(Jerusalem Post) As many countries get ready to approve experimental COVID vaccines for the 5-11 age group, “trusted experts” have been offering advice on how to get children to overcome their natural and healthy aversion to these vaccines — and one of those “experts” — a Jewish psychiatrist in Israel — advocates the use of hypnotism on these vaccine-hesitant children:
While vaccine hesitancy can be associated with many reasons, one might have not taken into consideration enough: trypanophobia – fear of needles. According to a survey conducted on some 15,000 adults in the UK by Oxford University, trypanophobia accounted for about 10% of the cases of vaccine hesitancy, and offering treatment for the problem could give an important boost to the inoculation drive in the country.
Different studies suggest that around 20% of the adult population suffer from the condition, and as many as 50% of children and adolescents, according to psychiatrist Dr. Alex Aviv. Aviv, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, is the director of the Hypnosis Advisory Committee to the Health Ministry. Hypnosis offers an important opportunity to treat trypanophobia, as well as other anxiety disorders, including those caused by the pandemic itself.
“Hypnosis can be described as an altered state of consciousness or awareness during which people are more open to receive suggestions and therefore more open to listen to the advice of their physician or therapist,” he said.
Israel has one of the most comprehensive laws on the subject in the world, allowing the technique to be used only for medical purposes by qualified professionals, and never as a form of entertainment. “The only reason to use hypnosis is for the sake of people’s health, to help reduce pain, to cure physical or a mental problem,” Aviv said. “It should never be employed or abused for a performance in front of a crowd….”
“We usually don’t address trypanophobia because we take it for granted the children fear needles,” Aviv noted. “However, as we prepare to vaccinate them against COVID, we must be aware of the issue.” Israel is expected to approve COVID inoculation for the 5-11 cohort on Wednesday.
“The reason why fear of needles is so common is connected to evolution,” Aviv said. “From early childhood, like all primates or other mammals, a child learns that pain equals danger. Being punctured is very common among all mammals, and they try to avoid it because it can lead to very serious injuries and even death.”
The expert noted that trypanophobia is not just a minor fear or preference but rather a full anxiety issue.
“The fear of needles can lead to full anxiety attacks when someone gets vaccinated, causing the heartbeat to accelerate, high blood pressure, feeling dizzy or nauseous, faint, sweating, shaking, difficulty in breathing and insomnia,” he said.“For this reason, children might really want to avoid getting inoculated and parents might allow it, either because they empathize with them or because they suffer from trypanophobia themselves,” he added. “Research has shown that someone can experience the phenomenon even when they hold a child getting a shot.”
Hypnosis, however, can help overcome the condition. “We first explore where the fear comes from, and especially if the child is not so young, we can explain to them the evolutionary reason behind it, adding that they now have the mental ability to understand that vaccinations are good,” Aviv remarked.
“In addition, our most effective tool is what we call exposure therapy,” he added. “We show the child some syringes without needles. We give the child the syringe to hold them and through hypnosis. We work to reduce the symptoms of trypanophobia that they start to experience. Eventually, the child can hold the syringe with the needle and play with the needle.” Through this treatment, patients gradually become less fearful and stop experiencing anxiety symptoms. “The problem can be overcome in very few sessions, between three and six,” Aviv said….
While Jews bristle at the “antisemitic canard” that they often attempt to exert a “svengali-like” control over the “gentiles” among whom they often dwell, it’s undeniable that Jews have figured prominently in the occupations of magicians and hypnotists.
In reality, they control the television industry — the mass media — by their own admission, and television has been the largest, ongoing MK-Ultra mind control experiment in the history of the world.
Indisputably, television promotes so-called Jewish “values” — and virtually censors and demonizes — all opposition to those “values” — television literally trains you to think like a Jew.
As the prominent Catholic priest, Leonard Feeney, once trenchantly observed, “Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room” — and he said this in the 1950s, long before the Jews had achieved the virtual monopoly over the industry that they enjoy today.
Jews could never have gotten abortion-on-demand legalized without the mass mind control afforded by the television — literally hypnotizing women into believing that murdering their own unborn children is a moral act.
Not only is abortion permitted under Jewish law, it is actually required — Mishnah Ohalot 7:6 — but don’t look for that Jewish law in the Bible because it’s not there — but you will find it in the Jewish “holy book” the Talmud whose inspiration can be traced back to satanic rituals of occult Babylon.
If they could successfully convince mothers to self-righteously murder their unborn babies, they certainly could convince them to vaccinate the children they didn’t abort with these deadly, experimental, gene-altering injectables.
