The Jewish pop star and producer Mark Ronson has hit back at claims made by the antisemitic rapper Wiley about Jewish domination of the music industry:
Reacting to the publication of the inflammatory interview with the Grime star published by black newspaper The Voice, Mr Ronson tweeted: “Jews do not run the music business in some secret cabal (and if they do it’s mad f**ked up i havent been invited yet). [sic]”
The musician – best known for his Uptown Funk hit and his work with Amy Winehouse – also took issue with comments made by the Voice journalist, who wrote of claims “you need to get a Jewish lawyer in order to progress in the music business”.
Mr Ronson, who has regularly discussed his pride over his Jewish background, responded by tweeting: “MY LAWYER IS ITALIAN. My label is run by a Gentile, & owned by a Japanese board.”
Addressing Wiley’s claims that Jewish music business executives were responsible for offering contracts that left artists being treated like slaves, Mr Ronson wrote: “Many of us know that record deals can often be some of the most god-awfully unfair contracts in business.
“But that shitty record contract Wiley’s talking about? I promise my own record contract contains ALL the same standard shitty terms.”
He then criticised The Voice for the tone of the article, published on Wednesday, saying: “Throwing fuel on the fire with poorly researched articles that perpetuate dangerous myths by pretending to pose questions is not the way forward.”
Mr Ronson added: “We must address systematic racism.”
The controversial Voice article was written journalist Joel Campbell – arts and entertainment editor of The Voice – who asked: “Within his ranting were there any salient points?”
Mr Campbell then suggested Wiley was “not alone in his thinking, that there is an unspoken systemic oppression that blights the lives of young black creatives in the entertainment space.”
After the article appeared online on Wednesday evening, it was widely condemned. Leading QC David Wolfson expressed his view on Twitter: “I do not exaggerate. This article is a 2020 version of Der Sturmer.”
Meanwhile the JC understands that senior Jewish and black figures in the music industry and within communal organisations have held urgent discussions in recent days to avoid the debate around Wiley’s antisemitic remarks escalating.
Discussions are said to have been “highly constructive”, with positive interventions from both sides.
Speaking to the JC in 2014, Mr Ronson said he was proud of the way “Jewish people have been at the forefront of many charity movements of the past 100 years. [And] look at anti-apartheid.”
If anyone in the music industry has benefited from being Jewish it’s the talentless hack Mark Ronson — whose family at one time was among the wealthiest Jews in Britain — and his divorced mother, like many Jewesses, just so happened to remarry a rock star, Mick Jones, the lead guitarist of the group Foreigner.
But Mark Ronson’s pathetic denial is typical of how Jews disavow their dominance — they come up with one or two examples where Jews aren’t in control of a music company — but all they end up doing is showing that the “exception proves the rule.”
Jews absolutely dominate the music industry — and they have done so for over last 100 years.
Just ask John Fogarty of Creedence Clearwater Revival what it’s like to literally turn your entire life’s work over to a Jew who got you to sign an unconscionable contract at the beginning of your career.
Michael Jackson wrote the song “They Don’t Care About Us” specifically about all the Jewish shysters in the music industry who had ripped him off — and it was this song, many believe, that was the cause of his ‘untimely’ death:
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don’t you black or white me
Ironically, to ‘celebrate’ Michael Jackson’s 60th birthday in 2018, Mark Ronson’s Jewish privilege got him hired to produce a special lame dance mix of Michael Jackson’s hits, but he conveniently left out “They Don’t Care About Us.” Go figure.
And, yes, Wiley is correct — Jews, like Rick Rubin and Lyor Cohen, have also dominated the Rap/Hip Hop industry from its beginnings.
But if you’re Jewish, they will find plenty of work for you in the music industry — even if you don’t have any talent — all you need is a yarmulke and you are virtually guaranteed to win an Emmy for something or another, like the hack Don Black.
On the one hand, among themselves, Jews are proud of how they control the entertainment industries, but when the goyim start talking about it, they bristle and get nervous and cry about how ‘dangerous’ such talk is.
In their crooked minds if the goyim first start talking about the Jewish control of the music industry, and the next thing you know, those irrational goyim will round up the Jews put them in fake ‘gas chambers’ for their crimes against humanity.
And Mark Ronson’s ‘ultimate proof’ that Jews don’t dominate the music industry against all common sense? Jews donate their ill-gotten wealth to charities — Jewish charities mostly — and they dominated the anti-Apartheid movement, which has lead to the destruction of South Africa — and destroyed the lives of the Blacks there — not just the ‘racist’ Whites.
