While today the Jewish community enjoys historic tolerance on the streets of Russia, its members are looking to the future without their perceived champion Vladimir Putin with trepidation, a new study shows:
“Many, if not all, believe that weak or no anti-Semitism as a Russian state policy in Russia is an exceptional or even ad hoc and temporary phenomenon that has not come to stay,” Alexey Levinson, head of socio-cultural research at the independent Levada Center in Russia, wrote in his study comparing Jewish life in Russia today with that of 30 years ago.
“Jews are not euphoric at all,” he wrote in “Jews in Contemporary Russia: Assimilation and Dissimilation,” which was issued in July and recently translated to English. The community’s fear is based on Russian history, with Jews in Russia having been subjected to the whim of whoever leads the country.
“Anti-Semitism goes hand in hand with the history of Jews for ages and ages, and they think these days are just a short interruption of this tradition,” says Levinson.
“The current decline in anti-Semitic state acts is because of the personal position of the current president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin,” he says.
“They think that if he changes his mind or another, less tolerant person takes his place, the whole state apparatus and the public will return to the usual anti-Semitism.”
The climate has become so liberal that Jews have reached the upper echelons of Russian society and even taken on some aristocratic attributes, he says.
“It’s a peculiar age in Russian history. During the Russian Empire, Jews were a severely discriminated-against minority,” Levinson says.
“The Russian nobility was destroyed after the revolution and in the [1918-1920] civil war. But at the end of the day, [the Jews] … picked up some of the features of the Russian nobility. They are highly educated and maintain and further Russian culture.”
Jewish life in Russia is very different than it was three decades ago. There are fewer Jews in Russia because many have immigrated to Israel and elsewhere. Those who remain are more assimilated and can more easily blend into the general population.
“There is a continuum of people: On one end, there are those who practice Jewish rituals and habits. On the other end, there are people who don’t like to mention their Jewish origin,” Levinson says.
“Most of the Jewish population is somewhere in between: They know their Jewish origin, they know one or two things from Jewish culture, like celebrating Hanukkah and tasting matzah during Passover, but it’s not a serious part of their life,” he added.
Estimates of the number of Jews in Russia vary widely, from 200,000 to 1 million. Of this population, Orthodox Jews are a minority.
Natan Sharansky, the former chairman of the Jewish Agency and a political prisoner in the Soviet Union, says that Jews in Russia are much freer today than they were 30 years ago…
However, Jewish life in Russia today is not perfect.
The biggest problem facing Russian Jews today, Sharansky says, comes from assimilation.
“Maybe 10% [of them] do some type of Jewish activity,” he said. “To be an active part of the Jewish community is a challenge.”
Sharansky says that anti-Semitism is much more of a problem in other countries.
“For the last 15 years, rabbis in Paris have told young children in Jewish schools not to wear kippahs [skullcaps] in the street because it could be dangerous. In Moscow, you can walk freely down the street with a kippah,” he says.
Sharansky and Levinson disagree about the relationship between Jews’ improved situation in Russia and the Soviet Union’s collapse, with Levinson arguing that there is no connection.
“Emigration started before the fall of the Berlin Wall and was one of the causes of this historical event. The Soviet Jews were the first ethnic group to break free from the totalitarian state,” Levinson says.
Sharansky, who wrote The Case for Democracy, says he believes that a more democratic Russia has made life better for Jews and that the growth of democracy is necessary to protect Jews from any future government-backed anti-Semitism.
“If there are [governmental] changes and anti-Semitism returns to the level it was at for 1,000 years … today’s positive societal views of Jews won’t be enough to stop it. The democratic composition of the country has to be strong enough to fight these pressures.”
“One thing that can be said for sure is: Putin is not an anti-Semite,” Sharansky says. Putin “has a positive attitude towards Jews, which is very unusual in Russian history. At the same time, Putin is not great for Russian democracy, and so Jews and other citizens of Russia may be disappointed about restrictions on freedom.”
And the proof that Putin is good for Russian Jewry is that he has gotten re-elected over and over again without any serious objection from the Jewish oligarchs or powerful Chabad cabal.
But Jews get uneasy when there is no ‘antisemitism’ to kvetch about — no matter how trivial or farcical — after all, nothing makes a Jews feel more Jewish than a daily dose of “Jew hate“.
In fact, Jews have expressed fear that the disappearance of antisemitism — which they claim is their goal — could eventually lead to a total loss of Jewish identity.
And so, ironically, it becomes in the best interest of Jews to foment antisemitism every now and then to remind ‘assimilated’ Jews never to stray too far from the ‘protection’ of the inner circle.
Perhaps it is this characteristic of Jews to be eternally dissatisfied no matter how auspicious and comfortable their lives become that is the secret to their so-called ‘success’ or power.
