Even among Jews in Poland, few are shocked at this point by the popular figurines of haredi Orthodox Jews counting money that are sold there as good luck charms:
Yet even locals are pausing to take stock of the latest development on that controversial theme: scented candles that one retailer advertised as “giving a pleasant warm light during combustion.” Also, “The figure of the Jew is believed to be good for financial success.”
The Jewish candle phenomenon came to light earlier this month on a Facebook group called Życie Żydowskie, meaning “Jewish life.”
At least two firms, Beekeeping Łukasiewicz Center and the Łysoń Beekeeping Company, have offered the products online, according to Elżbieta Magenheim, the manager of Życie Żydowskie.
Multiple members of the Facebook group have expressed outrage because the product reminded them of how the Nazis had bodies of Jews burned in crematoria during the Holocaust in occupied Poland.
Both firms removed the products from their online catalog after Jewish.pl, a Polish Jewish news site, published an article Sunday about Magenheim’s discovery. Neither replied to a request for comment by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Łukasiewicz offered two sizes, called “Little Jew” and “big Jews,” measuring 4 and 7 inches, respectively. “A hand-cast beeswax candle. The figure of the Jew is believed to be good for financial success. Impressive, large, it gives a pleasant warm light during combustion and a pleasant aroma of honey and propolis,” the product description read.
The sale of stereotypical images of Jews as good luck charms started in Poland in the 1960s. It closely followed the last large wave of Jewish emigration from the country, where 3.3 million Jews lived before the Holocaust. Only 20,000 Jews live there now.
Critics believe it is an expression of centuries of anti-Semitic bias in a country whose society and government are famously struggling with the tragic history of Poland’s once-great Jewish community.
The “Lucky Jew” images are “deeply rooted in negative stereotypes,” Rafal Pankowski, a founder of the Warsaw-based Never Again anti-racism organization, said in 2017. His condemnations helped force the Polish parliament’s souvenir shop to drop its Lucky Jew figurines.
Others dismiss it as an insensitive but ultimately harmless expression of nostalgia, as defined by Jonny Daniels, founder of the From the Depths group that promotes dialogue between Jews and Poles. Daniels said it was similar to how some view cigar store Indians in the United States.
The candles are “disgusting,” one Jewish.pl contributor, Jan Gelbert, told the website. But he added there was no attempt to allude to the Holocaust through the candles.
“I believe that was not what the authors meant,” he said of the descriptions. “I think there was just no reflection.”
Jews have a well-deserved reputation in Poland of being “good with money” after centuries of conspiring with the Polish aristocracy to economically exploit the peasantry — and keep them impoverished as their virtual slaves.
Don’t take our word for it, here’s what Rabbi Avigdor Miller admitted in his book Rejoice O Youth:
Amid these conditions, our people were never enslaved into serfdom; and, despised as they were, they always retained a form of freedom and dignity, which was below aristocracy but high above serfdom. In every land of their exile, Jews lived with higher economic standards than the majority of the native inhabitants. Very frequently, they had gentile servants, whereas a Jew was almost never reduced to being a servant. —Rabbi Avigdor Miller, “Rejoice O Youth” (2010), p. 145
Of course, after exploiting the Polish peasantry for centuries, Rabbi Miller turns around and criticizes them for being poor and backwards:
When the Jews in Spain began to use that wealthy land as a means of mingling with the Arabs and Spaniards, G-d’s plan caused them to be expelled to lands of lesser culture, such as Turkey and Poland, with whom our people had no incentive to assimilate. Among these nations, G-d permitted the Jews to live in relative peace for centuries; for there was no danger that they would imitate the ways of the poor and backward populace. But those of our people who dwelt among the Germans, French, and English were tempted to mingle with them; for their higher living standards created a lure. You see how our nation adopted the German language, but not Polish or Turkish. —Rabbi Avigdor Miller, “Rejoice O Youth” (2010), pp. 276-77
No, “G-d” didn’t expel the Jews from Spain for “mingling” with the Arabs and Spanish — the Spanish expelled them for destroying their nation and people — by infiltrating the Catholic Church as fake Christians in order to Judaize it.
