[Note: we are republishing this 2019 CFT article in response to Jewish groups recently claiming that “antisemitism” has allegedly hit at “an all-time high” — and how that impression actually serves the interests of the elite cabal that leads world Jewry.]
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) At a meeting among Jewish leaders twenty years ago, the billionaire and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman reportedly expressed a common fear among the Jewish elite that young Jews — becoming too comfortably assimilated — needed to be goaded into reconnecting with their Jewish identity by whatever means necessary:
“The point is, we have a crisis and I don’t care how we go about getting young people involved in their Jewishness,” Bronfman stated at a STAR [Synagogue Tranformation and Reform] meeting in Chicago….
….Going through my 20-year-old notes, I am struck at how often Jewish lay and religious leaders voiced a fear that an end to anti-Semitism would further erode the tenuous connection young people had to Judaism. Ironically, the rise in Jewish activism in response to anti-Semitism could be an opportunity to find a place for them.
In 2019, while our institutions are hashing out the same arguments, American Jews are faced with an altogether different existential crisis: the rise of American anti-Semitism. Now is the perfect time to truly reckon with what it means to be a Jew and who gets counted as a member of the tribe because people who never thought about their Judaism before are now constantly reminded of it by anti-Semites.
It is a sad contrast, the difference between the Jewish mood of 20 years ago and today. There is a renewed sense of solidarity and purpose among Jews of all denominations in light of the threat of anti-Semitism coming from outside.
Yet even though they were wrong about an end to anti-Semitism, the machers of two decades ago were right in turning the discussion to how to embrace more Jews who acknowledge only a tenuous connection to Judaism. That was the original thought behind Birthright Israel.
Today, as I interview people whose connection to Judaism is strengthened through the rise in anti-Semitism, it is still the case that many are unaffiliated with synagogues. Twenty years ago, they would have been counted as lost to Judaism – and these “cultural Jews” are still not counted in many official surveys or in institutional decisions.
I never wanted anti-Semitism to define the way I write about Judaism. But the rise in anti-Semitism can perhaps help us see clearer than we did 20 years ago. We can see who is with us and who is not. Jews are standing up to be counted. I would be more optimistic for the future if we found a way to embrace them.
This is a remarkable admission on the part of Jews: that their identity is dependent in large part on antisemites.
Without the perception that they are surrounded by those who irrationally hate them just because they are jewish, the average Jew shows very little interest in their jewish identity and especially their religion.
And their ruthless elite will do whatever it takes to make the Jews below them to feel “more jewish,” even if that means using organizations like the ADL to create a false perception that no place in the world is safe for Jews, especially in the highly tolerant White Christian countries where they prefer to dwell.
So Jews have a real dilemma on their hands: whenever they work to stamp out alleged antisemitism, they are actually working against the necessary tool that makes them “feel jewish”.
It would seem that the ideal situation for the jewish elite would be to maintain a certain level of perceived antisemitism but never entirely eradicate it — in the way an drug addict achieves his ideal maintenance buzz.
Jews experienced this identity Catch-22 in Soviet Russia as they slowly lost their jewish identity to the larger Soviet ethos, and it was only when Stalin decided that the Commintern had become too top heavy with ethnic Jews and began to purge them from the leadership that these “Soviets” became Jews once again just like clockwork.
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city.
But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague. — Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech given to the Roman Senate, recorded in approximately 42 B.C. by Sallust.
Is it any wonder why there is an abundance of jewish psychotherapists understanding psychosis and the therapeutic high rates that go with it? I surmise that the ‘therapy’ would be endless.
Here is another one….Christian are bad, bad, bad but they need the same countries to finance them with money and killer weapons
Because Western countries created the Jewish state called Israel and support it with billions $$$ and killer weapons this video ‘What Israelis Really Think about Jesus, Messianic Jews and Christianity’ is interesting. https://youtu.be/KaoarHNTATI
Mike Chambers
The Jew makes an interesting point. He told an Amish person about how Christians had persecuted Jews for thousands of years, and the Amish person said,
“It wasn’t Christians that persecuted you. It was Catholics and Protestants. They are not Christians.”
Ironically, Catholics and Protestants prosecuted and even murdered more non-conforming Christians than they ever persecuted Jews.
But I agree with the Amish. Most Catholics and Protestants are not Christians.
“Christ is King of Israel, and Christians are the Israelite race.”
– Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter 135
Christians are a race of people, the Israeltie (European) people. You can only be an Christian by blood. So, please explain to me how a European Catholic or Protestant cannot be a Christian.
