A joint statement issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) on March 20 reveals that the Vatican is attempting to exploit the current COVID-19 ‘crisis’ to further erase national borders, while promoting the Rothschild’s ‘green’ New World Order:
Under the heading “Responding to the Pandemic, Lessons for Future Actions and Changing Priorities,” the scientific bodies attached to the Catholic Church reveal much of their globalist mindset while remaining totally silent with regard to the Catholic faith.
There is not a single mention of Jesus-Christ, nor even of God – whose existence is known through the observation of our senses and the use of our reason – in the 1,400-word statement.
Also of interest is the list of signatories, which includes several names well-known in the scientific community that believes global warming exists due to human activity and that one way of fighting is to check or curb the total global population, seen as nature’s prime enemy.
While chaos reigns in a number of countries – such as Italy, Spain, and parts of France – where the coronavirus revealed the insufficient amount of ICU units to meet the needs of many victims who fell gravely ill in a relatively short period of time, others have responded in a way that has prevented the Chinese virus from doing the same kind of harm, such as Taiwan South Korea, Germany, and Portugal.
But instead of giving a reasoned perspective based on experience and best practices in these countries, the PAS and PASS focus on compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations’ globalist health division.
It was WHO that congratulated Communist China for its model management of the coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan.
The WHO also rejected widespread use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 positive patients, although in Marseille, France, where Dr Didier Raoult and his specialized unit in infectiology is obtaining good results with the molecule in combination with antibiotics. There are spectacularly fewer deaths linked to the coronavirus in Marseille than in the rest of France, where his protocol is only being sparsely applied.
…The statement called on papal expressions to justify a supranational response to the coronavirus crisis:
“We are concerned about the selfishness and shortsightedness of uncoordinated national responses. This is the time to prove that the ‘Family of Nations’ (Paul VI and John Paul II) or the ‘Family of Peoples’ (Pope Francis) are communities of values with a common origin and shared destiny.”
The simple fact is the Catholic Church isn’t Christian, and hasn’t been, not merely since ‘Vatican II’ when it was ostensibly ‘judaized’, but very likely from its very foundations.
It should surprise no one that the Catholic Church pushes jewish ‘globalization’ — one-world government/one-world religion — as it is the logical conclusion of how the Catholics universalized the Christian faith, in direct contradiction to scripture.
It was the Catholic Church that unilaterally — and without scriptural justification — declared through an arbitrary papal bull that race was not a consideration in converting to Christianity.
And considering that so many of the Catholic Popes have been racial Jews, this disregard for race by The Church was obviously done at the behest of the countless crypto Jews within the Church’s ranks.
Don’t take our word for it — read Popes From The Ghetto (1966) by the jewish writer Joachim Prinz, and you’ll see just how common this phenomenon was.
The Jesuit order, the most powerful in the Church, was founded by a crypto-Jew, Ignatius Loyola.
And if Khazar Jews can be Christians — and even Popes — why stop there? Anyone can be part of the club.
Even Martin Luther struggled with this deception.
Just quote John 3:16 out of context, sprinkle some ‘holy’ water on them, and voila, they are now a “Christian”.
And if a Christian dares question your judaized universal ‘faith’, just cite Galatians 3:28 to silence the quarrelsome goyim.
And smear anyone as an ‘antisemite’ who doesn’t think Jews can be ‘good Christians’.
Next stop, Jerusalem where our diluted Noahide ‘Christianity’ will be proclaimed to ‘all nations’ from the Third Temple.
“The simple fact is the Catholic Church isn’t Christian, and hasn’t been, not merely since ‘Vatican II’ when it was ostensibly ‘judaized’, but very likely from its very foundations.”
This is possibly the dumbest, most ignorant, uneducated and stupidest sentence I have read on the internet.
If Catholicism is not Christian, then where were the Protestants for 1500 years? Did Christ leave His church vacant for this period of time? How do the anti-Catholic, retarded commentators on this site wriggle their way out of Christ’s appointment of Peter as the “rock” on which the church was founded.
The Catholic Church is like every other important western institution in that it has been methodically undermined by Jews, Freemasons and Communists for centuries. Zionist Protestants, too. You are all going to regret that fact, too. Very soon.
Answer me this; which of the 32,000 protestant churches is the correct church, then? Let’s hear from you. Your divided and judaized Zionist protestant churches will rue the day you were part of this whole sorry scheme.
Christians For Truth
Jake, the Protestants aren’t in much better shape than the Catholics. Most of them worship Jews and are pro-Zionist. Protestants inherited their ‘universalist’ view of Christianity from Catholics, and that’s why the article points out that Martin Luther struggled with this issue as well.
And Peter was not the ‘rock’ on which the Catholic Church was originally founded. Christ was referring to Himself as the ‘rock’, not Peter, but The Church butchers that scripture to justify its existence.
