(Israel National News) Just as the discovery of genetics undermined the theory of evolution, the same can now be said for the Jewish contention that they are “God’s chosen people” — the legitimate descendants of the Israelites — as a new DNA study has revealed that both Jews and Arabs share common ancestry with the Canaanites, the ancient enemies of the biblical Israelites:
The people who lived in the area known as the Southern Levant — which is now recognized as Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and parts of Syria — during the Bronze Age (circa 3500-1150 BCE) are referred to in ancient biblical texts as the “Canaanites.” Now, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) reporting in the journal Cell have new insight into the Canaanites’ history based on a new genome-wide analysis of ancient DNA collected from 73 individuals.
“Populations in the Southern Levant during the Bronze Age were not static,” shared Professor Liran Carmel, who researches Ancient DNA and Human Evolution. “Rather, we observe evidence for the movement of people over long periods of time from the northeast of the Ancient Near East, including modern Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, into the Southern Levant region.”
“The Canaanites, albeit living in different city-states, were culturally and genetically similar,” Carmel added. “In addition, this region witnessed many later population movements, with people coming from the northeast, from the south, and from the northwest.”
Carmel and colleagues came to these conclusions based on an analysis of 73 new ancient DNA samples representing mainly Middle-to-Late Bronze Age individuals from five archaeological sites across the Southern Levant. To these new data, the researchers added previously reported data from 20 individuals from four sites to generate a dataset of 93 individuals. The genomic analysis showed that the Canaanites do represent a clear group.
“Individuals from all sites are highly genetically similar, albeit with subtle differences, showing that the archaeologically and historically defined ‘Canaanites’ corresponds to a demographically coherent group,” Carmel explained.
The data suggest that the Canaanites descended from a mixture of earlier local Neolithic populations and populations related to Chalcolithic Iran and/or the Bronze Age Caucasus. The researchers documented a significant increase in the proportion of Iranian/Caucasus-related ancestry over time, which is supported by three individuals who are descendants of recent arrivals from the Caucasus.
“The strength of the migration from the northeast of the Ancient Near East, and the fact that this migration continued for many centuries, may help to explain why rulers of city-states in Canaan in the Late Bronze Age carry non-Semitic, Hurrian names,” explained Dr. Shai Carmi. “There were strong and active connections between these regions through movements of people that help to understand the shared elements of culture.”
The researchers also studied the relationship of the Canaanites to modern-day populations. While the direct contribution of the Canaanites to modern populations cannot be accurately quantified, the data suggest that a broader Near Eastern component, including populations from the Caucasus and the Zagros Mountains, likely account for more than 50 percent of the ancestry of many Arabic-speaking and Jewish groups living in the region today.
Carmel reports that they are now working to extend their sampling, both geographically and over time. “We wish to analyze Iron Age samples from different areas of the southern Levant,” Carmel said. “This may shed light on the composition of the populations in the Biblically-mentioned kingdoms of the region, among them Israel, Judah, Ammon, and Moab.”
Just because someone today lives in the the land of the ancient land of Canaan doesn’t mean they are racial Canaanites — who haven’t existed for 2,000 years.
Today’s arabs are obviously not pure Canannites — who were original descendants of the Genesis 10 nations — and therefore Adamic, and therefore white.
This new DNA study explains why a so-called “Jew” from Israel can be so closely related to an Arab that he is a perfect genetic match for a bone marrow transplant, as we recently reported.
It also confirms that today’s Jews do indeed have racial admixture from that area of the Caucasus formerly part of the ancient kingdom of Khazaria.
The warning of Revelation 3:9 couldn’t be more true, “Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Jews themselves have revealed the truth about who they really are — and who they are NOT — in their own writings, and yet the world — and the true descendants of the Israelites — remain oblivious to this grand deception.
No wonder today’s Jews are the greatest purveyors of racial diversity in the world, especially in the White nations they are intent upon destroying — by mongrelizing the bloodline of true Israel.
I am suspecting you understand the fallen angel connection with the canaanites (genesis 6) maybe you know who cain’s daddy really was also. I do. I have lots of articles you may post and I do not care if you give me credit or not.