I think the quote from Justin Martyr is better rendered, “Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel”
Now, I don’t mean to speak for Mike Chambers, but I think what he meant was the from a purely doctrinal perspective, neither Catholics nor Protestants are Christian. As others have observed, Catholicism is paganism with a Christian veneer. And so is much of Protestantism, as it inherited and perpetuated many of the Catholic errors.
Take the Swedes, for example. They are the most atheistic white nation in Europe, almost 50%. They are Israelites “according to the flesh”, but they are not Israelites according to the promise, as they have rejected Christ. Israelites must accept Christ to become children of the promise, to become true Israelites. That is what Paul meant when he said his Israelite ancestry amounted to nothing without Christ.
Whilst the Catholic Church was never perfect, it did fight tooth and nail against the Synagogue of Satan until it’s final defeat in WW2.
The Swedes and the Western World are in the position they’re in now as a result of Christianity losing WW2. There was a lot of dameage before that too, obviously. But ethnicically speaking, the Swedes are descendants of the Tribe of Juda, as are all the Germanic peoples.
Paul, I’m not convinced of. But that’s another story.
Have you ever read the Gospel of Thomas with Jesus’ teachings that they didn’t include in the Bible? There’s a reason they didn’t include it in the Bible.
The actual Quote reads —
“……As, therefore, Christ is the Israel and the Jacob, even so we, who have been quarried out from the bowels of Christ, are the true Israelitic race. “
It’s hard to fight the Jews “tooth and nail” while allowing them to convert to Catholicism and rise to and occupy the highest levels of power in the Church, including the Pope. How can we trust racial Jews to sincerely fight against their racial brethren while in the Church?
Look at a Pope like Leo X, born into the Medici Medici banking dynasty, who didn’t even attend seminary or bother to be ordained as a priest, before he was appointed cardinal then Pope. And what did he do? Issue a papal bull allowing usury for the first time. That was 500 years ago. The Church appointed a crypto-Jew Torquemada to lead the Inquisition to rout out crypto-Jews! The rot has been systemic long before WWII.
The Amish fella would ostensibly have no talmudvision or have attended (((public school))), so why was he unaware that no one has persecuted the jew?
Nice kosher story Mike
Jews have been persecuting Christians since they killed Christ and we all know you have a special disdain for Catholics of the Christian faith.
Right, only “Jews” criticize the Catholic and Protestant churches. That makes a whole lot of sense. Catholics are infiltrated by Jews, and Protestants worship Jews. Doctrine matters. Choose your poison.
Someone once observed, ““The higher you go up in church leadership, the less likely you are to encounter Jesus.”
So you’ve come to a website critical of Jews to tell tales of Christians persecuting Jews and create division attacking Catholics. Interesting.
Truthbearer, if you are going to call yourself that, at least you should make a better effort to understand what this website is truly about. If you think you’re going to find truth from mainstream Christianity, you’re part of the problem. If you are in denial that both Catholics and Protestants have been subverted by Jewish power at this point and do not promote the true gospel, then you really need to go back to square one of looking for the truth.
Dennis Gannon
kosher Clem from Louisiana
Something tells me that the jews DON’T have to worry about anti-semitism coming to an end, ANYTIME soon.
Kurt Lanz
Over 60% of Jews admit to being non-religious or atheists, and it is these Jews who are most likely to assimilate and lose their Jewish identity.
Also nearly 60% of Jews marry non-Jews.
That’s why the Jewish cabal at the top like the Bronfmans are worried that the number of Jews in the world could greatly diminish over the next couple generations,
so they need to scare the crap out of them to keep them in the kosher fold through Holocaust propaganda mostly.
Religious Jews don’t need the Holocaust myth to make them feel Jewish, but the atheists do, which is ironic, because atheist Jews should be more likely to doubt the official Holocaust narrative,
but they don’t.
Without the Holocaust to make them feel Jewish, Jews would become an insignificant religious minority in the world.
That’s their Achilles Heel.
With Israel admitting that the vast majority of Latin Americans are Jews, I don’t see Jewry running out of people any time soon. As their politician put it, they have “hundreds of millions” of Jews down there just waiting to be brought into the fold.
My experience has been that there is a genetic component of jewishness that cannot be bred out by their shapeshifting. For what it’s worth, (((Brother Nathanael))) has theorized that this is a manifestation of the biblical blood curse.