And, yes, some fled Spain for Turkey and Poland — where their co-ethnics had an iron grip on the nation’s economy — and where they were assured of an easy life without the necessity of having to actually work for a living.
Jews have always been economic migrants — their “noble” idea of searching for a “better life” means finding a place to live where they can exploit the local population and live off the fruits of others’ honest labor — they are the ultimate exploitative ruling class that Karl Marx, hypocritically, railed against.
And then they have the audacity to complain when the local peasantry rises up against their exploiters and chase them out of their country — when the peasantry attempts to emancipate themselves from their Jewish exploiters, Jews claim they are “victims” of another “pogrom.”
After exploiting the Poles economically for centuries, they turned around and sold them out to their ruthless communist co-ethnics — many books have been written demonstrating how Jews repeatedly betrayed the Polish nation which welcomed them time and again when no one else wanted them.
After all this first-hand experience with Jewish perfidy, can Jews really blame the Poles for experiencing a small moment of enjoyment as they watch the figure of a wealthy Jew melt into a fragrant lump of wax?
“Under Capitalism, man exploits man — under Socialism, the reverse is true.”
—Polish Proverb
EU OFFICIALLY Declares itself ‘The Center of Sodomy of the World’ to protest Conservative Poland.
Poles behaving like Jews demanding “reparations” from Germany for WWII:
Poland needs to get over this victim mentality that contributes to their low national esteem. They need to acknowledge how their own actions contributed to the war — and instead of just focusing on Germany, they also need to give equal time to Soviet aggression and destruction of Poland, but they won’t dare ask Russia for “reparations” because Putin would just laugh at them.
yet the jewish lobbies were paid up , but Poles do not deserve it, right?!
Yes! Germany owes Poland $billions in reparations for WW2 damages.
If anyone knows where I can buy one of these candles, please share the link.
Other articles state that the candles were removed from sale. I know for a fact that you can go to Poland and find similar candles for sale everywhere — including street vendors. No one has a problem with them, even Jews.
Gab button could make the persecution of gab transfer in part to CFT.
@CFT, you are on a role but I confused about this…..“Under Capitalism, man exploits man — under Socialism, the reverse is true.”—Polish Proverb
Capitalism is considered a brutal system created by Christians which is bad, really, really bad, because man exploited man, under Socialism the reverse is true, thus good. Marxism, communism, socialism in all its glory is Judaism and good, but how is that Jewish philosopy inspired system working out for the people of the world? Man exploit Man with impunity, because the god chosen lead the charge. I only take America as an example, where Marxism, communism, socialism aka Liberalism exploits with impunity. Marxism was going to liberate people from Christian oppression and exploitation and turn the world into a Utopia. Are we there yet?
Christians For Truth
Lisette, that Polish proverb is an example of very dry Polish humor. It’s saying that under both Capitalism and Socialism man exploits man. The joke is that Socialism was presented to us as a way of freeing us from the exploitation of Capitalism, when all it did was exploit us under another name. Capitalism and Socialism are two sides of the same coin — and Jews own the coin. Marx invented the term “capitalism” as a false opposition to Marxism, to create a false dialectic of opposition. In other words, “same sh**t, different pile.”
Thanks for the explanation….and I repeat because I second that without a reasonable doubt…..”Marx invented the term “capitalism” as a false opposition to Marxism, to create a false dialectic of opposition. In other words, “same sh**t, different pile.”
