Here we have an interview with Ephraim Kaye, a director at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel — using classic Orwellian double-think — in which he attempts to explain how the complete lack of physical evidence to support the official Holocaust narrative is actually proof that the Holocaust happened.
In essence, he’s admitting that Holocaust denial is completely rational — this complete lack of physical evidence requires a extraordinary leap of faith to believe it happened — and yet they have thrown many people in jail — and continue to do so — for not going along with Kaye’s implausible explanation as to why there is no evidence to support this event — which Kaye himself describes as “unbelievable“.
In Kaye’s own words:
Essentially, Holocaust denial is part and parcel of the history of the Holocaust itself — as the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews during World War II.
And what do I mean? I’m going to give you a few examples. The most glaring, blatant example is the largest death camp — Auschwitz-Birkenau — or Auschwitz II as the Germans called it — where — this is a death camp — that began its killing operations in March 1942 and to continue to murder people until November 1944 when the facility was closed down because the Russians were getting too close.
During that two and a half years, it’s anywhere between 1.2 and 1.4 million people were murdered — 90% were Jews — and the chilling fact is when you come back and you visit that facility today — having been there 18, 19 times with different groups — IDF officers — educators — and you walk around the camp, which geographically is a tremendous area — it had 60,000 permanent prisoners at any given time — and you walk around and you look for the physical evidence of the destruction of 1.2 to 1.4 million people — what’s distressing, and depressing is that you really don’t find it.
You don’t find the mountains of clothing of victims that arrived there. You don’t find mountains of ashes and bones — it was taken in trucks and dumped in the Vistula (River) or the swamp around Auschwitz. You don’t see the actual buildings of the crematoria or gas chambers — they were blown up by the Germans before they retreat in 1945.
And so you come to a death camp facility, and essentially you walk away to think something very sterile — you don’t actually see with your own eyes — hands, smell, touch — the actual destruction process.
If I go take you back to a place called Treblinka — one of the small death camps — where between the 22nd of July, 1942 and the 2nd of August 1943 — it’s estimated that 900,000 Jews were murdered in those 13 months at Treblinka. And you go back and visit this death camp — unbelievable — there is nothing there — well, there is something there today. In 1960, the Polish government created a very moving memorial of 17,000 stones that they dispersed in the entire area where the camp originally was. And on the stones they engraved the names of Jewish communities that were sent to Treblinka and destroyed there.
But when you look for physical evidence, there’s nothing there — because before that camp was closed down — by the way because of a Jewish prisoner revolt on the 2nd of August, 1943 — but in the Spring of 1943, there were no crematoria at Treblinka — there were gas chambers — bodies were buried in tremendous deep graves that were dug by steam shovels — at Treblinka. Himmler gave an order to dig everything up — destroy everything — and disperse it in the entire area — which was done — and Jewish prisoners had to do this work. And so a person visits today Treblinka and sees nothing. A person visits Belzec or Chelmno, or Sobibor and the same thing — hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in those death camps, and you can’t see anything.
Beyond that, if I go back to places where shooting operations took place — not gassing operations — places like Babi Yar where we know there were 30,000 Jews were murdered there in the end of September, 1941 — all together close to 60.000 Jews in ’41 and ’42 were murdered in Babi Yar — and you go back there and you dig it up, you should find some physical evidence — bodies, bones, something — that doesn’t disappear — it’s not there because it was all dug up by a special, top secret operation commanded by SS Paul Blobel, called 1005 — personally created by Himmler in the Spring of 1942.
Think about that — the Germans at their height of military superiority in 1942, and they decide to go back and to clean up the mess they made. They went back to Babi Yar. They went back to the Rumbula Forest near Riga. They went back to the seventh and ninth fort near Kovna. They went back to Ponary near Vilna where tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered in ’41 and ’42. They dug it up — cleaned it out — disappeared.
As we have previously reported, at the alleged height of the killing operation in 1943 — the Jewish press published a cover story explaining why there would be no physical evidence of any mass murders of Jews at the end of the war.
