According to recently released FBI documents, Donald Trump’s longtime confidant, Roger Stone, who was convicted last year in Robert Mueller’s investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, was in contact with one or more apparently well-connected Israelis at the height of the 2016 US presidential campaign, one of whom warned Stone that Trump was “going to be defeated” unless Israel intervened in the election:
The exchange between Stone and this Jerusalem-based contact appears in FBI documents made public on Tuesday. The documents — FBI affidavits submitted to obtain search warrants in the criminal investigation into Stone — were released following a court case brought by The Associated Press and other media organizations.
A longtime adviser to Trump, Stone officially worked on the 2016 presidential campaign until August 2015, when he said he left and Trump said he was fired. However he continued to communicate with the campaign, according to Mueller’s investigation.
The FBI material, which is heavily redacted, includes one explicit reference to Israel and one to Jerusalem, and a series of references to a minister, a cabinet minister, a “minister without portfolio in the cabinet dealing with issues concerning defense and foreign affairs,” the PM, and the Prime Minister. In all these references the names and countries of the minister and prime minister are redacted.
Benjamin Netanyahu was Israel’s prime minister in 2016, and the Israeli government included a minister without portfolio, Tzachi Hanegbi, appointed in May with responsibility for defense and foreign affairs. One reference to the unnamed PM in the material reads as follows: “On or about June 28, 2016, [NAME REDACTED] messaged STONE, “RETURNING TO DC AFTER URGENT CONSULTATIONS WITH PM IN ROME.MUST MEET WITH YOU WED. EVE AND WITH DJ TRUMP THURSDAY IN NYC.” Netanyahu made a state visit to Italy at the end of June 2016.
The explicit reference to Israel appears early in the text of a May 2018 affidavit by an FBI agent in support of an application for a search warrant, and relates to communication between Stone and Jerome Corsi, an American author, commentator and conspiracy theorist. “On August 20, 2016, CORSI told STONE that they needed to meet with [NAME REDACTED] to determine “what if anything Israel plans to do in Oct,” the affidavit states.
The explicit reference to Jerusalem appears later in the same document, in the context of communication between Stone and his unnamed contact in the Israeli capital. “On or about August 12, 2016, [NAME REDACTED] messaged STONE, “Roger, hello from Jerusalem. Any progress? He is going to be defeated unless we intervene. We have critical intell. The key is in your hands! Back in the US next week. How is your Pneumonia? Thank you. STONE replied, “I am well. Matters complicated. Pondering. R” The “he” is an apparent reference to Trump.
The redacted material features numerous references to an “October surprise,” apparently relating to a document dump by Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, intended to harm Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and salvage Trump’s.
Referring to the Israeli mentions in a report on the documents late Tuesday, the US website Politico noted: “The newly revealed messages often raise more questions than answers. They show Stone in touch with seemingly high-ranking Israeli officials attempting to arrange meetings with Trump during the heat of the 2016 campaign.”
…Mueller’s investigation identified significant contact during the 2016 campaign between Trump associates and Russians, but did not allege a criminal conspiracy to tip the outcome of the presidential election.
This story first appeared last month, at the height of the COVID-19 plandemic, which conveniently and not coincidentally allowed all the mainstream media in America to ignore it.
Of course, this story is seen as a positive development from the Israeli (and evangelical) perspective because a Trump presidency was an essential part fulfilling an aggressive Zionist “wish list” which included moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, annexing the Golan Heights and the West Bank, and perhaps a major move against Iran in the second term.
This story also explains why the jewish-controlled press saturated the airwaves with fake stories of “Russian” intervention in the election — and why we will be seeing similar non-stop stories of “Chinese” intervention in the upcoming 2020 election in November.
We can only guess what further information about Israel’s involvement in the election was redacted from this FBI document, but there can be little doubt that the orders to help Trump win came from the very top — from Netanyahu himself.
And Netanyahu hasn’t wasted a second of Trump’s presidency in expanding Israel’s power, territory and influence.
As one Jewish media pundit claimed, Donald Trump has been “the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world.”
Trump has even bragged that he is so popular among Israelis that they would elect him Prime Minister if he ran.