When Judge Janice Rogers-Brown made the case and said that liberalism concentrated America’s wealth in the hands of a collectivist oligarchy. The Jewish senators Chuck Schumer and Obama led the lynchmob against her. Schumer specifically said that she was not worthy of being on the bench because she was a danger to minorities (the Jewish predators) who think they are god chosen to oppress people with impunity….https://humanevents.com/2003/10/31/shameless-chuck-schumer-leads-lynch-mob-against-janice-brown/
A Jewish supremacist named Jack Mendell got me censored on twitter….in 2019….I was first DJT second…..https://twitter.com/soulsurvivor60
Sir Hartley Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16, 1984
“Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of
communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg
Trials, I, together with my Russian colleagues condemned Nazi
Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German
People did not want war.
But we [England] declared war on Germany, intent on
destroying it, in accordance with our principle of Balance of
Power, and we were encouraged by the ‘Americans’ around
We ignored Hitler’s pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are
forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the cooperation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and
humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentlessly pursued now, only under a different label.”
As the Polish grandmothers used to say: AS OLD IS THE WORLD, A GERMAN WAS NEVER A BROTHER TO A POLE.
Nowadays more often I hear that “the Germans were better than Soviets”. Because they murdered with white gloves on ?!
Thus, it may be worth recalling a few facts to those who have brains contaminated with correctness.
Already in the spring of ’39 in Berlin lists were prepared with the names of Poles “undesirable for the Third Reich”, because it is easier to subjugate a country deprived of its intelligent elite.
From the first hours of the war, the Germans began their planned extermination of the Polish nation, especially the intelligentsia lasting continuously for five years, by eliminating them, displacing people and pacifying villages, street round-ups and public executions.
Just on the sound of a word- Szucha, Pawiak, Palmiry – everyone was filled with fear.
Next – forced slave labor in German factories and farms.
The occupiers launched concentration, so-called labor camps where prisoners endured backbreaking hard work, beatings, standing long hours in frizzing conditions in the snow, hunger, and pseudo-medical experiments .
The “master race” also didn’t hesitate to spare children!
Every family has been affected by repression. One hundred Poles had to die for the death of one assassinated German, including innocent children. Often, they were killed first in front of their parents.
For helping Jews, Poles were punished collectively (eg. Kowalski, Ulma, Kosior, Obuchiewicz and Skoczylas families, and more, including pregnant women).
Ulma family – https://sprawiedliwi.org.pl/en/stories-of-rescue/story-rescue-ulma-family
Every attempt to resist was bloodily suppressed, and in particular the capital city was punished by establishing KL Warschau camp on its territory, where mainly Poles were imprisoned and executed.
Then the city was then razed to the ground by flamethrowers and bombardments as part of repression after the fall of the Warsaw Uprising.
Even in the last months of war Poles were cruelly massacred as if in rage of Germans knowing they losing the war.
Polish captive soldiers were tied with barbed wire, poured over with gasoline and burned alive (Podgaje – February 45).
Anyone heard of it?
Of course, not – media won’t tell you about. For them there was only one type of holocaust’: the jewish holocaust.
Faced with such facts the mentioning of the economic robbery or the looting of works of art would be tactless as well. There is so much more.
Should I continue?
The Plunder of Poland- https://justice4poland.com/2016/05/02/world-war-ii-looting-of-poland/
Hitler’s beneficiaries – https://justice4poland.com/2016/09/11/hitlers-beneficiaries/
World War II looting of Poland
I’m quite honestly shocked this comment has gone unchallenged.
I am not an expert in this part of the narrative; but I have my doubts based on the hundreds of other “Lies” that is told about the great men and women of Germany circa 1933.
Justice 4 Poland writes this — Jews weren’t the only victims of larcenous Nazi policies–far from it…”
First of all ………………. “Jews” were not VICTIMS.
So, I’m not sure I can take the rest of what they have to say as accurate or credible.
I hope someone else who is a Historian of this part of the narrative will speak up.
Someone like Carolyn Yeager perhaps.
I am very unfamiliar with the “Poland” part of this story.
Maybe Dennis Wise could chime in.
