(The Surrey Comet UK) Scientists have uncovered the first direct, grisly evidence of the harrowing lives of children known as “pauper apprentices” who were forced into labour during industrialization in England:
“Lead author Rebecca Gowland, a professor in the Department of Archaeology, Durham University, said: “This is the first bio-archaeological evidence for pauper apprentices in the past and it unequivocally highlights the toll placed on their developing bodies.
“To see direct evidence, written in the bones, of the hardships these children had faced was very moving.
“It was important to the scientists and the local community that these findings could provide a testimony of their short lives.”
While the use of children as a cheap source of labour during industrialisation in 18th and 19th century England is well-documented, there is little direct evidence of their struggles.
For the study, the experts performed chemical analysis of the teeth remains.
They were able to identify the sex of the children as well as determine that they were not local to the area and were probably from London.
Examination of the bones and teeth also highlighted the conditions that affected the children, including tuberculosis, respiratory disease, rickets and delayed growth.
Professor Michelle Alexander, from the Department of Archaeology at the University of York, who was a senior author of the study, said: “We undertook chemical analysis of the bones to study diet and found that the apprentices had a lack of animal protein in the diet compared to the locals, more on a level with the victims of the Great Irish Famine.”
The remains have since been reburied in a ceremony that involved contributions from the local community.
Sally Robinson, from the Washburn Heritage Centre, Yorkshire, who led the team of local volunteers, said: “It’s easy to forget that the Washburn valley had an industrial past given the beauty of the reservoirs that visitors see today…
“They were overlooked in life and treated as a commodity – but we hope we have done them some justice by telling their stories and creating a lasting commemoration.”
If these remains were of black or “indigenous” children, we’d never hear the end of the worldwide outrage — and demands that some sort of “reparations” be paid to their fellow minorities.
When hundreds of unmarked graves of presumed “indigenous” children were found in Canada in 2021, the Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, used the occasion to shame White people and accuse them of “racism” — calling the discovery,
“….a shameful reminder of the systemic racism, discrimination, and injustice that Indigenous peoples have faced.”
Rest assured, whatever the conditions were at this Catholic school for indigenous children, compared to what White children had to endure in England, America and Canada in the 18th and 19th centuries, they were relatively luxurious in comparison.
Poor White children during early Industrialization Era were literally disposable — they were either orphans put in workhouses — such as depicted in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist — or their families couldn’t afford to feed them and were sent out to work and fend for themselves.
The article mentions how these children discovered in Surrey were actually from London — where tens of thousands of unwanted orphans were shipped off to factories and millworks all over England and literally starved and worked to death — dying anonymously.
Young boys and girls, as young as four years old, were put to work in mines — and given some of the most dangerous jobs — again, because they were completely expendable and the owners of these mines and factories had no accountability whatsoever.
The 1941 Hollywood movie, How Green Was My Valley, about the plight of Welsh miners in Victorian England could not have been made had it not romanticized the lives of these miners — and their children who worked the mines along side the adults.
And much of this exploitation of children was done under the guise of “Christian charity” — the brutality of which is inconceivable by today’s standards.
By comparison, Black slaves in the American South were treated much better — for the simple reason that their owners had paid a lot of money for them, and it was in their best interests to keep them relatively healthy in order to work — and live long enough to reproduce to create more slave labor.
On the other hand, White slaves and their children — euphemistically called “indentured servants” — were treated far more brutally than their Black counterparts because they were far cheaper to buy and exploit — as Michael Hoffman shows in his book They Were White and They Were Slaves.
No doubt more White children died under these horrific conditions than ever died in the so-called Holocaust™ — yet all we ever hear about is the “plight” of Anne Frank — a “spoiled” Jewish girl who lived a life of wealth and privilege in Amsterdam before she was sent to work camps during World War II where she eventually died of typhus caused by the relentless Allied bombing of Germany.
Yet there are no museums all across the West dedicated to remembering these lost children — simply because their horrific deaths cannot be used to promote an anti-White agenda that portrays them and their kindred as evil exploiters only of “innocent” racial “minorities.”
In fact, the anti-slavery northern abolitionists turned a blind eye to the plight of poor White children in England — instead focusing on — and exaggerating the poor treatment of the Black slaves in the American South — a hypocrisy which prompted the following scathing editorial published in the New York Herald in 1861:
“…And what is the actual condition of the slaves over which these rampant abolitionists are howling so insanely? Let them go down to the Southern States and look at the four millions of negroes they will find there, and see whether they are the ill cared for, abject creatures that they would make the Northerners believe.