And even if the brain-dead American public found out about this Israeli intervention (i.e., “subversion of our democracy”), they would probably just shrug it off — after all, Israel is our “most trusted friend and ally,” goyim.
A follower on twitter sent video which featured a clip where a person admitted that Assange did intelligence dumps to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Assange is an intelligence asset – he has a go at those that bring up 9/11 truth. He was involved in the Arab Spring plot that led to overthrow of Libyan leader Gadaffi so I find it odd that Muslim arab activists that promote Assange who helped overthrow an arab leader.
When I pointed it out, I get either ignored or blocked – well not much of an activist are they? I have read articles that says that Assange may have a double anyway – here is an article:
Doing a search on Assange on that same website, I got this:
This person gives his opinion of Assange as a kind of actor playing a role:
Did Assange help Trump win election?
Have you noticed Assange never releases any high level info regarding Israel or he would have revealed their leading role in 9/11. Also Israeli Mossad infiltrating UK NHS and involvement with UK police departments and many other info Assange could have released.
Julian Assange 9/11 Gatekeeper Proof “I Don’t Think It Is Particularly Important” .
Cognitive Infiltration: Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison .
ASSANGE LAWYER DEATH Julian Assange lawyer is ‘suicided’ and dead … he suspected the truth about Assange
You get the idea that Assange which is probably not his real name is just an intelligence asset playing a role
Israel is an example of a people and country living and existing by and with the assistance of other people’s or nations, their technology , money and resources. How many countries have the Jews controlled over the eons and stole their history, wealth, resources, women, etc.?
When one sees how the blacks have changed their physical appearances , intelligence, opportunities, progress, colors of skin, integration into the White world and society, it shows clearly that the Jews have benefited in the same way. After all, the Jews Old Testament says, if it is truly their book or history for them to take all cattle, wealth , riches, women and young girls as slaves and concubines and kill all men and boys and destroy all else. So over the eons of Jewish history of taking young girls and women as slaves and concubines has given the Jews many opportunities to spread their DNA among other races to look like Whites and other races. Just as the Jewish leadership of Russia told the Russian people to destroy all resources so as to deny the Germans any substance or help in their conquest, but yet make the world believe the Germans were a vicious conqueror.
The Catholic Church preached for years that Lucifer asked for more time to gather souls and conquer the world and was given it. I believe it is claimed to be from a prophecy of some saint.
I always suspected that the beak nosed , Roger stone was Jewish, but looking him up , I found out that he is Catholic and has posted on the internet for sexual encounters with other perverts like him, and his wife.
Donald Trump claimed when he was running for President that he was so rich he would fund his own campaign and be beholden to nobody or party, clique etc. Then why did Donald Trump admit that he gave Israel , Jerusalem as its capital because of his daughter’s urging and as “a favor to Sheldon Adelson ” ? A person does a favor in repayment, appreciation, or freely out of a good conscience to repay something done for them. Political candidates go to Sheldon Adelson, for money for their political campaign’s. So, I suspect that Trump is a lier. But he did get a lot of free publicity during the campaign by the news media every time he opened his mouth to say something. I voted for Trump twice because he was the least dangerous to our country at the time. But he is arrogant, defiant, mocking, critical, demeaning, jealous , angry, threatening, and other traits , of anyone he doesn’t like . But others have shown Trump to be a mean, hateful, vindictive person. Our government has been run for hundreds of years by citizens before he ever thought of running for President , but when elected , he removed and mocked government employees , their careens with no shame of his own qualities as a person. Find the interview of Donald Trump on the Howard Stern show bragging of being able to grab a women’s pussy and they do not resist. Howard Stern loves to direct the topic to sex. And other programs , bragging of his sexual escapades . Trump is an example of how we get out politicians promoted to us years in advance or at the last minute. On various talk show’s such as Oprah Winfrey’s , she asked him if he ever thought of running for President. Barack O Bama was promoted as President at the last minute. I believe Hillary Clinton was betrayed at the last minute for some reason to give the election which she was destined to win to Trump. Maybe, Trump was believed to have the personality and qualities to get away with the things he did as President, but when President , was found to be too arrogant, cocky and believe he was god , because no one defied him and was afraid to criticize or tell him off to his face and those who put him in office decided it was time to get rid of him. He could have been given a second term, but his arrogance may have made assassination too dangerous to try to get away with or too oblivious.