Christianity has not taken true hold down in Latin America, despite 500 years of trying, and it has cohencidentally been a dysfunctional and corrupt Schiffhole for centuries. I suspect that the Israelis are right: plop some synagogues down there and Judaism will resonate with those folk in a way that Christianity has not.
You are missing the point , despite the Marxist anti-White people propaganda of the Jews, Latin America doesn’t hate Christianity the way White people in Western countries do. History tells the story about the cruelty of Catholics against the native population and Protestants paving the way for the supposedly High European Jews to prosper with the trans-Atlantic slave-trade conducted from their empires. The corruption in those countries is financed by American international organizations such and the Marxist Bolshevik communist IMF running operations from the comfort of America. American military oversees the Bolshevik communist plundering of non-western countries
Jews control and dictate American domestic and foreign policy and American’s believe that the destruction of countries for the Jews needs to be done to please God; worship the Jews and you will be blessed. The blessings America got for replacing Oliver Cromwell as the chosen savior of the Jews, is a debauched culture run by a corrupt Oligarchy, faraway from the Constitutional foundation.
Pretty much any “Catholic” cruelty in the New World was the done by the hordes of crypto Jews flocking to it while pretending to be Portuguese or Spanish.
Explaining why the Israeli government today can claim that the vast majority of the population of today’s Latin America consists of crypto Jews who are unaware of their Jewish ancestry.
The 500 years of corruption in the New World stems from that it has been jewed up the wazoo for about as long. It is not the sole creation of (((outside forces))).
Latinos might not hate Christianity, but they certainly do not practice it. Would they resonate with Judaism? I wonder. The latino already gloms on to this “reconquista” and “la raza” nonsense, so if the Israelis were to tell the latino that he is an heir to their “chosen race” then I suspect that he would go all-in on Judaism.
Latinos are not real Christians. The form of Catholicism they practice is infused with their native Aztec voodooism, and Catholicism is already full of pagan superstition and idol worship that appeals to the Mestizo mindset.
But I agree with RB, that Latinos would embrace Judaism if given material enticement to do it. Judaism has much greater material benefits than Christianity, which embraces poverty and is anti-materialistic.
The Jews as they do have changed the perception of history by painting Catholics/Christians as evil conquerors when in fact they were saviors to mestizo’s living under tyrannical fear of luciferian witch doctors and blood sacrifice.
Does anyone dare to talk about this…..“Catholic” cruelty in the New World was the done by the hordes of crypto Jews flocking to it while pretending to be Portuguese or Spanish.” No…..never, but I constantly hear those who justify or cover-up the crimes of the racist supremacist Jews call themselves ‘Real Christians’…..
The worshipping of Jewish supremacy in is a fact of life in the Anglo world and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which enabled them to set-up the very profitable trans-Atlantic slave-trade, because they were victims of the Catholics
The “Real Christians” waged against Germany (White people) on behalf of the Bolshevik communist Jewish supremacist and have been waging war against White people since 1917 to satisfy the corrupt international fascist imperialist Jewish banking cabal.
If you dare to question this dynamic and the depraved ‘Judeo-Christian’ tradition that embraced Marxism/communism which slaughtered over 500 million White people in Europe alone the ‘Real Christians’ are first in line to call you antisemite and Nazi.
Britain and America engage in the cruel political persecution of Julian Assange because he exposed the corruption and war crimes of the Jewish supremacist who dictate America’s perpetual war foreign policy.
This 10 min video captured by a Frenchman, tells you how the Jewish supremacist use America as their playground….nobody dares to challenge them there….https://youtu.be/emCEfEYom4A
Thank you @CFT for the interesting articles on this subject…..
“… people whose connection to Judaism is strengthened through the rise in anti-Semitism…”
Maybe in a way it’s not too different from the governments and leaders of Gentile nations deliberately instilling fear in their own populations. Think of all the bogeymen we’ve been told to fear just over the last 20 years or so–from Saddam Hussein all the way up to Vladimir Putin. Making people afraid is a way to control them. That seems to be at least one thing Gentiles and Jews have in common.
These words were attributed to Christ and the fig tree is physical “israel” in middle east.
So if these words are true then the opposite is true and ANY country which takes directions or advice from jews is taking advice from devils.
Mat 21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.
“when Stalin decided that the Commintern had become too top heavy with ethnic Jews”
True, but let’s not forget Stalin had a Jewish father. After all, what does his name mean in Georgian?
