Here we continue with another chapter from Charles Weisman’s book Is Universalism of God? — with his important critique of the so-called “universal church” promoted by literally every mainstream “judeo-Christian” church.
The Universal Church
One of the main arguments among Universalists — and humanist Christians — is that after the [crucifixion], Jesus supposedly established a “universal church” of which “all peoples” of the earth are — or can be — members.
After the crucifixion — as the argument goes — there no longer remained any restriction to the “seed of Israel” as God changed His mind and was now accepting people of all races as His “chosen people” — and all they need to do is accept Jesus Christ as their “personal Savior.”
They will also use the Great Commission as a main part of their universal, multi-racial church, but they also rely on other issues and topics to justify their position.
Let us then look at some of the verses which are used to support this universalist position:
“And there were dwelling at Jerusalem .Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven….Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians.”
–Acts 2:5-11
In referring to these verses, many humanist Christians and Universalists will proclaim their belief in the so-called “internationality of the cross.” They claim that “internationality is one of the prime glories of the New Covenant.”
They further claim that at Pentecost (in Acts 2) the Spirit spoke to all nations and races — Cretans and Arabs, Egyptians, Lybians and Asians — as “proof” that many different races were a part of this early church gathering.
But they always miss the fact that this international congregation consists of “Jews, devout men out of every nation” (Acts 2:5). The term “Jews” here would be more correctly rendered as “Judeans” which was at that time was synonymous with “Israel” (Acts 13:16,42).
In other words, this was an international gathering of devout Israelites who had come out from many different nations — which explains why Peter addresses them as “Ye men of Israel” (Acts 2:22) — and not as “Ye men of many races.”
Yes, the scope of Christ’s mission is international, but “internationality” does not necessarily mean inter-racial.
America was originally founded by men from out of the nations of England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Germany, and France. They are of different nations, but still of one race.
And so it was with the first church assembly on Pentecost.
Universalists will often quote Malachi out of context to support their position:
“Have we not all one father? has not one God created us?”
–Malachi 2:10
Upon this text Universalists base their argument of “universal paternity” — that God is the father of the whole human family — and consequently He will save or redeem everyone. This “fatherhood of God” concept is also found in the New Age religion and many Gnostic teachings.
However, if God is the “father” of all human types simply because He is their creator, then He must also be the “father” of toads, catfish, bacteria and grass — as the Hindus seem to believe.
This, however, is clearly not the idea conveyed in this verse in Malachi. The roles of “father” and “creator” describe two different relationships with God. Obviously the “we” in this verse cannot mean everyone on the planet.
The subsequent part of the verse — which Universalists have no choice but to ignore — identifies who the “we” is speaking here:
“Why do we deal treacherously with one another, by profaning the covenant of the fathers? Judah has dealt treacherously, And an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem.”
–Malachi 2:10,11
It should be quite clear that the “we” here was limited to only those of Judah and Israel. Now if one has God as his father, then — and only then — are they a “child of God.”
But all men are not the children of God. Some are the “children of the devil” (1 John 3:10; John 8:44) — and some are the “sons of the wicked one” (Matthew 13:38).
Paul describes the “children of God” as the “children of the promise.” This promise, he says, is the one given to Abraham — that he would have a son by Sarah, and that son was Isaac (Romans 9:8:9).
Universalists will also cite Revelation 5 and 7 in hopes of bolstering their position:
“And they sung a new song, saying, ‘Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.’”
–Revelation 5:9
“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.”
–Revelation 7:9
They claim that these verses describe God’s “universal” and multi-racial Church containing every race and nation. They will even insist that the verses leave no room for disputing that these are the redeemed from all races of the world.
It is easily verifiable that the English word “kindred” in these verses is derived from the Greek word for “tribes” as it is rendered in most other translations.
The word for “kindred” in the Greek is phule (#5443) which means:
“…a tribe; in the New Testament all the persons descended from one of the twelve sons of the patriarch Jacob. Or a race, a nation, people.”
–Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, p.660
Thus the word “tribe” in these verses refers specifically to the tribes of the Israel people as a race — and does not mean the entire population of the planet. Also, the term “people” here — like the word “tribe” — is often used to describe the Israel people.
Further, Revelation 5:9 is not describing every race as being redeemed, but only the “us” who are singing in this verse — and this “us” would be the “twenty-four elders” and the “four living creatures” mentioned in the previous verse (Revelation 5:8).
They are the ones singing the new song of Revelation 5:9. These “twenty-four elders” represent the heads of the Old Testament, the twelve patriarchs of Israel, and the heads of the New Testament — the twelve Apostles [see Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, Commentary on the Bible, vol. 2, p. 564].
These then are the headships for the Israel people. The “four living creatures” are said to look like a lion, a calf, the face of a man, and a flying eagle (Revelation 4:7). These creatures symbolically represent the “four standards” under which Israel encamped in the wilderness.
To the east was Judah (lion) — to the north, Dan (eagle) — to the west, Ephraim (calf or ox) — and to the south, Reuben (a man) [see Numbers 2].
In their midst was the tabernacle containing the Shekinah symbol of the Divine presence. In Revelation 5, the living creatures represent the whole body of the Israel people — all twelve tribes. The creatures and the twenty-four elders surround the throne of the Lamb of God.
Thus in Revelation 5, we are given a picture of that blessed period which Hosea foretold of when “the children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head” — which, of course, is Christ the Lamb (Hosea 1:10).
As for Revelation 7:9, it is not describing the entire population of the earth as clothed in white robes, but rather a “multitude” which has come out OF all nations, tribes, people and tongues. This multitude includes the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Israel that were “sealed” (verses 5-8). The 144,000 is not a literal quantity, but is used to signify the completeness of Israel [see The Abingdon Bible Commentary, edited by Eiselen, Lewis & Downey, NY, 1929, p. 1381].
So the 144,000 is representative of the regathered Israelite tribes that have become a great multitude from all nations, and tribes, and peoples and tongues. They are the ones who chant together a hymn of praise ascribing salvation to God and the Lamb.
These verses then describe a Christian “church” as an assembly of Israelites, since the New Testament church was to be Israel restored (Acts 15:13-21; Amos 9:11, 15).
Universalists will always quote Romans 11 to promote the universal church — while ignoring what the olive tree actually represents:
“And if some of the branches be broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree.”
–Romans 11:17
Christian humanists and universalists always claim that all races can be grafted onto the olive tree, and thus are members of God’s elect; however, this verse actually disproves the notion of a multi-racial church.
The only thing being grafted onto the olive tree — which represents Israel — are olive branches, either “wild” — the lost Israelite tribes — or “natural” branches — the Israelites in Judea.
There are no branches from apple trees, fig trees, pine trees, almond trees, maple trees, or chestnut trees grafted onto the olive tree.
The olive tree is one of the symbolic figures used for the Israel people:
“The LORD called thy name, A green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit: with the noise of a great tumult he hath kindled fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken.”
–Jeremiah 11:16
“His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon.”
–Hosea 14:6
Universalists claim that the “wild olives” are “gentiles” to justify the adoption of non-Israelites among God’s people. But the “wild” olive is not a different type or species from the natural olive:
“The wild olive is a kind of reversion to the primitive plant — and it takes place whenever the growth of the olive is neglected. Groves of wild olives are always the descendants of cultivated trees long ago destroyed.”
—Hasting’s Dictionary of the Bible, NY, 1909, p. 667.
The “wild” olive branches are the divorced house of Israel which were “scattered abroad” and neglected by God.
They were not part of the original (natural) olive tree which God has preserved, delivered and protected up to this point in time. The two types of olive branches are now being united — while some of the natural branches (Judean Israelites) are rejected.
This is metaphor or parable of the prophesied regathering and reunion of the house of Judah and the entire house of Israel:
“In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.”
–Jeremiah 3:18
“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God. Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.”
–Hosea 1:10-11
The two olive branches are like the two sticks God had Ezekiel identify as Judah and Israel and join together (Ezekiel 37:15-28).
Note that under the New Covenant, the grafting of the two olive branches involves the salvation and forgiveness of all the Israelite tribes — not just the “natural” branches, as Peter first believed:
“And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
–Romans 11:26-27
Despite these facts, universalists will never the less claim that redemption and salvation will be extended to all types of “branches” regardless of whether or not they are olive by citing this passage from Luke:
“And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shalt be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
–Luke 2:10-11
They take this passage out of context to show how Christ allegedly came to save and redeem “all people” of the earth — not just Israelites. But bringing “good tidings” is hardly an act of salvation or redemption. Also, it is one thing to bring good tidings of great joy to a man, and it is another thing for him to accept them.
Further, are universalists certain that “all people” means every person in the world? This is not the case in other verses:
“And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other.”
–Deuteronomy 28:64
The Israelites, as a punishment for their sins, were never scattered among the Japanese, the
Polynesians, the Eskimos or pygmy tribes.
“And no man could withstand them [the Jews], for the fear of them fell upon all people.”
–Esther 9:2
The fear of the Jews fell upon only a small fraction of the inhabitants of the globe at that time.
“And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations and languages trembled and feared before him.”