Trump is living in the past in his narrow , mental, sexual, money , wealth created fantasy world and is keeping his followers in his fairy land trying to get back into the Presidency when he had two terms guaranteed , but threw it away and has claimed a rigged election for over a year, because his mind is that of a third world dictator.
I said in one comment that Oprah Winfrey lived in a $48,000,000 home. I just saw a program in the last day or so that said it was a $98,000,000 home. And it is the blacks cry of discrimination on the higher levels of society like her that cry racism and lack of opportunities to cover their lack of intelligence and progress in a white society that they are jealous of and envy and the only way to lash out and get away with it is to cry “racism” .
Look up the mansion that the Rothschild’s live in. It shows that you do not have to have ambition and dreams to get what you want when you control money and its creation . You can buy others creations , effort, dreams amd work and enjoy them.
I hope this is as good a place as any to post this slightly off-topic link. I just want Our People to understand what’s planned for us if the devil gets it’s way.
I don’t know where I found (a link to) what follows, but to me it seems more relevant today, with the communist takeover already under way, than when it was first written, apparently shortly after Trump’s victory in 2016.
I don’t know whether the author is a jew, but I suspect that he could be, especially as he puts so much emphasis on WW2 atrocity propaganda such as the gas chamber myth and imagined jewish persecution – always “for no reason”, of course.
He also seems to be pushing the proven LIE that the “Russian revolution” was carried out by actual Russians turning on their own people. Never once does he name the jew as perpetrator.
Despite my considerable reservations, I consider the two pages (there’s a link to a third, but it doesn’t work) worth sharing, if only to prepare us for what we KNOW is coming.
In 2011 we had his headline….Obama Makes New York Magazine Cover as ‘First Jewish President’ by Nathan Burstein, managing editor at New Yorker…
In 2016 we had this headline…“Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president” by David Peyman is senior advisor and National Director of Jewish Affairs and Outreach for the Trump-Pence Campaign…..
I am assuming that Obama was the first Jewish President on the left and Donald Trump the first Jewish President on the right side, just like this article says…”In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump” by Nathan Guttman…
If you dare talk about Jewish power in America you are an antisemite but by their own words and deeds they let you know who controls America. It feels like the Twilight Zone….
a joke. they are ALL jewish presidents.
Desde o início da sua presidência, que Trump tem demonstrado não ser nada mais do que um fiel lacaio dos interesses sionistas que há décadas dominam todo o aparelho de Estado norte-americano, a ponto de os Estados Unidos, hoje, não serem mais do que uma mera colónia de Israel. Aliás, o controlo que o Sionismo exerce sobre o sistema político estado-unidense é tal, que tornou-se virtualmente impossível um Presidente ser eleito por aquelas bandas sem primeiro prestar vassalagem a Israel e jurar que vai defender Israel e destruir todos os inimigos de Israel, porque, of course, Israel is our greatest ally!
Como é óbvio, os fanáticos pró-sionistas, sejam eles cristãos evangélicos ou outros quaisquer idiotas, nunca vão admitir que não passam de meras marionetas nas mãos dos sionistas, tal como nunca vão admitir que o Estado de Israel tenta sistematicamente influenciar o resultado das eleições nos Estados Unidos a seu favor, através de um misto de acções que vão desde o suborno de figuras influentes da política americana, à pirataria e guerra informática nas redes sociais, passando pelas ameaças e chantagens de toda a espécie. Mas, of course, Israel is our greatest ally!
Digo-o sem qualquer rodeio ou hesitação: o Mundo civilizado nunca precisou tanto de uma Rússia forte, de uma China forte e de um Irão forte, como hoje! Estes três países constituem hoje o bastião da resistência nacionalista contra o Sionismo Internacional e Internacionalista, que se não for atempadamente travado, acabará por arrastar a Civilização para as trevas mais absolutas e miseráveis de que há memória.
What the hell is this? You mean the good bureau is turning over a new leaf? I guess they must be considering an Image Change since the advent of their latest nickname I heard, that they’re the PPB or Pedophile-Protection-Bureau.
I find it too convenient that just enough info was left exposed to point in this direction – the truth in this instance is irrelevant, lol.