And to pull off the fake “COVID pandemic” and convince hundreds of millions of people into voluntarily taking their deadly, experimental “vaccines,” they first needed to hypnotize entire nations via the television — and social media.
Yes, they are coming after our children — because they know just how easy it is to manipulate people once their children start dying from these deadly vaccines but blaming it all on some magical, ever-mutating “virus.”
In British Columbia (BC), Canada, whistle-blowers came together at a rally to draw attention to this widespread problem, and to the revelation that some 13 stillborn deaths occurred in a single 24-hour period at Lions Gate Hospital.
Last week, the Cardiology Advisor reported that according to a study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2021 the risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (“ACS”) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA Covid injections.
Vaccinating and killing New Born in Colombia.
Riccardo Umberto Guerrino Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.
For the first time in my career, I took care of an 8 year old little boy with myocarditis in the ER. It has begun.
Taiwan BANS Pfizer Vaccines for Teens Due to Massive Heart Problems.
“Merkel warns fourth Covid wave is hitting Germany with ‘full force'”
Angela Merkel and the Kalergi Plan – The Destruction of the White Race .
Angela Merkel the Jewess agent of the International bankers.
29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Have Pericarditis After Pfizer Shots.
Why isn’t this on the front page of every newspaper?
Are we seeing some new form of Covid-19 Vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome? – Official Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are on the precipice of disaster as their Immune Systems are being decimated
Japan Abandons Vax Policy, Switches to Ivermectin, Ends COVID Craziness.
Your claim that Judaism encourages abortion is wrong. I am a former Orthodox Jew who converted to Christianity. We studied abortion issues in my yeshiva and learned the following:
1. Jews can have an abortion if and only if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.
2. Christians can never have an abortion under any circumstances, even if the mother will die in childbirth.
3. Judaism affirms the Catholic position on abortion for non-Jews.
Unlike Christians, Orthodox Jews have a very low abortion and divorce rate, at least half of that for Christians. Direct your anger to secular Jews, not the Orthodox please.
Like many Jews you are arguing from the exception, not the rule. The exception certainly proves the rule vis a vis Jews and abortion.
Anti-abortion orthodox Jews are outliers and represent only a fraction of “religious” Jews. And if you know the Talmud, you know that rabbis condone abortion (or killing) of gentiles while forbidding it for Jews. For Talmudic rabbis, like Schneerson, goyim are animals and aborting an animal is not immoral. This is a fact. Where were all the Orthodox Jews in 1973 with public massive demonstrations against Roe v. Wade? More Orthodox Jews protested the COVID pandemic lockdowns than protested any abortion legalization laws.
Most reform rabbis support abortions, for example:
Jewish rabbi claims her abortion was a blessing:
Jewish abortionist finds her moral inspiration as an abortionist from The Talmud:
Jewish mayor honors abortionists with a special day of appreciation:
Pro-abortion Senator Chuck Schumer supports anti-abortion group in Israel:
Mevashir, you claim to be a Jew who converted to Christianity, yet you defend Jews who hate Christ. True Christians understand how Jews of all stripes have worked to subvert and destroy Christendom, and legalizing abortion has been a major triumph of Jewry in Christian nations. If the Orthodox Jews didn’t want abortion legalized in America, they could have used their considerable power, at the very least in New York State, to block it, but they did not. Why? Because getting white Christians to abort their babies is good for Jews. Less white babies means fewer adult white Christians to oppose Jewry. If you are a true Christian, try to instinctively side with Christians, not Jews. I’ve yet to see a Jewish convert who can.
I started out to find out who created the World Health Organization , and ended up also finding a Old Dominion University professor who claims that pedophilia should be alright all long as one does not act on it. I thought the name Allyn Walker was a women’s name until I looked it up and it turned out to be a male. No wonder he approves of pedophilia.
I have no website and am to old to spend my time trying to do anything about this evil in this world, but it would be a good thing for others to look up Brock Chisholm, to see why we are pushed to get vaccinated. He is not a nice person. He is like Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauchi, Joe Biden and the rest of their kind.
To read about Chisholm helps to understand some of how and why philophy’s, and ideas are brought out in publications and statement’s , books , articles, meetings and years and decades later , we find them becoming reality.
It is not difficult to know in advance that if Joe Biden and his agenda is to stay in as President, that we must have a war, another tragedy such as the World Trade Center, Wacko, , a ship sinking, provocation for war in the Middle East, suit case bomb, water supply ‘s prisoned, and other idea’s I don’t want to mention.