In other words, the Jews had already to committed to the “Holocaust” narrative so as to justify the establishment of Israel — but because they made it all up — with the help of Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Ben Hecht — there wasn’t going to be any physical evidence to support such a far-fetched scenario.
Even leading Zionists like Rabbi Stephen Wise and Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter didn’t initially believe any of the Jewish-generated atrocity propaganda.
But they created a serious credibility problem — why would the uber-rational and efficient Germans at the height of their strength — believing that they would probably win the war and have nothing to hide — waste valuable man power and material support to hide the evidence of mass murder?
It makes no sense, and the Jews know it — but instead of admitting the obvious, they double down on this absurdity.
Both Auschwitz and Treblinka were built in swampy areas where the water table was very high — if you attempted to dig a mass grave, as Ephraim Kaye contends, it would immediately fill with water.
And if the Germans merely threw millions of tons of clothing into the Vistula River, that evidence could easily be dredged up today — but never has been because it isn’t there.
Just like they won’t dredge the Danube River for the alleged tens of thousands of shoes to confirm the mass murder of Jews in Hungary — because it never happened.
And there is no evidence of mass murder at Treblinka for a very simple reason — it was a transit camp, not a “death camp” with “gas chambers”.
According to these ridiculous Jewish “eye witnesses,” the Germans used a diesel-powered submarine engine from a Soviet submarine to gas the Jews at Treblinka — but they didn’t realize that diesel exhaust is not poisonous enough to kill people in “gas chambers” — or anywhere.
Watch the brilliant documentary “One-Third Of The Holocaust,” which completely dismantles and destroys any notion that Treblink, Belzec, and Sobibor were “death camps” with “gas chambers” — or that the Germans could have “cleaned up” the mess there.
There is no physical evidence of the Holocaust for a very simple, common sense reason — it didn’t happen.
And why is this important for Christians to understand?
The Jews are using this fake Holocaust narrative to replace the suffering of Christ on the cross with the suffering of the Jews at the hands of Christians in “death camps” — so that we “repent” of our Christian “antisemitism” and worship the anti-Christ Jews instead of Christ.
Watch the interview with Ephraim Kaye here on Bitchute.
Never forget. The Holocaust is the ONLY event in human history to be propagated solely on ‘witness testimony’…
Bernard Douglas Cook
The Armenian Genocide was in 1915, approximately 30 years prior to the “holocaust” and cameras were still relatively new. If you Google search “Armenian Genocide”, and look at the pictures, you will see very graphic photos of piles of bones and bodies, crucified women and children, Turks holding up the severed heads of Armenians, etc. as well as many documents from Turkish officials giving orders to exterminate the Armenians and letters from Henry Morgenthau writing to U.S. officials what was happening to the Armenians.
Yet the “holocaust” 30 years later, you cannot find a single photo or document of anything remotely close to that. What’s even more mind blowing is the fact that Israel is one of the only nations left that will not acknowledge the genocide as being a genocide.
For a group of people that supposedly went through a similar experience as the Armenians, you would think they would recognize the Genocide. The reason they won’t acknowledge it is because the leaders of the Young Turks that were behind the Armenian Genocide were all Jews.
Here’s a pretty good interview with a historian that discusses it in full detail. The first minute or two for the introduction is in Armenian but the full interview is in english.
King Canute
Recently I watched this programme about landscape archeologists being able to to discover pits at Stonehenge over 10,000 years old even though there was no physical ariel evidence of their existence in the modern landscape. They used some geophysical gizzmo to workout what’s under the surface from soil disturbance.
So if they can now be certain where a hole was dug in the Mesolithic era, then surely they can give be even more certainty about buildings that existed and were then blown up: or burial pits where bodies were buried and dug up a mere 80 years ago.?
Bernard Douglas Cook
Yes, you’re right, in fact there was an investigation where ground imaging radar was employed, finding no evidence of any large number of bodies being buried, another investigation was employed by those who believe it was a death factory, to try & find evidence the bodies, they too were unsuccessful. When other groups have tried to get permission to excavate the site, the lead rabbit for that area, refused to allow it, Polish officials deferred to Jewish religious leaders since it was purportedly a Jewish graveyard.