–Daniel 5:19
Did all people of the planet tremble before Nebuchadnezar? Obviously not.
Christ’s advent was certainly not “glad tidings” to most of the Pharisees or priests of His time. Nor is it to Jews of our time — who have despised Him for centuries.
And Universalists even go so far as to suggest this verse from Acts supports their thesis:
“But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.”
–Acts 10:28
This text is concerning the vision of the sheet, which Peter saw let down from heaven, full of “all manner of four footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air” (Acts 10:12).
Universalists contend that these living creatures represent the whole human family — and that Peter was told that none of them were to be regarded as “common or unclean.” Furthermore, Universalists even go so far as to claim that before this vision Peter thought that only Israelites were the concern of God’s salvation and the Gospel message — but God gave him this vision to straighten him out about his non-universal position.
Yet Universalists will quote what Peter said years before this in Acts 3:21, regarding “the restitution of all things,” as an example of Universalism and the restoration of all races and people.
Further, years after this vision, Peter speaks of a “chosen race” (1 Peter 2:9) — so obviously the Universalists have entirely misunderstood the design of this vision and Peter’s intentions.
Universalists assert that this episode shows that all races are now admitted into the church or congregation of God, but the whole word of God does not bear this out. When the vision of the various animals was presented to Peter, he was told to eat them. Peter said that he had never eaten anything that was common or unclean.
The response was, “What God has cleansed, you must not call common” (v. 15). Peter then realized that these animals represent men (v. 28), which were made clean or holy by God.
To make clean or holy is an act of sanctification — so who was it that God sanctified under the New Covenant? Jesus had sanctified those whom He calls “brethren”:
“For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.”
—-Hebrews 2:11-12
This verse is derived from Psalm 22:22 where the Messiah says He will declare God’s name “to My brethren” — and the next verse (23) identifies His brethren as “All you descendants of Jacob”:
“I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.”
–Psalm 22:22-23
These different animals Peter saw represent the dispersion of Israel in different nations — those who have been cast off, rejected, divorced from God, uncircumcised, and not members of any tribe.
As such they would be regarded as “unclean” or “common” (unholy) by a Judean Israelite at that time. But by the blood of Christ all of Israel was sanctified and made holy in the sight of God — not just the Judeans.
The vision given to Peter was not to show that there are no longer any distinctions between clean and unclean foods — but rather it showed that the barriers between Judeans who were still God’s people, and the divorced house of Israel (the so-called “Gentiles” or nations) are no more.
This regathering of all Israel is the true meaning of this verse from Galatians which is the most often — and falsely — quoted verse from scripture by Universalists:
“There is neither Judean nor Greek, for they are all one in Christ.”
–Galatians 3:28
The regathering of Israel from different nations with Christ as their head has now begun as prophesied in Isaiah 11:9-13; Jeremiah 23:3; Ezekiel 37:11-28; Hosea 1:10; and Micah 2:12.
After the vision Peter went on to preach to Cornelius in Acts 10. Yet since Cornelius was a Roman and not one whom they would call an Israelite, Universalists state that his acceptance of Christ and his baptism now signals admission of all races into the church of Christ.
Thus they use this as a pretext for the integration of blacks, Asians and Indians into White churches and communities — thus jumping to a bizarre conclusion and making an analogy not supported by the text.
The Romans at that time — especially the aristocratic class such as Cornelius — were descendants of the Etruscan civilization — the founders of which were Phoenician and Hebrew immigrants to the land, as revealed by their similar alphabet and other archeological evidence.
If we look at the sculptures of a Roman from the first century A.D., we see that they were clearly a white, Nordic cast.
One could not have told the difference between an Israelite and a Roman at this time period. The Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen (Acts 22:25, 27), as were other Israelites. There was not a difference in race involved here — only a difference in nationality.
I find this quite amusing 4ntioch (aka Joe) lets CFT live rent free in his mind. He couldn’t argue the points we made here, then complains about getting banned from another forum (despite acting with anger quite frequently and banning others) and now he continues to slander CFT. I have never seen such an impulsive and obsessive man, wow. He cannot control his emotions it seems…
Claypool UK
Poor Joe, whoever he is. He so desperately wants to please someone named other than Jesus Christ.
So the gist of their argument is that “If you don’t believe you will be saved only because you were born white, and not because of your belief in Jesus Christ, then you are the anti-Christ”
Good luck explaining that on Judgment Day…Joe will say to Jesus….
“Jesus, we didn’t need to believe in you because we were born White, but now that we are here on Judgment Day, we’ve changed our minds, and now we do believe in you, even though we don’t have to because you will never cast us in the Lake of Fire just because we are white, but now that we are here having earned salvation just because we were born white, we will accept ‘lesser rewards’ for having spent our entire lives believing more in our white skin than in You, so if that means we will still be in heaven but have to shine the shoes of those who did believe in You during their lifetimes, then that’s okay because we made it here unlike those Jews who never believed in you and weren’t really white.”
Yip, great analysis: it made me chuckle. That seems to be Joe’s whole philosophy in a nutshell, there.
That idea (salvation coz I’m white) is worship of a false idol… It’s right there on God’s 10 Commandments… along with other false idols, like, praying to statues of Virgin Mary, and praying to saints, and doing penance, and flagellation, and the rosary, etc.
Only Jesus can offer the gift of salvation! White skin is not a free ticket to heaven!
The Pharisees believed that being born an Israelite would guarantee their inheritance of the Kingdom.
Christ came to convince them otherwise.
That’s why he called them “lost”.
I guess some Christians didn’t get the memo.
Some Christians side with the Pharisees who rejected the idea that salvation came only through Christ.
They have confidence in their Israelite flesh to bring about their salvation. They are in for a rude awakening.
—- Miche——-
Great point Miche! If AIWBS (All Israel Will Be Saved) is true, it makes Jesus redundant. Reduces His sacrifice to the level of the Levitical Animal. A sacrifice that could NOT make Righteous.
James writes his letter to the Dispersed Israelites……what for … Just to say “hi”?
Universalism is Supernatural Deception and so is AIWBS. The equivalent to Once Saved Always Saved for White Evangelicals.
Evangelical Christianity turned the World “right-side back up”.
And a group of Israelite Identity is doing the same.
Israel’s faith in God proved over and over again to be in vain, as they repeatedly fell into a false believe in the flesh, material world, and false gods.
That’s why they needed a Redeemer who could show them The Way toward real salvation through faith. If faith in Christ were not required of Israelites, then Christ’s advent was truly pointless.
Unconditional salvation makes faith pointless.
What’s the point of our lives to learn these lessons if we are given a “second chance” on Judgment Day to finally bow our knees and accept Christ after an entire lifetime of rejecting his message?
If all Israel has no fear of losing their eternal salvation, then why even bother professing faith and walking with Christ in this lifetime?
Having white skin is not a “get out of jail free” card. On Judgment Day, faith in this “race card” and not in Jesus Christ will illicit the response, “Get away from me. I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:223).
And yes, this rebuke is directed toward Israelites, not “crypto Jews” as some may try to claim.
Excellent synopsis, they often claim that Christ will “save all White men”. Yet ignore verses like Romans 10:9-10
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Christ does choose who are his and who aren’t (those that reject them). Of course no one here supports universalism, unlike what Joe and others say over there at sewergenea.
Only White Adamic peoples have the spirit of Adam, however if they disbelieve Yahweh, he is clear that he will reject them.
This clearly also applied to the fallen angels when they disobeyed. As does it for White Adam Man.
The amount of lies I have seen from them is insane – it’s like they don’t have a conscience. Then they misrepresent the arguments presented at CFT, often saying CFT is universalist, or that CFT lies. Their projection is cringe worthy.
The worst part about their hatred of anyone who challenges their pet doctrines is that it will lead them to a spiritual death, as the Gospels make clear:
“Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”
1 John 3:15-17
We can have disagreements over doctrine or interpretations, but we must do it with love, respect, and humility, otherwise the Truth will flee from us.
Re: Christogenea —–
What is confusing to me, is I don’t understand why they have so much hatred for CFT. We are White! So we are their brothers in the Flesh.
If all Israel will be Saved — Why would it matter what we teach? We are not leading any White person astray.
Chaplain Bob Walker
bill fink is a fink and a satanic plant in my opinion. they love hitler more than they love Jesus. they exist to lead you away from Jesus is my guess and is supported by the gov to collect names.
Chaplain Bob Walker
Entirely possible…I would agree they do seem to worship Hitler, although Hitler did do good for Germany, at the end of the day it is Jesus Christ whom we serve, we do not serve men. Worshipping men is equal to idol worship. I have seen your material before, thank you for your work.
Robert M.
How is this any different from what the Jews believe….that they can be saved without believing in Jesus Christ in this life? That they have a “different” path to God?
Any Christian who believes that they have a “different path” to God and the Kingdom, which includes not believing in and following Christ in this life, is no different from a Jew.
Lindsey R
Many have commented on this article, about the mixing of white DNA with non-white; now please, if I am incorrect in my opinion or theory, please don’t hesitate to enlighten me. Isn’t the mixing of white dna with non-white dna, quite literally, going against God and his creation/plan?
