(News.com.au) At the behest of powerful Jewish supremacist groups in Australia, Victoria has introduced nation-leading legislation in a bid to fight the state’s so-called “Nazi swastika epidemic” by criminalizing public displays of the ancient symbol:
Under the Nazi Symbol Prohibition Bill, which was introduced by the state government on Wednesday, it will be a criminal offence for a person to intentionally display the Nazi symbol in public. Doing so could lead to fines of almost $22,000, 12 months imprisonment or both once the legislation is in effect.
It means Victoria will become the first Australian jurisdiction to ban the public display of the Nazi swastika.
Anti-Defamation Commission chair Dvir Abramovich said there was a “Nazi swastika epidemic” in Victoria, describing it as a battle between “good and evil….Not a day goes up by where we’re not seeing it graffitied or online or seeing it being sent through the mail or email.
“For a Holocaust survivor to see a Nazi swastika graffitied or vandalised, it is as threatening as being faced with a gun. It tears a hole through their heart.” Dr. Abramovich called the announcement an “uplifting” and “triumphant” moment for all Victorians.
“It’s a thunderous blow to the solar plexus of the neo-Nazi movement here in Victoria who would love nothing more than to put people like myself in the gas chambers,” he said. “A democracy is not just about the rights that we have, it’s about what we are willing to tolerate.”
Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said Nazi and neo-Nazi ideology had no place in Victoria. “The Nazi symbol glorifies one of the most hateful ideologies in history – its public display does nothing but cause further pain and division,” she said.
“As a government we want to do all we can to stamp out hate and give it no room to grow – banning the Nazi symbol sends a clear message that this vile behaviour will not be tolerated in Victoria.”
Ms Symes said she would have “loved” for the legislation to include online display as well but the government faced “difficulties” implementing it...
The ban does not include Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and other faith communities that use the swastika in religious and cultural contexts.
Jewish Community Council of Victoria president Daniel Aghion said his organisation worked together with the Justice Department to have conversations with people in those communities while the legislation was being prepared.
“We think the legislation strikes a fair balance between banning a symbol of hate….and the right of those faith and cultural groups to proudly and safely practice their religions and demonstrate their symbols,” he said.
A community education campaign will be run to raise awareness of the origins of the religious and cultural swastika, its importance to the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain communities and to distinguish it from the Nazi symbol.
The government said the legislation would come into effect a year after it is passed to allow for time to implement this campaign. Exceptions are also in place for the “appropriate” use of the Nazi swastika in education, media and museums. At this stage only the Hakenkreuz (swastika) is banned, but the government said it may consider the inclusion of additional symbols at a later stage.
If the Australian government had a backbone — or a Constitution — they’d throw out this bogus unlawful law without a second thought — but the Judeo-Masonic subversion of the nation won’t allow for that.
Dvir Abramovich is on record as admitting that all his efforts to combat “antisemitism” actually results in creating even more antisemitism.
Jews like Abramovich create antisemitism through their blatant hypocrisy and double standards — who is he to decide that it’s acceptable for Buddhists to publicly display the swastika but not anyone else?
Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains have all culturally appropriated the swastika from their ancient Aryan conquerors — the original Buddha was an Aryan.
Why doesn’t a Buddhist or Hindu swastika “offend” or “traumatize” so-called Holocaust survivors? Is it because the appropriators are non-Aryans with politically-correct non-threatening spiritual “path”?
Perhaps it’s time for all the “neo-Nazis” in Victoria to become Buddhists — join a local ashram — and start displaying swastikas every chance they get.
Getting beaten at his own game, Dvir Abramovich will suddenly become less sympathetic to these problematic “Nazi-Buddhists” — the next great threat looming on the horizon for Victoria’s Holocaust survivors and other assorted Jewish bad actors.
Montefiores are the Jewish Kings of Australia: the first to go there was Jacob (1801-
95) who arrived in South Australia in 1843 as agent for the Rothschilds (B, Vol. VIII., p.
666) where his reception by the Governor and the people is described as “enthusiastic
At the Versailles Conference, it was actually proposed that no re striction should in future be placed upon international movements on account of Race. The only opposition to this outrageous proposal for mongrelising the world into a univer sal khaki-skinned mob, came from Mr. W. M.Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia, who intimated that the six and a half million people of that country were ready to defend themselves against the whole world rather than submit to Race-mixture.
Montefiores(German Jews) have taken Australia for their own-Will Hughes(Australian 7th Prime Minister)
Billy Hughes
Elizabeth Dilling, ‘Female Führer’: A Christian Against Communism.