No one takes Ronson seriously — either as a so-called ‘artist’ or his denials of Jewish privilege.
Beatles manager (((Brian Epstein))), commenting from the grave, stated, “This is ridiculous. There’s absolutely zero reason to believe that Jews control the music, or any other entertainment, industry.” To which “A Hard Day’s Night” director (((Richard Lester))) exclaimed, “I know, right! I mean, before you realize it the Gentiles will be claiming we run Hollywood too! Sheesh.” And The Beatles now-deceased second manager, (((Allen Klein))), who also controlled the fortunes of The Rolling Stones and Sam Cooke, stated, “I agree with what Brian said.”
When asked to comment on the brouhaha, (((Bob Dylan)))’s longtime manager, (((Albert Grossman))), speaking from the Great Beyond, said, “It’s outrageous to even suggest such a thing!”
Producer and convicted murderer (((Phil Spector))), commenting from prison in Stockton, California, crowed, “That’s a damn lie! Jews don’t control one scintilla of the music industry. And I’ll make that perfectly clear to anyone that would like to come to my private shooting range (once I’m released on parole in 2025) and “discuss” it with me.” Adding, “No, no. You’ll be perfectly safe! I promise!” before being hustled away by guards announcing the end of visiting hours.
(((Carole King))) channelled the late (((Gerry Goffin))) via seance so that the two could issue a joint statement in which they said they were “shocked that such an accusation could even be uttered aloud in this day and age.”
The ghost of (((Harold Arlen))), speaking on behalf of the rest of the authors of the Great American Songbook, stated, “Nepotism, schmepotism. There’s not one IOTA of validity to the belief that myself, (((Jerome Kern))), (((Irving Berlin))), (((George Gershwin))), (((Ira Gershwin))), (((Richard Rodgers))), (((Lorenz Hart))), (((Oscar Hammerstein))), (((Frank Loesser))), (((Frederick Loewe))), (((Jule Styne))), (((Jack Yellen))), (((Victor Young))), (((Cy Coleman))), and (((E.Y. Harburg))) were all given our big breaks simply due to our Jewishness. It’s completely (((coincidental))) that, at a time when Jews made up 1% of the U.S. population, we SOMEHOW ended up comprising 95% of the creators of the Great American Songbook.” Arlen then asked if any reporters would like to invest in his Unicorn ranch.
Semites, please. Quit insulting our intelligence. WE. SEE. YOU. JEW.
This video is a testament to the influence of Jews in the music industry. YouTube (JewTube) routinely censors conservative voices on their platform and yet promote music porn such as this. People really need to keep track of what their kids are watching. Warning: this is vulgar, but it gives you an idea of where we continue to go in this Jew induced nightmare.
I worked in the music biz for over 30 years at the local, regional, and national levels. It is laden with scum from top to bottom. It sure isn’t run by ‘evil whitey’, let alone by any one or any group even remotely ‘Christian’…smh…
I don’t know what one would call the noise this dude puts out, but it isn’t music. Maybe needs a new barber also cause he looks like an idiot but it goes with the drivel from its mouth.
“Jews do not run the music business in some secret cabal (and if they do it’s mad f**ked up i havent been invited yet). [sic]”
This is a common-enough jew trope, to reduce the claim of jew dominance to the necessity for a secret cabal in order to disprove the claim. Jews do not need secret meetings attended by all participating jews. Biological jews share the same racial instincts, namely an extreme insider mentality, an unbridled hostility to outgroups, and the desire to utterly dominate and subjugate. Thus they easily and naturally work in concert, employing racial nepotism in their industries, without the need for written instructions or spoken strategies.
Come on, who is Mark Ronson trying to fool?… anybody who pays an ounce of attention to anything knows that jews run the music business: they even made fun of it in the film Walk Hard.
How do jews keep straight faces when they say this sort of thing? Will they say that Hollywood isn’t run by jews next?
This is a “taboo” subject since the jew also monopolizes all media. The history of AMerican popular music reveals the short lived bond of black and white before integration. 50’s and 60’s are a treasure of a culture in popular music to which both contributed. Many who began the business learned it was dominated by the chosen ones. Jews as exploiting writers were immortalized by mostly black and were hidden, indispensable parasite of this cultural blossoming.
