(Israel365 News) A Jewish-dominated anti-Christian group called the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” had a mouth-frothing meltdown recently when a Navy chaplain posted a sermon for Easter Sunday in which he quoted Peter’s admonishment to the “men of Israel” that they must repent for crucifying Christ:
Lt. Aristotle Rivera serving as a Navy chaplain for the Second Marine Division at Camp Lejuene in North Carolina posted an Easter sermon titled “What did the people talk about at the first Easter?” on a US Military website. The article, published on March 30, dealt with the question of what the first Christians spoke about [on Easter]:
“Did they talk about how loving God is, or how God loves us unconditionally? Did they mention how God helps us through difficult times? Did the apostles go around inspiring others to remember Jesus and to follow his teachings? Did they gather in synagogues to discuss the ethical implications of loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you?,” and,
Did Peter “give instruction about memorizing scripture verses, going to church on Sundays, being nice to people, stop saying bad words and start being better people?”
Rivera answers by claiming they discussed the Jews’ rejection of Jesus. more specifically, that Peter addressed the “men of Israel”, saying “you crucified and killed” Jesus.
“A way to summarize the early Easter message was this: ‘Jesus lived. You killed him. God raised him. We saw him. Say Sorry.’”
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group that advocates for troops and veterans who report discrimination in the military, immediately sent a letter to the Washington Headquarters Services which ran the website. Led by MRFF founder and president Mikey Weinstein, 32 high-ranking military members and DoD civilian employees in the greater Washington, D.C. area, 24 of whom are Jewish, signed on the [following] letter:
“As America still reels on a daily basis from the horrific shock of extremist hate from every corner of our Land, now comes this stunningly antisemitic article printed, not even a month ago, in apparent celebration of Easter by the official Department of Defense (DoD), Washington Headquarters Service.
This putrid filth, spewing and egging on the basic foundations of the ancient hated of the Jewish people as “Christ Killers,” is simply one of the most antisemitic, Old School Jew-baiting pieces of defamatory trash we have seen here at MRFF in a very long time.
Yet once again, the Mother Ship of fundamentalist Christianity rears its repugnant head, this time in an official DoD Headquarters internet publication written by a United States Navy officer/chaplain for ALL the world to see.
And what is its main filthy theme or thesis?
It is, quite literally, to SOLELY blame the Jewish people (”Men of Israel”) for the gruesome execution of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Ms. Meiners, this wretched screed is absolutely base, evil, vile, hateful bigotry and rapacious racism being vomited out of the mouth of this U.S. military officer/chaplain/author and fully endorsed by your official high profile DoD news and information outlet, the DoD’s Washington Headquarters Service.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation demands that U.S. Navy Chaplain (Lt.) Rivera, who is also a West Point graduate, and anyone else who is either directly or indirectly responsible for this mind-blowing, dishonorable, and malevolent publishing of abject prejudice, be aggressively investigated and visibly punished with immediate, due swiftness by the Department of Defense.
Additionally, MRFF further demands an immediate and heartfelt apology in writing from the DoD’s Washington Headquarters Service, which you currently direct and oversee.”
The offending article was removed but the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV) demanded disciplinary action against Lt. Rivera.
“Lt. Rivera included what JWV believes was an anti-Semitic message in an Easter article he wrote for the Defense Department’s Washington Headquarters Service,” the organization wrote to the Defense Department’s Washington Headquarters Service. “In addition to an apology and admission of wrongdoing by Lt. Rivera, we also ask the Department of Defense to issue a statement acknowledging the anti-Semitic nature of the article.”
Nowhere in the Navy chaplain’s sermon did he use the word “Jew” — nor did Peter — and it’s presumptuous for Jews to think the phrase “men of Israel” has anything to do with them — because by their own admission they are not Israel.
According to the 1980 Jewish Almanac, “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
The ancestors of many of today’s Jews broke any legitimate connection they may have had to the Israelite people 2,000 years ago — after real Israelites nailed Christ to the cross — as witnessed by Peter in Acts 2:22-23 — there were many of them who did not repent of it.
Those unrepentant Jews, led by the Pharisees, fomented a revolution in Judea that culminated in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD — the turning point where Jews completely broke away from the religion of the Hebrews, and their babylonian-inspired refutation of the Torah known as the Talmud became the foundation of their new religion — Judaism:
From [the destruction of the temple], Judaism developed entirely from the teachings of the Pharisees. As Joachim Jeremias notes, ‘the Sadducean role ended with the fall of Jerusalem, and the [religious] tradition [subsequently] handed down to us and fixed by the written word [in the form of the Mishnah] from the second century, came exclusively from their enemies — the Pharisees’ (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, p. 243). Indeed, as quoted earlier from The Jewish Encyclopedia, “Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future” (“Pharisees”). In a similar vein, George Robinson writes, “The importance of the Pharisees cannot be overemphasized. In the aftermath of the destruction of the Second Temple, it was only through the efforts of the rabbis, the heirs of the Pharisaic world-view, that Judaism [rather, Pharisaism, as Judaism had not yet fully coalesced] was able to survive at all” (Essential Judaism, p. 321).
With this rejection of Christ as the legitimate and promised messiah of Israel, the diaspora Jews naturally fell into lawlessness, endlessly disputing the entire Torah — and replacing the word of God with the wisdom of the rabbis. And proof of this lawlessness is their rejection of Israel’s rules of patrilineal descent — and replacing them with matrilineal descent — sometime around 200 AD, according to their own histories.
This was a crucial turning point in the creation of the Jewish people as we know them today — the rabbis approved of race mixing — the father no longer needed to be Israelite as long as the mother was — in direct contradiction to Deuteronomy 23:2 — and thereby destroying any claim to legitimate Israelite identity.
According to Shaye D. Cohen, the Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy at Harvard University, at this time between the destruction of the temple and 200 AD, the Jewish sages — or Tannaim — may have developed the rationalization for matrilineal descent by observing mixed breeding in the animal kingdom.
Despite the biblical prohibition the breeding of animals of different species, Cohen argues, the Jewish sages opined in the Mishnah (Kilayim 8:4) that a mule whose mother was a horse and whose father was a donkey should be allowed to mate with other horses — implying that “horse-hood” is passed down through the mother, regardless of the father’s species — a concept that rabbis then extrapolated to operate beyond the animal kingdom.
This rationalization for race mixing is typical of the Talmudic mindset — they know the Bible forbids mixing — but instead of simply submitting to God’s law, they fabricate a justification for breaking the law.
With their rejection of the moral law against mixing came sexual license and confusion — the father’s identity would always be in doubt with promiscuous women — so a child’s Jewish identity could be confirmed only through the mother — matrilineal identity — an after-the-fact, Talmudic justification for lawless behavior.
A 1956 article in the New York Times raised the question of whether or not Jews were a racially identifiable group, and Rabbi Samuel Silver — editor of American Judaism and director of information of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations — emphatically denied that “race” was of any consequence as to what Jews are:
“Racial characteristics are secondary to moral and spiritual values which are acquired through education and religious heritage. The notion that all Jews are racially alike is contrary to accounts in the Bible which tell of intermingling of Jews with many other strains.”
Of course, the Bible says no such thing — the only peoples that the Israelites were allowed to “intermingle” with were pure Adamic people of the original Genesis 10 nations — from whom Jacob and his sons took their wives.
These apostate Jews in wake of the destruction of the temple in 70 AD were the ones who ignored biblical laws of marriage for Israelites — and “intermingled” with anyone they pleased — Arabs, Persians, Khazars, Mongols, Turks — and then the rabbis concocted an elaborate, fanciful rationalization for doing so.
In his 1953 book Israel Between East And West, Jewish ethnologist Dr. Raphael Patai confirmed this about the ethnic diversity of Jews worldwide,
“The impression is thus gained that the Jews do not belong to a single homogeneous racial a group.”