Judaism, especially the Sabbatean Frankists Kabbalah Messianic version, is predicated upon “Trying the patience of Man and God”
I Love the Lord Jesus Christ
I am so glad and grateful to have found this site. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior in early May 2014, and have my eyes ever been opened.
These Jews (falsely so-called) are the Synagogue of Satan our Lord spoke of. Rabbinical Judaism endorses pedophilia, pornography, and enslavement of gentiles. I’ve known quite a few throughout my life and without exception, every single one of them were atheists and narcissists. I bought into the lie of the Holocaust, and then I started doing my own research because the sheer numbers supposedly gassed seemed way too high. Then I read the Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and a light bulb went off in my head. It’s a very well-researched book supported by facts and plenty of documentation.
Thank you for everything you do and stay strong in Christ!
Michael Brownhill
You should check out Marching to Zion by Pastor Steven Anderson. It’s a great movie exposing the fraud of the state of Israel
The lack of evidence proves that European Jews started the trans-Atlantic slave-trade too. Jews have been an integral part of European life for centuries so, claiming the holier than thou victim status is not flying in my world. Only the ignorant and serverly indoctrinated will drink the anti-Christian Marxist cool-aid that Jews are victim of White Christians, not the mention WWII and the nauseating culture of victimhood. Bolshevik communist slaughtering of Christians was a Jewish supremacist affair too…that’s why nobody talks about it.
Dangling Israelis
You have your own entire country now. Stop complaining and move to your “jewtopia” and live happily ever after. It works for the entire world. Nope. You won’t. Got to keep up appearances and the victim card forever.
“See this? This is sand. Know what it’s going to be in a million years? It’s going to be f**ing sand!” – Kinnison
the polish government “revised” the # of deaths at auschwitz from 4 million to 1 million. and zionists still claim 6 million. i read that jews misinterpret the torah to say they can’t return to israel until they are “minus 6 million”.
p.s. the polish government’s “revision” of 1 million still is an absurd exaggeration.
p.p.s. 1 of the purposes of holocaust propaganda is to draw attention away from the dozens of millions of russian & eastern european christians who were murdered by jewish bolsheviks.
CCP Dragon
M. Phagan
Jews have caused more killings on this planet then any other religious or ethnic group because of who they are. They gave birth to communism and still pursue it, they love all wars as long as they don’t fight or die in them. They are into every evil imaginable if there is shekels to be made, a vile and satanic evil people.
The jew indicts the world of something that did not occur with evidence that it invented against people who deny both. The explanation is ……… A-N-T-I-S-E-M-I-T-I-S-M! This was invented by the same , who accuse the whole world . ”
If you will not believe our gospel then you are guilty of the worse crime of antisemitism”! Just jew sophistry insulting anyone vulnerable enough to listen or read. Are they becoming desperate or just watering their garden of weeds? Is their audience or victims dwindling? They can always return to the sanctuary of congress — without exception apostles , who never deny their god.
Nicholas Keesing
I’m a man of both jewish extraction–house of levi–and goyim, my dad is jewish, but not my mother.
I’m pretty sure that the so-called “death camps” were in fact forced labour camps primarily, similar to the gulags, rather than abattoirs per se – Arbeit Macht Frei etc still hideous examples of what humans do to one another, but there was no organised jewish soap manufacture etc.
I view with dismay the overwhelming jewish control of world banking, 90%+ of billionaires are jews, wtf?!! They seem to control media, entertainment industry world wide.
I loathe zionism, and have a suspicion that certain well-placed jews consider whites ‘Amalek’, and despise those that think of anyone not jewish as “goyim” or their servants they need work camps those ones to teach them a lesson – honest hard work will teach them to respect the working classes.
This ‘battle’ has been waged for thousands of years pograms etc.
The book fictional best-selling novel “Exodus”, for example, justifying the creation of Israel is little more than a heavily slanted disgraceful apologia for the UN decision, people lap up this narrative and more modern examples in the absence of any other. It took me half a lifetime to shake myself clear of the illusion, ironically my discriminating intellect comes from that side of my family haha.