Jews have completely wrecked Australia.It used to be a homogeneous white country whose leadership understood the threat posed by Jews and their radicalism and tried hard to keep them out,but eventually failed.Now because of the Jews “activism”,the country has met the fate of so many other European-founded countries with increasing numbers of violent low-IQ immigrants from the third world causing mayhem and creating no-go zones in many areas.And as in other white countries,the “Holocaust” narrative is always used as justification for various proposed legislative measures like this one.Personally,I would be defiantly displaying images of Hitler and nazi symbols every chance I got because it represents such a major triumph of our people,albeit temporary,over the evils of communism and zionism.
Montefiores(German Jews) have taken Australia for their own-Will Hughes(Australian 7th Prime Minister)
Australian Jewish Govt.
How Jewish Elites Use Non-White Immigration to Undermine Western Nations The Hart Celler Act — United States 1965 The Migration Act — Australia 1966 The British Nationality Act — United Kingdom 1981
Ralph Miliband was born in the jewish quarter of Warsaw. He emigrated to England in 1940.
After the war he joined the Labour Party, despite his hatred for English culture, and proceeded to become an intellectual proponent of the New Left. His writings and lectures proved influential in the reworking of several British Nationality Acts over the decades, as they became increasingly more open to non-White immigration.
Yes , Hitler was right !!!! #88
Lord Montagu Norman was Governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944. During this period, he participated in the central bank conferences which set up the Crash of 1929 and aworldwide depression. In The Politics of Money by Brian Johnson, he writes, “Strong and Norman, intimate friends, spent their holidays together at Bar Harbour and in the South of France.”Not content with having a friend in the White House, J. Henry Schroder Corporation was soon embarked on further international adventures, nothing less than a plan to set up World War II.This was to be done by providing, at a crucial juncture, the financing for Adolf Hitler’s assumption of power in Germany. P74
The Zionist Lobby and the Australian Media.
Yes! That bloke points out the nonsense well. Pretty hard to have truth and real journalism if everyone is reading from the same script.
“Hitler and the German people didn’t want this war. We didn’t answer Hitlers various petitions for peace. Now we have to admit that he was right. Instead of a cooperation with Germany, which he had offered us, now stands the gigantic, imperialistic might of the Sovjets. I feel ashamed to see how the same intentions which we accused Hitler of now are pursued under a different name.” – Sir Hartley Shawcross, British chief-accuser in Nuerenberg, 1984 Stourbridge Meeting
“We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure.” – US Secretary of State, James Baker (1992) interview, Der Spiegel
The Complete List Of The One Thousand And Thirty Jewish Expulsions In Human History
Thank you! I know I had seen this before, probably browsing epic Twitter trolling, but hadn’t found it in a few years.
No this is not correct, modern jews have nothing to do with Sncient Israelites and therefore all the expulsions before the Romans destroying jerusalem in 70 a.c. don’t count.
By promotin that fake expulsion narrative you’re helping the jews claim of being directly related to the Ancient Israelites.
Hitler was a HERO!
Semper Fi
Ukrainian soldiers with “nazi” emblems celebrating independence day on MSM
Once they got their inbred claws into Australia, all this was inevitable.
Leave it to the Jews,the creators of the most evil ideology ever,communism,responsible for the deaths of tens of millions (or more) human beings to be the arbiters of what constitutes “hate”.Their arrogance as well as evil knows knows no bounds.
“criminalizing public displays of the ancient symbol:”. Whatcha doing there Rabbi
“”For a Holocaust survivor”
80 Years removed from that mythical event, and these clowns are still the exiting the funny car.
“democracy is not just about the rights that we have, it’s about what we are willing to tolerate.”
Democratic rule = mob rule. Just ask BLM and Antifa.
“The Nazi symbol glorifies one of the most hateful ideologies in history”
So, we’re told to believe Judaism is the ideology of saints?
“Exceptions are also in place for the “appropriate” use of the Nazi swastika in education, media and museums.”
Right! Per the Tribe’s interpretation.
Bet you a dozen bagels that most of those Swastikas are painted on by Jews.
Without a doubt
My first thought…
Not to mention that it was a symbol of the National Socialists…not the ‘nazi’ epithet spewed and propagandized by jews who are khazars, who are the descendants of Cain, who are not even remotely connected to the tribe of Judah. The lies just keep on coming and devouring the uneducated by the most barbaric psychopathic liars spawned on this beautiful earth. The Dvir didn’t seem to mind the nazi jews in Ukraine that they are supporting.