Dr. Camille Honig, editor of the California Jewish Voice, concluded the following about the racial makeup of Jews based on Patai’s work,
“If you studied Jewish types and communities in five continents, as this writer [Patai] had the opportunity of doing, you would have realized that it is sheer nonsense, and very dangerous nonsense, as well as unscientific to a speak about a Jewish race.”
Today’s Jews are comprised of three major groups — Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and “Oriental” Jews — and all three have very distinct racial ancestry based on the host countries with whom they “intermingled” — which is why Jews have such divergent racial types.
Given this racial confusion, it is absolutely preposterous for Jews to claim to be “men of Israel” — they forsook the right to call themselves “Israel” at the foot of the cross — and then by rejecting the strict laws of marriage, mixing themselves into oblivion to the point where they have no right to even claim that they are any longer a discernible people — except for their one commonality — their hatred for — and rejection of — Christ.
No, Jews won’t ever apologize for crucifying Christ — but they demand an apology from any Christian who mentions that they crucified Him — or that they would do it again if they ever get the chance:
Wreaths laid on veterans’ gravesites sparks protest from the jew founder of an anti-Christ group, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
“A nationwide tradition viewed by some Americans as a patriotic display recognizing service and sacrifice represents for others a sectarian religious symbol amounting to desecration.
“We have no problem if people reach out and want a wreath on their deceased veterans’ graves, but to put them everywhere, to blanket them without permission of the surviving families is unconstitutional, an atrocity and a disgrace,” said Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.”
Israel is not a country. It is a den of vipers, whose crimes against humanity would make Hitler blush.
“The bloodthirsty hate the innocent.” Proverbs 29:10
“…..would make Hitler blush ………………”
What an idiotic comment.
Andy — why would you say that?
Maybe substitute AH for Lazar Kaganovich. This would make more sense. But somehow I sense you have never heard of the guy.
Learned everything you know about ww2 from “Inglorious Basterds”?
The communist Jews slaughter of well over 60 million Christians during the Bolshevik revolution is never spoken of all you hear is their made up 6 million Jew deaths another lie since they have lied more than once about that number even before the false Holocaust story they wanted Germany destroyed because the Germans woke up and saw the evil among them, yet they only lost 300,000 Jews mostly to diseases which they alone carry due to inbreeding and starvation due to Germany not having enough food supplies because of the embargo on Germany and it’s logistics. They had to finally admit only 1.1 million people died and most of them were Polish not Jews.
There was no evidence of any gass chambers in fact they didn’t say they lost 6 million until
The 1960s and they passed laws in Europe that imprisoned anyone denying the Holocaust if it were true why make a law to prevent scrutiny of your lies. Jews hate Europeans because of how they were rightly treated back then as the enemy.
Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the esteemed founder of Chabad-Lubavitch, taught that the difference between Jew and gentile is not merely religious or racial, but that the souls of Jews and gentiles are completely different in kind. “Gentile souls are of completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever . . . Indeed they themselves are refuse. . . . All Jews are innately good, all gentiles are innately evil.
“I am not an American of JEWISH faith. I am a JEW. I have been a JEW for a thousand years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race.”–– Rabbi Stephen Wise, N.Y. Herald-Tribune, June 13, 1938.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.”—-Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, head of Shas Council of Torah Sages during a sermon delivered Oct. 2010 in Jerusalem
“One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the Crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle the job. If I’d had charge of executing Christ, I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I’d have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed him to the lions. They could never have made a savior out of mincement!”—– Rabbi Ben Hecht
I don’t believe in western morality, i.e.
don’t kill civilians or children,
don’t destroy holy sites,
don’t fight during holiday seasons,
don’t bomb cemeteries,
don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way:
Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).
— Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Manis Friedman
Moment Magazine (May/June 2009). “Ask The Rabbi”
“As for the Goyim… Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.”…If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA…” “…If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”— Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchak Ginzburg in “Jewish Week,” the largest Jewish publication in the United States, April 26, 1996.
[Organ Harvesting] “If a Jew needs a kidney, is it allowed, in order to save his life, to take the kidney from a Goy (non-Jew), passing by, even if he is not guilty of anything? In my opinion, Torah allows it. The life of a Jew is priceless”– Lubavitcher rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant Faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ.” –(Rabbi Benamozegh, quoted in J. Creagh Scott’s Hidden Government, page 58).
“Goyim” is essentially synonymous with “Hylic.”
The Kabbalists believe they are uniquely cognizant souls trapped within matter, equal parts to/ of the Divine Supreme Androgyne (the ‘real’ God, that predates the creator of the physical realm, which is seen as a material prison), where as people outside their bloodlines are “Hylics” which means they are beings of pure matter, animalistic automatons, or merely an unaware spark of a soul being held hostage by the matter, giving them human form. Matter is seen as “darkness” in a yin-yang kind of way, it is associated with Baal/ the Demiurge.
Islam seems to explicitly worship Baal/ Saturn, as they say “Allah is the best of deceivers” or “schemers” and Djinn are created to be evil in order to trial & torment humanity. Their attitude towards women and children is also very telling, as “Shekinah” or “Sophia” is the female & spiritual counterpart to the materialistic demiurge in Kabbalah, and is essentially like the “force” or the “Holy Ghost” in Catholicism (pictured as a Dove like Venus). In Luciferian understanding this feminine divine body is like an abused housewife secretly working to destroy the prison of matter, thus freeing all the “pneumatics,” and then the ‘two divine halves’ converge back into the Supreme Androgyne. The triumvirate of deities in Zoroastrianism reflects this Kabbalah/ Canaanite ‘Gnosis’/ religion, except you instead have Ahora Mazda (and his evil counterpart Ahriman), Anahita (the waters, immaterial, feminine deity), Mithra (androgyne deity).
The belief in Hell, as an underworld realm occupied by ‘Demons’ that eternally torture disembodied souls is very Etruscan, and the Etruscans were thoroughly degenerate, people didn’t go to the Etruscan hell for pederasty or sadism, but for breaking oaths, like retreating in battle.
When people into the occult commune with spirits/ demons, the beings may eventually say how they are forced to be malicious by the “creator” (the creator of the physical realm). Obviously this validates what Islam & Catholicism says. This also mimics the Babylonian belief that the God of Kings/ Priests created daimons/ malicious spirits to torment the people, so that they would run to the King & High-Priest classes for protection.
Btw, I’m just writing what I have found, I don’t believe in the existence of a Baal, Shekinah or Supreme Androgyne, although I’m sure “devotees” have enough anecdotal evidence of supernatural experience to believe they are real figures. I’m sure it’s probably more convoluted
& varied than I can even fathom, let alone write.
Shekina is their transgender God like their patsies the freemasons who call him Baphomet
That’s why they push homosexual and tranny lifestyles. To get you ready for their King
If they are considered the “men of Israel,” exclusively, that sets a lot of precedents about how we have to then view the Bible & the world. For instance, the prophecy regarding the Messiah promised that he would bring the two parts of the tribe of Israel back together to be made whole again.
I figured I would re-start the dialogue at the top so that other people could respond, who may not be scrolling all the way to the bottom. I think it is an interesting topic to “sharpen iron”.
I think for me, I am having a hard time understanding how taking the “pre-adamic” position would somehow “taint” God’s True plan of Salvation.
Maybe you or others would like to weigh in.
I know full well the accusations that the Serpent Seedliner’s make upon us when they say that our rejection of Serpent Seedline is an open door to Universalism.
Cleary we have proven that position to be WRONG. This is the last thing we are teaching.
So, I am very open to the idea that such a belief (Cain’s family being of half-adamic/half pre-adamic) would corrupt God’s True plan of Salvation.
I’m just confused as to “how” and “where”.
For me personally, I put this entire discussion on the back burner when I am “witnessing” to other people. The only person I discuss this issue with are my 4 pups and they don’t seem to care too much. 🙂
There are far more important matters to address first. This issue to me, seems like a non-essential.
But I don’t want to let my guard down either, if it is as important as telling our brethren that their marriage might not be a marriage blessed by God — or that they are literally praying to “another jesus”.
I believe, for example, teaching that God’s Salvation is UNconditional as commenters have tried here, is preaching — “another Gospel”. This is very dangerous.