But, Jake, take heart. There are many good Christians who are also Catholics. They just happen to be good Christians despite having been subjected to Catholic indoctrination.
Christ Is King
Jake, there are thousands of good Christians in the catholic church. Unfortunately the catholics had a tendency throughout history to convert jews to catholicism; they still do this today. The multitude protestant churches, sadly, also worship the jew beast.
However, the foundation in Jesus Christ is what makes good God fearing Christians, not what church they attend. However there are no TRUE churches. As we see in the first three chapters of Revelation, that Christ speaks of seven different churches all doing things differently from one another. Which one of those churches is the ONE TRUE CHURCH following “pope Peter”? Paul writes to all the churches that he founded in the name of Christ in his letters… where does he say to anyone to follow “pope Peter”?
The church is Jesus Christ himself, as HE is the ROCK, the CORNERSTONE, the STONE THAT THE BUILDERS REJECTED, etc. The head of the church is Christ Himself, not Simon “Rock” Peter. MATTHEW 16:18 can be interpreted in many ways, it is true, but the Bible speaks as a whole. Jesus is the STONE cut without hands in Daniel; whether that STONE is interpreted as JESUS or the CHURCH, the result is the same: JESUS IS THE ROCK THAT THE CHURCH IS BUILT ON, NOT PETER. I mean all I write in kindness, Jake. God bless you!
Most excellent replies by the CFT staff and Christ is King 🙂
I lived, ate, breathed the Catholic Church until I “reached the age of reason”, so I can absolutely declare with all sincerity that the ‘catlick church’ is NOT the ‘one true church’. If indeed it is, and I am too prideful to see it, then the Bible is WRONG.
And just to put the ‘icing on the cake’ over this Catholic misconception that Peter is “the rock” – the word ‘rock’ Christ used to describe Peter is not the same word used to describe Christ. The one used for Peter more aptly describes a ‘pebble’ as opposed to the one used for Christ describing ‘bedrock’.
Right, the ‘Ekklesia’ — the Greek word that is translated into ‘church’ — is made up of ‘small rocks’ like Peter and every other Christian, while the foundation of the ‘Ekklesia’, the large rock upon which it is built, is obviously Christ.
Peter is no more part of ‘the church’ than any Israelite Christian. Christ ‘respects’ Peter no more than any other of his ‘little rocks’ or followers. The Catholics misuse this ‘rock’ metaphor to justify their fake church hierarchy, their Babylonian priest craft, their fake anti-Christ ‘ekklesia’.
Noel Devlin
Second Vatican Council of 1965. Same year as the Immigration Act in the US. This marked the liberalisation/judification of Christian culture. Now, here we are. You’re either a Christian or a jew. You can’t be both.
The Catholics have always been aligned with the Jewish religion and criminals. The original Christians , ” The Cathar’s” where literally wiped out by the Satanic Catholics, read the history of these beast disguised as a religion of faith. http://www.cathar.info/cathar_beliefs.htm
The Jews, Muslim and Catholics where considered the new religions at the time, and all helped to destroy “Great Tartaria” and changed history for themselves. http://ru-an.info/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%B0-%D1%81%D1%82%D1%91%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0-%D1%81-%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0-%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BB%D0%B8-%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%D0%B8-%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8/
silly satan
they know a lot about diseases. they have a terminal case of pedophilia.
John 3
All you need to know about Francis….
“Inside every Christian is a Jew.”
—Pope Francis
Christ Is King
Pope Francis is an ass. He makes a mockery of Christianity. The WHO is run by darkies of a dodgy nature. I hate Catholicism, as it is a cult, but Ottify is quite right, it did solidify power and keep Christianity cohesive, albeit Christian really in name only. The arts flourished, and the crusades were wonderful!
But, Catholicism has always been political rather than truly Christian. This rubbish from the pope is no different. The catholic hierarchy has been infested with jews for donkeys years. The WHO is dubious and politically minded at the best of times too. This is just another nail in the coffin for white Christians. Wake up caucasian catholics! You are being used and decieved!
As a former catlick, I find myself having to defend the church – a little. The Catholic Church was instrumental in hardlining and polarizing the Christian ‘faith’ into an iron fisted form of governance. That kept at least the visage of Christianity prevalent in European society for well over a thousand years.
The establishment of the united States was the catalyst that really broke open the Bible for full and unrestricted research by the ‘common folk’, thus precipitating the endless denominations and, ultimately, the advent of the complete watering-down of xtianity in the form of ‘judaeo-churchianity’. On the other hand, it has brought out the brilliant research that has culminated in the truthful understandings represented in wonderful places such as this, where God’s remnant can be found…
The Jews couldn’t have custom ordered a more ‘jewish’ Pope than Francis:
“If you had to choose a pope by Jewish interest, you would have had to choose Bergoglio [Francis].”
—Claudio Epelman, director of the Latin American Jewish Congress