Stalin outsmarted a lot of the more racist, xenophobic Jews (e.g., Trotsky) and forged a national identity that sublimated Jewish identity. That was his big sin, and what drove the neocons like Irving Kristol away from communism. Then he was killed by his Jewish bodyguard.
But you forget or failed to mention he was the author of millions of deaths of ethnic white Christian Ukrainians through his farm collectivization policies which has become known as Holomodor. The Holomodor 2 is now being played out in present day Ukraine. You give Stalin too many accolades in my opinion which is your right you to do so. But before you debate me, know this, I hate Jews period. I could care less if they’re one fourth Jew, half Jew. I hate them more than any other non-white ethnic/group on this planet. Stalin was a murderous thug!
The jew cancer in Ukrainian being rid of will make it heathy and Ukrainian again and not a danger to all around it that’s the point of Dr Putin. Thats the choice to make that I remember you were against.
Nothing wrong with your statement America / Israel My comment was meant for America Europe is Israel.
The point of Mr. Putin is that he is playing his part in the Jew World Order. The slaughter of more white Christians. Old Vlad is in bed with the Jewish supremacist group, Chabad Lubavitch.
The end result of this conflict will be thus….
The Putin worship needs to stop. He is no saviour of and for anyone. The only saviour for the white man is Jesus Christ.
Well ok the dead white people of the russ are still a result of non-people of the russ that’s jews top to bottom running Ukraine and the jews running Usa under and over Biden that’s all known. And my comment stands for you too Dr Putin is getting rid of the cancer jews if that’s done then it may be the biggest factor in ending jew would order so you to are for doing nothing? Putin worship? bs
Michael J Snider
Well said!
Stalin’s wife was also jew, and there are claims he was a crypto jew himself
Stalin had 3 wives’ all jews and raised their kids to be jews.
Last Lost Amalek
The family name of this breed is Dzhugashvili, translation is SON OF JEWS.
How come Judaism can even use the word anti-semite when they accept converts from other bloodlines that kind of eliminates the semitic Bloodlines connection?
For the same reason a racial jew can claim to be semitic when by all accounts they are racial bastards and have no legitimate claim to the bloodline of Shem…because they do as their father does, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. This world society is nothing but sinisterly crafted lies to keep the children of God, the true Semites, from learning their identity, and to keep the jews’ non-white foot soldiers in subjection.
I wonder how they can claim to be semites at all when they are matrilineal and Shem was a man.
Shouldn’t breeding with other races, particularly males of other races, make the Jews themselves anti-semetic?
Last Lost Amalek
In my view, Semitic refers to the origin of the Talmudic rabbi to their role in the Shem priesthood in ancient Egypt. With Moses as the progenitor of this brood of vipers who brought about hell on earth through the centuries – in practice and theory, in life and in thought.
Last Lost Amalek
In this context I’m an Antishemite.
Sorry, Last Lost Amalek, Moses was not a Jew. He was an Israelite from the tribe of Levi. Today’s Jews cannot claim any legitimate bloodline connection to Moses, Abraham, Issac, or Jacob. They have admitted that they are not real Israelites in their own writings, but for some reason, people like you keep insisting they are. This lie has done more damage to our white nations than the lie of the Holocaust.
This will clarify who the Jews are and who they are not:
Mr. Hand
You’d think with all the money, power, and control they have with media propaganda, that they would simply be able to ‘educate’ every single jew in the world about their ‘identity’ and the ‘importance’ in keeping it…but that has too much white Christian common sense attached to it. That idea does not jive with their Talmud, nor with any inherent jewish tendency.
Why we may see more “Squirrel Hill” and “San Diego” false flags?
America/Europe is Israel
Good name for that area of Pittsburgh. It is a very squirrelly place; i.e, very eccentric. But, of course it is, which is mostly Jews who live there.
Paul Kent
Jews made a mistake in forcing multiculturalism and diversity on Whites, because all it did is make Whites acutely aware of their racial identity and made them feel like they have to do something to preserve it. And if and when Whites turn back to their Christian roots, the game will be over for jewish power.
I think that’s the key thing–is going back to our Christian roots. And it seems like it’s happening more and more.
“If whites turn back to their Christian roots, Jews will lose their power”
Unfortunately whites have been so castrated brainwashed and demoralized they would never heed this call.
Jews on the other hand will read comments like this as a stern reminder and call to arms to never ever take their oppressive foot off the goy’s throats.
I say lets help em out and remind them daily… in fact, maybe stalin had one good idea after all…
Michael J Snider
Sounds good to me.