If it is this, important, I certainly want to be representing Truth about this topic.
Can I get a Second Witness? 🙂
Is Weisman in Hell because of this position?
Ps…. I do have problems with Weisman. His teaching of “marriage” is horrendous. So, I don’t hold Weisman in any “special” light.
I gravitated to Weisman when I read his treatise on Serpent Seedline. It was well-written. Helped “snap” me out of my Serpent Seed abomination.
The reasons for not race mixing is because God commanded Israelites, whom are Shemites, to remain set-apart.
Pro 5:7 So now, listen to me, you children, And do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
8 Keep your way far from her, And do not come near the door of her house,
9 Lest you give your splendour to others, And your years to one who is cruel;
10 Lest strangers be filled with your strength, And your labours go to the house of a foreigner.
11 Then you shall howl in your latter end, When your flesh and your body are consumed,
12 And shall say, “How I have hated discipline, And my heart has despised reproof!
13 “And I have not heeded the voice of my teachers, And I have not inclined my ear to those who instructed me!
14 “In a little while I was in all evil, In the midst of an assembly and a congregation.”
15 Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.
16 Should your springs be scattered abroad, Rivers of water in the streets?
17 Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you.
18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth –
19 A loving deer and a pleasant doe! Let her nipples satisfy you at all times. And be captivated by her love always.
20 For why should you, my son, Be captivated by a strange woman, And embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of YHWH, And He considers all his paths.
22 The wrong one is entrapped In his own crookednesses, And he is caught in the cords of his sin.
23 He dies for lack of discipline, And in the greatness of his folly he goes astray.
It is very unwise to marry someone who is merely fetishizing you for your appearance or to spite your kin, or for what material gain they may get out of you, and God does not want you to overlook or ignore the differences between cultures, he wants Israel to remain true to the laws written in their hearts.
Aside from that, hybrids of different species or subspecies, however we want to classify it, have various mental & societal issues. They don’t fit in with whites, because even passively commenting on their appearance reminds them that they are considerably divergent and not one of them, and then they don’t fit in with their other side either, because deep-down they don’t wholly relate to them on the level that others have come to relate to each other.
There is no reason to go to such an extreme as saying that all outsiders are inhuman or demonic or soulless, that is just because people feel angry towards people who have wronged them horrifically and they feel the need to justify a way to treat them in kind.
In Matt 5:43 a “neighbour” is not just a countryman, but ethnic kin, an “enemy” is among those who have “irreconcilable hostility” which may include everyone who is not a neighbour in this case, because of John 15:18.
Luk 10:26 And He said to him, “What has been written in the Torah? How do you read it?”
27 And he answering, said, “ ‘You shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ (Deu 6:5) and ‘your neighbour as yourself.’ ” (Lev 19:18)
28 And He said to him, “You have answered rightly. Do this and you shall live.”
29 But he, wishing to declare himself righteous, said to Yahshua, “And who is my neighbour?”
30 And replying, Yahshua said, “A certain man was going down from Yerushalayim to Yericho, and fell among robbers, who, both stripping and beating him, went away, leaving him half dead.
31 “And by a coincidence a certain priest was going down that way. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 “And likewise a Lěwite also, when he came to the place, and seeing, passed by on the other side.
33 “But a certain Shomeroni (Aramaean Samaritan) journeying, came upon him. And when he saw him, he had compassion on him,
34 and he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. And having placed him on his own beast, he brought him to an inn, and looked after him.
35 “And going out on the next day, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Look after him, and whatever more you spend I shall repay you when I return.’
36 “Who, then, of these three, do you think, was neighbour to him who fell among the robbers?”
37 And he said, “He who showed compassion on him.” Then Yahshua said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
The priests would strictly adhere to the law on the uncleanliness of the dead, even if it meant overlooking someone in need of help, where as the Samaritan investigates & shows compassion. A compassionate non-Israelite, Shemite is more of a neighbour than an immoral or callous Israelite.
The sons to the Canaanite wives of Judah were considered illegitimate, either because of the way they acted or because they, like Ishmael, were half-non Israelite, where as the sons of Tamar were. Tamar is often called a Canaanite, but was actually a Aramaean/ Syrian Shemite.
If an Israelite is abominable and acts in rebellion towards God, then it is natural that he will desire to mix with divergent populations who are also practically in opposition to God. The ones who do as God instructed and remain set-apart to the end are the ones who are considered “legitimate.”
In regards to the issue on race and the concept of “pre-adamic kind,” is it not based on the findings of Evolution?
I think you will find a lot of that is fabricated and the general understanding of history is lost because of that.
Where is the line drawn? Is the assumption that Blonde hair & Blue eyes is the only “Adamic” people? Because dark hair is most certainly dominant over fair hair. There are also phenotypes that are part Proto-Nordid, part Dinarid, the “Norid,” but they often have blonde hair, and the Finnish have Asiatic DNA from the Saami people (who are also blonde w/ blue eyes). Not sure what to think of “Alpinids” but they are present from Western Europe to the Fertile Crescent and tend to have brachycephalic skulls with more paedomorphic/ immature features.
In my understanding, it is more likely that those cosmetic features (hair/ eyes) were changed with the purpose to distinguish belonging & hierarchy. Shemites, like the Babylonians, were Blonde (like the people of Aratta) until they later mixed with the Dilmun migrants from the East, who were likely archaic Indus/ Dravidian.
They eventually became Mediterranean-looking amongst the nobility, and then developed into the typical Oriental/ Fertile Crescent look.
The Shemites were blessed over the other two groups, with Japhethites being ‘under their tent’ and Khamites being without any blessing or curse- instead the Canaanites were cursed.
The Hyksos are depicted with red/ dark hair w/ blue eyes, and Solomon had black hair too.
So they were essentially “Atlantid” in appearance.
But then parts of Israel may have mixed with the Greeks (the ancient blonde ones https://www.theapricity.com/earlson/reeh/reoehchap8b.htm ). Then northern Israel was captured by Assyrians, and ended up in the Caucasus amongst the steppe populations there, eventually migrating west as the Germanic tribes, then coming into conflict & synthesis with the Atlantid/ Celtic tribes. Woden-born or Odin-born are those apparently descended from Odin (a deified ancestor according to Saxons), who lead the tribes across the steppes. They were also against mixing with outsiders. Germanics always have a portion of Celtic ancestry though.
Proto-Nordids seem to be more like the more archaic populations dispersed from Aratta, when they were apparently conquered by Babylonians.
Your “reply” was to me, i.e., my comment.
But I’m not sure your point. I’m not sure what point of mine you are trying to correct. You obviously have much to say; but to be honest, I have no idea of what you are actually saying.
Let’s start here — You wrote, “….In regards to the issue on race and the concept of “pre-adamic kind,” is it not based on the findings of Evolution?
I’m not sure what you are implying here.
Are you suggesting the theory of “Pre-Adamites” is false?
If this is your position — would you kindly and being as specific as you can, describe to me how we have the black, yellow and red tribes or groups of people on the earth?
In other words — where does the black man come from?
You also wrote — “….There is no reason to go to such an extreme as saying that all outsiders are inhuman or demonic or soulless…….”
Question —- you say ‘soulless’. Are you suggesting “blacks” have a Soul the same as White peoples?
I think we understand “Soul” to be a vessel by which God can communicate through and come into our lives. Whereas an “Animal” does not have a “soul” like ours.
Are you suggesting blacks and yellows have a Soul and can have communication and a relationship to our Heavenly Father?
Dan — it seems you have much to say and I would really enjoy hearing what you have to say, but your comment to me was “all over the place”.
I really have no idea of what you are trying to say.
Do you have a Website by chance? I would sure enjoy reading “what” you are all about.
Genetic variation!
is a black horse another species compared to a Pinto
or Palamino ,no.
Arabian stallions are fine race horses no ?
are dalmation dogs in inner conflict
Panda bears hate themselves ?No
maybe you could go blind
to get over your silly prejudice
just plain dumb .
