The 2017 ban on public ‘cat calling’ of women in Rotterdam, which was enacted because Muslim and African migrants that had flooded the city were constantly harassing Dutch women on the streets, has now been struck down by a court in The Hague on the grounds that the ban violates the migrants’ right to ‘freedom of expression’:
It is not up to municipalities to restrict this freedom, only parliament and the Senate can decide to do so, the court ruled, NOS reports.
In 2017, Rotterdam and Amsterdam made sexual harassment on the street punishable under a General Local Regulation. Those caught cat-calling, cursing, following, or making lewd comments, among other things, face a fine up to 4,100 euros or up to three months in prison. A number of suspects have since been arrested in Rotterdam.
To investigate whether the criminalization via a General Local Regulation is legally tenable, the Public Prosecution Service in Rotterdam decided to take two cases to court. Thursday’s ruling was on one of these cases. The man in question harassed three women by making sexual comments and blowing kisses at them.
The court ruled that there is enough evidence to prove the man did what he was accused of. But he cannot be prosecuted for sexual harassment on the street, because this should never have been made punishable by the municipality. Rotterdam also did not make it sufficiently clear where the boundary lies between permissible and punishable behavior, the court said. This boundary must be clear according to the European Convention of Human Rights.
A subdistrict court previously acquitted the man for the comments he made, because these fall under freedom of expression, but fined him for blowing kisses at the women. The court in The Hague acquitted him on both counts, saying that there is no distinction between “verbal or physical manifestation of thoughts or feelings”. Both fall under freedom of expression.
The government of the Netherlands is dominated by radical feminists who are predictably silent on this issue because the perpetrators are the wrong color. Protection of women’s rights is important only as long as it doesn’t impinge upon the migrants’ rights to sexually harass and rape when they feel the urge.
Of course, if you let a migrant get away with cat calling, you’re tacitly opening the door for more aggression toward women, which will make rape far more inevitable as the aggressors become emboldened, and that’s exactly what women in the Netherlands have experienced: a rape epidemic.
But rape is a small price to pay if the Dutch experiment in diversity is going to succeed. And, no, protesting against the Muslim rape epidemic is NOT protected free speech — that’s ‘hate speech’, goyim.
In the last five years, we have seen a noticeable rift in feminism because of its inability to come to a consensus concerning race and gender. Feminists are terrified of being identified as “racist” which forces them to look the other way when thousands of women are assaulted by non-White immigrants every year.
They are also terrified of being labeled transphobic, which has forced them to basically throw heterosexual women under the bus by putting them on the same level as mentally deranged men who think they are real women.
And if you cannot even come to an agreement what a woman really is, feminism will be destroyed, rendered meaningless, which is a good thing for real women–and men.
Feminists fear Islamophobia, which forces to them to look another way, when Moslem women wear Borqas.
Arab “culture” is one of the most misogynistic in the world, and if feminists weren’t the hypocritical whores that they are, they’d be demanding that our military guard our borders with orders to shoot any Muslim that tries to enter the country. IF
These same feminists have probably been on the front lines of ‘liberating’ women from their horrible living conditions in these black and muslim countries for years, especially the burqa wearing muslim women. Are they that daft that they don’t even understand WHY the women are made to wear burqas and live under strict muslim rules?
This is just yet another setup for instituting Sharia Law. The answer to the growing (now even faster, thanks to the Hague) number of sexual predations is going to be – you guessed it – START WEARING A BURQA SO YOU ARE NOT TEMPTING THE PREDATORS. In typical non-white, non-Christian fashion, these other ‘enriching’ cultures look at women who present even the slightest amount of skin as being at fault if they end up getting raped…
Coming to a neighbor near you, if it hasn’t already. Isn’t multiculturalism grand?