But in the role as the world’s antagonists — the false accusers — they expend their entire lives feverishly subverting and destroying western Christian civilization rather than truly building anything great in their wake.
Israel is the epitome of Jewish nation building prowess — and without tens of billions in annual aid from the U.S. taxpayer, along with perpetual ‘Holocaust’ reparation payments from Germany, and billions in private donations from U.S. and European Jewish ‘charities’, it would dry up and be cast away in the wind.
Israel is the greatest welfare state the world has ever known.
The Jewish Bolsheviks laid utter waste to Czarist Russia, murdering 60 million Christians in the process, and replaced it with nothing but death, poverty, disillusionment, and cynicism.
But communist Russia, under Jewish control, would have failed immediately had it not been secretly receiving aid from the West during its entire existence.
In the words of the Jewish writer Maurice Samuel in his book “You Gentiles“: ““We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
Putin’s American Rabbi Lazar.
So the same Jewish group that brought Putin to power in Russia is now bringing Trump to power in the United States.
Which holocaust… they one Jews are committing against the Palestinian people every day? Or the one the Jews are committing against the Syrian people?
Oh Dear……
Israel’s Hadassah says it’s involved in development of Russian COVID-19 vaccine
Medical center’s CEO Zeev Rotstein says its clinic in Moscow is conducting trials that will ‘take time’; Putin has claimed vaccine ‘passed all the necessary tests’
Posted on August 12, 2020 by zaidpub Leave a Comment
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“Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years, according to tests on pig and rat skin and human skin in a dish.”
These so-called “doctors’ are all Jews folks. That ought-ta tell you something.
January 12, 1931
J. Stalin’s
Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States [More content at the link below]
“In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931
First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936”
I Dunno
“America has turned into comedy central” – [partial comment from Zero Hedge]
the (((folks))) who run all the major control points also gave the world MAD magazine
Sweden’s Covid Expert Says ‘World Went Mad’ With Lockdowns
Plain and simple, there is no appeasing satan…
Well yes and because he kicked out the Jewish oligarchs they have nothing to complain about in Russia.
Tyler Vincent
Putin kicked out the Jewish oligarchs from Russian power and influence…. that lead to a 30 year low in ‘Antisemitism,’ but they still aren’t happy enough… we’ll we have a definite solution.
This is an age-old attitude of jews, only it used to target the White monarchies. It didn’t matter that any particular king was friendly to the jews. It mattered that the institution of hereditary monarchy wan’t controllable by jews the way they wanted.
They could perhaps get a particular king under their power by supplying his vices (IF he had them). Or by making themselves too valuable to him as his ruthless tax collectors. Or through usury. But such a king had the power to turn on them at any moment if he so chose.
That’s why jews are responsible for the revolutions and wars in Europe as part of an orchestrated campaign to replace monarchies with democracy. In a democracy, the money power and media power of the jews makes them the rulers.
Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews’, which explains why Jews want more ‘democracy’ in Russia.
However, every ‘democratic’ country in western Europe is now overrun with antisemitic Muslims–and the young socialist ‘democrats’ in the U.S. Congress are ‘antisemitic’ and anti-Zionist.
Democracy is Judaism through the voting box.
The hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty is nauseating. I can’t remember how many times these tolerant Jews called me racist, nazi, antisemite on social media and to top it off a piece of sh”t on Linkedin a professional website…..
Alan Dershowitz talks about Black Lives Matter is anti-Israel. Jewish supremacist support and finance the Black Lives Matter hate white people Marxist cult, now they cry antisemitism because Black Lives Matter is challenging Israel….https://youtu.be/26hn_LA4IR8
Discussing Eliot Engel’s Defeat in New York, Hank Sheinkopf talks about Jews defeating Senator Percy because he opposed Israel, they should recharge and go at it again….I had personal experiences with Eliot Engel and Nita Lowey in Congress and Chuck Schumer in the Senate all three Jews cover-up fraud with my immigration case in New York, a practice that they support every step of the way…..https://youtu.be/1wXCN3KRPk8
The first time I heard that the saying “All Lives Matter” was RACIST, was from Susan Neiman an American moral philosopher, cultural commentator, speaking in the Belgian Senate and talking about racism and police brutality against Black American’s. I listened but challenged her on the racism claims. Now this tells you how hypocritical Jews really are. When they start reaping the hate that the sow they change their tune and bring in their Black mouth pieces. Director of the Institute for “Black solidarity with Israel”, while Jews in America make sure to keep Black people in the sprawling concentration camps aka ghetto’s crying victim of white people and blaming them for their misery……appalling….. https://youtu.be/7by7zeQ3OUA
Another level of hypocrisy is that Jews themselves coined the term ‘All Lives Matter’ many years ago when they were trying to gain entry into White societies. Now that they’ve achieved that, they claim that this term, which they benefited from, is ‘racist’. They have no shame, but that’s part of their success–not caring when you point out what hypocrites they are.