Your a sinner no better than anyone else
get of your higth donkey
or may Gode humble you .
“Genetic variation”? How is that an answer?
For the last 1,000 years, has any white couple in Iceland spontaneously produced a black or asian child via “genetic variation”?
Because there is no genetic potential to in them to do so.
The variation must exist in the parents for the children to inherit it.
To suggest that every person on Earth possesses all genetic variation potential to produce any geno- or phentype is just plain wrong.
RR, why do you feel a need to judge Westwins as a “sinner” simply because he doesn’t go along with the theory, yes, theory, that all “humans” came from Adam and Eve? Show us where in the Bible it says that if you don’t go along with that idea, you’ve somehow transgressed any of God’s laws. And while you’re at it, please show us where is says we cannot show preference to our own tribes and families over all others. Isn’t that the very basis of Israelite culture? That they remain separate from everyone else, and God punished them when they did not separate and remain holy? Your preachers have sold you a bill of goods that is not in the Bible. Maybe it’s you who needs to humble himself and repent?
RR ……………….
I have a simple question for you.
Suppose we remove every Icelander from the Country of Iceland. Now, we replace those Icelanders with a half-million black couples from the Congo and we restrict all immigration to Iceland. Only black people are allowed in.
Question —– “in how many years will we begin to see yellow, red and white children appear from the loins of a black woman and a black man?
In how many years will we see genetic variation the likes of producing or creating an entirely different ‘race’ (kind) of peoples???
I have asked this question to at least 100 “judeo-christians” and they all to a man refuse to answer.
Do you have the courage to answer?
While you are at it ………………….. what “Scriptures” do you use to defend your position of genetic variation? Are you going with the Tower of Babylon theory? You should notice that no where in that passage does it imply a change of genetics. God confused them by changing their language. Not their skin color.
I’ve heard preachers claim that Adam and therefore Eve, too, started out with all the DNA from every race, and even if they both looked of the same race, their offspring could manifest as any race if they were isolated into tribes.
The problem with that theory, of course, is that white genetics are recessive and will always be dominated by the genes of non-white genetics — unless the white populations are kept completely isolated with no non-white drift or infusions. Just look at how a small amount of mixing with moors and Jews turned the majority populations of Spain and Portugal into a permanently olive-skinned and dark-haired peoples. Same with southern Italy.
The MRFF is not an anti-Christian organization. Over 90% of their clients are Christian. They are opposed to Christian nationalism as that mentality is directly opposed to constitutional principles. Not very truthful.
If you filter this comment it will further show that truth is not your goal or agenda. If not, then I applaud that minor display of integrity and willingness to discuss the facts that your article avoids.
It doesn’t matter that 90% of their clients are Christian — that just shows how misled Christians have become where they support a group that undermines their faith. MRFF is dominated by Jews, by their own admission — if it is pro-Christian, why aren’t the majority of those involved Christians and not Jews?
The real agenda of MRFF is the make sure that the military is free from Christianity, not free from “religion”. The whole concept of separation of church and state is used by Jews to legitimate the removal of Christ from our government, our schools, and any public space — despite America being a Christian nation.
When was the last time MRFF were publicly outraged by something a rabbi wrote or said? They are hypocrites, and Christians give them a free pass because they foolishly believe they are “God’s chosen” which they are not — they are the synagogue of satan, and their actions prove it.
“Fellow white Christians” like Reverend Noseberg, I’m sure.
How is Christian nationalism directly opposed to constitutional principles?
24 of 32 signatories of the obnoxious letter complaining about this chaplain quoting the actual Bible are Jewish. That’s 75% of the signatories are Jewish. Jews are 2% of the population. Yet only 1/3rd of 1% of the military is Jewish. That means on this letter, Jews are over-represented by 225 times what we would expect given their numbers in the military. Why? The hate Christ, and they hate Christians.
Many Jews enter the military not because of their “patriotism” but rather to infiltrate it and make sure the military remains staunchly pro-Israel. And they want to make sure that the armed military ranks in America never wake up to the fact that all the wars in the Middle East that America has been engaged in for the last 30 years have been as proxy warriors for Israel. Israel orchestrated the attacks on America on September 11, 2001 and blamed it on rag tag Arabs.
Many Jews in America believe that Israel was behind the 9-11 attacks, including Alan Sabrosky, a professor a at the U.S. Army War College. Listen to what he has to say:
Israel is not our friend, nor our ally. Members of the IDF freely walk up and down the corridors of the Pentagon as if they own the place — and they essentially do.
98% of the soldiers who died for America were Christian. And they are dying for Israel. Sad.
Beautifully stated and 100% truth.
Jewish war veterans of what war ??? Lol I was in the military for 20 yrs and never saw a Jew they don’t like physical work that’s for the goyim
Messianics MUST understand that, for the most part, Judea was controlled by The Edomites✡(This is The Star of Remphan). But there were some Judahites who had returned to their homeland, which was then called Judea … instead of Judah. Those Judahites corrupted by The Babylonian Mystery Religion, were working with The Edomites✡, like The Apostle Paul did … until Yahshua Messiah made him see the error of his ways.
Point Two: Yahshua, and His Apostles ONLY preached to The Israelites, both Judah and Israel, who were ONLY given The Law. So, while it was The Babylonian Edomites who controlled Judea. Those Judahites who were working with The Edomites, effectively Shabbos Goy, were the ONLY people to sin, because only Israel was given The Law. And Yahweh was speaking to them … not The Edomites✡ … who were not given The Law. So … yes … The Judahites sinned because they helped The Edomite Judeans … in the same way that Shabbos Goy Israelites, White Europeans, help the modern day Jews to destroy White Europeans, who are true Israel today.
“Jewish sages — or Tannaim — may have developed the rationalization for matrilineal descent by observing mixed breeding in the animal kingdom.”
It could have come from there, but could there have been an additional source of inspiration? I am reminded that philosopher (((Otto Weininger))) lamented the overwhelming femininity/female mindset of the Jew, and blamed that for the faults of Jewry. This has me wondering how Jewry became such a matriarchy to begin with, and if it could be rooted in a population who had lost most all of its menfolk and so became a matriarchy by default.
The Bible tells us that all male Edomites in the land of Edom were killed by Joab (1 Kings 11:16), and Obadiah tells us that the Edomites will be on the Earth until the Day of the Lord.
1 Kings 11:17 tells us that at least one male Edomite, Hadan, survived. However, he was just a child and many years elapsed for Edom while he was growing up in
EgyptMizraim. Could Edom have repopulated itself by having its surviving womenfolk adopt a custom of matrilineal descent out of necessity?Obadiah also tells us that, on the Day of the Lord, the Edomites will possess territory that is located in present-day Israel and Jordan. Could it be that the Edomites are already possessing that territory?
You’ve decided Jews are Edomites, so you look for proof of their behavior today in the Scripture, retroactively imposing what you believe on what you read there. Do a thought experiment: are there any white people you know today who behave like Edomites in the Bible? I’m sure you do if you look for it. See how that works?
Edomites are virtually not mentioned in the NT or Revelation, but fake Jews are. The fact is that Jews don’t appear in the Bible as they are today because hey are a completely different people, developed over the last 2,000 years of wandering, inbreeding, and lamenting their outcast state, and subverting white Christendom. No such people exist in the Bible, and it’s fruitless to try to find them there.
“You’ve decided Jews are Edomites, so you look for proof of their behavior today in the Scripture, retroactively imposing what you believe on what you read there.”
It’s the opposite, frankly, as the more I learn about Scripture, the more the Edomite Question looks like it is the true piece to complete the puzzle. Particularly now that CFT’s article on the Edomites really sanded off all the rough edges and burrs from the “EQ”.
“Edomites are virtually not mentioned in the NT or Revelation, but fake Jews are.”
This, “fake Jews”, is a subject that has become far more convoluted now that I’ve been enlightened by CFT and know that “Jew” in the modern Bible is referring instead to “Judean”.