Let them remember that, at the time of the Revolution, the colored population of the same States amounted to less than an eighth part of what it is at present. The very fact of the immense increase of numbers within so short a time speaks for the good treatment and happy, contented lot of the slaves. They are comfortably fed, housed and clothed, and seldom or never overworked.
They present in their condition a favorable contrast to the white slaves of Europe, who live in the utmost squalor, and are at once half-starved and overworked, and who only find rest in premature graves. Their condition is a far happier one than that of many of the white poor of the North, who are driven to seek refuge from want in the workhouses, or yet of many even outside of their walls, who vegetate in filth and hunger in the obscure parts of our cities.
The heartrending accounts which are occasionally given to the English public of the miseries endured by the London poor show a far more deplorable state of things than could ever exist under slavery in America; and English travelers who have taken the trouble of inquiring, by personal observation, into the state of the slaves in the South, have acknowledged in print the superior comforts enjoyed by the latter over the white slaves of England.”
“Unsurprisingly, the average life expectancy contrasted greatly between town and countryside and also shows a great disparity between social classes. In 1840, 57% of the poor children living in Manchester died before they were 5 years. In rural areas this was 32%. An agricultural worker in Rutland had a life-expectancy of 38, a factory worker in Liverpool, a life expectancy of 15 years. Urban living was not conducive to good health for the poorer classes particularly and cholera thrived in situations where there was an impure water supply. ”
3 Year Old Chimney Sweep . 1933
Paul O'Donohoe
There were these kind of factories in Ireland too. I used to watch paranormal shows years back there was a investigation in a housing estate and there used to be a workhouse mill there, and the manager of the mill hung himself. Why did the manager dislike what was going on in the workhouse mill?
I read long ago that child labour was used in mills in what can be described as sweatshop conditions – many children died as a result of accidents involving the machinery – and you have poor dust extraction – many died of heavy dust exposure.
You only have to look nowadays who run sweatshops with slave labour conditions jewish bankers and businessmen. Jews like to talk about their so called suffering when it’s white people that have suffered more and in their own countries – victims of subversive jews, but you don’t hear much about that in the MSM, do you?
Dear white people, you should care more about your own kind and damn them jews – and don’t let them intimidate you as they could not care less about you
Whites remained slaves until the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1855, Frederic Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who designed New York’s Central Park, was in Alabama on a pleasure trip and saw bales of cotton being thrown from a considerable height into a cargo ship’s hold. The men tossing the bales somewhat recklessly into the hold were Negroes; the men in the hold were Irish.
Olmsted inquired about this to a ship worker. “Oh,” said the worker, “the niggers are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard or get their backs broke, nobody loses anything.”
A child born to a female redemptioner could become the property of her owner and the mother’s term extended. For example, George Cummins had the indenture of his white servant woman named Christian Finney extended by a year and her child bound for thirty-one years by order of the Carteret County Count on December 7, 1736. When she applied to the court for her freedom on June 9, 1744, the court ruled that she serve another five months to pay for the cost incurred by her owner to bring the earlier action. When she applied again 6 months later, she was ordered to serve an additional year for having a “Mulatto Child in the time of her servitude.”
Blacks and Indians came to own, and abuse, whites in Virginia in such large numbers that in 1670 the House of Burgesses (legislature) proclaimed that ” . . . noe negro or Indian though baptyised and enjoyned their own ffreedome shall be capable of any purchase of christians, but yet not debarred from buying any of their own nation.” [Original spelling.] “Christian” was a euphemism of the period for Caucasian. Virginia’s Slave Code of 1705 provided: “That no negroes, mulattos, Indians, although christians, ore Jew, Moore, Mahometans, or other infidels, shall at any time, purchase any Christian, nor any other, except of their own complexion, or such as are declared slaves by this act.” “[73]
Whites didn’t realize we were “privileged” until the Jews told their black golems that we were.
The “privileged” class in England were always the aristocracy, not the merely born White.
Seafarer ….
Exactly like “Kennewick Man”. Because Kennewick Man was found on an Indian Reservation — they were able to control the “Science”.
Those who still question whether non-white will inherit Eternal Life — must ask the Question — where are the non-whites of the World who have the Spirit of Truth and can defend us???
Practically the whole world — even non-whites — defend jews as the chosen people of the Scriptures. So, surely a non-white person could see the evidence for Whites as the Israelites of the Scriptures and come to love us as they love the jews.
But guess what ………….. they don’t. Find me a non-white person who claims to be “christian” who is speaking out against White Genocide.
I remember the Kenniwick Man controversy. If I’m not mistaken, it was the Clinton administration that declared the remains off limits, making it impossible for anyone to see that the oldest people on the North American continent were “white” men, not “Indians”.