I have a suspicion also that anyone who tries to divorce the European from their banking system or even discusses such, gets shafted.
I’m into meritocracy only and have noticed that jews who are Judaic, etc, have a peculiar mindset when discussing these issues, they close ranks.
Bugger being anyone’s race-based slave ay, we are all equal under the eyes of god
dDamn that bloody chosenite hogwash and damn white supremacists too, I’m into euro-centric supremacy, a different thing – Italians and greeks aint aryans lol
kindest regards
Orthodox Realist
Funny how even the most “based” jew can’t help but sow a seed of division along the way.
LOL! My thoughts exactly, Orthodox Realist!
It is engrained in their blood it seems – lol
Solitarius Electrum
Indeed, the bible mentions Egypt about 800 times, but, for “some strange reason” egypt totally forgot to mention IS(is)GODDESS)RA(SUN GOD)EL(SUN GOD) at all, no mention of slaves, nothing.
Because there was never 12 tribes of Israel, only twelve signs of the zodiac.
Solitarius has no idea what he is talking about. Not only are there inscriptions in Egypt describing the reign of Joseph, but also Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream. Egyptian coins have been discovered with Joseph’s name and portrait. Yes, there are records of the Israelites in Egypt.
Solitarius Electrum
Oddly, the stories of jesus and joseph are very similar……betrayed for 20 pieces of silver in one, 30 in another, plagerism much? you can decipher for yourself whatever that means.
As for “inscriptions”, most of that has been proven to be forgery, like the Dead Sea scrolls, or any historical account of jesus for that matter, like josephus(uh oh, brace for impact) and that’s not to say that there weren’t already people in that region, you had the Canaanites,(of which Judaism origin lies, and the word cannabilsm, nice people, lol) Palestinians and the Bedouins, who indeed have cultural cross reference accounts.
All in all, it’s just another fairy tale, like the holocaust, and numerous other things surrounding the founding of IS(IS)RA-EL. For crying out loud these people running the Zionist movement are whiter than I am and im pale as ****, yet they call themselves “jewish”, hah! Then who are the Palestinians? In the stories of jesus his parents would have been of the original people that lived there, and that’s the Palestinians and it’s well documented. That would mean jesus is Palestinian. And isis ra el doesn’t exactly treat the family of jesus very well, and how much of our taxes go towards this butchering?
Feel very comfortable with this Israel hoax yet? Oh that’s right the poor poor israelites pushed 20 ton rock 15 miles on sand lubricated with milk to build the pyramids….hah! Hilarious
Well, I wonder if this will survive moderation, I’ve stayed civil, but considering the hot topic at hand………peace be with you, and follow the way.
“…..peace be with you, and follow the way………”
Why don’t you go ahead and promote your blog/website. I really don’t want you to explain “the way” here on this forum.
But go ahead……………promote your stuff. I’m sure the moderators will allow it through. Can’t wait to hear about “the way”.
Curious Solitarius Electrum……………how did you find this website?
Oh, itll survive moderation SE – we all need a laugh occasionally. Clowns like you often provide it.
Solitarius Electrum
Also the Pharoah’s vision is of astrological origin….7(as in the 7th planet, in ancient times, saturn). It takes 28 years for the planet of the harvest to go around the zodiac, and is divided into 4 sections for a Saturn return. 7+7+7+7=28, when the lord of karma reaps what you’ve shown, “for you have sown the wind, you shall reap the whirlwind”, “when the plough man catches up with the reaper”.
Astrotheology 101, I reccomend it for you, the holocaust hoax is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes Zionist lies.
Solitarius Electrum
“The Way”, as in “I am the way, s d the truth, and the life” john 14-6, yunno jesus says not to be adversarial.
No website
And, how did I find this site? Same way I find everything.
“…..And, how did I find this site? Same way I find everything……”
Ok…………….so, did God send you here to Edify; or tear down?
You come here to rightly denounce the jew. Good. But then you also are trying to tear down the idea that the White Anglo Saxon peoples of the world are NOT Israelites/Adamites.
Don’t think that will fly here. You might be wasting your time.