I mean, to me, God created white man for white women, so those who push the universal love and we are all equal crap, are like slapping God and his intentions, in the face.
I know that may sound a bit extreme, but hear me out, I have two small daughters. One is old enough at this point to recognize when whites are with blacks, she has asked me on numerous occasions, are blacks suppose to be with whites and forgive me, if I offend anyone, with what I am about to say.
I have told my daughter, are we God, she states no. I say, should we change or mix up, what he has created, she says no. I say, didn’t God make a white man and white women, she says yes, I say God made that white man for that white women. It sounds simple, but to me, that’s reality.
This mixing crap, is like man messing with Gods plan, maybe that the whole point. The Jews are pushing this, as a slap in the face to God and his plan. Just my thoughts 🙂
Lindsey —
You are correct, and there’s nothing “extreme” about what you say. We have written on this subject numerous times:
“A Closer Look At Exodus 20:14 – ‘Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery’ Or ‘Adulterate Thy Blood’?”
“Geneticists Discover Adam’s Original White Skin Gene — Traced Back To One Man In Middle East About 10,000 Years Ago”
Book: “Jews Are Behind Race Mixing”
“How Jews Changed The Biblical Meaning Of ‘Mamzer’ To Hide The True Identity Of Israelites Today”
‘The Biblical Meaning Of Color — How White Is Associated With God, Adam, Israel, Christ And Christians”
Yes, Lindsey, you’re spot on: mixing goes against God.
Satan loves mixing to create confusion.
Example: someone White discovers they’re great, great, great granny was an Indian. Not only are they not White anymore (which they aren’t), they then, in most cases I’ve observed, try to learn all about Indians – take up Indian causes, act differently, defend Indians, and go all el troppo – go “native”, so to speak. In otherwords: confusion. They now serve two masters. Satan loves confusion.
So, no, nothing extreme about the truth 🙂
God’s rule is 3 pure generations to be Israelite. So if they had married Whites for 3 gens after the mix, they would be White. That’s no more than 6% something else. Plenty of folks had some, but yes, they are still White, look White, behave White. Goodness knows Israel would have been written off ages ago for mixing if this rule didn’t exist. They got kicked out the middle east to protect them from race mixing, IMO.
Gidday Creat, I’m of the idea of racial purity e.g. one drop of black paint in a 10 litre bucket of white paint and the white paint is no longer white, but mixed. I’m intruiged about the idea of “Gods rule of 3” as you said… could you please show me the chapter and verse of this idea, as I thought God wasn’t letting mixed bloods “in to the congregation of the Lord to the tenth generation”, which I take to mean forever and ever.
I understand about what you’re saying in general, that we all might be mixed from over the ages as we all must have thousands of ancestors, and the likelyhood of having a drop of coloured paint in our genes somewhere is high, however, God said he’s keeping his people pure to be betrothed again when Jesus returns.
I’m not a Christian anymore, but your Bible teaches that all Humans are created in Gods Image and that they descent from Adam and Eve.
Your God also says to not show favoritism, to love your Neighbour as you love yourself and to not judge by mere appearance.
Let me ask you a Question: Would you rather marry a non-white Christian or a white Atheist or Pagan (2 Corinthians 6:14)?
May I ask why you are no longer a Christian anymore?
I feel like writing thousands of articles as you are doing is useless overrall, because there are too many people wasting their whole lives commenting and discussing to no end in the comments.
The only way to share these ideas is not writing all this stuff but simply to have large families (at least 3+ kids) and share your teachings to them, forbid them form using the internet and watching tv, be a present parent and they shall grow up normal and God fearing.
groups like the Amish and the mennomites are doing fine, growing to the milions.
kykes in israel don’t care about wars, internet drama and that garbage, they care about the most important thing which is FERTILITY, “Demographics is destiny” they say and they are totally correct about that, even secular jews have a birth rate of 3 kids per woman while the orthodox pop them out like rabbits, there will be as many as 50 milions jews by 2100 and all young, they will conquer the world while the average cft commenter whines about how the jews have been exposed another time while nothing changes.
The internet was a mistake and if the White race dies out it will be because of the internet, the greatest jewish weapon.
A. Wyatt Mann:
Then why are you here commenting? Why waste your time? How do you know that all the articles at CFT haven’t done any good?
You say the “internet was a mistake”, but because of it more White people than ever have woken up and are making changes in their lives and opposing Jewish power, and the Jews fear it, which is why they want to censor it and shut it down.
So tell us — how many White children have you created? What have you done to compete with Jewish and non-White fertility? And how can you get your fertility message out about having more White babies without the internet?
One White person is worth a thousand non-Whites in a battle. We don’t need to “out breed” them. They will destroy themselves. They cannot exist without us. They need us, but we don’t need them.
The Zealot
Not to sound like a contrarian, guys, I mean I agree with you, but I disagree with the last 3 lines of the message:
In countries where we are not there anymore like Zimbabwe Blacks are still growing in numbers despite the occasional famine, HIV and political turmoil, I don’t think that without us they are as hopeless as they seem, I mean for thousands of years East-Asians and Blacks lived their lives separated from us without going extinct.
White people had their asses kicked too many times by non-Whites as history has showed us, as late as the 90’s in Russia the Chechens wars killed 150k Russians with only 35k Chechen casualties, in this case muslims were worth 5 times a White person.
—–the Zealot—–
“….I disagree with the last 3 lines of the message….”
What “Message”?
This was an error, sorry.
—-the Zealot—-
What is your strategy/suggestion?
My constructive criticism of your comment would be to suggest that it is true that non-whites could certainly survive without our intervention — but the Question arises as to “What Capacity” do they exist. If White People simply stopped having any interaction with non-whites in non-white nations, in 100 years they would be back to their Primitive state. They would be Feckless in any kind of skirmish or war.
They only exist as any kind of threat because of US. Period.
Kind of confused as to your overall point.
Maybe you could elaborate.
The Zealot
West I meant to say that I agree with CFT but that I don’t think we are as useful to non-Whites as many of us think we are or that we are invincible in wars as suggested “One White person is worth a thousand non-Whites in a battle”.
Non-Whites like the Japanese and Chinese are able to live succesfully as a society without us, even Hitler said their ancient history was superior to the ancient European one.
Non-Whites are too incompetent to kill each other in great numbers like White people do, for example in the Iran-Iraq war which lasted 8 years there were less fatalities (Max. 250k) which is the same number we have in not even 2 years of war in Ukraine.
Many other conflicts in History have showed that we are not invincible, the Ottomans, Arabs and Chechens showed it.
To summarize I don’t think we should give false expectations that we can take on the whole non-White world.
—–the Zealot—–
“…I don’t think we should give false expectations that we can take on the whole non-White world….”
I heard what you were saying in the bulk of your comment.
However, I can disprove this by stating that the non-whites could never have defeated us in anything IF it were not for our Inventions and Interventions.
If we had left them alone entirely ………………. they would still be living primitive lives.
This is an impossibility — however in principle — if we were to completely disassociate ourselves from them and never ever again share with them ……. in 100 years they’d be back to the Stone Age. Even the Yellows.
One of the problems that can’t be undone is that we have mixed our Seed with them. As long as they remain having White DNA, they can excel above their brethren. But once that White admixture is finally bred out ….. they are nothing but primitive peoples.
Can we take on the whole non-white world???
I don’t think that was ever the question/point. We don’t need to. We just need to remain with ourselves and only ourselves. Who cares what they do.
No, we don’t need to “take on the whole non-White world”. We have to deal only with those in our White nations. And the best way to “fight” them is to separate as much as possible from them and not let them feed off us….
“These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots”
—– Kevin wrote —
“… And the best way to “fight” them is to separate as much as possible from them and not let them feed off us…”
That’s it. Simple.
Doesn’t the concept of Judeo-Christian necessitate Universalism?
Logic would dictate that it does. Without Universalism, how could a white person consider THEMSELVES as a Christian. After all, don’t the Judeo-Christians believe the hideous creatures called modern jews are the House of Judah?
To get ‘rid of’ Universalism logic would dictate that Judeo-Christianity must be done away with.
You’re absolutely bang on there, Gareth. If the jews are the root then the branches must be everyone else regardless of race… everyone’s welcome.
And in today’s day and age we have the new addition to judeo-Christianity of course: sexual orientation… and whether I’m even a man or woman or both etc. it doesn’t matter coz God loves everyone and everything and all you gotta do is have faith and we will all be together in heaven like one giant hippie-style love-in. woohoooo! I can’t wait!
The problem of ‘Universalism’ and the actions of ‘Universalists’ is putting our people in harm’s way in modern England.
There is a recent story of an asylum seeker that failed at the first two application, then ‘converted’ to Christianity and was granted asylum as ‘Christians’ are at severe risk in this creatures home country.
This story has fuelled further investigations and there are numerous accounts of bogus asylum seekers ‘converting’ to Christianity and having success at claiming asylum.
Without the ‘Universalist’ none of this would be possible as we could just state, “you cannot be a Christian, you are not a white person”, but due to the false doctrine of Universalism the native English are put at risk from these mamzer ‘converts’.
Yahshua stated many times that He came only for the lost sheep of Israel.