HKW writes — “….The “master race” also didn’t hesitate to spare children!….”
I think this pretty much sums up your “intentions” here HKW.
It appears that you have bought into the propaganda.
I hope someone else more studied will weigh in. Such a comment like this cannot go unchallenged.
The great men and women of the NSDAP cannot be both “merciful” (Danzig) and maniacal (genocide theory/lie) at the same time.
The Germans did not wish GENOCIDE on any population of people. This is just a flat out demonic lie. They went to great lengths to ensure the safety, security and health of a people who were hell bent on destroying her during the Weimar Republic. Let us not forget the Haavara Agreement.
Why would they care for the Jews but not for the Poles?
Maybe the same people who are lying about Katyn are the same writers of “Justice4Poland”???
Saying that Hitler didn’t target Jews because they were Jewish, but retaliated against the Bolshevik communist Jews wreaking havoc on Germany got me censored by Facebook. The victim narrative is one big hoax, the hypocrites only talk about WWII but never about WWI….Germany should perish came from a Jewish Zionist supremacist in America. It is also a fact that Jews were the only minorty that could get in America declare war, because they controlled the monetary system.
My comment was based also on witness testimonies including those of my own family. I never had the chance to meet any of my grandfathers, both killed in the WW2 defending Polish-land.
I don’t defend Jews although many of them were true victims even at the hand of their kinship eg. Warsaw Ghetto: read Icchak Kacenelson, The Song of the murdered Jewish People – https://justice4poland.com/2018/02/24/poem-about-the-jewish-collaboration-with-nazis/
” Maybe the same people who are lying about Katyn are the same writers of “Justice4Poland”??? – I find your accusation towards the publisher of justice4poland deeply offensive, especially when in regards to Katyn massacre .
Have you given away your own secret? Such thought would never cross my mind, although admittedly clever method of shifting the blame. My humble and honest mind doesn’t work in this way….
Please consider spending more time perusing this blog. It seem to me that, in fact, you are brainwashed with the narrative of white-wash nazi propaganda. There was no justification for the war on Poland. True leaders always find constructive solution, but not the Austrian, partly jewish-blood Hitler. He was bloodthirsty for war.
He didn’t stop at Danzing, when he could, did he ?!
His goal was the extermination of Polish Slavs: ” … The goal must be not to reach a marked line, but to destroy living force. Even if the war were to break out in the West, the destruction of Poland must be our first task. The decision must be immediate because of the time of year. I will give some reason for the outbreak of the war for propaganda purposes. Never mind if it will be reliable or not. Nobody asks the Winner if he told the truth or not. In matters related to the start and conduct of war, it is not the law but the victory that decides. Be merciless, be brutal’’ – said Adolf Hitler on the eve of signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.”
Germans never gave up, did they?
HKW, I want you to seriously consider that a lot of what was allegedly said by the Germans about the Poles was anti-German propaganda. And some things were said in frustration or the heat of the battle. It is beyond dispute that Hitler had great respect for the Polish leader Józef Piłsudski, and greatly saddened by his death — he attended his funeral. In fact, had Piłsudski not died, there may have never been a German invasion of Poland.
Unfortunately, after his death, Poland was led into war, needlessly, by the inept Edward Rydz-Śmigły who foolishly believed that England would come to Poland’s aid if Germany invaded. He refused to negotiate with Germany. His arrogance insured that Poland would face off with Germany and suffer. There is no doubt the Poles and Jewish communists were ethnically cleansing Germans in the Danzig corridor — the cause of the war. Edward Rydz-Śmigły refused to address HItler’s grievances.
As far as what Hitler really thought of the Poles, according to the United-Press agency, the U.S. authorities found in one of Frankfurt’s secret bunkers a memorandum from Hitler addressed to Himmler dated 4 March 1944. In this memorandum, discussing the affairs of nations shattered by the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler wrote this about about the Poles:
“Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe… Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.
Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results”.