Greeks created the basis of european philosophy.
if not aryans , what then? gipsies?
A well-written, to-the-point article. The only thing I can echo is…IT JUST DIDN’T HAPPEN. A big thank you, CFT.
Rick Palfery
Things that make you go hmmm. Sounds very much like 911 cover up stories introduced to counter truths. This is the first time I have heard that German’s called in the cleaners. Over 2 decades ago, the late Frederick Tobin of Adelaide institute actually dug up the areas where mass bodies were recorded to have been buried and found nothing. He also used electronic sensing equipment that measured down tens of metres and discovered that the earth had not ever, ever been disturbed. For revealing this, he was imprisoned.
Do you have the article for this…interesting and sad if true
Revisionist Al
Here’s an article about a team from Australia that used GPR, ground penetrating radar, at Treblinka, and found NO evidence of any mass graves or disturbances of the ground that would indicate it had been dug up at any time:
The Nazis must go down as the most incompetent mass murderers who ever lived, given how many Jews emerged from the Holocaust physically and mentally intact. And what happened to all the Jews who were experimented on? Did every last one of them die or were they spirited away by extraterrestrials? The History Channel wants to know.
William H
The (Ashke)NAZIs were all Jews, doing what they always do, leading goyem to slaughter each other for fun and profit.
Any idiot who believes the first three versions of so called history “facts” is just another dupe ignorantly promoting one of several lies.
If they dont get you with story 1? They scrape you up with version 2 or 3.
Study history, genetics and human behavior long enough and even bible faves “christians” honor, like Abram are revealed to be an unending train of usurious bankers who repeatedly pimp out theit wives for gain. Isaac followed daddy’s footsteps, and all the other greats like David, were criminals selfish, murderous adulterers.
I challenge anyone to find a single bible personality who is not an example of hypocrisy.
For som strange reason all the holocaust survivors seem to be intact and non-injured!
The “holocaust” is Insurance Fraud.
If you apply for a disability claim from an insurance company or, especially, the government, you have to PROVE you have been injured, REPEATEDLY. The insurance companies and government do not just “take your word for it” and never question you again.
Israel SOLD the Holocaust for Political Leverage and Monetary Reparations, Israel itself opened the Holocaust up to questioning when they SOLD it. Israel FEARS the TRUTH about the NON-holoCOST because the MONEY would dry up, or WORSE have to be RETURNED.
“If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?” Those must have been HEALTH CAMPS.
Someone with an actuarial chart should track back and see just HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU HAVE TO START OUT WITH, in order to have 600,000+ survivors 70+ YEARS LATER. And where do they get off with this “I survived 4-5-6 DEATH CAMPS” !? Seems to me those “notoriously efficient” Nazis were pretty sloppy, There had to be one heck of a LOT of “survivors” to begin with in 1945.
“In an authoritative study, Leonard Dinnerstein reported: Sixty thousand Jews.. walked out of the concentration camps. Within a week more than 20,000 of them had died.”. But ‘As it entered into negotiations with Germany [just two years ago, in 1999], the Holocaust industry demanded compensation for 135,000 still living former (camp inmates).”
On page 83 he notes that “The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of “living Holocaust survivors” at nearly a million.”
On page 127, he further notes “If 135,000 former Jewish slave laborers are still alive today, some 600,000 must have survived the war. That’s at least a half-million more than standard estimates… If Jews only constituted 20% of the surviving camp population and, as the Holocaust industry implies, 600,000 Jewish inmates survived the war, then fully 3 million inmates in total must have survived. By the Holocaust industry’s reckoning, concentration camp conditions couldn’t have been that harsh at all; in fact, one must suppose a remarkably high fertility and remarkably low mortality rate… If, as the Holocaust industry suggests, many hundreds of thousands of Jews survived, the Final Solution couldn’t have been so efficient after all – exactly what Holocaust deniers argue.” (pp127-8).”
They weren’t ‘banking’ on us to be able to count the lies whilst they count the money. In all accounts they manage to reach in the far darkest regions of their brain mass to pick the continual freemasonry number 6. That’s the ticket.