By that, Revelation 3:9 refers to “those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be [Judeans] though they are not, but liars”. Now who would be a false Judean? Moreover, why couldn’t Edomites be false Judeans?
“No such people exist in the Bible, and it’s fruitless to try to find them there.”
I’m perplexed by this, as aren’t the “fake Jews” of Revelation whom you’ve mentioned these people?
Scripture (Obadiah 15-18) tells us that the Edomites will be here until The Day of the Lord, and it tells us where the Edomites will be when The Day of the Lord occurs. So where are the Edomites right now?
What do you assume that the “fake Jews” are Edomites? Why not some other nation? Because you’ve decided it’s Edomites, because that’s what you’ve been told they are, even though they aren’t mentioned as such in the entire NT.
Revelation talks about those who say they are Jews (Judeans) but are not. That means the same thing today as “there are those who say they are Christians but are the synagogue of satan.” It could also refer to mixed race Israelites who fell into apostasy. Either way, nothing suggests that they are Edomites.
No, today’s fake Jews are not in the Bible because they didn’t exist during Bible Times. So you aren’t going to find them there. Today’s fake Jews were created as a people after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.
We don’t know who the surviving descendants of Edom are today, or any other of the Genesis 10 nations, but some will survive. We don’t know who belongs to each of the Tribes of Israel but we know their descendants exist. Leave it at that.
I assume by what you have stated that you do not adhere to the view that the biblical Israelites are not the ancestors of the European (white) people. I am being critical of you if that be case, as that is certainly your right. Thanks.
I do not assume that the “fake Jews” of Revelation are Edomites. My “Edomite Question” is to find out where the Edomites are right now. We know where they are going to be when the music stops.
Why couldn’t “mixed-race Israelites who fell into apostasy” and “Edomites” have overlap?
The Bible tells us that the Israelite army occupied Edom for six months, and that they killed every Edomite male during that time. I contend that it is quite possible for all those newly-widowed Edomite women to have solicited their Israelite conquerors during that time.
Particularly since the Bible tells us this account of Edom in 1 Kings 11, which opens with King Solomon shacking up with foreign women and them leading him astray from God.
But all the nations will be gathered at the end, not just Edom. Why are you so concerned about figuring out where Edom is right now? Edom is not singled out in the NT or Revelation. Obadiah isn’t the only end times prophecy, yet you’ve latched on to it because so many CI people use that as the cherry on the top of their two seedline cake. It’s not that unique of a prophecy, is it?
What about Ishmael? Isn’t it far more likely you would find Edom intermixed with the Ishmaelites and the Arabs than with white people? People say that the Palestinians today have Canaanite blood. Why? Because they occupy the ancient land of Canaan today. Is that true? Is it fair to say that Palestinian arabs are Canaanites? I would say no, but argue that they may have some Canaanitish ancestry while acknowledging that they original Canaanites were white.
Akkas Artasir wrote, “I assume by what you have stated that you do not adhere to the view that the biblical Israelites are not the ancestors of the European (white) people.”
Why would you assume that? Of course I believe that many White Europeans are indeed legitimate living descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. But just because I believe that, doesn’t mean I have to believe that today’s Jews are therefore Edomites. Many of today’s (sephardic) Jews probably do have some ancestors who were Israelites in Judea, but they rejected God and His laws and race mixed — losing their rightful status as Israel.
On race mixing, why is it that the Jewish character, both physical and mental, always seems to manifest?
Even when it is a union between a yenta and a goy, the offspring still has the hook-nosed demonic goblin look that physiognomy tells us is untrustworthy, and experience tells us is Jewish.
For example, (((Matt Jackson))) is the son of the liberal activist federal judge, (((Amy Berman Jackson))), who sentenced Roger Stone to 40 months in prison for “reasons”, and some random schvartze. Yet (((Matt Jackson))) looks like a typical Jew, he looks like Ben Shapiro with a tan.
Amongst the goyim, it’s a common observation that sons look like their fathers, that the father’s characteristics are dominant. Yet among the Jews, that does not seem to be the case.
ReformingBoomer wrote, “On race mixing, why is it that the Jewish character, both physical and mental, always seems to manifest?”
In reality, it doesn’t always manifest. That’s an old wive’s tale. Does it happen? Yes. Is there a Jewish or “foreign” look to many Jews? Yes. It depends on how much White admixture they have.
I have met some Jews that you would NEVER know they were Jewish by their looks or behavior, but that’s unusual admittedly. Up to 70% of Jews in America “marry out” and take goyim spouses, which is going to make each subsequent generation look less classically Jewish.
Jews have a “look” because they have been genetically isolated from the larger White populations among whom they have lived for the last 2,000 years. Inbreeding causes that Jewish “look” you see.
As far as the common “behavior”, well, like inbreeding, it’s passed down generation after generation in families. It’s taught, encouraged and rewarded among each other. Even the voice inflection is learned.
There is no special “Jewish gene”. That’s a myth.
Are you suggesting that Jewish Behavior is “Learned”?
It seems to me this website — CFT — wouldn’t exist except for Jewish Perfidy.
Are you saying that this is simply just “Learned” behavior?
We could say that it is both “learned” and “spiritual”.
But non-whites don’t “generally” witness to the kind of virulent hatred for Whites that Jews do.
Would you agree with that?
By the way …. this comment is in no way a ‘hostile’ comment.
I’m just trying to understand it all. I too once believed in the Dual Seedline Perspective. So, I have gone from one side of the spectrum, to the other and trying to find some balance in the middle.
I have a hard time believing that “Jews” are just like other non-whites, or other mixed race peoples.
Again ………… it just seems like these “Jews” just have this innate hatred for us. It is like the “Projection” they cast on us. They say we are born anti-semitic.
To me, this is simply projection. They are “born” to hate White People. At least it seems like that way to me. And CFT just produces example after example. It never ceases to amaze me. John Friend is pretty good at sourcing this phenomena as well.
Cheers. 🙂
I would say Jewish behavior is learned and encouraged, yes, but there is also a genetic component to personality traits which makes them inheritable in general. Jews, by their own admission, have a higher than normal incidence of genetic disorders and mental illness, from intense inbreeding, which obviously contributes to their unstable nature. And, yes, there is a “spiritual” aspect to their behavior in that they are in an active rebellion against God, and they revel in the death of Christ, and they take great satisfaction in watching White people being destroyed and brought down. So, it’s a combination of all those elements. No need to ascribe the Jewish personality to some literal “demon seed”….
Thanks Chesterton.
My comment was not defending serpent seedline. Far from it.
I think were I stand today would be accurately presented in Weisman’s theory. His theory can be found in 3 books —
“Not of One Blood”
“Who is Esau-Edom”
“Race and Civilization”.
Weisman rejects serpent seedline but makes a case that there is a Genetic component to this phenomena not just because of Inbreeding.
He would say, I am in agreement, that Cain married a Pre-Adamite. It was from this line of families that would be the start of this “Type” represented in Esau. As Esau also mixed his seed with the Pre-adamic families. Now Esau could have taken an a pure Adamite for a wife. We do not know. But these descendants of Cain now exist on the earth. So Esau’s descendants, if Esau didn’t, mixed their seed with Cain’s descendants. So we now have a mix of Adamites and Pre-Adamites floating around the areas occupied by Adamic Man.
This guy has some archaeological “proofs” that you might find interesting.
He has an objection to the theories stated here at CFT and I have urged him to come here and “debate” but he is unwilling. Not sure why.
His information can be found — https://sschmwp.wordpress.com/2014/11/07/yahweh-and-christian-identity/comment-page-1/#comment-553
Like I said ……………… I hope this can be a friendly discussion. For me ….. this is not important enough to break fellowship. But something I do find fascinating.
Cheers and thanks.
westwins, all of Wiseman’s theories are speculation with absolutely no Scriptural proof. It is a textbook example of “begging the question.” Jews are so evil that they must be accounted for somewhere in the Bible because their evil is “biblical”. Esau is the enemy of Israel. Therefore, Esau must be connected to the Jews who are evil just like Cain because they Jews must be accounted for in the Bible.