These words of Hitler seem to contradict your impression of him — and what you’ve been led to believe. Are you willing to reconsider your view?
I really had to laugh;
Józef Piłsudski was a traitor and a Lithuanian Jew , on whose order one of the best Polish military commander was murdered, Tadeusz Rozwadowski; general of the Austro-Hungarian Army and then the Polish Army. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Tadeusz_Jordan-Rozwadowski.
Piłsudski was a man of Zionist Freemasonry who Poland with Jewish bankers.
He was their agent and corrupted politician.
Just like the Jews: Lenin and Trotsky conducted the bolshevik attact on Russia and killed millions of Russians, the same was done by Piłsudski, only on a smaller scale.
He handed over the power to the Jews in 1926 over the Polish zloty, over the government, over the entire economy, which led to the gradual ruin of Poland.
Of course, there was a reason for Hitler to love him ….
Wow, a lot of wild accusations here and very little proof. Show us the proof that Józef Piłsudski was a “Lithuanian Jew”, a common accusation against him because he wasn’t “Polish enough”. And if he was a Jew and “Zionist Freemason”, please explain why Hitler admired him? Oh, you probably think Hitler was also a Jew? Hitler was also a “freemason”? Tell us why Hitler would “love” him if he was in the pockets of Jews. Poland was “ruined” long before Józef Piłsudski ever showed up. He did business with the Jews because he had to — they were powerful in Poland — and controlled Poland for many centuries. They were a state within a state in Poland. It was Smigly who is far more responsible for the disaster the befell Poland, but you give him a free pass.
HKW writes — “….The “master race” also didn’t hesitate to spare children!….”
Justice4Poland writes — “…Jews weren’t the only victims of larcenous Nazi policies–far from it…”
Just from these two quotes, it will be hard for me or anyone else to take what you have to say as “serious”. Why would I even bother to read your source. SMH
I don’t know who you are. I don’t recognize your avatar/name.
But my recommendation for the next time you comment on an article, would be to choose your words more carefully if you want to be heard.
This is a website unlike all others. It is a family of sorts. You don’t just come in here and throw garbage on the wall of our house and expect us to welcome you with open arms.
You HKW use “jewish” words when you use the word “Master Race”. This is just one example.
Then you use the word “racism”. And you insinuate the great men and women of Germany prior to ww2 were “racists”.
What is “racism” in the first place!??? This is a Jew word used to demean the White race. The only “racists” I know are criminal Jews — the International Jewry kind.
Maybe you should simply “start over” and revise your initial comment.
What do you really want to say???
Did you come here to bash on the White Race? Or educate us. I’m not sure.
The Jews over the centuries did far more damage to Poland than the Germans did during World War II. It was the Jews who kept the Poles in ignorance and poverty, robbing them blind. It was the Jews in Poland who fomented war with Germany, who brought disaster to the Polish people. It was the Jews in Soviet Russia who attacked Poland from the East killing at least a million. Never believe that the Poles are “fellow” victims to the German aggressors. It was the Jews who sold out Poland to the communists. The Germans didn’t want war with the Polish nation — the Jews did, and the Jews betrayed the Polish people and pushed them into war.
I cannot emphasize enough that the Jews have been feeding the Poles all kinds of inflammatory accusations against the Germans to create animosity and distrust — Jews see all war deaths as “murders”. People are killed in war — it’s not personal. Jews don’t want Poles to ever forgive the “evil” Germans. Don’t fall into that Jewish trap of divide and conquer.
Read this article about the Polish Ambassador Count Jerzy Potocki — who witnessed the Jews manipulating the war behind the scenes. It will open your eyes:
” … The Germans didn’t want war with the Polish nation … ”
Then what nationality were the troops that invaded Poland on 1st September 1939 ?
There is enough data and references to scientific treatises on the mystique of the German people, pointing to the fact that such a phenomenon could happen only in Germany; that for hundreds of years the German people had been psychologically prepared for Hitler and Nazism; that this was the only country in the world that had brought in a totalitarian regime through a popular election.
