upon giving them as fair a trial as was possible, and we succeeded in doing that.”
…Mr Ferencz who, throughout his long career backed the establishment of the International Criminal Court, is in no doubt about the fairness of the Nuremberg proceedings. He told the JC: “Of course it’s possible to conduct a fairly fair trial even if the crimes are given a new name which more accurately describes mass murder”.
In an interview he gave to the Washington Post in 2005, Mr Ferencz talked about some of the rough and ready methods in use at the time. He recalled: “Someone who was not there could never really grasp how unreal the situation was … I once saw DPs (displaced persons) beat an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so.”
Mr Sands, who has an intimate knowledge of Nuremberg, made clear that it nearly didn’t happen — because Winston Churchill “didn’t want a trial. He wanted them [the captured Nazis] lined up and shot”.
Churchill was talked round by US President Roosevelt, and by Stalin, who, Mr Sands says, “wanted a show trial.” Though the three men met at Yalta in February 1945 when the war was almost at an end, it was not until July 1945, in London, that a meeting took place to hammer out what became known as the Nuremberg Statute, the list of crimes under which the Nazis would be prosecuted.
That list was created with the input of two Jewish lawyers, says Mr Sands. One was Hersch Lauterpacht, a Galician-born immigrant to Britain who became a Cambridge professor and who devised Article Six of the Nuremberg Statute, which refers to crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. The other man was Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer who coined the word “genocide”, and who was adviser to the American chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Robert Jackson.
The memory of this 100 year-old Jew isn’t as “sharp” as he thinks it is — he and his fellow Jewish lawyers made up the laws to prosecute the Germans after the war had ended.
In other words, all the “crimes” the Germans were charged with were not crimes prior and during the war — these Jewish lawyers created new laws to match the imaginary evidence that they falsely charged the Germans with, as historian David Irving observed in his authoritative book, Nuremberg: The Last Battle.
And that is why Churchill wanted the Germans executed without a trial — because he was concerned that if the surrendered Germans were given a public forum to defend themselves and tell their side of the war, the world would find out that it was Churchill and his cronies who were the actual “war criminals”.
But the Jewish lawyers made sure to structure the rules of the “show trials” in such a way that none of the witnesses for the prosecution — Jews who claim they saw “gas chambers” with their own eyes — could be cross-examined by the defense attorneys.
So, regardless of how outlandish and preposterous their eye witness accounts were — the court would shield them from being factually challenged at any point — in fact, the “impartial” judges would often blatantly coach the witnesses while under oath.
And notice how Ferencz cleverly makes it sound like he was some sort of first-hand eye witness to these German “atrocities” when in fact all he saw was the alleged “documentation” to support these charges — much of which lacked so little credibility that they have since been relegated to the memory hole.
Nor should we expect him to “remember” or even be aware that many of those piles of “Jewish” corpses he supposedly saw at Dachau and the like were actually dead German soldiers staged there by the Allies for propaganda purposes.
It should come as no surprise that Ferencz himself would fabricate this ridiculous story about an “SS man” being burned alive by wrathful Jews (“DP’s”) after the war — we know it’s a lie because he claims he saw these Jews “turn on the heat” of the ovens — the problem is that these weren’t gas ovens but rather used coal as fuel — according to “authoritative” Jewish sources.
But like all Jewish witnesses, Ferencz can make these outlandish claims because he knows he will never be challenged — in fact, in many countries in Europe, you could be thrown in prison for questioning his Jewish Version™ of World War II.
What to think
Now it means more than
>… Millions of vaccine doses
per week < are not feasible. ??? Corona: Jens Spahn: An additional million Biontech cans ... -–eine…
11/22/2021 Spahn said that on this Monday and Tuesday alone, 6 million Biontech cans went from the warehouses to the supply. …
Spahn: Moderna is a safe and very effective vaccine…
11/22/2021 · On this Monday and Tuesday alone, 6 million Biontech cans went into supply, i.e. in pharmacies, doctor’s offices and vaccination centers.
Now TV is already over
“Compulsory vaccination” talked about
You’re not waiting for Valneva?
And why not sponsor
Prof. Dr. Stoecker (euro immune) so
that there will soon be an orderly one
Could give approval?