One day soon the entire house of cards of this hoax will fall. The situation in the 30s and before was far more complex than a “holocaust.” And yes, there is not much evidence. But conclusive evidence of millions of dead from Stalin’s policies. And Millions more from Mao’s Red Guard. And several million from Pol Pot.
Therefore, why is the “holocaust” more exalted? And where is the evidence? Sometimes very smart people (and Ashkenazi Jews are very smart) are really what I call “evil geniuses”.
They realize that they are so much smarter than most of the rest of humanity that they can manipulate and swindle them. They are too dumb to figure it out. I have seen this specifically in my personal life and I see this in this ridiculous “holocaust” hoax. It’s clear.
Nunn B.
No, the Jews are not “smarter than most” — their “advantage” is that they do not have morals or ethics that stop them from blatantly taking advantage of those who are more trusting. It’s in their “holy” book the Talmud, which is nothing more than a manual for organized crime on how to lie, cheat and steal from the goyim with moral impunity–and the Holocaust is one of the greatest and most lucrative con games the world has ever seen — second only to their “central banks” that allow them to print all the money they want and charge the goyim interest on it.
I knew that was some twisted psychological ploy in there somewhere.
What's His Face
All common sense and logic is expected to go out the door by this propagandist.
The lack of evidence is so compelling, that it proves it happened.
So, learn to use the web and go with a source that doesn’t wear a beanie hat. Such as: The German govt., the US Army, First-hand survivor accounts, and if that’s not enough then go take the tour yourself. Third-hand information=not good enough. Bad Things went on in Big Two, and a lot of people died, some 70 million or so, directly and indirectly. Many were Russian. Can we let the dead rest, now?
Solitarius Electrum
US army=known liars
Any government=liars absolutely
First hand accounts? From where? The tv? With perfectly cued lines and a horrified victim that knows camera etiquette and knows to not break the 4th wall and always displays signs of the Alexander technique, training they give actors?
Yeah, I’ve met Eli weaselwords, and he’s very convincing trust me…
But the bottom line is this…if this “burnt offering” lasted from 1941 to 1945, and 6 million were killed….that’s a jew located, arrested, taken to a staging area, put on a bus, taken down to the train station, shipped off to the camp, unloaded, stripped of clothes, cleaned up, given new clothes, shaved, led down to the showering station, gassed, dragged out, carted to crematory, burned, and ashes disposed of, EVERY 30 SECONDS!!!!!!! With no breaks, 24/7, in a middle of a war.
All in facilities that had housing hospitals and recreation areas…
That right there is what ya call, a big whopper. First hand accounts be damned. The math cannot be explained….
Jewish David Cole says otherwise.
Then the earth must surely be flat seeing that there’s like zero testable & credible evidence that it is
You are animals not to believe this. I personally heard from a friend whose aunt saw a PBS special about the Holocaust. There was a boy who was born in a gas chamber, then they tried to masturbate him to death but he walked backwards across the electric floor and was able to escape into the cage with an eagle and a bear. Of course this was after they cut off all his hair to make submarine rope. Then he caught typhus and was cured by Dr. Mengele in front of the Wall of Eyes. There, he had to swallow his poop diamonds again, then he was able to sneak past the maternity ward and almost fell into the swimming pool next to the soccer fields. Then he passed through the trees where Jews were made to climb the trees and crow like roosters while the evil Aryans chopped the trees down.
If you don’t believe this obviously true and believable tale, then you’re an evil White Supremacist.
Patrick White
I believe every word. I have the souvenir lampshade and matching skateboard.
You forgot the part where the kid escapes the camp and is raised by the wolves in the forest.
You hit an excellent compilation of the “death camp survivors” accounts, I love it.
The questions never asked, about the event that never happened;
1) Why did the Germans build scores of nice 2 story brick building at Auschwitz if they planned to kill ’em all?
2) Why did the Germans build a nice hospital? And especially, why waste effort, and precious food, water, medicine, ZyklonB, to murder the Jews?
3) Why not just build a massive football size open air enclosure, ringed by two layers of barbed wire, cram them all in there, and just let them die from hunger and exposure? Cheap, easy. and quick.