He spoke in various parables that only His sheep could discern, and only they can discern to this day.
It’s a shame many of our brothers believe the nonsense from the corrupted churches, with their fake priests, and strange man-made rituals, but that is just the way it has unfolded.
There is an old expression “so close, yet so far away” that I think of when I view the ideology of Judeo-Christians.
I’m not even sure if you or I can actually assist their understanding.
How did you stumble across Israelite Identity, how did you discern the main part of it (the movement of the Israelite tribes)? Was it through someone trying to persuade you, or did you read something that just made sense (through the comforter)?
The topic if Israelite tribe movement can even be done through secular research; how many have learnt their History this way I wonder, without all the Judeo-Christian baggage?
Jesus “lost years” and Joseph of Arimathea in Britain
This is a very interesting link.
Hello truthwillout and thanks for the link.
There is also a song written by William Blake called, “And did those feet in ancient time”
It’s very interesting for me as I cannot trace my family history beyond Northern England (back to the 1700’s).
Just in case you wanted to hear Blake’s poem:
Beautiful song.
Hi Gareth, thanks for the link to the William Blake song, it fair stirs the soul.
Here’s another very interesting video about how the Israelites (Christ’s own) came into Europe, in easily digestible terms, as I admit that I am not a Biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination.
I’m acutely aware of the destruction of England, by the small hats nefarious means.
Most will never realise how much the noses hate White people, especially Christian White people,who the rag peddlers want to totally destroy or at least totally subjugate.
That is the only topic worth discussing nowadays, the rest is claptrap!
You asked in this thread, who opened your eyes to the line of Judah, White people, it was someone called Mel Gibstein, who’s blog I commented on occasionally.
He was immense when it came to naming the The devil’s seed!
I decided (as an atheist having never been to church) to read the Holy Bible to see what a load of nonsense it all was. I soon realized that the joke was on me… I was the one full of nonsense. I then promptly realized half-way through Genesis that all the different “churches” had different ideas, and that what I was reading wasn’t what was being preached.
I’ve always, if you please excuse my boasting, been naturally good at reason and logic and argueing… but I am not “touchy feely” so empathetic things don’t effect me at all; so I started to ask questions about why this and that wasn’t being preached, and generally annoyed lots of people- people that are intelligent but just don’t seem to be clever enough to understand The Word of God! Coz of that I believe God lifted the scales from my eyes to get me to keep learning, and I realized that all these intelligent Christians and non-Christians must be spiritualy blind. So, that’s how I found C.I. and this website.
I truely believe that God has given me the Holy Spirit to try to understand more. I believe that univeralism is a spiritual stumbling block that God has put in peoples path.
Hi Christ is King:
“I believe that univeralism is a spiritual stumbling block that God has put in peoples path.”
I don’t believe the Father put Universalism into play but I do think he has allowed those that relish on lies to be blinded by this false doctrine.
Those that love the truth, and seek the truth with all their being will be allowed to see clearly.
Yahweh bless,
Gidday Gareth… you wrote:
“I don’t believe the Father put Universalism into play…”
here’s my thinking on this sort of topic:
God created everything.
God chose His people before they were born – the Elect.
Israel and the grafted on branches (White people only) can truley hear The Word.
Satan cannot create.
Satan can sway minds and lead people (regardless of race) astray.
Satan loves confusion AKA universalism.
We all know there’s more to it than those points above, but for brevity sakes…
my reasoning is if Satan cannot create, then God put universalism upon the world with Satan (or Satans) to spread the news, e.g. Book of Job (Satan is under Yahweh’s control).
Satan translated to Adversary, rather than red man with tail and pitchfork.
That’s my thinking at the present anyways. Bottom line: God is in control.
—— Christ is King—–
Great testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
I share a similar track, but slightly different. I WAS a universalist judeo-christian my entire adult life up to the age of 33.
I was pretty much “out the door” of christianity until I started hearing about this idea that White Peoples were the Israelites of Scripture i.e., Israelite Identity.
That caught my attention. The rest is history. 🙂
Cheers mate.
Thanks West mate! 🙂
yes, knowing what I know now, I wish I’d known it years ago… but, hey-ho, that’s life; and what Yahweh shows me at what point in my life is all up to Him.
Lindsey R
I loved reading your post. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, raised in the faith and fully embracing God most of my life; however, these days I find myself ‘floundering’.
All that is going on around us (meaning whites and the wars against us),the different parts of the Bible that seem to be in contradiction of itself, combined with the hopelessness I feel in the never ending battle against the Jews (which we seem to be losing), I teeter on the verge of becoming faithless or atheist.
It’s nice to read someone’s else’s experience with atheism and after reading the Bible, making the decision to embrace God. Thank you.
I’m glad my wee story has been of a help to you, Lindsey 🙂
I find it tough going everyday too. Politics infects every aspect of our lives: without becoming a hermit in the bush, the world is inescapable… endless lies from the media… brainwashed family and friends… politicians at odds with God and the common man… yep, it gets my goat too.
what absolutely makes me sad is mixed marriages between races. This whole idea that “love is blind”, especially the universalist “colour-blind”, annoys me greatly. Mexico and the whole of South America would be the most mixed race places on earth, I’d wager, and no wonder they’re all catholics.
Catholicism allows anyone to follow along with them, and even turns the other cheek to allow native cult elements to enter their new religion. Anything to keep them following the pope. The pope sure loves money and power. The more the pope changes God’s word, the more mixed followers the church gets, the more the word of God is diluted and made useless, and the more power the pope has over them.
Is this what God wants? One giant racial mixed melting pot of His creation? I truely think it’s a stumbling block God has placed in mans way and His sheep need to listen for Jesus’s voice more.
Hang on in there Lindsey! The road is narrow! God bless 🙂
Heeby Kikeburger
Is Christianity “universal” and not ethnic? This article proves that’s not the case.
However, the message of Christ & Moses has an additional use: curtailing the sins of non-Israelites.
Meaning, pragmatically speaking, what are the Israelites supposed to do about living in a world of non-Israelites, who outnumber them 10 to 1 & are antagonistic to the house of Israel?
Convert them to “Universalism”, and by following the 10 commandments their animalistic behaviors will be less, and the mission of the house of Israel will be met with less resistance.
Are black, Asian, Indian, Native American, and etc. the chosen people in the eyes of God, whom will be granted mercy come judgement day? No. But to quote Netanyahu from a CFT meme, “… don’t tell any of them that though. We need all the useful idiots we can get.”
——- Heeby Kikeburger ——-
“…curtailing the sins of non-Israelites…..”
You quoted “….Blessed are the peacemakers…” in a different comment.
Heeby — is it your understanding that “Strangers” according to the Israelites could have been non-adamic peoples i.e, yellow, black or red peoples?
It is Ok if this is what you believe. I don’t have any absolute proof of whether this could be the case or not; but I’m trying to understand if it were true.
Curious your interpretation of things.
We have the unique art of “Hindsight”. Again, I can’t help to believe that one of the reasons our Race/Kind (White Adamic Man) is on the brink of extinction, is because of our interaction with non-whites peoples. I’m trying to understand, how we could have interacted with them without compromising our own. Cheers.
Have you ever heard a black person say anything positive or nice about White people in general? In all my 60 years, I have not, and I doubt anyone who reads this has either.
The same is true of Mexicans and Muslims. We cannot allow people who do not appreciate us or hold us in high regard for our accomplishments, which far exceed their own.
Hi ed.
No, I’ve only heard disrespect of the white race from all the non-white races, regardless of their ‘religious’ beliefs.
They all believe the Jewish LIE that the white man has suppressed them throughout History, and that white people owe them something.
I desire to be as separate as possible from them, which is becoming increasingly difficult due to the facilitated invasion of useless Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, and Indians to once beautiful England.
I’ll just say I hate the mongrelized bastards including their kike masters and offer no apologies whatsoever.
My love is for my Kinsmen’s Redeemer, Jesus Christ foremost, then my wife, and then my kinsmen, the Caucasian race.
Thank you.
I’m guessing then that you believe “Strangers” could not have referred to non-Adamic peoples.
I’m not an expert in anthropology, but I suspect circa 1000 b..c., non-whites would not even have been in close proximity to Israelites.
Blacks were in Central Africa — yellows would have been in Central/East Asia and the reds would have been scattered to the corners of the Earth.
My two cents.
I think the people that visit this website will appreciate these messages. Beautiful thing from the Holy Spirit.
Cannot believe this is posted on YouTube.
Truth in History Pastor Charles A. Jennings speaks on Christian Israel:
From Mt Sinai to Mt Zion: Part 1
From Mt Sinai to Mt Zion: Part 2
May the Holy Spirit of God Bless You.
Robert M.
Thanks, Ron
I’d never heard of Charles Jennings, but he’s definitely an Israel Identity pastor. Kind of reminds me of Sheldon Emry. I’ll be watching more of his videos….
Thanks for the reply Robert.
He also reminds me of Pastor Emry.
The white western people don’t understand that God chose his people Israel (white race) to lead the world in the Spirit of truth and righteousness. Only through this people would all the nations and families of the earth be blessed (History proves this to be true). Search Cathedrals of Europe. All were built by the white race. The stars did not say unto the stars. Let us put ourselves in these patterns.