I can’t remember the dating of the remains though….I think they were at least 15,000 years old, which would make them pre-Adamic.
Most people think of all pre-Adamics as non-white, but if Kenniwick is true, then there must have been proto-whites among the pre-Adamics….
Olympia ….
Thank you for the contribution.
I stand corrected — the Remains were found on “Federal Land” not on an Indian Reservation.
It was the Obama administration — From wiki — In September 2016, the US House and Senate passed legislation to return the ancient bones to a coalition of Columbia Basin tribes for reburial according to their traditions.
This made me laugh from Wiki — “… In 1998, The New York Times reported “White supremacist groups are among those who used Kennewick Man to claim that Caucasians came to America well before Native Americans.”
There was a great documentary I watched years back. Can’t remember exactly which one. Bitchute has a couple —
I don’t know if either of these were the one I watched. I couldn’t get the video’s to play. I think it was the second one.
I don’t recall the “dating”, but you bring up a very interesting “thought” if what you say is correct. Because the Archaeologists in the documentary were dumbfounded that they were getting such resistance on such a clear diagnosis of European Ancestry. Like finding bones of a cat and someone insists it is a dog. Kind of like Modern Science claiming you can’t determine the difference between a male and a female skeleton! LOL
Whatever Wiki says, I know the opposite is true. 🙂
and the gentry was proud about their Queen Victoria. Victorian empire was built on white poor underclass suffering
and sneaking into India + drug dealing against chinese people. One read : Jack London – People of the Abyss
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
During the Industrial Age or Revolution, which spanned roughly from 1760 to 1900, around 35.000 White males were killed in factories each year & close to 500,000 were seriously injured in those factories each year.
Wonder how many slaves were killed during this time? Shouldn’t the descendants of those men killed bringing ppl the modern era be paid reparations?
Harold Wakefield
Sickening. A real “holocaust” if there ever was one.
But do whites ever complain about our dark past of self-exploitation?
“Oliver Twist” was made into a musical (written by a Jew) and makes this era of child labor, abject poverty and abuse sound fun and adventurous….of course, at the hands of the “benevolent” child exploiter, the Jew Fagin:
Jews still complain about the jewish character of Fagin in Oliver Twist. Instead of complaining, why don’t they write a book about some noble Jew for themselves? Oh, that’s right, Jews don’t like noble characters because they are “oppressive”.
Fagin was probably a much more sympathetic character than most Jews in the Victorian Age who took advantage of the general misery. They should be grateful that Fagin wasn’t more like a real life Jew.
Henry Fuller Davis
There is absolutely no proof of buried children at the Kamloops residential school. They have only found “abnormalities “ using ground radar that could be unmarked graves. They have yet to exhume a single body, although supposedly they have found thousands of unmarked graves across Canada.
Conveniently, all these “gravesites” are on land controlled by the Natives, so they make up mumbo jumbo about not disturbing the supposed bodies. Natives are inventing their own holocaust. Don’t buy into their lies.
Henry Fuller Davis …………….
I rented a VRBO over the Winter and the house had Paramount cable network. I love History, so I decided to watch the “Yellowstone” Prequel — 1883 and 1923. Happens to be a time-period that I have studied as of late. Written by a White man no less.
Taylor Sheridan, the creator — https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0792263/?ref_=tt_ov_wr
UNBELIEVABLE! It was so grossly anti-white I couldn’t believe it.
A story line, which had NOTHING to do with the Main story line was about White Catholics abusing Red Indians. He didn’t hold back. It was disgusting.
I don’t have a whole lot of anger towards the jew. The jew acts out of it’s Nature.
But a White man?!!! How dark must his heart be. Truly.
It’s worth watching just to see how evil our people can become. It’s incredibly sad. To hate yourself and your Ancestry to such a point …………….
It’s no wonder the non-white world — and even our own peoples — hate White people right now.
Before I came to know the Truth, I too had a White Guilt complex that was pretty bad. Lasted about a year. I’m ashamed for it.
It’s all Supernatural what is happening right now. My human mind can’t understand it — we tend to assume the best in us. But my Spiritual Mind completely understands it — it is Prophecy.
What’s the adage — “…If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.” Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Every historical work made today is about diminishing the achievements of White Christians. Although Sheridan is White, the only way the gatekeepers will allow his movie to be made is if he desecrates the memory of his ancestors. Truly pathetic .
I agree with you. However, I wouldn’t give Taylor a pass.
If he had any White Consciousness, he could have simply not made 1883. It was AWFUL! I have a hard time believing he didn’t write the screen play himself. Those words came out of his heart. “…For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart….”