This is what I believe
My Statement of Faith
The Nicene Creed
Contrary to what the Roman Catholics try to make us believe, the Nicene Creed was formulated in Nicea which was a City in Greece and was written in Greek (NOT LATIN) as was the New Testament. Rome was but one Church of many attending this conference.
I have had Baptists (I went to a Baptist Bible College) tell me this is heresy. But they do not show me where exactly.
Yet I can defend every line from the King James Bible that I trust.
Here is is the NICENE CREED:
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
[1 Corinthians 8:6, James 2:19, John 1:1-3]
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
[1 Corinthians 5:4, John 1:14, John 3:16, John 1:1-3]
Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.
[1 Thessalonians 5:9, 1 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 1:23, Mark 15:15, John 21:14, Luke 22:69, 2 Thessalonians 1:7,8]
And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.
[John 15:26, John 16:13, John 14:26]
And I believe one holy catholic (Means universal, not Rome) and apostolic Church. [Ephesians 4:5]
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
[Acts 19:4, Acts 22:16, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Mark 1:8, John 11:25, 1 Peter 1:3, Revelation 20:6]
Thank you Chaplain Bob for this awesome post!
I would like you to elaborate on who Cain’s real dad was. I have also been leaning towards this idea but would love to know where I can see this referenced in the bible.
What we do know from the Bible is that Cain’s wives were not from the bloodline of Adam, and neither were his descendants. Cain’s descendants are not counted among the Genesis 10 nations for that reason.
Pre-Adamics In Genesis: Adam Was Not The First Man
However, as to speculating about whether nor not Adam actually fathered Cain, we suggest you read our 2-part series on that subject — along with the comment section — here:
What Really Happened Between Eve And The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden? (Part 1)
What Really Happened Between Eve And The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden? (Part 2)
For more than 15 years I was placing links all over discussion boards that jews and arabs are genetic brothers. The word ARAB means, “grow dark or how we Christians call Bastards”.
So if arab is bastard so the jew is bastard and by the Bible law they are abomination to God. As Christ Yahshua said: “Everything what my Father did not plant will be rooted out.
UNMITIGATED NONSENSE BY certain Jewish academicians who practice Nationalistic Archaeology. They are fabricating ancient history in order to substantiate the Eastern and Central European Jewish religion in Palestine and the Levant. As another Jewish scholar called it, it is “The Invention of the Jewish People.”
“Judaism is a religion only. It is not an attributable DNA Haplotype definable group. Judaism is a religious cultural tradition only.” SEE: Family Tree DNA Learning Center and the US National Institutes of Health.
In contrast, being Arab is a DNA definable Haplotype group. These are DNA and genetically identified persons who are DNA traced to the Arab Peninsula.
There is no such thing as a “genetically identified Jew.” Jewish is a religious, cultural tradition only.
Additionally, the first use of the term “Jew” was in the 13th century AD. SEE: Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, “Time Traveler” which traces the etymology of words and its origin. There were no Jews in the ancestral Lebanese Phoenicia-Canaan. As UC Berkeley John Pairman Brown states in his scholarly work, “The Lebanon and Phoenicia: Ancient Texts,” Jerusalem was the commercial and religious center of the ancestral Lebanese Phoenician-Canaanites.
Hebrews merely occupied a small quarter of Jerusalem. Hebrews were a cultist group, having originated as small nomadic tribes, with NO WRITTEN LANGUAGE, who copied the religious texts and incantations from the Lebanese Phoenician-Canaanites, including portions of psalms, canticles and “the expressly Lebanese wedding song, “Song of Songs.”
The stupid article and those who published it above, attempt to equate the RELIGION of Judaism, with the genetic DNA profile of an ARAB. There are ARAB Catholics, Arab Muslims, Arab Jews.
Arab is the DNA Haplotype Group. Catholic, Muslim and Jew is the RELIGION.
well said.
Sephardim not the pale faced Ashkenazi Khazars.