The Communist’s have their man in power. The minorities are riding high. The New World Order is exposing their agenda.
All they have to do is to keep causing tragedies , one after the other. Just like this virus , which they are keeping goings as long as possible , telling us over and over that their are new strain’s developing and we must keep wearing mask’s while they see how much they can get us to do such as submit to getting vaccinated with mandates to get vaccinated, lose jobs, careers, income etc., as well as personal and social freedoms while the next tragedy is being planned and implemented.
Just like the Virus began before the election, Trump made an agreement to leave Afganastan. Trump lost the election, Biden left Afganastan, the virus continues with more forceful demands to get vaccinated, until this wears out among people and they will bring about their next tragedy. , such as the threat of war over Taiwan with China or the threat with Russia over the Ukraine.
Biden’s infrastructure bill was just a cover to get the rest of his agenda passed. Article’s claim that one thing the bill will do is to redirect freeways and highways towards black areas to supposedly make up for the deliberate building of them away from black areas and the black’s convenient access to them. Everything today , under Biden is geared to the minorities.
There are 17 more women in Congress this time than the last Congress. Women are elected Governor’s , police chief’s, Mayor’s, and other prominent government and political , legislative positions and men’s role in society is diminished, even in the military , fire , and police department. It’s strange that now that minorities are favored under Joe Biden, that so many women are bragging of serving in the Military to justify their gaining victories in power positions of men and over men.
Women marry for security or when the pressure to support themselves becomes too great. They have a token one or two children to satisfy the man. When they are unhappy , they blame the man. Listen to the Jerry Springer type shows. ” You’re always working, you’re never home , you’re always tired, you never want to do anything, you never pay attention to me, ” etc. etc. As soon as a man says : “I do,” a lawyer and judge is waiting in his future life to give his wife a divorce when she wants it.
Over the eons, every person who is killed , dies in any way affects the history of the rest of us, and the world, because it affects all of the incidents in the life of the person if he had lived and changes the lives of those in his life, friendships, relationships, jobs, activities if he died and those around his children’s, wife, friends , occupation, etc. etc. if she remarries.
Biden is a Communist , his agenda is to subvert this country as much as possible. It’s funny to now hear so many other’s call him a Communist . We’ve been warned by our ancestor’s and those who wrote of it that mass immigration was to be used to take this country from us.
Those who think Trump will win re election in 2024 are in the Trump and Conservative fantasy worlds because if the minorities want to stay in power they will get out and vote like they did at the last minute to defeat Trump.
And if a national tragedy or war breaks out , Biden can be made a hero like the traitorous George Blush Jr. who started a war on a lie , called it a 20 year war which it was made to be out to be . His ancestor was in the scheme to overthrow this government when Smedley Butler was in the Military and to look Bush’s and Pelosi and another politician , one finds them described as being or coming from crime families.
Alex Jones is having orgasms” from taking credit for believing that Tucker Carlson has woken up and exposing the New world Order.
Eric the Red
The whole set of leftist tricks, tactics, and techniques have been lifted from the Talmud.
The Talmud had its origins in the Babylonian exile. It’s a set of operating instructions on how a tribe can survive and thrive within a foreign population, without resorting to overt physical violence. It’s commingled with Jewish mysticism, so the entire thing amounts to a set of psychological incantations and spells, to be perpetrated on a mass audience. More than anything else, it formed the basis of Freudian psychology, then mass conditioning theories of the Frankfurt School, media advertising, CIA MK-Ultra, and all the rest.
A brothel in Austria has provided Covid-19 vaccinations for customers – and offered free entry to a ‘sauna club’ for anyone who agrees to have the jab.
A healthy 20-year-old girl was partially paralyzed one week after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Jennifer Melin from Sundsvall in Sweden went from being an active, healthy girl to being wheelchair-bound in just a week. Jennifer was vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID vaccine in July and just two days later her first symptoms appeared.
A 17-year-old girl from Tennessee has been hospitalized due to a severe reaction to the 2019 wasp epidemic. Shelby Grace Allen of Dyer County first began suffering from back pain a few weeks ago, according to WKRN. She was then rushed to the hospital by her parents, and she has since been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
Shelby said:
“I’m on the bowling team in Dyer County, and I noticed when I was throwing the ball, I couldn’t feel my arms and legs. So, I was freaking out.
Television IS hypnosis. Modern media is scientific sorcery.
It converts brainwave activity to alpha waves, causing a daydream like state with reduced critical thinking capacity. Television also causes unnaturally high dopamine response from the body, causing it to become insensitive to the relatively low dopamine response from say, reading the Bible, spending time with your family or doing things responsible adults are supposed to do.