What should you think about it?
Only the Jews could come up with these evil stories.
Thank you CFT!…
Remember Hamburg!
Remember Dresda!
Baruch Bitchslapper V
Getting old jews. How old is the oldest living holowhoax survivor now? 150? Give me a break.
You jews changed the number from 6 million. Then you changed the definition of a holohoax survivor to ANYONE that lived in Germany during WW2.
Getting old. Guess you guys need a new world war. Your covid crap seems to be working but eventually it won’t. Give it up. Your cashless crypto-fraud scheme won’t work either. Just stop.
Like all Jews who describe witnessing the alleged holocaust, Ferencz ‘shows no emotion’ — because he and all them are lying. Few people are capable of mustering an emotional response to their own lies, especially 70 years later.
“In other words, all the crimes the Germans were charged with were not crimes prior and during the war — these Jewish lawyers created new laws to match the imaginary evidence that they falsely charged the Germans with.”
Not only that, but one of the convicted and executed Germans, Julius Streicher, was killed for alleged “war crimes” despite the fact he had nothing to do with the war, something that surprisingly, even the Wikipedia entry admits:
“Streicher was not a member of the military and did not take part in planning the Holocaust, or the invasion of other nations. Yet his pivotal role in inciting the extermination of Jews was significant enough, in the prosecutors’ judgment, to include him in the indictment of Major War Criminals.”
“Nor should we expect him to remember or even be aware that many of those piles of Jewish corpses he supposedly saw at Dachau and the like were actually dead German soldiers staged there by the Allies for propaganda purposes.”
Some piles were also recent victims of the typhus epidemic that was raging at the time due to the overcrowded conditions and break down of order created toward the end of the war. And inmates of the camps continued to die of typhus even AFTER those camps were under British or American control, a further supply of corpses for photos. Never forget those are British soldiers bulldozing piles of bodies in that famous newsreel footage, not Germans.
GENOCIDE is codified into their most basic beliefs, the TORAH.
The “STAR of DEATH” flag is a stylized Skull & Crossbones. The Skull in the center — the crossbones moved to top & bottom.
I am offended when I see the “Star of DEATH””.
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
XENOPHOBIC: n.A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
“Eisenhower’s Evil Deception: Exterminating German POWs Abroad While Portraying POWs on U.S. Soil as Pampered”
“The conditions and scale of the Allied extermination camps for German POWs defies belief. We know that Elie Wiesel & his father decided to evacuate Birkenau & travel to Buchenwald with the Germans rather than be liberated by the Russian army. Why? Were the “evil” German guards kinder than the Allies? Germany had been devastated by extreme bombing. Food and medicines were scarce or non-existent, disease was rampant. Why would the “sadistic” German guards help and share what they had with Jews like the Wiesels while retreating from the enemy? Are any of these kind men in this extermination camp?
One of the most credible and informative American witnesses is Martin Brech. The following is the major portion of his account:”
Liseete: “… Obama was not really the first Black-Jewish-Communist president….Dwight Eisenhower”
“False Flags for Israel [September 11, 2012]
By Deanna Spingola
“Frank Wisner, along with Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and Phillip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post and husband of CFR/Trilateralist Katharine Graham) established Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program designed to control the American media. [18] For decades, the CIA fabricated the “news” and probably still does.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of Columbia University (1948–1953) prior to him becoming US President. Bernard Baruch first met Eisenhower in 1928. Morgan and Rockefeller and numerous CFR members backed Eisenhower, a known womanizer, in the presidential election in 1952. After his nomination, he told the President of the United Synagogue of America, “The Jewish people could not have a better friend than me …I grew up believing that Jews were the chosen people and that they gave us the high ethical and moral principles of our civilization.” [19] He earlier had accommodated the OSS in their assassination of General George S. Patton [20] who opposed the Morgenthau Plan and Eisenhower’s death camps and was going to reveal Eisenhower’s close collaboration with the Soviets. Eisenhower halted U.S. troops in order to allow the Soviets to liberate Berlin. Ilya Ehrenburg, the head of Soviet propaganda directed Soviet troops to ravage and rape German females. Those troops savagely raped at least 50,000 and perhaps as many as 100,000 females of every age, many of whom they tortured and killed. [21]”
“Greek newspaper publisher fined for op-ed calling Jewish leader a thief” [TOI – 11-05-2020]
JTA — A court in Greece convicted a newspaper publisher of defamation and hate speech in connection with an op-ed that called a Jewish community leader a thief.