OMG…..exactly…..when I was subjected to outright violence and oppression in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I didn’t cry victim of anything, instead I made it my duty to understand the dynamic and in New York I came full circle. Those two cities are so intertwined with the history of my country of birth and I find Jews who constantly point the finger at others, accusing them of injustice against Black people.
To use a statement made by, I believe, Thomas Jefferson…..”nature’s god” picked me to retrace the steps of history and get a clear understanding of not only the history of my country but also European and American history….and it leaves no doubt who the hate and war-mongers are, abusing their privileges in white countries with impunity and hiding behind the law making their crimes against humanity look perfectly legal, but I got five on that.
This is the truth ……”Israel is the greatest welfare state the world has ever known.” thanks to Europe and America and they still demand more hand-outs all at the expense of others. One thing is that some elderly are living in abject poverty in Israel, that America organizations ask for donations, while Israel is waging war against neighboring countries, creating more misery, death and destruction with impunity…..No word about that from their subsidizers in Europe and America.
American politicians all fear the Jews, and if they want to get re-elected, they will always vote for Israel’s blank check. Congressmen who try to buck this system — like Paul Findley from Illinois who had the fortitude to write a book questioning America’s commitment to Israel, “They Dare To Speak Out” — are very quickly removed– the Jews pour money into his opponent’s campaign, and that’s the end of him/her.
Findley’s book is an essential resource to understand the power of the Jewish/Israeli lobby:
Yes, I am on the issue the cases of Paul Findley, Senator Percy and Fullbright recently came to my attention (CFT shined the light). I am taking some Harvard courses on US government and one of the essay’s that I have to write is “which interest group” has the greatest influence on US government policy. With my personal experiences backed up by solid third party evidence I am going to tell it like it is. It’s been a longtime coming and I am ready for the showdown.
Elderly jews in Israel in abject poverty ? Eternal jew importuning money. There are no poor jews . There could be Europeans , once nubile, girls now old and scorned , the jew used for breeding purposes .
Jew has been infertile for 5 thousand years. No, doubt there is poverty but dispossessed Philistine and anile slaves.
First principle of jew economics is ,”neve uz yue ohn money.” Were it true, the $$$$$$ largess of congress , BRD and other European countries , uncounted gifts of money from AMerican churches has not been distributed . No surprise. co . And there are real impoverished people in AMerica ; but they ain’t jews.
CFT provides a rare perception of the monotonous jew monologue. Never forgetting that Satan’s testimony is always convoluted lies , one must decipher or discern what they say.
A friend in Siberia informs that everything is still controlled by jew after the regrettable Perestroika (reconciliation). Translated by the jew as , “we are suffering less persecution , than before with our swindle of communism but the debt is still unpaid”. “Putin is not antisemitic”; meaning ” he is cadaver- obedient like President Trump and we will not have to murder him”. ” Disappearing antisemitism endangers their identity” : or Russia has been bled dry by our consanguineous parasites who took every ruble and emigrated to America , who still has blood , anemic though it is ” .
Little Israel is the sine quo non of impenitent sin : the matrix of pedophilia and extortion and lawlessness ; the holy land of thieves, fornication, blasphemy and white slavery ; sanctuary for all chosen ones fleeing persecution from sabotage, treason, and cabal murders; a nest of conspirators and seed of subversion and war.
Yet, artificially preserved by the delusion of the holycost , the throne of the antichrist is protected and sustained by an elected comprador by the maligned white race , strategically placed ; and the rich churches morbidly deluded exalt Satan with their love gifts and false testimony to preserve the eternal jew as an ungrateful malcontent , who is irreconcilable.
This is the cold and harsh reality…..”Russia has been bled dry by our consanguineous parasites who took every ruble and emigrated to America , who still has blood” The have been sucking America dry for over a century after trickster declaration against Germany…..only with perpetual war can we the chosen control and keep them in check….from Woodrow Wilson on down.
JFK figured them out so he had to be assassinated…..opposing the Military war weapons that Israel brags having developed, partly led to the assassination of Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands….the Bolshevik communist were slick, unleashed the Bolshevik barbarism on Germans and cried victim of Hitler and Nazi Germany when they face retaliation….they fled to America and infected the body politic from top to bottom.
From the comfort of the State and Defense department they can indulge in their imperialist endeavors, plundering the natural resources of non-western countries under the guise of U.S. foreign policy and national security.