It’s all just some kind of modified two seedline, which posits a “boogeyman” seedline that substitutes “pre-Adamites” for the serpent. With ZERO Scriptural proof. This is an example of two seedline through the back door.
And that guy’s “archeological” evidence is a) outside the Bible, and b) is based on very stylized drawings that coincidentally have prominent noses, like Romans and Egyptians, and oh yes, some Jews. Not persuasive.
westwins, here’s a direct quote from that blog you linked to. Do you agree with it? Quote:
“Interracial marriage prohibitions apply to Israel and weren’t applicable when Noah breathed; accordingly, no law existed for Noah to violate via sexual intercourse with supposed non-white partners. So, the assumption that Noah copulated with pre-Adamic human prototypes remains conceivable; Cain did likewise, and Cain’s partners likely couldn’t show blood in their faces, like Adam, whose name means to blush.”
If what he is saying is true, then the Israelites, as descendants of these mixed Genesis10 nations, would be also mixed with pre-Adamites. And so would Jesus Christ himself.
Do you agree with him that there is no prohibition against race mixing among pre-Israelites?
westwins, is this guy White by looking at him?
Thanks for the exchange. I have nothing further to add. 🙂
In regards to the picture you asked me to respond to —- who is David Shearing and what is the relevance of the question.
No ……….. I do not agree with that quote. My ‘including the link’ was not an endorsement.
westwins, it’s a simple question, does the man in that photo look white to you? You endorsed an article linking to several images that look like this man. Therefore, I find it a reasonable question: can you draw any conclusions of this man’s ethnicity based on the photo? Yes or no? It’s not complicated.
Cain took a wife from a Pre-Adamic people. This is what I believe happened in theory. I say “theory” because the Scriptures don’t necessarily say he did. We can assume — just as you assume Cain took his sister for a wife. I believe my “assumption” makes more logical sense.
You accuse me of professing “dual seedline” but from the back door, as if this is some kind of negative quality or something dishonest.
I do believe in “Seedlines”. There are now MANY.
Modern Jewry is a “seedline”. It can often contain various DNA profiles.
When our White brethren mates with a black or a yellow, they just created a new seedline. We call a mix of white and black — mulatto. If a mulatto then takes a yellow for a spouse, now we have another seedline.
I have come to accept the theory that 5000 years ago, there were probably only 4 — White (Adamic Man), black, yellow and red.
Cain took a wife from perhaps a mix of those three, or perhaps he took a wife from a single origin. I don’t know.
But from that point, we now have a mix of Adamic Man and pre-adamic beast. That “seedline” could have taken on various forms from that point forward. This is the seedline that I believe Esau’s descendants married into. Not all, but some.
If you have a problem with this line of thinking …………………. Ok. I hope we can agree to disagree.
You seem to be much more invested in this than I. Why?
Does this reflect in a negative way towards my Spirit? Do I need to believe as you on this topic?
If you believe YES, I’d like to hear your explanation of why I need to repent. How does this line of thought “grieve” the Holy Spirit?
Thank you for your time.
WestWins, there are certain doctrines we have all experienced and some of us have come out of, which one can recognize retrospectively as having hindered us from reaching a true understanding of salvation.
A lot of what is presented here is a help for some people such as myself to let go of that baggage which weighs us down from seeing the truth of salvation. 2SL is fundamentally antithetical to a true salvation doctrine. So it’s not that one needs to adopt a specific doctrine… Rather it’s more a case that one cannot accept 2SL doctrine. Accepting 2SL is a poor reflection on the spirit, yes. But I myself was there, and came out of it… I happily accept it is a poor reflection on myself that I believed it.
So I don’t think it’s about forcing anyone to believe a specific doctrine… But if someone believes a doctrine antithetical to a true salvation doctrine, then that is a problem.
It’s ironic, because a true salvation doctrine is simple. There’s a lot of space for unity among those who believe true salvation… Even if they believe different things on peripheral matters. But so many other doctrines insist to tread on true salvation doctrine, like 2SL does… You know this as well as I do.
I get the sense that some believe it is wrong to take a position which vehemently denies 2SL on the basis of 2SL soiling true salvation. It’s fine, they can believe what they want. Ezekiel 3:8-9… I am a stone, unaffected…
Whatever stands in the way of true salvation needs to be removed. The path of the Lord must be made straight.
Can you prove with Scripture that Cain married his sister?
Just so we are clear — I do not believe in Dual Seedline as it is popularly known and taught. I reject the Serpent Seedline Doctrine.
Are you saying that to believe Cain took a pre-adamite for a wife is “dual seedline”?
Just so I’m clear. I’ve never heard that before.
WestWins, I wasn’t speaking specifically to your views. I was speaking in general to the question of being “much more invested”. As to believing Cain took non-Adamic wives, I don’t necessarily think that makes one lose one’s salvation. In the case of pure 2SL (which does believe Cain took non-Adamic wives), I would say the risk is considerably higher.
Regardless, maybe I can offer two cents…
I would say that assuming Cain can take a non-Adamic wife is “begging the question”, because it relies on the assumption that Adamic peoples can marry non-Adamites. That assumption cannot be proven in the Scripture.
I think the whole narrative of Genesis 2:18 onwards proves that only Adamic people can be married to one another. Nothing was found to be a wife for Adam, but in the end, the only wife for him was one which came from his own kind.
With that in mind… Cain married his sister, because Adam had “sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).
Maybe people have their consciences seared by seeing non-whites having “civil unions”, so it becomes a “hangup” to think surely they are married. But marriage isn’t a civil union… It is between God and man and wife, just like in Genesis 2. Christ said, “what God has joined together, no person is to separate”. I would say that God only joins Adamite peoples together in marriage. He doesn’t join an Adamite and a non-Adamite.
Incidentally, we see monogamous relationships in nature (especially with birds), and we don’t call them “husband and wife”.
“…on the assumption that Adamic peoples can marry non-Adamites. That assumption cannot be proven in the Scripture……”
Hold on a second. Now I think we are talking about two separate issues — Whether they can physically speaking; or whether they are allowed.
You say that assumption cannot be proven in the Scripture.
What assumption? That they can physically speaking; or that they are not allowed to.
Quick Clarifying Question — White men have had sex with non-white people for Centuries and have fathered children with those same non-white women.
I am talking “Sex” here, not ceremonial marriage.
Why would it be an “assumption” to suggest Cain may have had sex with a non-white female when CLEARLY this is possible? We see it everyday. This is why I think we are talking about two separate things.
Clearly, a White Adamic man can have sex with a black female and produce a mullato child.
You’ve got me confused now.
Maybe our understanding of “Pre-Adamites” is totally different. I just assumed you believed as I that the non-white peoples (black, yellow, red) were created during the “animal” creation and can be referred to as “beasts” in the Scriptures.
Let’s clear this up first.
westwins, the Bible does not recognize non-whites or pre-Adamites as “wives” or possible “marriage” candidates to Adamites. Genesis 4:17 recognizes these women as “wives”, a status not afforded to “beasts”.
“And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.”
Those words “wives, husband” are all nebulous terms.
In other words — the same word for “woman” can also be “wife”. There is no distinction. The “Translators” make those distinctions.
“Traditional” marriage or “marriage” as a tradition really didn’t come about until Isaac and Rebekah. This was the beginning of a “process” for marriage as a tradition or “legislated” by man. Notice Jacob made a covenant with Laban for Rachel, but ended up “married” to Leah the next morning. In other words — Leah became Jacob’s “wife” because of sex — not because of a process or tradition.
That verse could easily read — “… and Cain knew his woman ….”
So you are making the case that if Cain’s wife was not an Adamite, the writer of Genesis would not have “phrased” it that way? Or perhaps would not have even “included” it. Is this your case?
Interesting. I will certainly give it some thought.
But you would agree with me that Cain or any other OT personality could have had sex with a non-adamic woman and produced a child. Correct? If it is possible for us — it is possible for them.
