(Daily Telegraph NZ). A crisis has hit the eastern European country of Slovenia after a whistleblower head nurse alerted the public that politicians and other high-ranking citizens are receiving saline placebos instead of the COVID mRNA experimental vaccines:
In a video on Facebook, which has been deleted by YouTube, the woman claiming to be the head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving and managing the jab bottles for politicians, resigned and gave a press conference on the scandal.
During the news conference, she showed codes on the bottles [vials] where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.
Note: Daily Telegraph understands from our sources in Slovenia the original video has now been removed from Facebook, [but it is now available, with English subtitles, on odysee.com]
Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA sticker that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.
She says she personally witnessed the jab of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone who received the number 1 bottle, claiming they received the saline solution, a placebo. This explains why the same person administers the jab to politicians when they take pictures for the media.
[What follows is an English transcription of the nurse’s comments from the news conference which can be seen here]:
This vaccine that they are using now — 30% of the people who are getting it are receiving a placebo. And so you don’t know if you got the placebo. Don’t be so sure that you got Johnson & Johnson’s — don’t be so sure that you got AstraZeneca, even if you ask to see the vial. They can just bring you the vial you asked for, but it is not necessarily the one you were vaccinated with.
This is not necessarily happening everywhere, but this is some information that I am getting from colleagues from Slovenia where this is happening.
That’s why they started to say now, “If you are vaccinated with one brand, you can also be vaccinated with another one, and so on,” but you will never know for sure what you’ve got. But there is a difference. I don’t know if anyone is vaccinated here — basically those who get the card and get the sticker.
There are numbers on the boxes — 1,2,3. Those who get the placebo — remember this — the number on it is only the number 1. Not 2, and not 3. Just so you know. But it is like….
[Question from audience]. Do they know who they are giving the placebo to?
They know! But you don’t know. They were counting on everyone getting vaccinated.
We have previously reported that data released by the Centers For Disease Control in the VAERS reports clearly prove that certain batches of the COVID vaccines are 100% correlated to reported deaths.
This data confirms what this nurse is alleging — that the vaccine recipients who do not die are probably receiving a placebo of some sort — or, as this nurse is suggesting, they are receiving a vaccine with onco-genes that will cause cancer within three years.
We also were the first to report on the extremely low side effect rate in Israel in February 2021 which suggested to us that Israelis were most likely receiving placebos.
A month after we reported on this issue, a private group of Israeli citizens sued Israel through the ICC, claiming that they were covering up the true extend of the vaccine deaths and illnesses — which could very well have been part of a disinformation campaign to cover for the placebo program.
Either way, it should be clear by now that if you received a COVID Vaccine and are still alive, chances are you received a placebo.
And convinced of its “safety” because you didn’t experience serious side effects with the first round, you will more than likely be willing to take the booster shots, which won’t necessarily be a placebo.
They clearly plan to kill off the white population in waves — coincidental with the alleged new COVID variant waves.
Vaccine Injury Compilation of the Covid 19 Vaxx Jew Jab.
More from the VAX Shaker files… Imagine trying to sleep with that going on – adverse .
Rome , Italy against the vax mandates.
Myo[Pericarditis reported by Vaers all vaccines by year.
The biggest cover up in history begins..
Another testimony of an ex-complier.
isolation drape for all transports outside of their room” and a “surgical mask.” COVID-19 + plastic bag over head + mask = safe?
Pfizer -Jab,,,
There goes another one.
She died of heart failure 8 hours later and this family is being told that there is no connection.
16 Year Old-Pfizer Death Jab
Covid 19 side effects include sudden death..
France ships Police Armed to the Teeth to Black Island of Guadeloupe to Stop Vaccine Riots
26-Year-Old Dies 1 Day After Receiving Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Investigation Launched
Unbelievably Beautiful Italian Volleyball Player develops Pericarditis after Sting
I would just love to see what’s on all these Files that were downloaded from Pfizer allegedly stolen by an employee……
If you got the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines and you are still alive without any serious adverse side effects, in all likelihood you got a placebo or some sort.
Don’t forget, Moderna and Pfizer have “emergency use authorization” to administer these vaccines as part of their Stage 3 drug trials on these vaccines. Part of drugs trials can involve placebos for the control group. From a legal point of view, even if they are “caught”, Pfizer and Moderna could easily say the placebos are part of their drug trials, and there’s nothing “nefarious” about it.
Plausible deniability.
When was the last time you saw a WASP medical doctor?
Most of our doctors come from India, China, and even Africa. They left their home country, friends and family for the sake of money. The same can be said about our Filipino nurses.
Furthermore, Chinese, Indian, and Filipinos hold some of the strongest racists beliefs. Does anyone think they feel any cultural connection to their American patients. Or feel any compassion to the multitudes of slovenly patients they see daily. Look closely at your doctor, does he not treat his patients with disrespect and disdain? They will tell you anything to give you that COVID Vaccine.
The Jewish medical industry brought these immigrants to do their dirty work. These immigrants will knowingly administer deadly shots for their next large paycheck without remorse.
Most of the “white” medical doctors in America are either Jews or women. White males are an extreme minority at this point, even though they are by far the most competent and accomplished.
My father was from the last generation of doctors where the majority of them were white males, and he graduated in the 1950s, about 10 years after the end of WWII. But by the time he was in private practice in the mid-1970s, many of his colleagues were foreign-born and foreign-educated, from places like China, India, and the Philippines.
Ironically, he left Canada because he didn’t want to participate in socialized medicine that had already taken hold there by the 1960s, only to see it happen in America, first under the guise of the HMOs, and then Obama Care by the time he retired.
By the time I went to college in the early 1980s, it was already “known” among pre-med students that white males were being given a lower priority in medical school admission. They lowered the standards for medical school admissions, basically, for everyone except white males.
Right from the beginning of this “pandemic”, my father strongly suspected that the whole thing was fake, and that “coronavirus” was nothing more than the normal seasonal flu. He said that if it were a real pandemic, everyone would see evidence of it everywhere. No one would be debating whether or not the pandemic was real. There is no way they could have gotten away with this fake pandemic without eliminating the majority of white males like my father from the medical profession first.
The people that are in control and getting rich from this also celebrate yom kippur A day to ask to lie for the coming year in A real court they lose any credibility and should also lose any from any non jew.
God bless this woman and may He protect her – cause shes gonna need it…
I agree
A certain group of racist bigots who no longer need white ppl for their intelligence, has decided they would be better off w/o us. Henceforth, they will use their super computers, that can make 100 trillion calculations per second, to make the new discoveries & keep the world enslaved.
Hey, hey, wait just a minute! “EXPERIMENTAL vaccines”? The newspapers and television keep telling me that that’s a myth!
Mind you, the same newspapers and television tell me that Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist who killed two unarmed men… they still told me that yesterday. BUT, seeing as he is free to walk the streets, I wonder if the media is telling me the truth?
hmmmm yeah, righto. LOL
Good on this woman nurse for speaking out! Hopefully that wakes some sheep up!
Kyle was alleged to killing two BLACK men at first,of course that story stuck…