A group of Canadian Catholic bishops, doctors, and scholars have sent a joint letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling for his government to fund an “ethical” coronavirus vaccine not derived from fetal cells harvested from aborted babies:
The letter, dated May 21, was sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and copied to the Canadian health minister, Patty Hajdu.
It includes the signatures of Winnipeg archbishop Richard Gagnon (president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops); Moira McQueen, executive director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute; Helen McGee, president-elect of the National Association of Catholic Nurses of Canada; and Archbishop Sotirios, chairman of the Canadian Conference of Orthodox Bishops.
The letter urges the Trudeau government to fund “alternative” vaccines that are not made using fetal cells harvested from aborted babies years ago and to make ethically sourced vaccines available to Canadians.
The letter does not explicitly say one should not use the first coronavirus vaccine that is made available. However, it does recommend that an ethically sourced vaccine be offered to those who consciously object to a vaccine with a fetal cell line lineage.
“We endorse the earliest possible development of safe, effective anti-viral vaccines and the broadest uptake of vaccination. We urge your government to fund the development of vaccines that do not create an ethical dilemma for many Canadians,” says the letter.
“On one hand, the wide uptake of vaccines is essential to protect citizens from the transmission of disease. On the other, a vaccine produced using abortion- derived cell lines raises conscience concerns for anyone who might be offered that vaccine and is aware of its lineage. This dilemma will emerge if there are no alternatives to vaccines developed with the use of human fetal cell lines obtained from elective abortions.”
The letter includes signatures from various other Canadian Catholic bioethics groups, such as the Catholic Civil Rights League, Priests for Life Canada, and St. Michael’s University.
So the Catholic Church is perfectly fine with vaccines that kill, maim, and permanently disable both children and adults — just as long as they aren’t developing used aborted fetal tissue.
If the Catholic Church really wanted to take a Christian position on vaccines, they would call for a worldwide moratorium until an independent scientific consortium proved them to be completely safe and effective, but that’s impossible, so it will never happen.
Of course, the upcoming COVID-19 vaccines, whether or not they are made from aborted fetal tissue, are not being distributed to stop the seasonal flu — their ultimate purpose will be population reduction, something the Catholic Church allegedly opposes.
A whisletblower in the U.K. has already come out to warn the public that the COVID-19 vaccines being tested right now have agents in them that are causing sterility in those receiving them — but don’t hold your breath waiting for the Catholic Church to denounce this genocidal aspect of the vaccines:
Enquiring Mind
This article is wrong on so many levels. It’s not the Catholic Church you’re writing about, but a counterfeit church that’s been occupying the Vatican since at least the 1960s. The Catholic Church still exists and is necessary for salvation, but what you are calling the Catholic Church is NOT the Catholic Church.
Suppose you have a neighbor named John Smith. You kidnap him and move your cousin into John Smith’s house. Your cousin can claim he’s John Smith, and he can point to the fact that he’s living in John Smith’s house and wearing John Smith’s clothes to prove his case, but that doesn’t make him John Smith. He’s still an impostor. Meanwhile, the real John Smith is still alive.
The Catholic Church was “counterfeit” long before Vatican II subversion. The Church has had many crypto-Jewish Popes and high-level clergy working to subvert the Church for much of the last 1,000 years. The Inquisition showed just how many Jews even by that time had infiltrated the Church. And the idea that only Catholics can be saved through the Church, is preposterous and is NOT supported by any scripture except in the twisted minds of the Catholic elite who claim that nonsense to increase their own power over the faithful. Nice try.
Soldier of Christ
Yeah, they’re like the SOS. Always trying to wash themselves in their own sh*t.
Enquiring Mind
No, you are wrong and deceived. The Catholic faith is necessary for salvation. It’s in the Bible. Why don’t you read it and educate yourself?
What Bible are you reading ‘enquiring mind’?!?!? Its CERTAINLY not in THE Bible, Gods Word. In fact, we were already being warned of many of the tenets of catholicism IN the Bible in the first century.
Enquiring Mind
King James Version is the one I use the most. It’s all in there. What most people get confused about is thinking the post-Vatican II, anti-pope Francis counterfeit church is the real Catholic Church.