If they would have done this — an Adamite having sex with a pre-adamite — you are suggesting the writer of Genesis simply would not have included this into the book.
Would this be your contention?
Again ………. an interesting observation. I will meditate on that.
Let me know if I got any of that wrong. I hate to assume.
WestWins, I suppose if one were to open a Strong’s Concordance and look up the word for Strong’s H802 then sure, I can see how one would reach that conclusion. I do not believe that gives the full picture though.
The Hebrew used is a construct which seems only ever to be used in the context of what we would acknowledge as a “wife”: https://biblehub.com/hebrew/ishto_802.htm
If one were to make the argument that Genesis 4:17 is NOT referring to Cain’s wife, then one would have to prove that the construct doesn’t necessarily mean “wife”.
Once one accepts that Genesis 4:17 actually means “wife”, then everything I said here applies quite naturally: https://christiansfortruth.com/jews-have-meltdown-when-navy-chaplain-quotes-bible-that-the-men-of-israel-crucified-christ-and-need-to-repent/#comment-51777
Im super late to this party, but i wanted to add my 2 cents to the marriage and what God brings together man shall not separate thing…
My current belief is that verse refers to a sort of match made in heaven as opposed to someone whom you have just had sex with. Yes, sex constitutes marriage, but that doesn’t mean that the one whom you have sex with is the one whom God has brought together with you.. instead, that is the one whom you have brought together for yourself..
Ezra 10 and somewhere in Nehemiah attest to this. They were to cast out their foriegn wives. The Lord clearly did not make their matches, they brought them together themselves and sinned. Now, i dont know what foriegn means here, but what is interesting is it seems to contradict Jeremiah 29:6. I suppose the safe assumption is that Jeremiah 29:6 was a command for Israelites to only marry other Israelites, although that is not explicitly stated. But, id have to study this some more. Regardless, it stands to reason that the Lord, to one degree or another, has a wife that he wants you to have. I also think this is the reason David was able to claim Michal as his despite her being the wife of another man. God didnt bring Michal and her first husband together, Saul did. God instead brought Michal and David together. The only wife that David took that God didnt give to him was Bethesba (i stand by this because when the prophet confronted David, he states that David stole something that wasnt his. Almost like the murder was secondary). God didnt bring them together, but eventually blessed the union thanks to David’s repentance and God’s grace and mercy.
Leuchtendes Erlöserblut — Der Entscheidungsruf Christi an die Erde !
Ernste Mahnung für alle Leser.
Die größte Weltenwende steht vor der Tür.
Der Sonnen= und Friedenstag der ewigen Wahrheit ist im Anbruch und will die Nacht des Wahnes, der Lüge und des Irrtums auf Erden verscheuchen. Der Himmel will sein urgeborenes Licht wieder in die Herzen der Erde einstrahlen lassen und sich mit ihnen in einem unzerstörbaren ewigen Bunde vermählen. Weil aber ein lichtdurchflutetes Zeitalter einen urlichtgesandten Baumeister braucht, der den nachtgebundenen Bauhelfern Freiheit, Planung, Wegleitung und Zielweisung bringt, übergebe ich hiermit den Ewigkeitsbauhelfern das Schicksalsbuch der Welt. Dieses soll jeden Wahrheitssucher über den göttlichen Weltenplan unterrichten und die hohe Verantwortung und Verpflichtung jedes Einzelmenschen im Weltenhaushalt aufzeigen.
Anknüpfend an die in jedem Menschen unzerstörbar verankerte ewige Gesetzlichkeit ist ein jeder , entsprechend seinen ihm eingelegten Lichttalenten, zum Ewigkeitsbauhelfer in den Urlichtwelten und zum Selbstgestalter seiner himmlischen Heimat berufen. Keiner darf und kann teilnahmslos abseits stehen, wenn Welten zertrümmert, gebildet oder geformt werden, die er durchwandeln oder bewohnen soll.
Jeder hat meinen Ausführungen gegenüber eine Entscheidung von weittragendster und ewigwertiger Bedeutung zu fällen. Denn ich verkünde die Urgesetze der Weltenentwicklung, die in jedem Menschenherzen gleichzeitig als Beseliger, Lehrer, Mahner, Richter oder Schöpfer leben. Vom Throne des Menschenherzens aus wollen sie als Urregent den gesamten Menschen durchdringen und zur Krone der Schöpfung umgestalten. Nur so könnte endlich der Zustand beendet werden, in dem sie sich dem unwissend oder leichtfertig fehlenden Menschen immer wieder als Rächer der verletzten Urordnung bemerkbar machen mußten.
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Ostfront: Soll es wieder sein , was da jeher zugesprochen wird, und was auch lange vollendet worden war zu nichts verabschieden? was von Anfang an anstatt zu vollenden , aber wieder neue Einlegung begonnen wird. Sagt der Herr es nicht , es sei fertig? Muss man nochmal einen weiteren Dispens leiden ?? Ja , so geht es heute ueberall gestattet dass , niemand ausgeschlossen werden muss? Egalitarismus ist goetz , das immerwaehrend Anbeter habe. Unterscheidunskraft ist die erste Suende; Rassismus des Teufels Vorwurf. Das Ende bringt fuer jeden freimuetig umsonst die Erloesung , nicht Juengstengericht, dem man von desssn Verantwortung groessmutig verschont wird. Soll der Christ nicht aufbegehren, wenn ein neuer gnadenvoller gott jedem den Preise gewaehrt und zwar ohne Unterscheidungskraft , und der ganze Welt (en) die Erbschaft der Unglaube verantwortungslos nie reichlich vergelten ? Mindestens um die Gerechtigkeit willens ? Nur um Universalismus seinen Vorrang zu gewaehren.?! Er nannte sich die Wahrheit , die auf die Erde sich mit strahlendem Licht spendieren werde. Zwar, um die Wahsinnige der Welt zu erwecken und gewissenhaft zum Gesetzfoerderer lassen , alle widerspenstig oder Stockherzig , die sich wider die Wahrheit unverschaemt strebten? Oder derer, die mit Gleichgueltigkeit allem Unrecht freimutig willfaehrt? Wie ist der Heilige Geist und der langmutiger Christ besser denn als eine Taeuschung zu werden? Der Gospel ist der Opfer des Herren einmalige Planung des Schoepfers . Der alle vorher gegangene , so der Antichrist zu keiner Wirkung oder unzulaenglich machen soll? Was fuer die treue Wenige , deren Erkenntnis des Herren, muehsam und leidvoll vorgefuegt wird , und das Leid und Verfolgung ertragen glauben sollen ?! wenn vor ihnen dieser arge , letzte Entscheidundsruf vorgeworfen wird ? , Die Zeugen der Warheit werden zur letzen Zeit diesen Unrechts Ueberfluessige werden , bei der Verdraengung , die so ueberschwenglich an die wertlosen umsonst die lang gelaesterte Erbe zu verstreuen , dass jeder , starr mit Gleichgueltigkeit ein Schatz , ein Vermaechtinis , darum nie erbetet wurdet, unterschiedslos spendieren? Beginnt man immerwieder mit einem endgultigen Zuprechen des falschen Prophets , der den Teufel vertretet? Und eine neue Luege ist jetzt die Hoffnung der Welt?
Claiming to be a true Israelite — not a Jew mamzer — comes with the knowledge that our ancestors killed Christ.
It’s a sobering reminder of the potential for evil within us.
“Do you not know that the one to whom you present yourselves as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of that same one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)
“Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.” (John 8:34)
“comes with the knowledge that our ancestors killed Christ.”
It looks to me that our ancestors are the “lawless hands” from Acts 2:23, and so we have the knowledge, from Luke 23:34, that Christ forgave them for performing the crucifixion as they knew not the significance of what they were doing.
The Jews, in contrast, locked themselves into a self-appointed blood curse (Matthew 27:25), and even if Luke 23:34’s forgiveness extends to the Jews they have rejected it for almost 2,000 years.
