A Ukranian Greek-Catholic priest, who was previously a volunteer in the testing of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, has died suddenly in his home — although it is still unclear if the 70-year-old’s death is related to the vaccine:
Fr. John Fields was the Communications and Religious Education Director for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields “has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined.” Fr. Fields turned 70 this year.
Just recently, Fields had participated in the trials of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, after receiving an email from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of August, asking if he wished to “participate in the third and final phase” of the vaccine trial.
The Dialog reports that Fr. Fields had been very eager to participate in the trials, answering “yes” to the email: “It would be a great opportunity to fight this pesky virus that suddenly appeared and wreaked havoc throughout the world, bringing death and disrupting every aspect of our lives.”
He had been approached specifically due to his age, since he was in the age bracket the study team “deemed the higher risk group for the COVID-19 virus.” The first injection he received was on August 31, with the second on October 1.
Despite being asked to record any symptoms following the vaccination, Fr. Fields previously confirmed to The Dialog that he experienced none.
“I think of the researchers, who in only several months, as part of Operation Warp Speed, collectively used their knowledge and wisdom from Almighty God to achieve this medical milestone,” he had said. “I may be able [to] contribute in some small way to the development of an effective vaccine that would help stop this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the fear.”
Father Michael Hutsko, of Sts. Peter and Paul church in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, suggested that Fr. Fields had suffered “an apparent heart attack,” and the vicar general of the Archeparchy confirmed that Fr. Fields “did not have COVID-19.”
Archbishop Boris Gudziak of the Archeparchy said, “In our last conversation before Thanksgiving Father John was in good spirits and seemingly improving in his health.”
It’s strange that this Catholic priest thought that God would help Moderna develop a vaccine that used cell lines from aborted human tissue — a fact that we reported on almost nine months ago.
If anything, his death confirms Hosea 4:6,
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Most of the serious side effects from vaccines do not show up immediately after receiving them — sometimes it can take years for the side effects to begin to show up — or, as in Fields’ case, months later.
Why would this be? Because vaccines are the primary cause of auto-immune diseases in humans and domesticated animals.
Vaccines trick the body into attacking its own tissue — such as the case with autism where the protective myelin sheath around our neurons is attacked and destroyed, causing the nerves to fire in an uncontrolled fashion.
With older patients like this priest, vaccines can often cause strokes — and given his enthusiasm for vaccine witchcraft, he probably “religiously” got his flu shot every year — perhaps he was more obedient to his doctor than to God.
And we know that the churches have become one of the biggest promoters of the vaccines — it is, we are told, our “Christian responsibility” to receive their vaccine sacrament.
No autopsy will be done on Fr. Fields to determine if there is a connection between his death and the Moderna vaccine — that would be time-consuming and expensive — and the results potentially inconvenient.
Eugene Williams
I was thinking as I saw this article, why would a 70 year old Priest be asked to take part in vaccine trails unless it was thought that if the trails resulted in his or other elderly person’s deaths, that no one would take as much notice of it due to their age as they would if it was a young child or adult that someone loved and saw a a loss of their future and life?
Maybe the reason for asking humans to take part in the trails was to quickly get results to prove to the Government that the vaccines were effective on humans rather than use animals over years ,as usually done to get results they want. I’m surprised to see in others homes when I get a glass for water , a cup for coffee, or use a bathroom, the bottles of medicines from drugstores . Doctors do not care about your life style, foods you eat, drinks one consumes, except to get an idea of what drugs to prescribe and figure out what they think is wrong with their patient.
A women told me that she had been given several measles shots as a child until it was shown that she showed the symptoms of reaction to it. A child told to take the combination shots so as to stay in public school showed symptoms of Small pox. This is a business and money making scam. Why would a sensible , alert person, health minded person, having even the smallest idea of health and the slightest idea of what is in the vaccines want them injected into one’s body. I believe that just as the Jews promote sexualality to use , to degrade us spirituality, they are doing the same things with drugs. We are, by allowing them to invade our body by the use of filthy vaccines made of filthy substances such as aborted fetal tissues, penis foreskins as in inferon, the cancer drug , chemicals, other animal products, plants, virus’s of many kinds to destroy us spiritually and gain control over us, physically, mentally and spiritually.
patrizia paige
Pathologists aren’t trained to look for vaccine damage–like all doctors, they are told that vaccines are “safe and effective”, so it would never occur to them that any damaged or diseased tissue would be caused by vaccines.