I think that very few of them read the word of God and if they do, they don’t understand it. They rely on the men in the pulpit to teach them. The people in the pulpit have been brainwashed to teach the doctrines of men and now put themselves above God without understanding that Israel is a people and not a place, like God said we are.
We the people that visits the C.F.T. website need to start calling out the false teaching on YouTube and other sites. As soon as a false profit says the jews are God’s chosen people, we need to show them the truth through scripture. It is wrong of us, the Israelite people, to let them get away with false teachings.
They and we need to know our enemy.
I give you an example from the KJV because it’s what I know even though it is a very misleading book of the word of God and is why they wanted it to be an authorized version of the word of God:
Exodus 4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:”
Exodus 19:3 “And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;”
Exodus 19:5 “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:”
All we and our ancestors needed to do is written in Deuteronomy chapters 5 and 6. I am probably more guilt than anyone, because I knew better. May God forgive me.
The white western people need to stop and realize that Israel is not a place. Israel is a people. They don’t understand that God chose the people of Israel to lead the world in the Spirit of truth and righteousness.
I could rattle on for days. Enough for now.
May the Holy Spirit of God bless you.
“…they don’t understand that God chose Israel (White Peoples) to lead the World in the Spirit of Truth and Righteousness…..”
“… to lead the World….”
Could you elaborate?
When you say “World” are you including the entire Earth of all “Kinds/Races”, or just the Adamic World where White people reside? “To Lead” … in what way?
I ask because I’m beginning to wonder if this hole we are in is a result of including the non-white peoples into our World.
Do you have a Scriptural argument that White people should be “hands on” teaching and interacting with the non-white peoples of the Earth?
Maybe I’m missing something.
Because I’m only seeing a Negative result of having allowed non-whites into our Realm.
Let us be honest, if our Spanish Ancestors did not mix their seed with the Aboriginals of South America, we would not have mestizos. As an example. I’m finding it hard to find anything positive with this group of peoples. What do they add to the Earth? I don’t see a significant # of mestizos defending our right to exist.
American Indians ….. another example. We tried to assimilate them into our world. What positive do they bring to us? I don’t see #s of Indians defending our right to exist.
Help me out here.
Robert M.
I won’t speak for Ron, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Being a “light unto the world” means setting a moral example to the rest, yes, even non-Adamics if that’s the case.
However, it does not mean to show charity to these people, share our resources and technologies, or feed and clothe them because they can’t do it themselves.
Doing so only creates perpetual dependency and then resentment.
We cannot lift up materially those who cannot do so themselves.
European nations can live together because all those nations are capable of self-sufficiency, with each nation having its own talents and personalities.
Even the most talented non-Whites, which I believe are the Japanese, are dependent on us for our innovations and technologies, which they are clever enough to be able to copy and even sometimes improve upon — but they cannot invent it themselves.
Spiritually, no non-White people has anything to offer us. They will only serve to divide us away from our God and drag us down to their level. That is why we are commanded to remain separate.
As the famous black jazz musician Duke Ellington once said about blacks in America….
“The problem in America isn’t about the haves and the have-nots. It’s between the haves and the wanna-haves”
And the wanna-haves don’t want to work for it. They want it because they think they deserve it.
Heeby Kikeburger
This may not be very scriptural in the sense you are requesting, but Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
Providing a guiding hand to non-white peoples & teaching them to not steal & kill– even though 90% of them will not listen– is not a matter of inviting them into our realm, but a matter of making the peace until our realm is made real.
To use a Japanese saying, it’s like holding a butterfly in between your fingertips. Too much pressure and you kill the butterfly, too little & the butterfly escapes.
Maybe I’m explaining this too vaguely….
——-Robert M——-
Thank you. For I agree with you, so I appreciate the support. I’d like to give Ron the benefit of doubt as well. Hopefully, he will return and clarify.
Heeby Kikeberger makes a good point above. Now that we are forced to have to live amongst them — YES, I can see how NOW being some kind of shinning light on a hill “may” influence “some” to think about morality and common decency. But is it enough. I think present reality answers that question — a big fat NO. 60 years ago “maybe”. It appears to have worked to some degree.
So, I can’t shake the feeling and now belief that our greatest error in History was thinking they could live amongst us. The Indian Reservation concept was the best solution to this problem of “sharing” space. I just wish we would have enforced it. “…You do you and we will do us….”
Then we get to places that were ours and ours only — Europe/Britain/Ireland — and then we make the gravest of all mistakes by allowing them IN. How the bleep did that happen? Like allowing Rattlesnakes into your children’s bedroom and thinking nothing could go wrong.
I realize this is now just all “Principle”. Only God can reset the World now. But, for me, it is just very hard to hear “Israelite Identity” people imply Universalism, even just to hint at it. It’s how we got here!
I do not know if this is what Ron was doing. I don’t know. Why I asked him.
I listened/watched Pastor Charles A. Jennings — and even towards the end he makes a comment which “implies” Universalism. So, I’d like to ask him too!
“Words” matter and how we phrase them. We must be very specific when we speak.
We have had several “Identity” Christians come here and imply Universalism and they just don’t stick around long enough for myself and others to coerce them to explain WHERE in the Scriptures is this Exhortation and WHAT possible “good” can come from it. Food trucks? I mean, I do like a good Korean BBQ taco. I must admit. But I figure I could prepare that all on my own. I could visit Korea and learn some culinary knowledge and then return and start my own Food Truck featuring tacos reflecting the cuisine of various cultures around the world. Why do we need an actual Korean to make a taco for us?
Someone needs to convince me with Scripture and Anecdotal Evidence that non-whites contribute to our society, for me to consider “Universalism” having merit.
These stealth Universalists all chicken out and run to never return. I’m left holding a bag of guilt left-over from my judeo-christian upbringing — getting called “racist” from time to time by my family and x-friends.
West, Sorry I haven’t got back to you sooner.
The answer is in Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 thru 14, especially verse 10:
“And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.”
Thanks for the concern.
“….and they shall be afraid of thee …..”
Well, I guess, “thanks”? I’m not sure how you either affirmed my position or reproved it.
However, in reference to your Deuteronomy verse — “…and they shall be afraid of ….”
They certainly are NOT any longer. So, in a way you have affirmed my point.
There WAS a time when White Nations were Homogenous and indeed the non-white nations did “fear us. But that ‘instinct’ is gone.
Again …………… I do not see any ADVANTAGE to having non-white peoples live amongst us.
If someone believes they do; please explain that to me. Because I must have a huge blind spot.
I understand Rodolfo’s motivation in trying to convince me of that because he lives in the United States.
Like me trying to talk down a Grizzly Bear because I happened to fall into his den.
“It is Ok Mr. Grizzly Bear …. I am your friend. Please don’t eat me.”
Ron ….. would enjoy hearing more about what you believe on this topic.
Do you know Pastor Charles A. Jennings? Is he a Universalist?
Robert M.
Just to be clear on Deuteronomy 28:10, which is typically rendered
“And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.”
This translation is actually misleading and wrong. The English word “earth” here comes from the Hebrew “erets”, which means “the land” or the earth/ground in it, and it does NOT refer to the entire Earth or Planet. See:
Therefore, paraphrasing what Deuteronomy 28:10 is really saying is:
“And all the Israelite people of The Land in which they are found, shall see that you are called by your name Yahweh, and they shall fear You.”
In no way should this verse be construed that Yahweh, the God of Israel, is a universal God.
For whatever reason C.F.T. didn’t post my reply. I’m kinda new to making comments. I never went back after Robert left his reply until 2/12/24. There wasn’t anything derogatory in the comment I left. It was probably because of the time laps. I ask you to go to Deuteronomy 28 and read verses 1 thru 14 especially verse 10 there you will find the answer.
Thanks for the reply and the concern.
We did post your original comment, which you can find here:
There are already a few responses to your comment, which we think you should seriously consider.
Pastor Jennings doesn’t give me the impression that he is a universalist. I have watched a lot of his videos and I have never heard him teach on anything other than the Christian Israel identity and Abrahamic covenant.
Check out this video.
Hi C.F.T.
Sorry my bad. I’m kinda new at leaving comments. I didn’t scroll down far enough.
Hi West,
Maybe I didn’t explain myself well enough. I also believe that the white race are the people God named Israel and are His people. He chose Israel to be His people above all the people upon the earth. In Deuteronomy 28:1 thru 14, He is telling His people Israel what He will do for us when we respect Him. From verse 15 forward, He is telling us what He will do to us when we don’t.
I probably need to think things through a little better before commenting.
——- Ron———
Great! Thank you for coming back and clarifying. You are a stand up Man. Appreciate that.
Good word on Jennings. I will check him out for sure.
Peace to you and Welcome! Hope you stick around.
” I’m beginning to wonder if this hole we are in is a result of including the non-white peoples into our World”
Yes. They need to be put back outside. Otherwise nothing will really be fixed.
Fact — The Israelites were Caucasian/White Peoples.
Let us Hypothetically say “gentiles” does truly mean “of any race”. Humor me here…..