When Sam Cooke began composing music and his talent was “recognized” like the little french girl ,Edith Piaf , another jew victim. But when Sam Cooke began helping others from church enter the recording popular music he was a concurrent for the jew monopoly . He was murdered by ALan Kline, an east european nomad , and who transferred all of Cooke’s works , fortune and publishing rights -a clever jew to himself through deception after Cooke ‘s murder. Sam Cooke was not there only victim .
Many others including James Brown, Otis Redding , Michael Jackson and mysterious death of DInah Washington are eulogized with the presumed but false alibi of drug over dose or convenient air plane crash like Patsy CLine . She is another mysterious death. ANother benefit of controlling all news. The Credence as included here is another who dared to compete with god’s chosen, were ruined and family destroyed. There is a price dealing with SAtan .
Grime artist Wiley has apologised for “generalising” about Jewish people after being banned from social media. In an interview with Sky News, the artist insisted: “I’m not racist.” “My comments should not have been directed to all Jews or Jewish people. I want to apologise for generalising, and I want to apologise for comments that were looked at as anti-Semitic.” …..
Twitter permanently bans British rapper Wiley over anti-Semitism
The Campaign Against Antisemitism welcomes Twitter’s move, but brands the action ‘too little, too late’. ….
In America Jewish supremacist Dov Hikind went on a rant about the antisemitism of Nick Cannon….
Jewish groups condemn his antisemitic conspiracy theories…..
“I feel ashamed”: Nick Cannon apologizes for anti-Semitic comments…..
A Jewish supremacist in Britain called Jack Mendel listed me declared me to be an anti-Semite I this article
When I challenged him he called me a Racist and Nazi but when I defended myself against the libel and defamation Twitter censored me because defending myself against the tyranny of these racist supremacist is a HATE Crime. If I remove the tweet and give up my right to appeal I can use my account again but I am NOT giving up my right to please these dictators……it’s been almost a year and I am doing just fine without using Twitter. A matter a fact, my experiences with the racism, corruption and cruelty of Jews in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and New York, USA is a story that will be told whether they like it or not. Calling people anti-Semite to ridicule them into silence is psychological torture and under international law they cannot win the battle…..they think they are smarter than anyone but everybody finds its match, even the all-powerful and mighty Goliath did….
Sometimes I wonder if all these pathetic apologies are a psychological trip for keeping us uppity sorts (like me) in line. Their tried and true tricks are just a circle with another meme and they are running out. The jew groups are in panic mode now trying to keep the lid on. The back peddling then begins to try win our sympathies and to wear down what their re education (lies) hasn’t. Satan loses like that. Truth wins like that. Truth shall prevail. Truth leads. Truth will shut the mouths of lions, bring down giants and kill parasites no. matter. what. they. say. Amen! Never, ever apologize for telling THE TRUTH!
I see these apoligies as a wake up call to white people who have been subjected to the crap for centuries….Jews have convinced Black people that White people are their oppressor and Jews their savior, it will not be long for Black people to figure out who their real oppressor is….I tell you….this thing is so boiling underneath. When the bubble first they will not have anyone to genocide on their behalf as it has been in the past centuries. This whole government protected minority and victim racket is going to come the a halt…..
it will not be long for Black people to figure out who their real oppressor is
Maybe when hell freezes over.
It just hit me that, through all these false accusations from mask wearing and social distancing to BLM, Antifa, and ‘all lives matters’, to any and all jewish rhetoric…there is a phrase that I am just going to repeat ad nauseum as the answer to every question and dilemma posed by these satanic scumbags: “Well, that’s anti-white, and I don’t support it. Period.”
I am speechless, something so obvious in America and now I find out in the Britain too….these shysters love them some Anglo’s, they couldn’t play their games with the Catholics but with the Protestants for sure. If you start questioning where this victim of white people obsession comes from it ultimately leads you to come to that conclusion. Oh, the middleman is laughing all the way to the bank…..this is the reason why Jews claim to have superior IQ because white people enable them to continue their scams.
Lisette – It was the Roman Catholic Church under Constantine that first officially called Edomites « Jews ». We have been conditioned to see them as the recipients of all the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but that is a false premise. Rome enabled the confusion that lies at the foundation of the « Great Deception » spoken of by Paul. Only the white Europeans and their global descendants fulfill all the promises and prophecies. If you are truly curious, look up « War Cycles, Peace Cycles » by Richard Kelly Hoskins. Or any of the works of Bertrand Comparet.
I won’t deny that Protestants have certainly taken the confusion to a whole new and epic level, but it started with Rome.