Basic Boomers believe that vaccines are harmless, that they are just inactivated or “watered down” versions of the virus.
The back half of the Boomers were raised to look at an iron lung and say “There but for the grace of (((Jonas Salk))) go I.”
How can awareness that vaccines contain all sorts of medically questionable (to say the least) nastiness, including baby bits harvested from abortions, be raised?
Sharon Gibbly-Mooney
Did he get an AIDs shot tho?
“Pro-Lifers Arrested For Protesting San Francisco Hospital Transplanting Aborted Baby Organs Into Lab Rats”
“… UCSF has conducted and published numerous studies using the tissue of aborted babies, including some in which fetal intestines and reproductive tracts were transplanted into rodents. UCSF has a history of establishing contracts with abortion providers to keep up their supply of fetal tissue.”
“Revealed: The pandemic’s toll on Jews worldwide” [December 3, 2020]
“Report sheds new light on unusually high mortality rates compared with non-Jews, twice as high as might normally be expected – a trend dubbed the ‘British pattern’ by its authors
It reveals that among the communities to suffer a “significant Jewish penalty” with high mortality rates between March and May this year were England, Scotland, France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and the United States.
According to findings from the Institute for Jewish Policy Research’s (JPR) European Jewish Demography Unit, Jews in these countries showed unusually high mortality rates compared with non-Jews, twice as high as might normally be expected – a trend dubbed the “British pattern” by the report’s authors.
Here in the UK, communities in London, Manchester and Scotland were particularly affected. As of last week there have been 570 Jewish funerals carried out in the UK where the deceased contracted Covid-19.
However, the study, the first to draw on data from Jewish burial societies worldwide, found no common pattern among populations in different countries.” …..
[Chart]: Comparison of deaths for Jews and non-Jews in 2020, and the previous years
However, they do consider the possibility Jewish networks could have facilitated the spread of infections, as higher mortality “may have been enhanced by intense social contact”.
The report adds that there is only “limited understanding” of the effect regular synagogue attendance and Purim festival celebrations had at the very start of the coronavirus outbreak.”
Rabbi Glickman
Oy gevalt! We must put G-d on trial again, like we did at Auschwitz, and judge Him guilty for His crimes against His beloved ones!
Missouri Confederate
If you obey the Law ( Torah )… you wouldn’t get vaccinated as it is ritually impure therefore , it violates the laws of YHWY . The law still applies for the lost sheep of the House of Jacob Israel .. aka the White Race. If you obey YHWY law you are blessed and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. If you don’t you are cursed . Yeshua didn’t c ome to destroy the Prophets are the law.
You are correct, but grossly wrong on one key point!
No where in Torah does it mention color, however it is VERY clear who the people of the book really are and its not the seed of Japheth!
John 3
This is incorrect. All Scriptural evidence indicates Adam was created a White man. Evidently the various “colored” types were created before Adam. The name “ADAM” (aw-dawm’) in Hebrew means a “ruddy human being” (Strong’s O.T. #120). It is derived from Strong’s O.T. #119— ADAM (aw-dam’), which means “to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy.” Only the white race has the characteristic of blushing or showing blood in the face or skin.
Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls: “…Her skin was pure white…”
Description of Sarah from the Genesis Apocryphon: “…How fair are her breasts and how beautiful all her whiteness!…”
A mosaic from Huqoq in Palestine depicting the meeting of Alexander the Great and the Judaeans. Note that the Judaeans are depicted as blonde and with no apparent dissimilarity to the Hellenes opposite them.
1 Samuel 17:42:
“And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance…”
Solomon 5:10:
“My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand…”
Lamentations 4:7:
“Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies…”
Isaiah 29:22:
“Therefore thus saith God, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.”