“A crude Jew who runs a loan-shark firm has bought the debts of poor Greeks. The President of the Jewish Community who pretends to be our friend, is stealing our money through the back door,” Chios wrote in a 2017 article about Minos Moissis, the previous president of the Jewish Community of Athens.
In addition to defaming Moissis personally, the paper “contributed deliberately to the reproduction of a rhetoric of hate against the Greek Jewry,” the court said.”
Americans and the rest of the world’s White people are getting ready to find out exactly how much jews and world Jewry hate true WORDS.
“Accurate in every detail, painstakingly documented, the author showed how, over the centuries, a small band of revolutionary Jews had conspired and plotted to overthrow the Russian Czars. Their aim: seize control of Czarist Russia and establish a beachhead for a Jewish utopia on planet earth—the long sought after Kingdom of the Jews.”
WHy do jews live long? They lie from cradle to grave and should provide the vocabulary a metaphor for false testimony and unconscionable liar. They will nourish the lie with their morbid self glorification and deceive most.
It should be asked why all independent books of this time not written through jewish sources are banned or censored in Bundes Land and other countries testifying of the actual events. This insulting exaggeration of innocence takes one’s breath —- that “we had never heard of concentration camps.” No? in South Africa jews invented them first of century always for genoicde as in Russia, Ukraine. Poland had hundreds after the 1st war.
Jews’ lies are not amusing, and their inveterate investment in history is the sad epitaph of white European race, who believed their abysmal lies.
Yes, it is absurd for him to claim that he knew nothing of the concentration camps during the war. The Jewish press ran many stories about them during the war in their national papers in America and England.
Today, the Jews also blame the Allies for the Holocaust because they allegedly could have bombed the camps to save lives — allegedly. And if the Allies knew not only of the existence of the camps but also what was going on in them, according to the Jewish accusations, then this guy is simply a bald-faced liar, which is obvious. Many Jews have written books pointing the finger at FDR for not allowing more Jews to emigrate to America, knowing what what going on in the camps….they need to get their story straight….
Orthodox Realist
Jews might live their long fake lives here on Earth, but they’re promised no eternal life in Christ as we are.
In fact, like all other bastard “races”, they’d be as if they never were, upon death.
The sad irony —- if his claim of burning the SS man were true, the world would be silent.
“He deserved it” is what my family would say. And I’ll bet you judeo-christians would all say the same.
My prayer — “Oh Lord, please rescue us from this madness and take vengeance upon your enemies! Only You have the power to make things right. Let man see your True Glory! Amen
Patrick White
Oh, just die already, you miserable kike.
Hell is warmly awaiting you. Now you and your aardvark-nosed brethren will see what a real holocaust is.
And there are many people like this 89 year old German grandmother got 2 years in prison for auschwitz comments her name is Haverbeck . She said it was a labor camp that had no gas chambers . God bless her and how could the world let her pay a price without a full examination and how could going to prison be possible for anyone but a 89 year old lady thats a crime.
The crime is violating old testament law. Truth or justice plays no role . If you violate the absolute law inexpiable punishment is consequence. There is no respect of person. They are god. Ursula Haverbeck may be the oldest among many others. She is now 92. And impenitent
James, You’ll notice in the comments under this linked posting below, that Ursala Haverback is scheduled to be released again within a couple of days. There’s another comment, too, translating the German site which has that information. Scroll on past the threatening comments being made to Kyle by the jew hasbarats there.
Thanks again Flanders I had A picture of Ursala in my phone from apx 2 years ago and did not know that she is just now getting out and now possible more evil attacks on her . the table has to be turned .
The Germans in their straightjacket put Ursula Haverbeck in jail…the fact the Jews are willing to go that far tells you how cruel they really are abusing the law to further their dictatorial agenda, but I repeat the majority White people allow and enable their fraud and deception.