Next — Find a black “christian” or a yellow “christian” and explain to them that the Olive Tree in Romans is — White/Caucasian Peoples and that they would be the wild olive tree and that they should recognize their position as the wild olive tree and do not boast —
“…remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you….. do not be haughty, but fear….”
Now ……………… let’s see how long they want to be a part of this Version of “Christianity”.
In my experience so far — I have not found ONE non-white with the Humility to recognize this Scriptural Truth i.e., Reality. And if they can truly possess the Holy Spirit — how come non-whites are not coming to our aide? If anything, they are PILING on. Where is the humble non-white “christian” speaking up for the defense of White People? Would not the Holy Spirit lead them in this direction of thought?
For you Universalists on here —- please share with us your story of that non-white best friend of yours that loves Jesus and recognizes who the Israelites of Scripture are, and in like, loves White people. How is that going?
Lots of people claim to be “Christian”. But does that make them one?
For me personally ……………. since we have them, I don’t care that they think of themselves as “Christian”. Maybe this idea will at least control their behavior better than if they weren’t.
Obviously, it is very apparent the mistake our Ancestors have made. I believe most, however, were very naïve and too empathetic. It is our Empathy that will ultimately destroy us.
Empathy without Understanding. That Empathy killed our Instinct.
But in the end, the root is Sin. Our Ancestors got lazy and greedy and look at us now!
I have no empathy. I can feel sympathetic, but not empathetic. I have tried over the years, but I just don’t have empathy in me. How can I really feel what someone is going through if it has never happened to me? I think empathy is a weakness, to be frank.
I agree with you, West, that empathy will destroy us.
White man’s collective inability to say NO! and to be seen as “nice and understanding and caring” for all and sundry around the world, and every sinner under the sun is, I think, laying paving stones for the path to hell.
——Christ is King—–
…White man’s collective inability to say NO! and to be seen as “nice and understanding and caring” for all and sundry around the world, and every sinner under the sun is, I think, laying paving stones for the path to hell…..
Give it a Name — that is it!
The “Teaching” was Lost, Ok. But we used to still have INSTINCT. That too has not been lost per se; but neutered. I remember my Grandfather had the instinct, which they call “racist” today — and my mom would shame him for speaking this way around us boys.
Some of us “get back” that Instinct the hard-way. That was me. Makes me crazy that I know people from my past that live in the thick of Diversity and can’t wake up.
Interesting, but according to the Bible every Human is created in the Image of God and a Descendant from Adam and Eve. So I don’t really understand the meaning of Adamite.
—— Catherine ——
“… but according to the Bible every Human is created …..”
This is your “opinion” and has been shown to be UNTRUE.
Instead of asking Questions — start READING. But since you no longer consider yourself a Follower of Jesus the Christ — why do you care???
What is your Ethnicity? Where do your Ancestors come from?
For your Study —
That should get you started.
That’s not my “opinion”, that’s what the Bible teaches. Adam was the first Human.
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own Image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
I read the Bible, what about you? I’m german, even though my Ethnicity has absolutly nothing to do with this Conversation.
I don’t need random Interpretations of Bibleverses, just show me the exact Bibleverse talking about pre-Adamites and that non-Whites are not from Adam, shouldn’t be that hard, right?
hello Catherine. just a few brief point to help you:
– Adam was not the first human, he was the first Man.
– God created Man in His own image. So, what coloured skin does Yahweh have? is He multi-coloured? Have you ever seen a multi-coloured man on earth?
– The Bible is the story of the generations of Adam. Adam means to blush red in the face. White people are the only ones capable of blushing and looking flushed in the face.
-If the Bible is the story of Adam, White Man’s, line of family all the way to Jesus Christ, then Jesus was White too.
– Where did people who aren’t Men from Adam’s family line come from? Where did Adam’s sons find wives?
-Therefore there must have been people pre-Adam on earth for Cain and Seth to mate with, as they did not mate with there mother Eve.
– If Adam is White, and the Bible is about White people… then what are other coloured people called in the Bible? are they mentioned at all?
I pray that gives you food for thought.
Paul Kurt
@ Christ The King . Good , I appreciate your vigilant perception. I think , “empathy’ is another device by the great deceiver or Yid.
Interpreted : “I know exactly who you are. And I do not care or feel anything for you. I know your vulnerability . Therefore, I shall destroy you.”
–Your anonymous jew, the ubiquitous Satan.
•Adam was the first man to ever exist (Genesis 1:27; 1 Corinthians 15:45). He was created by God as the first human being and placed in the Garden of Eden designed just for him (Genesis 2:8, 10). Adam is the father of all mankind; every human being who has ever existed is a direct descendant of Adam, and it is through Adam that every human being has inherited a sinful nature (Romans 5:12).
•”So, what coloured skin does Yahweh have?”, -I don’t understand this Question, could you explain that a little further? Thanks!
•”Generations of Adam” is simply a genealogical concept recorded in Genesis 1:5. It is typically taken as the name of Adam’s line of descent going through. Another view equates the generations of Adam with material about a second line of descent starting with Cain in Genesis 4, while Genesis 5 is taken as the “generations of Noah”.
Adam (‘adham) is one of several Hebrew words meaning “man,” and usually designates man as a species. In Genesis 26-27 the word is used to designate the human species, including both male and female. But Adam is also used in Genesis as a proper personal name (of a specific individual) in Genesis 25 and 1.
•Jesus wasn’t white, but he most likely had olive-brown skin.
•The only possible answer is that Cain’s wife was his sister or niece or great-niece, etc. Adam and Eve surely had given birth to more children than just Cain and Abel at the time Abel was killed. They definitely had many more children later (Genesis 5:4). The fact that Cain was scared for his own life after he killed Abel (Genesis 4:14) indicates that there were likely many other children and perhaps even grandchildren of Adam and Eve living at that time. Cain’s wife (Genesis 4:17) was a daughter or granddaughter of Adam and Eve.
You clearly have the wrong Understanding of the Bible.
—— Catherine —–
“…You clearly have the wrong Understanding of the Bible….”
Catherine, you have not read a thing on this Website! I’d be shocked if you have actually read ONE article on this topic from beginning to end.
All you have done is make comments and respond to comments. I provided a LIST of articles that will teach you your questions. REFUTE those “points” from those articles.
It is your responsibility now to begin to READ; if you have come here to LEARN.
It does not seem as though you have come here to learn — but you have come here to gripe and preach what YOU think is true.
Honest Question — Why are you here? You said you were no longer a Christian and you haven’t yet insinuated that you were interested in “Christianity” from a different perspective. You are German, great. Are you “Jew-Wise” …. is that why you come here?
If we all here believe something you do not, and it bothers you — why are you still interested in making comments? Are you trying to “Save” us?
Pretty much every one of us used to believe as you. I don’t think you are going to change our minds BACK to what we believed before. You are wasting your time.
I’d really like to know why you keep coming back.
Robert M.
Catherine wrote this previously “I’m not a Christian anymore, but your Bible teaches that all Humans are created in Gods Image and that they descent from Adam and Eve.”
So she says she’s no longer a Christian, but won’t say why not, but then proceeds to defend the universalist Christianity that she abandoned.
Why would she spend such a effort to defend a Christianity that she rejects?
Sounds like she is a troll.
James Smith
The Levant was white at the time of Jesus. It became mixed later on due to Islam. That is why there is a small number of white-skinned Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians remaining to this day. The Ancient Egyptians depicted the Amorites, Retjenu (Semitic-speaking Asiatics), and even Libyans as white.
You know what that “Lord lord, we cast out demons in your name” verse is about when you realize the number of deluded aliens who will try to claim being “saved” and a “child of God”.
The church has done a crap job explaining only Adam’s kin who ate from the tree are the object of salvation. It’s to repair broken imagers, not turn non-imagers into imagers.
Dan Frost
“Get away from me you workers of iniquity.”
Matthew 7:23
THis passage has nothing to do with race or ethnicty, but has something to do with condemning hypocrites
Wouldn’t some alien LARPing as an Adamite quality as just that? They certainly seem to think so when Whites adopt anything from their cultures.
They are usurping the role of “ruler” from the Adamite as well as “son” while attempting to devalue the very people who were chosen by God for it, and pass themselves off as the real thing. That’s pretty arrogant and hypocritical.
What is an Adamite? Where does the Bible mention this Word? Can you show me the Bible verse?
—— Catherine ——
“….Where does the Bible mention this Word? ….”
“This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” Genesis 5
Most of us here at CFT simply substitute “Adam” for “Man” to get AdamMan or Adamic Man or Adamites. Adamites = the descendants of Adam.
Adamic Men = the descendants of Adam.
Adamic people = “the sons of Adam”
“When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.” Deuteronomy 32:8
Israelite people = “sons of Israel”
“And the sons of Israel came to buy corn among those that came: for the famine was in the land of Canaan.” Genesis 42:5
Macon Co.
The White Man has been the savior of the black race going back hundreds of years. Without the intervention of the White Man, blacks would still be hunter/gathers living in mud huts in Africa.
No wonder blacks look at White Jesus as their “savior”. The Christian missionaries in Africa give them free stuff, clothes, food, medicine. As long as they “profess Jesus”, the free stuff keeps coming.