From there, Jews can insert whatever they want. People think they can “pick out the bad and keep the good” in television, but with hubris they’ve walked into the lions den. Jews have spent billions upon billions of dollars in research on subliminal messaging. Your body’s desire for your next hit of dopamine is deceiving you. Jews have already hypnotized you into lying to yourself.
All we have to do is switch off the television, but even “Jew woke” people can’t muster the will to stop placing their minds in the rabbi’s gauntlet each day…
Yes, thus the irony of the statement, “I saw a t.v. show about how addictive cigarettes and heroin are.”
The most addictive of the three is the television, but it gets a free pass because the (((powers that be))) approve of that addiction.
Now that the internet is replacing television, the governments are subsidizing people’s internet bills to make sure everyone is participating in the hive mind.
Excellent comment, Sheepdog. I’ve been saying this for years, and I’ve seen it in action during the “covid” SCAM, with sheeple unable to see through their conditioning and compelled to switch the brainwashing box on first thing in the morning.
Jewish psychiatrist recommends hypnosis for kids who don’t want the Covid vaccine. Coming next will be hypnosis for kids (white kids only) who show any sign of being racist or homophobic.
There’s only one tribe that can successfully pull off the slo-mo collapse of the entire planetary civilization.
It’s the very same tribe of banksters
that was behind World War II, the
Great Depression, World War I, 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, Armenian Genocide, as well as the Ukrainian Genocide.
US Vaccines Caused ‘Spanish Flu’
“It was a common expression during the war that “more soldiers were killed by vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns.”–E. McBean
“The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ started in American military Camp Funston, Fort Riley, USA, amongst troops making ready for W.W.I – taking on board vaccinations, recruit training and all. It eventually killed about 40,000,000 people worldwide. That flu strain only appeared briefly once again, according to the US Atlanta CDC. This was in 1976 and again it struck at the US army camp Fort Dix, USA, amongst recently vaccinated troops (and no one else EVER); Fort Dix is known to have been a vaccine trial centre. Was the world’s greatest ‘influenza’ scourge another well-hidden vaccine disaster?”—John P Heptonstall
Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated, petition to the President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy.1920.
A 12-year-old girl from the district of Cuxhaven has died two days after receiving her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.GERMANY.
Italy Revises COVID-19 Death Toll from 132,161 to Only 3,783, Admits 97% Deaths were FALSELY Labeled
(((aviv))). Every. Single. Time.
Chapter 9 of You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels (Pub 1924)
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.”
Off-topic, but have you tried to contact Ken Adachi of “Educate Yourself” recently Dave? I’ve learned a lot from him, and we were in fairly regular contact about 15-20 years ago, but i tried to get in touch a couple of weeks ago about a few issues with his site (non-working links, formatting problems), and it seems NONE of his published e-mail addresses work.
Also, he doesn’t seem to have updated his “current news” page since 2013, though I do sometimes see him commenting on other sites.
Putin awards Soviet Jewish inventor of Sputnik V covid shot.
Shock Study: COVID Jabs Killing 9 out of 10 Babies in First Trimester.
That’s very awful! I feel so sad for those mothers that lost their bubs 🙁
Thanks for shareing your links, Dave. God bless you.
Look in to my eyes… you are getting verrrryyyyy sleepy… haha!
Wanting to get kids accustomed to playing with needles is just helping them on the path to hard drug addiction, by the sounds of it.
I have always hated needles, and especially giving blood: it always gives me the cold sweats!
“Jews could never have gotten abortion-on-demand legalized without the mass mind control afforded by the television — literally hypnotizing women into believing that murdering their own unborn children is a moral act.”
Well, technically, jews didn’t even need to do that. Abortion was never legalized in the sense of some federal law being voted on that approved abortion. Rather, nine judges of the Supreme Court rules that all the many state laws against abortion were null and void, unenforceable. That went a long way to giving it the patina of legitimacy in people’s minds after the fact.
Same to the gay marriage issue. TV pundits have more than once remarked how almost overnight, polling of Americans went from majority against legalizing gay marriage, to it suddenly being legal, as if people changed their minds. But in fact, what happened is a court ruled all laws restricting marriage to heterosexual couples null and void. In neither case was there active voting in favor of these major cultural changes.
Kritarchy, or “rule by judges” is extremely jewish, and it accounts for a lot of the harm being done to us, as if mass parliamentary democracy wasn’t destructive enough.