Soldier of Christ
I don’t like to call people this and that, but this “enquiring mind” is a troll.
Calling others deceived and wrong, but doesn’t tell them where.
Saying that he reads the bible and it’s “all there”, but refuses to show any scripture.
Fallacies all over the place.
Know why? Because the scriptures contradicts him.
Catholicism is nothing more than man made rites and traditions. Like judaism.
People here are intelligent enough and already know that.
Here is what the bible says about your “religion”, enquiring mind:
About praying the rosary and 937″hail marys”:
“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” – Matthew 6:7
About worshiping false idols:
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me…” Exodus 20:4-5
About their “church”, that’s nothing more than a physical building:
“Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.”
Act 7:48-51
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24
Catholicism is judaism rewashed.
Did the Thief on the Cross belong to the Catholic Church???
However……..I do hope you stay here and continue to read the articles.
Especially this one — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
The Holy Spirit brought you here for a reason.
Enquiring Mind
There are some great articles and comments on this site. I could spend hours on it.
Catholicism and Judaism have a lot in common because many of the founders of the Church were crypto Jews. Catholicism is very Jewish:
-Catholics bless bread and wine as a sacrament, Jews bless bread and wine as a sacrament
-Catholicism relies on scripture, tradition, and reason, Judaism relies on scripture, tradition, and reason
-Catholicism teaches “faith through works”, Judaism teaches “faith through works”
-Catholicism reveres prophets and saints, Judaism reveres rabbis and prophets
-Catholicism stresses that Scripture, ultimately, is interpreted by the priesthood, likewise Judaism stresses that Torah is interpreted by rabbinical authorities
-Catholicism stresses the baptism (cleanliness, sign of covenant) of infants, Judaism stresses the circumcision of infants (cleanliness, sign of covenant)
-Catholicism prays for the dead, Judaism prays for the dead (yizkor)
-Catholicism and Judaism places importance in reciting prayers
-Catholicism has purgatory, Judaism has gehenna of purification
Enquiring mind – I can certainly understand adulation for the Catholic Church that managed to rule Europe when it was known as Christendom. It wasn’t perfect, but it fed and nutured European civilization for over a millenia. It’s corruption as a man-made institution of Christianity is what led to the Reformation, giving jews more of a foothold in Christendom, followed by the ultimate emancipation of the jews into Europe by the last Holy Roman Emporer, Napolean Bonaparte.
The Catholic Church/Holy Roman Empire is the 8th beast of Revelation, not what is “necessary for salvation”. All Christians are supposed to know that only Christ is “necessary for salvation”. That should be a red flag to you that the current Catholic Church has a dark agenda – and there is nothing you can do to change it. The best thing you can do is abandon ship and come to Christ on a personal level. You don’t need any proxies.
The true “church” is the Body of Christ. Everyone who truly believes in Christ as He is in the Scriptures is a Christian and part of that Body, that “church”.
Enquiring Mind
If I were God, I would offer salvation to all who believe in Christ. Sadly, my research has led me to the doctrine that no one outside the Catholic Church is saved. (I’m speaking of the true Catholic Church, not the counterfeit church.)
If you can quote Scripture where it states both “Catholic” and “church”, I might reassess what I think I know concerning the Word of God. Problem is, I am almost positive NEITHER word exists in either the Greek or Masoretic texts, let alone them dictating that only the ‘Catholic faith is necessary for salvation’.
OMG……very telling what feminist baby killing enterprise of Melinda Gates is all about.
So, the catlick church is ONLY worried about a catlick’s conscience concerning the use of aborted fetal tissue. They obviously don’t give a shit if your conscience (and Scripture) opposes the fact that vaccines are not only sorcery, but unclean food, and a fear-based alternative to God’s healing power.
Yes, when you really think about it, vaccines are marketed through fear–fear that your child will die from common and largely non-life-threatening childhood illnesses like the measles, mumps, and whooping cough. And it will be your fault because they could be prevented allegedly by vaccines. They never tell parents how many children are killed and permanently disabled each year from these “safe and effective” vaccines, but, hey, if your child has to die so the rest live, so be it.