Blacks see Jesus no different from how children see Santa Claus.
They worship another Jesus.
connect the dotheads
Christianity never really took hold in India.
They don’t like the idea of worshiping only one God.
But there was something they liked about Christ, so instead of worshiping him, they created their own version “Krishna”, a “god” who was a combination of other earlier gods with Christ all rolled into one.
Indians will deny this and claim that “Krishna” is much older than Christ, but that’s simply not true.
Indians do not have the spiritual and physical discipline required to be real Christians.
India is a racial muddle, a spiritual muddle, and will never rise out of its civilizational muddle because of it.
Indians of high caste are Cushites. Which explains their love affair w Magog’s Jews.
connect the dotheads
Indians love power and will bow down to it. They idolized the British and tried to emulate them in their own ragged, pathetic ways.
They may have some Cushite blood, but they are not pure Cushites, who were White and Adamic. Their racial caste system is based on how much White blood they have or don’t have.
James Smith
Aryans came from Iran. A Medes origin is probably more likely, but then again, there are no pure Caucasian Indians left.
India — Good point. I think we can say the same about every other non-white Nation as they, like Asia, have pockets of a form of christianity, but it is really their own crafted religion.
The only non-whites that seem “close” to Scriptural Christianity just happen to be attending pre-dominantly White churches and take on Western Values.
Recently watched a documentary on Hillsong. I knew nothing about “Hillsong” other than I was familiar with their music ministry.
Hillsong the church — whoa! What an operation in making money.
But I noticed the US based Churches and their flagship church is Australia was predominantly White. Most of the non-whites wanted to be White as they dressed and acted like White people. Although, interesting …. the NY church had a group of black women who were demanding “More Diversity” and more black representatives on Staff.
I was thinking to myself ……………… is there not an all black church just down the street??? Why don’t you just go there.
You don’t see White people demanding to change All Black churches. Why is that???
It is never the other way around. Whites aren’t beating down the door to live in Tijuana.
So I visit this site since the articles are interesting. I have been a Christian for 40+ years. 100% Mexican who immigrated to US and eventually became a citizen in order to vote.
I do agree that Caucasian people are certainly migrated from Middle East and are descendants of 12 tribes. Those that persecute you are Khazarian children of Satan. The migration of Muslims into Europe and the migrants pouring into this country are intended to dilute and destroy US culture and gene pool.
I resist this on behalf of us all. I am also ok with your position on my salvation as I understand that Christ said he would not lose any and raise them up on the last day, John 6: 39, 40, 44, and 54.
As to Romans 11, you can better understand what Paul is talking about by understanding the idiom cut off. Gen 17:14, Exodus 31:14, and Lev 20:18. He is telling gentiles that they were grafted on to the cultivated olive tree, he says his brethren can be re-grafted if they believe.
So the only question is who or what is the cultivated olive tree? The answer is Jesus Christ whom God raised from the dead. All Israel will be saved is a mystery in a sense that Jesus is the only remaining member of Israel when God cut off all Jews from Israel. House of Israel had been cut off in 725bc Hosea 1. He is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant Galatians 3:16.
So Israel according to Paul, Jesus John 14:6, John 15 is Jesus Christ, not white peoples. You and I are saved by being grafted into that Olive tree, or the vine, or the House of David which all represent parabolic language for attachment by faith to his Majesty Jesus Christ.
Love your neighbor as yourself according to God…. Gen 18:19, 2 Sam 8:15, Prov 21:21, and Micah 6:8 among others. Jesus ran with that in Matt 23:23.
Good will bless you abundantly West if you treat all of humanity as one of these, the least of Christs brothers.
Hi Rodolfo:
So, according your understanding, Yahshua, who came only for the lost sheep of Israel actually IS Israel?
That doesn’t make any sense at all. Why would Yahshua (the Father in the flesh) walk amongst us to save himself?
You simply WANT to believe, “So Israel according to Paul, Jesus John 14:6, John 15 is Jesus Christ, not white peoples”, but I’ve just shown how this is an invalid argument.
Sorry, Rodolfo, but Israel is a people – WHITE people.
“…God will bless you abundantly West if you treat all of humanity as one of these, the least of Christs brothers……”
Serious Question — White Nations have been allowing non-whites into their Lands now aggressively for the past 50 years.
Not sure how old you are; but do you have any “Hindsight” as to Comparison? Can you honestly say that White Nations are better today than they were before 1965?
Then you say to me personally —
God will bless me IF ….. IF …… IF …… I treat ALL OF HUMANITY as one of these……
First of all — you don’t know me. You don’t know “how” I treat ANY peoples in my walk of life.
I don’t tell anyone – they have no business reading the Scriptures. Never in my life have I done this. I am nice and welcoming to everyone who is nice and welcoming to me. I can’t tell you how many times I have opened doors for non-whites. Guess what? It is a very rare day when a non-white opens the door for me. As just an example.
Second — your interpretation of Romans is simply flat out wrong. Paul was speaking to actual “People”. There is no analogy or metaphor here. He is literally talking to PEOPLE.
Then you convolute Matthew 25:40 which I won’t even bother trying to explain.
I do find your comment very revealing Rodolfo. Thank you for leaving it.
It is eerily reminiscent of a certain group of people who say the same thing. Starts with a J and ends with a W.
I truly hope you are an honest man Rodolfo, when you say — …I resist this on behalf of us all…..”
Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. You are welcome to email me and tell me “how” you are protecting this once great Nation — [email protected]
So, I’m guessing you disagree with CFT’s position and Israelite Identity’s position on the word “Gentile”.
I will peruse the comment sections of these articles and read your argument “against”.
Thanks for commenting Rodolfo. Truly. Very interesting your coercion.
Honestly, White people have been welcoming non-whites for decades now and I am not seeing this “Blessing” that you promise.
What am I missing? How are White Nations better today than they were when we were 90% homogenous.
Robert M.
You say these verses are about “gentiles” being “cut off”….but they aren’t about that….
A non-Israelite “gentile” cannot be “cut off” from the Olive Tree unless they were Israelites in the first place, because that tree is the Israel People.
You cite:
Exodus 17:14, ““But an uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.”
This verse is about uncircumcised Israelites only. Only Israel was part of God’s covenant.
Exodus 31:14,“‘Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people.”
Same. About Israelites. “cut off” from “his people”, who are Israel.
Leviticus 20:18, “If there is a man who lies with a menstruous woman and uncovers her nakedness, he has laid bare her flow, and she has exposed the flow of her blood; thus both of them shall be cut off from among their people.”
All of Leviticus is written to Israelites only. Why? because only Israelites were given the Law, and only Israel were part of the original Covenant.
You can make the Bible conform to your universal doctrines only if you ignore context and cherry pick verses.
You will probably then say, “well, everything changed with the New Covenant”, but it didn’t according to Jeremiah 31:31:
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
Robert M.
I also want to address your misreading of John 6, which, again, you ignore the context. Jesus feeds his followers. Clearly, he is addressing Israelites. How do we know?
“Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.” ( John 6:13)
Why 12 baskets here? Clearly they are a symbol of the 12 tribes of Israel, which we see confirmed in Revelation 21:12 which describes the 12 gates of the Kingdom of Heaven that the 12 tribes will enter through:
“It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.”
How do we know that Jesus’ audience in John 6 is only Israelites? Because He refers to their “fathers”….the Israelites in Exodus:
“Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.” (John 6:31-32)
So the context of John 6:39 has to be Israelites only, and the “all” referred to isn’t every hominoid on the planet but rather all Israelites, circumcised or not:
“And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.”
The phrase here “all which he hath given me I should lose nothing” is a direct reference to Amos 9:9, that it is God’s desire that not one single Israelite should be lost, and “all” Israel will be regathered under Christ:
“For behold, I am commanding, And I will shake the house of Israel among all nations As grain is shaken in a sieve, But not a kernel will fall to the ground.”
And clearly John 6:45 is referring only to the Israelite people, because the Israelite prophets said that all of Israel shall be given the commandments:
“It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.”
And in John 6:54, when Jesus is referring to “eating” his flesh, he is referring back to the loaves of bread that He created that fill the 12 baskets, the 12 tribes of Israel. The loaves of bread, representing Christ’s “flesh”, are Christ’s people Israel, according to the “flesh”, which Paul confirms in 1 Corinthians 10:16-18,
“The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. Behold Israel according to the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?”
So you see that Paul confirms that John 6 refers only to the Israelite people, not everyone living on the planet. Only Israelites will truly understand the meaning of the words of Jesus in John 6 because only Israelites are His sheep, and only His sheep will truly hear His voice and what He is saying.
Thank you for the kind words. We the children of God (you will call me Father) need to understand that the commandments were written to His people Israel and only for His people Israel.
Example: We shall love our Israelite neighbors as ourselves. We are not responsible for the well being of other races because of the color of their skin or nationally. Like Pastor Jennings said, “Quote” Sometimes I think the Christian people are the dumbest people on the earth.
(We) the people that don’t have eyes that see nor ears that hear. Someday all the eyes and ears of Israel will open, at the time chosen by the Lord. What a mess the world would be in if it wasn’t for the Abrahamic covenant.