Just ask General Dwight Eisenhower, who did exactly that to millions of German prisoners of war, after Germany surrendered. Google Eisenhower’s Death Camps, and see how the Americans out-efficiented the supposedly uber-efficient Germans!
Yes, why go to all that trouble. Doesn’t make any sense. And bullets would have been so much easier too.
Sam J.
TV movie!
Solitarius Electrum
Berglander, that’s hilarious. Felt I needed to say that….
Patrick White
This grisly nonsense amounts to nothing more resonant than the biggest life insurance scam in history.
That is ALL that Jews will ever be remembered for – leeching off their fellow humans.
Thanks CFT God why do so many hide from the truth and facts please make them listen and understand about those who call themselves jews .
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I always had a hard time with the numbers. If Auschwitz was in operation for 33 months total it would mean that 42,000+ people per month would be killed. This is assuming the alleged 1.4 million total victims. That would mean that 1400+ people per day, every day, would die. This is a mathematical impossibility given the number of retorts, the amount of fuel required to burn that many bodies, and the fact that crematories must be shut down for repairs. As David Irving once said “The battleship Auschwitz is sinking”. Good riddance.
Note: Never let your kids be exposed to this ridiculous propaganda.
When my kids were around six and seven, they asked me about this “Holocaust” they’d heard about in school, and I said, “Well, they say that 6 million people were killed and completely disappeared in only 2 1/2 years without a trace. Does that sound believable to you?” Both of my children said, “No.” Now whenever they hear it mentioned, they scoff at it, and make fun of it, but fully grown adults still fall for it. That’s what’s unbelievable.
In the Rwandan massacres in the 1990s, somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million were killed in 13 weeks. This was done without a network of “death camps” gas chambers and crematoria. Yet we are to believe the Germans, who came nowhere near this rate of killing even by the most outrageous claims of Holocaustians, were unable to match the Rwandans despite all their planning and infrastructure and intentions to exterminate all jews?
There is no such document that proves the Germans had any intention to exterminate the Jews, and that’s according to the testimony of Raul Hilberg, one of the leading “Holocaust” historians.
Of course, unlike the Jews, we have the physical evidence of the Rwandan massacres — the mass graves are real, and no one has ever disputed the massacres. There have NEVER been ANY — confirmed by exhumation — mass graves of Jews found from WWII. Nice try
Hitler wanted them out of Germany. Not murdered. He arranged to assist Jews in leaving Germany for Palestine, including their wealth, in a cooperative effort with the Zionists,beginning in 1933 and for nearly 10 years, the Transfer Agreement was available and was used by 100’s of thousands. It was only when war was declared that this stopped, and the remaining Jews were rounded up and moved into the ghettos set aside for them.
Google the Transfer Agreement, or the Haavara Agreement
The two situations can’t be compared apples to apples. The Rwandan genocide did not occur in camps, it took place across the country. The killing was widespread and out of control, not in an orderly systematic fashion as alleged in Germany. The bombs that exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed a lot of people in just a few minutes. You can’t compare those deaths to those who died in Rwanda or even Cambodia. Each situation is different and must be examined on its own merits.
But if its jews merits ? they have none . But their holy book does say to lie, deceive , steel , kill , rape, to all other peoples .
The point I was trying to make is, If the Germans were intent on exterminating jews, how could Rawandans kill people at far higher rates without any death camps? Since when is any African more efficient than a German?
I’m not going to waste any more time on you, but I will say this much. In case you didn’t notice the Germans were fighting a bloody two front war in Europe and also battling in North Africa. The Germans had their hands full and were preoccupied with winning a war. Their resources were spread thin. That was the reason for the work camps in the first place.
William H
The numbers promoted in Rwamda death totals were told to you by exactly who again?
Hmmm, the press has never ever lied about amything before, must be a fact this time too right?
Here is some sound info, TV watching induces a semi hypnotic highly suggestive shift in brainwaves in less than 30 seconds for habitual watchers, or less than 3 minutes for non addicted users.
Which one are you?