The way this article describes the migratory Canaanites is very similar to how diaspora or “wandering Jews” are described. Surprising that this article got published as is….other articles that covered the same study hid the part that showed Jews were genetically related to the Canaanites–for obvious reasons.
But there will always be Jews out there who discover new facts that undermine the fake “God’s chosen” myth–because they want to know who they really are and where they really came from, and it aint Israel.
Who are Jews in reality? They are a relatively close-knit tribe of mixed-race vagabonds who at a certain point in their history realized that adopting the false identity of Israelites would be their ultimate “get out of jail free card” in whatever Christian nations they could “pass” as White and chose to pursue their business interests, and ultimately world conquest.
I have long held the Jews are actually Egyptian/ANKHATEN refugees and encountered another article reinforcing my belief:
The origins of the Jewish festival Shavuot’s traditions are obscure. But what if they could be linked to Pharaoh Akhenaten, offering a new view on Moses?
And another great article: https://grahamhancock.com/moses-akhenaten-same-person-osman/
No, this is completely false. The ancient Egyptians were White, just as were the ancient Israelites. They were essentially racial cousins. Origins of Shavuot? Look to ancient Babylon where most of Judaism’s occult beliefs and practices originated. Don’t over complicate this.
I knew it but never really connected the dots in my head. (dyslexic disorder). I knew it went all the way back to the Egyptian times Akhenaton.. Sometimes it reality hits me I guess.
OTAN or Oten short for
(Drum roll please)
Akhenaten. Aka Obama
But you probably already figured it out.
First link was removed. Imagine that.
Here’s another good line, from the Catholic bible/Apocrypha:
“Spawn of Canaan, no son of Judah!”
From the story of Daniel and Susanna. The Jews were trying to rape Susanna and when she resisted, they accused her of being alone in her home with a man, committing adultery. Daniel used his wisdom to prove Susanna’s innocence, and then told the Jews straight up that they are the cursed sons of Canaan and NOT true Judeans.
“Spawn of Canaan, no son of Judah” should be the national motto of modern-day Israel.
I don’t care about their bloodlines. They’re schmucks.
Yep, they’re schmucks all right, but when we allow them to continue with this charade that they are real Israelites, truly “God’s chosen people,” we give them incredible power to potentially subvert and destroy us in their pursuit of world conquest.
Evangelical Christians who support these schmucks do so because they truly believe Jews are “God’s chosen people”. We need to wake them up–they are literally worshiping Satan. This identity theft they are pulling off is one of the greatest lies in the history of the world, worse than the Holocaust–because even without the Holocaust deluded Christians would still support their drive to rebuild the Third Temple and rule the world….or die trying.
Spot on
Well put. Here, here!
Another article covering this study repeats the same old lie that the ancient Phoenicians were also Canaanites simply because a couple of the Phoenicians’ main ports were on the coast of Canaan, but geography does not equal racial identity.
The Phoenicians, among the greatest sea travelers in world history, were most certainly White Israelites–and there is ample archeological evidence that they explored North America in 1,000 BC.
The Canaanites where cursed due to their father, Ham’s, sexual impropriety. That lack of self-restraint and respect for God’s laws produced a people more prone to spit in God’s face in a myriad of ways – including race-mixing. Now, while Esau’s Canaanite wives may still have been technically white (it can’t be verified either way), Esau’s lack of respect for God and His laws certainly guaranteed for decadent, and therefore ultimately, race-mixed progeny.
It is my understanding that Canaanites were offspring of earthly woman and fallen angels. Therefore the Canaanite DNA was different than the Adamite (man) DNA. The Bible refers to the Caananites as Beasts and not man. Thus why the intermixing was forbidden. Unfortunately Ham continued the line of Caananite DNA through his offspring from his Caananite wife.
I do believe that Cain might have been the offspring of Eve and a fallen angel. I am thinking that maybe (my theory) Eve unbeknownst to her was impregnated while asleep by an evil fallen angel.
Am I the only one to see this?
Funny how Jews always undermine themselves every time they open their mouths and try to sound like they are smart. Open mouth, insert foot. Repeat.
Real science will always prove the Bible to be correct. Never a conflict between the two.