1Samuel 16:12:
“So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And God said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.””
Psalm 51:7:
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”
Rabbi Glickman
A dear friend of mine, a rabbi, got Covid, or they think it may have been Covid, no one knows for sure…. Anyway, you will be happy to know he made a FULL RECOVERY!
Truly, G-d still showers miracles on His people. L’chaim!
I Dunno
The radio shrink “Doctor Toni Grant [Glickman]” died not too long ago- from dementia. Was she related to dr. demento?
Rabbi Glickman
Stop worrying your pretty little head. The vaccine is made using only aborted gentiles.
A Rabbi would be one to know about that, Rabbi Glickman.
“Abortion has pretty wide support among Jews in this country and various Jewish organizations in the U.S. are openly and unashamedly pro abortion, organizations such as:
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
B’nai B’rith Women
Central Conference of American Rabbis [Reform]
Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations
Hadassah Women
Jewish Labor Committee
Na’amat USA
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods [Reform]
National Council of Jewish Women
New Jewish Agenda
North American Temple Youth
Rabbinical Assembly Union of American Hebrew Congregations [Reform]
United Synagogues of America [Conservative]
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
Many Jewish doctors as well as non-professional men and women are vastly overrepresented among American proponents of abortion on demand. Here is but a partial list:
All four original organizers of the most influential group of abortion pushers in the United States — the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) — were of Jewish birth
Dr. Christopher Tietze worked for the Population Institute and International Planned Parenthood Federation, and did more to promote the worldwide slaughter of innocent unborn children than any other person.
Dr. Alan Guttmacher was president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for more than a decade, founded Planned Parenthood Physicians, and did more than any other doctor to promote abortion in this country. He also advocated mandatory abortion and sterilization for certain groups in the United States.
Dr. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, inventor of the RU-486 abortion pill, was born in 1926 to a physician named Leon Blum. He changed his name in 1942.
Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich is the ‘father’ of the overpopulation myth. His ‘work,’ The Population Bomb, was the ’spark’ that ignited the anti-natalist movement.
Lawrence Lader, (New York University professor and co-founder of NARAL) king of the abortion propagandists, has written several books crammed with fabrications and outright lies that have helped advance abortion all around the world… Lader was quoted 11 times in Roe v. Wade, because he had a message that the Justices wanted to hear. (In the same decision, testimony from the world’s leading fetologist, Dr. A. W. Liley, was totally ignored because it decisively undercut the Court’s decision)… Lader also founded Abortion Rights Mobilization (ARM), which sued the Internal Revenue Service in court in a failed attempt to get the tax-exempt status of the Catholic Church revoked for opposing abortion too effectively. He also was one of the leading proponents of the abortion pill RU-486.”
Rabbi Glickman
It’s perfectly alright to lie, swindle and finagle – provided it’s for a holy cause. L’chaim!
Tragic. but not a surprise. People die form vaccines all the time. The jesuits are responsible for the global vaccine fraud. They started it with jenner and have perpetuated every since.
Another one
Yes, (((Jesuits))):
I always get a chuckle out of “new” commenters here! I wish they would first read the guts of CFT before they comment. Cracks me up. 🙂
BUT………..people are finding CFT so that is great news!
I hope and pray Bob sticks around.
Rabbi Glickman
Yes, it’s the Jesuits. Always! Never… EVER… the Jews.
I’m going to talk to Bibi about giving you a raise.
Stupid, and natural selection does its job
This is consistent with the church beneath the state. Maybe the church will canonize Father John . Although then so many many little animals should receive the same affection.
Keep in mind, vaccines are made to deify the physician . The jew Salk lauded to the skies for the first polio vaccine that killed and caused paralysis in many first killed 10,000 innocent monkeys to achieve his goal.
This flu is at worst an average flu. It will not kill you . The vaccine kills, if not months or years later. Cancer requires time. If one wears a mask, he will accept the unnecessary vaccine. The monsters behind this are against God and antiChrist. Need one say more?
correction. No vaccines are meant to work but deify the physician.