The WHITE GUILT was OVER THE TOP! Shame on him.
I have a hard time finding sympathy for Taylor — although I still pray for his soul.
“If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.” ― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries
Henry, yes, we agree. That’s why we wrote that the graves were “presumed” to be “indigenous” people. No way to verify.
Same thing happens when Jews find another “mass grave” of “Jews”, alleged “victims” of the Holocaust, but the rabbis won’t allow the remains to be exhumed to be confirmed.
I missed the word “presumed”.
Would “white privilege” show up on an autopsy report?
Race deniers claim that you can’t tell the race from skeletal remains, but that’s nonsense.
Forensic pathologists can immediately tell the race based on only a few bones, especially the skull.
NB: I have no sympathy for those demonic bastards.
57% of Children in working class Manchester died before their fifth birthday in 1840.
Want proof of high mortality rates? Read some grave stones from the time, very sobering…
They weren’t called dark Satanic Mills for nothing.
Some were kidnapped..
People from the British Isles were kidnapped, put in chains and crammed into ships that transported hundreds of them at a time. Their destination was Virginia Boston, New York, Barbados and the West Indies. The white slaves were treated the same or worse than the black slave. The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.
The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, that having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.
More White Slaves were taken to Africa than Blacks to America.White Slaves in North Africa were guarded by Black Guards that is where the word Blaggard comes from, they were chained to the wall at night.”However, by far the worst fate for a Barbary slave was being assigned to man the oars of galleys. Rowers were shackled where they sat,never allowed to leave. Sleeping, eating, defecation and urination took place at the seat. Overseers would crack the whip over the bare backs of any slaves considered not to be working hard enough.
More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US. https://www.hannenabintuherland.com/usa/larry-elder-more-whites-brought-as-slaves-to-north-africa-than-blacks-to-us-herland-report/
Whites remained slaves until the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1855, Frederic Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who designed New York’s Central Park, was in Alabama on a pleasure trip and saw bales of cotton being thrown from a considerable height into a cargo ship’s hold. The men tossing the bales somewhat recklessly into the hold were Negroes; the men in the hold were Irish.Olmsted inquired about this to a ship worker. “Oh,” said the worker, “the niggers are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard or get their backs broke, nobody loses anything.”
Most Slaves in America were White…..More whites brought as slaves to North Africa by Muslims than blacks to US.
This makes sense when you know most slave owners were Jews or blacks.
Normant wrote “Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.”
This is where the racial epithet “cracker” came from. The poor white slaves ate cracker corn, the cheapest of food. Even the blacks wouldn’t eat it. Blacks called these poor whites “crackers” as a way of showing their superiority to the lowest of whites.
Normant: Thanks for the excellent post.
How I wish this was taught in our public schools when the chattel slavery topic is lectured.
But, like the Ashkhazarim are allowed to be the chosen & only ones to have endured genocide, the Negro hominid population are in unique status to have suffered under slavery evil according to the omnipresent cultural Bolshevik ‘ narrative’.
Armed Patriot
Terrible ! Industrialization was a means to produce WAR MATERIALS faster for more destruction and dominance! it was not for our betterment and comfort !
This is probably the only subject I have not looked into over the last 20 years regarding the “jew”. Guaranteed this all leads to Jewish Industrialists/Merchants. All of their wealth was built on this type of behaviour throughout the ages !
“Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” -Sanhedrin 59a
Would it be a stretch to assume that many of the British factory owners got loans from the Jewish moneylenders to buy, run and expand their operations?
(((Who))) financed the Industrial Revolution?
As read your link; the link sounds like a sympathy card for the Jews.
Born into this humiliating and hideously anti-Semitic setting was the Rothschild family.
First of all the modern Jew is not a Semite. They are the latter day descendants of Edom.
Secondly, the Jews were kicked out confined to ghettoes due to their uncleanliness, and for their usurious practice of money, blood libel and thieving ways.
They are still this way to this very day.
The old age is strong in the above link:
A Jew cries while he’s beating you.
You’ll read all kinds of “sympathetic” articles about what Jews have done, but in doing so, they spill the beans and reveal the hidden Jewish hand behind all kinds of treachery. Try as they might, they can’t put lipstick on a pig.
Armed Patriot
The jew bought up all these industries once they were well established. Railroads, steel mills, shipyards , you name it.
A Christian owner would not put childrens life in peril like this. If so , I pity his soul.
quorum r.
Unfortunately, many are Christian In Name Only, and they will do evil deeds just like the Jews whom they envy and worship.
remember 5000 years headstart of the masters. it’s what they dictate that happens