It is curious that Jewish leaders and Jewish intellectuals should be at the forefront of the legion that is now defending Germany with such ardor…
They refuse to heed the voice of those who have made studies of it, that Nazism was NOT an accident in Germany.
German Nazi-like conduct long before Hitler, please read this detailed review, of: The Kaiser’s Holocaust: Germany’s Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism – https://www.amazon.com/The-Kaiser-s-Holocaust-Germany-s-Forgotten-Genocide-and-the-Colonial-Roots-of-Nazism/dp/057123142X/ref=cm_cr_othr_d_rvw_txt?ie=UTF8
Jews always played the Victims card and so are now the Nazi sympathizers downplaying the collective responsibility of the German people for Nazism.
How conveniently similar tactics…
Another attempt to read history backwards, and to shift the blame, for the Holocaust, from the Germans (where it belongs) now unto Poland. If you must search for antecedents to the Holocaust, why not focus on the centuries of German chauvinism, militarism, and racism?
Edward I
Hitler’s numerous peace proposals that were ignored by Smigly and the Allies:
France invaded Germany three times after WWI and before WWII:
The Bromberg Massacres “caus belli” WWII:
Very interesting how you don’t address the geo-political climate of Europe post-WWI that devastated the German people, many of whom were exiled to foreign countries where many were being persecuted and killed (ahem! The Danzig corridor, for example…), simply because the international jew – through their Christian-nation-wrecking-agenda – changed the ‘national boundaries’ of Germany as a result of Germany being railroaded into signing the Versaille Treaty…not to mention the obviously jewish dominated Weimar republic that was destroying the German people from within, precipitating the rise of a man like Hitler WHO TRULY CARED ABOUT HIS PEOPLE.
HKW, you seem to have the jewish-flavored impression that only your particular ethnic group has a right to self-determination, and your flagrant attitude of throwing your white brethren under the bus to justify the shortcomings of your own people is NOT CHRISTIAN.
It is very interesting how you evade response to the issues raised by me and avoid addressing the four partitioning of Poland that killed and displaced so many Poles. Germans always played the roles of colonizers in competition to the British Empire.
You know what? ” The jewish-flavored impression that only your particular ethnic group has a right to self-determination and the colonization of others is so befitting your own personal presentation of interpreting things, that makes me really wonder about YOUR true identity … lol.
Other nations self-determination don’t matter, right?
Don’t ridicule yourself any further…
I didn’t need to address them because the issues I brought forth preceded in history those you are referring to, making your point moot.
You obviously are blind to whom your brethren are and deaf to the words of Christ. I don’t care that you ridicule yourself, but God will not be mocked. Stop throwing your brothers under the bus and carrying a grudge like jewish luggage.
Patrick White
If you want to increase your money luck… kick out the kike.
Wow, a lot of wild accusations here and very little proof. Show us the proof that Józef Piłsudski was a “Lithuanian Jew”, a common accusation against him because he wasn’t “Polish enough”. And if he was a Jew and “Zionist Freemason”, please explain why Hitler admired him? Oh, you probably think Hitler was also a Jew? Hitler was also a “freemason”? Tell us why Hitler would “love” him if he was in the pockets of Jews. Poland was “ruined” long before Józef Piłsudski ever showed up. He did business with the Jews because he had to — they were powerful in Poland — and controlled Poland for many centuries. They were a state within a state in Poland. It was Smigly who is far more responsible for the disaster the befell Poland, but you give him a free pass.
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The president of a nation that had supposedly beaten COVID mysteriously vanished last month, now he has been declared dead. – https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/global/tanzania-missing-leader-john-magufuli-in-virusfree-nation-declared-dead/news-story/532493e7b55828663835b3105ab3b5c7
Martha Medford
Could you please put a GAB share button on your site?