Jews deny they killed Christ in the same way the Pharisees denied that they had ever been in bondage. It’s the result of a stubborn, literal-mindedness steeped in self-justification. As Johan said, you can’t be a true Israelite without taking responsibility for the crucifixion — we killed Christ, and yet He still loves us and will forgive us IF we truly follow Him.
Jews, on the other hand, want all the benefits of being an Israelite with none of the responsibilities, which is the same attitude they have with their wealth and power. A true man of God will willingly take the blame, which is what Christ himself did. Jews admit nothing, blame others, and live in bitterness over their outcast state, which are the consequences of rejecting Christ and His laws.
How can we be sure that the Judeans who said that they were descendants of Abraham who had not been in bondage were not telling the complete truth?
Do we know for a fact that every descendant of Abraham was held in bondage? Could these Judeans have been descended from a branch of Abraham’s family line that was never held in bondage?
My understanding is that we know most every descendant of Jacob was held in bondage, but these Judeans do not claim to be descendants of Jacob.
We have no reason to believe that the Pharisees were not Israelites. Paul was, and many of the others are described as such. There is not one single comment by Christ or any apostle explicitly stating that the Pharisees were not Israelites. If it were so important to know they weren’t Israelites, why isn’t it mentioned even once. You are reading things between the lines, and ignoring that plain words of the Scripture to maintain your doctrine of “what if”.
“22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a Man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— 23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.” (Acts 2:22-23)
It reads to me that the “men of Israel” killed Christ by the “lawless hands/godless men”. So the Romans who killed Christ were weapons by proxy, similar to David killing Uriah with the sword of the Amorites.
In Acts 3:12 and 16 Peter says the same thing… “Men of Israel… put to death the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.”
To me Peter is saying plainly that the Israelites killed Christ, not the Romans. Sure, the Romans weren’t held accountable… I don’t actually think that they were. Romans weren’t Israelites either, so they are further removed from guilt.
It was pure Israelites and legitimate children of the flesh who killed Christ. If I believe that I am a pure Israelite and legitimate child of the flesh, then I have to believe that if I allow my own flesh to run rampant, I am capable of the same evil as them.
Whether or not their progeny went on to become mamzers doesn’t have any bearing on that, because it wasn’t their progeny who killed Christ.
But even for the Israelites who killed him, there was forgiveness for those who repent. Peter makes that clear in Acts 2 – 3 as well.
“3 When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Through my groaning all day long. 4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality failed as with the dry heat of summer. 5 I acknowledged my sin to You, And I did not hide my guilt; I said, “I will confess my wrongdoings to the Lord”; And You forgave the guilt of my sin.” (Psalm 32:3-5)
Isn’t that beautiful? ReformingBoomer, I worry if we harden our hearts to what we see in Scripture, we become like someone keeping silent of their sin. We are a wicked and stiff-necked people… I probably don’t even need to make an argument for that case. If only we acknowledge it, there’s great peace in the forgiveness.
“How blessed is he whose wrongdoing is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! 2 How blessed is a person whose guilt the Lord does not take into account, And in whose spirit there is no deceit!” (Psalm 32:1-2)
Let’s not fear the admission that we are capable of such things. Let’s accept the blessing for the covering of sin, because Christ is ready and willing not to take it into account.
Right. Jews and Two Seedline Christians have one crucial thing in common which should really raise some eyebrows — they both deny that they killed Christ. The Jews blame the Romans, whom they call “Edom”, and the Two Seedline Christians also blame the Edomites. What does that tell you?
Both groups are in complete denial of what their own people are capable of. Two Seedliners must ignore or twist the plain words of Peter in Acts 2:22-23 and Acts 3:12 in order to maintain the lie that Edomites killed Christ. If you do not believe that Israelites are capable of killing Christ, how are you any different from the Jew who always blames others? It’s the same mentality. Sure we can sin, but not as much as “the Jews”. They are much worse than us.
And like Jews, Two Seedliners don’t need Christ to be saved because they believe they were born saved because they are Israelites. This refusal to accept our own sinful nature and instead blame it all on “the Edomite Jews” has poisoned Christianity and become a major stumbling block to having real faith in Christ, and the necessity to do so.
Why do you hold that the Romans were not Israelites?
How do we know that the Judean mob who conspired against Christ and harangued the Romans into crucifying Him did not include people who were not “Men of Israel”?
Acts is about Peter ministering to non-Gentile Judeans, so perhaps his message was tailored particularly toward them? Acts is also about Peter slowly breaking his anti-gentile bias, though he will later lapse back into it and earn rebuke from Paul, as recorded in Galatians.
So is his “Men of Israel” line indeed for all Israelites, or just those that Peter in his day considered to be Men of Israel?
RB ….
The prevailing thought here at CFT is that Modern Jewry has absolutely nothing to do with “Judeans” living in the first Century.
Do you agree with this sentiment? If yes — could you elaborate on why you phrased your sentence the way you did — “…The Jews, in contrast, locked themselves into a self-appointed blood curse….”
When you say “The Jews” ……….. are you implying those Judeans of the first century — or are you implying Modern Jewry?
westwins wrote, “The prevailing thought here at CFT is that Modern Jewry has absolutely nothing to do with “Judeans” living in the first Century.”
Sorry, westwins, but you’ve completely misrepresented what we’ve written in this article. Clearly, this article makes the case that today’s Jews are indeed descendant from the first century Judeans, but fell into apostasy and race mixed themselves out of any claim to being Israel. How is it possible that you misread that?
I was referring to the “comments” i.e., the commenters from previous articles regarding this topic — Who are the Jews. I apologize.
I’m actually glad the CFT administrators believe there is a connection. I believe there is a connection. But a few of the commenters here do not believe there is a connection.
Sorry! I should have made it clear that I was referring to the prevailing thought amongst those who comment here.
I do believe that Modern Jewry is connected with “Judeans” living in the first century.
I believe this because throughout history, so far as I can find, all subsequent Jews have held the same beliefs as the first century “Judeans”, and it is inconceivable to me that these later people could have come to these beliefs without the Jews having brought it to them, and breeding in with them.
And to these people, who were converted–and their gene pools polluted–by the “Judean” diaspora, the Blood Curse was extended. If any Edomites were covered by this Blood Curse then it would barely have been an inconvenience for them as they were already consumed with hatred towards Jacob, so tacking on hatred for his promised messiah seems par for the course.
Simply giving any old group of people the tomes of modern Jewry does not seem to me that it would convert them, and we may have an example of that with South Korea, as that country voluntarily studies the Talmud, to the point that it established “Chavruta” academies, and yet it, despite its woes, has not become a nation of Jews.
Perhaps this is because, as (((Jonathan Rozenberg))), the grandson of a rabbi (Tokayer) center to the Talmud’s proliferation in Asia, put it, Koreans cannot understand the Talmud because the Talmud speaks to the neshama and Koreans [like all filthy goyim] don’t have a neshama.
Sources for the Korea supposition:
Thanks RB!
Not so long I ago I mentioned my confusion with regard to the contemporary Jew who by most appearances is an evil and immoral train wreck to the Lord’s pronouncement that He would bless those who blessed Israel and curse those who cursed Israel.
This article just cleared up a great deal about it and I appreciate being able to find it and read it. Thanks CFT, I have a better understanding of how things really are now that I had before.
Every judeo-zio-evangelist Christian knows Genesis 12:3 by heart, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
In fact, I recently had one quote it in a conversation, and I said to him, “You know that’s not talking about the modern nation of Israel but rather the Israelite people as a whole.” He looked at me, and looked a little confused, and just said, “Oh…”
Of course, I didn’t tell him that he himself was an Israelite because that would have really confused him, but needless to say, even if the Jews really were the tribe of Judah, they would be only one-twelfth of Israel. Jews continually curse the real Israel, White Christendom, ignoring the warning of Genesis 12:3….very ironic….
Wow. Talk about a guilty conscience…
And what are those “Lies” Russ?
I understand you have a different version of Jesus and Christianity — 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 —
But what else did CFT “lie about”.
Just curious.
You seem to be upset. Are you a Jew? Is this why you are so upset?