May the Holy Spirit of God bless you.
The term “catholic” originally meant “universally accepted” in terms of doctrine.
From there “catholic” morphed into a “universal church”, and from there into a “universal” or “international” faith to be imposed on all races as the Catholic nations, such as Spain, expanded their empire.
And now the Catholic church promotes marxism worldwide, which is really judaism, the ultimate “international faith”.
Jesus never commanded his disciples to take the gospel to anyone but Israelites.
At no time did Jesus say that after He died his disciples should then take the gospel to non-Israelites.
And yet every Christian believes otherwise.
“And yet every Christian believes otherwise.”
Even at the peril of the lives of their own families.
Matthew 28:18-20
Martin Luther Coon
“If we look at the sculptures of a Roman from the first century A.D., we see that they were clearly a white, Nordic cast.”
“Nordic” has been one of the most misused terms ever by white nationalists, Mediterranean white people like Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Portoguese people achieved way more in almost every field than so-called “Nordic” white people like Swedes, Fins, Norwegians and Danish people ever did.
British, Welsh and Irish people are not nordic but Germanic, they received as much admixture from mediterraneans during the roman domination as they received nordic blood during the viking period.
The supermajority of English people and German people have dark brown eyes and brown/black hair so no “Nordics”
“The Romans at that time — especially the aristocratic class such as Cornelius — were descendants of the Etruscan civilization — the founders of which were Phoenician and Hebrew immigrants to the land, as revealed by their similar alphabet and other archeological evidence.”
I am afraid you suffer from schizophrenia now, first you brag about how much “Nordic” that sculpture look (whatever that means since you can’t see his hair or eye color), then you bring in the Etruscans, a population notorious for their darker than usual skin color and jet black hair ahahahha.
Martin….you sound like you have a dog in this fight.
If you bother to read the writings of the Romans and Greeks, you will see that they describe themselves as fair with light hair and light eyes, blue or gray.
What the Romans and Greeks became over time, especially after the Muslim conquests is another question.
The original peoples who settled Iberia (Spain) were Visigoths, Phoenicians, and Israelite Hebrews, and they looked much different from the typical Spaniard today. Same with the Portuguese.
Originally Roman was founded by three major groups: Greeks, Etruscans, and Italo-Celts in the northeast who were Germanic.
I would not go by some ancient Etruscan frescoes to judge how the original Etruscans actually looked. Those works of art are often stylized, just as the Greek art was. There are plenty of Etruscan works that depict them as fair, not swarthy. And they definitely don’t look like dark Sicilians of today:
Yeah, some of the most famous Greek vases show the Greeks as black, and many blacks use those to prove that the ancient Greeks were really Africans…..LOL
Yeah, these clowns don’t understand the symbolism of color in the philosophy and religions of the ancient world.
Black, Red, White, and Gold are all alchemical colors that represent the nature and spiritual stage/nature of a person. This started waaay back and was used throughout the ancient world.
There’s a reason the devil was red, and the gods were gold. White and black also have symbolic day/night values.
People with an agenda treat ancient frescoes, art, and sculpture as if they were photographs. As if they depict life exactly as it was. As if those relics prove everyone in the ancient world was touched with the tar brush. It’s tiring.
Which is something I bet someone named “Martin Luther Coon” will really have a problem with I bet…
The origin of the Etruscans is lost in pre-history. Some say they were idigenous to areas of North East Italy. Others say they were from Greece. The Etruscan alphabet is related Euboean (Crete) Greek alphabet.
Roman writers such as Livy and Pliny connect their descendants to the tribes living in Austria and the Tyrol. They don’t see them as the ancestors of the Romans. But of course the Roman Empire was multi-ethnic and Roman citizenship was not tied to one specific group. Historians generally hold that many Romans were white, but acknowledge that some had darker skin and features. I have fair hair my father has black hair. There is variation across groups.
An intriguing coincidence is that Austria’s most notorious son had brown eyes and dark hair and was of Haplogroup E1b1b1 commonly founded in Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. A haplogroup generally not found in Western Europeans.
So maybe some Austrians and their Etruscans forebearers do have semitic origins? We do know that they both had a passion for using the Swastika motif across all their stuff.
Hitler and the Nazis never said that Nordic people were culturally superior but that they were racially superior. The Nazis believed that Nordics had not developed a superior culture to those of the mediterranean because of the cold environment. But that eventually at the end of time they would conquer and dominate the world because of their purity . The Nazis believed they were superior in that they were percieved as pure in contrast to others that were inferior because they were mixed.
Clearly that isn’t how it is panning out. Rather the reverse in post-war Europe: Sweden and Norway etc. where the Elites seem hell-bent on destruction.
Charles Cavanagh
You really need to do your homework and stop taking news about Hitler at face value. The Jews have been trying to discredit him and claim he was a Jew since his early rise in politics in the 1920s.
How gullible are people? Oh, look, the world’s most “notorious” antisemite was a jew himself! Seriously? About as credible as the fake news stories that Hitler had one testicle and was a meth addict.
The so-called DNA of “Hitler” that you refer to was not done on Hitler or his remains. They are based on an assortment of alleged distant relatives. That alone is a huge red flag.
Second, the study supposedly took DNA from Alexander Stuart-Houston (now aged 61), a grand-nephew of Hitler. In case you didn’t know, a grand nephew has hundreds of different ancestors from the actual person, and any one of those could have had the “berber” or “jewish” DNA.
The jewish-owned Daily Mail is for all intents and purposes a tabloid newspaper. “Hitler was a Jew!” Believe it goyim!
Hey Tinagel!
Where did the “Nazis” or Hitler ever say they wanted to “dominate the world”? What are you talking about?
Did the NSDAP believe that a pure race would rise above the others? Yes. But the Greeks and the Romans believed the same thing. Mongrel races are the easiest to divide and conquer.
Aristotle, not Hitler said this…..
“And God proclaims as a first principal to the rulers, and above all else, that there is nothing which they should so anxiously guard, or of which they are to be such good guardians, as the purity of the race.”
—Aristotle, from “Greece”, Parable of the Metals
The Greeks didn’t listen, didn’t protect their racial purity and look at them now.
James Smith
“So maybe some Austrians and their Etruscans forebearers do have semitic origins?”
Etruscans have a Lydian origin. Lydians were Semites according to Genesis.
Mister 19
Weisman: “The 144,000 is not a literal quantity, but is used to signify the completeness of Israel…So the 144,000 is representative of the regathered Israelite tribes that have become a great multitude from all nations, and tribes, and peoples and tongues. They are the ones who chant together a hymn of praise ascribing salvation to God and the Lamb.”
I believe I read in your article “How Do I Know I’m an Israelite?” that the 144,000 was literal.
I think an article focussing on the 144K would be interesting…
Mister 19
Yes, in the article “How Do I Know I’m An Israelite?” an argument was made that the number 144,000 could be taken literally.
But it is also true that numbers have symbolic meanings to the Israelites all throughout Scripture — and now 3,000 years later, those meanings can become lost or obscured.
We do know that the entire Revelation is written with symbolic, metaphoric, and poetic language — which explains why after 2,000 years Christians are still debating its meaning.
Quite often in the Bible we find that numbers and things have both literal and symbolic meanings that are not necessarily the same.
As such, we would be mistaken to try to read Revelation as a literal-minded Pharisee — doing so will ensure that we miss its most important lessons, which are spiritual.
Jesus Christ spoke in parables and metaphors so that only His true followers would understand Him, and we seem him rebuke the Pharisees for taking him literally, such as John 8:33.
If you are interested in further studying the debate over the meaning of the 144,000 number, we would suggest you read through the major Bible commentaries written on the subject — and then draw your own conclusions. You can find them here:
Someone did an interesting take on this that I think feel right:
“The most known symbolic significance of this number come from being 144 the square of 12, which represent itself the completeness (12 are the hours of the day – twice considered – the months of the year, the tribes of Israel, and so on).
So the meaning of 144 is the accomplishment of the fullness, like building a complete set from pieces complete by themselves.
If we put together 12 parts of 12.000 we combine the meaning of 12 with that of 1.000 that is the myriad, the symbol of the multitude, as in a crowd of people.
In the tale of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) in NT, the servants of God are signed with a seal, in the number of 12.000,from each tribe of Israel, so the sum is 144.000. This number become so representative, in Christian thought, of the whole population of the world. To sum up, 144k is the complex of fullness and myriad: the seal of God covers the world and is complete.
In other religious context, the fullness of this number becomes not inclusive but exclusive: Jehovah’s witnesses believe that only 144k people will be ‘selected’ by god to resurrect to heaven and spend the eternity with Christ as king and priest.
Also in Islam this number has an important meaning, though not in a very fixed way. 144.000 is the number of the Sahaba or companions of Mohammed, but the sum is reported often as being different (124.000 or 244.000).
Other occurrences of this number, also in other cultures as the Indian ones, come usually from the features of number 12 (remind: fullness, complex, circle – chakra, circularity of the time or the samsara – as in the 12 steps of the pratityasamutpada in the Buddhist thought).”