(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Despite the fact that Latvia’s Jews betrayed the Latvian people to the Soviet invaders in 1940 — leading to untold cruelty, butchery, and mass murder — the Latvian parliament nevertheless has voted to pay $46 million to the country’s Jewish community for property that was allegedly stolen from it during the “Holocaust” from individuals with no surviving legal heirs:
The Holocaust restitution law passed last week by the Saeima, Latvia’s parliament, in Riga states that the country is not to blame for the Holocaust or the theft, which the law states was conducted by the Nazis and later by the communists who replaced them as rulers of Latvia. Rather than reparations, the law refers to the payment as a form of “goodwill compensation,” according to the LETA news agency. The compensation voted on last week will be paid in annual increments of $4.6 million from the state budget to the Jewish community until 2032.
Jewish groups have been lobbying for the compensation of communal-owned assets in Latvia since 1992. Claims for restitution of private-owned property have been largely denied in Latvia, according to the World Jewish Restitution Organization, an organization dedicated to the restitution of Jewish property in Europe.
Of the 70,000 Jews who were living inside modern-day Latvia when the Germans invaded in 1941, only 200 survived, according to Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum. Locals, including Latvian police, played a key role in the genocide, according to the museum, forming armed groups to attack local Jews, whom they believed were collaborating with communists.
As in other Eastern European countries, Latvia’s government has protested claims that its predecessors and population were partially responsible for the Holocaust. Many Latvians view their country, despite strong support for the Nazis during the war years, as a victim of Adolf Hitler’s occupation. Hundreds of Latvians served in special battalions of the Nazis’ SS elite military force. The veterans of that unit hold annual marches in Riga, which are the only SS veteran marches in the world.
What happened in Latvia during World War II is yet another example of the Russian proverb, “The Jew tells you what happened to him but never tells you why,” and the Polish proverb, “The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”
In 1940 the Jews of Latvia betrayed the Christian Latvians to their Soviet-Bolshevik invading compatriots and co-ethnics in what can only be described as an audacious stab in the back.
The book Latvia: Year of Horror 1940 explains the true history of the Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik mass murder:
Latvia’s terror started at once with the mass arrests, murders and/or deportations of its leaders to far regents of Bolshevik Russia, as revolutionary criminals were released from Latvian prisons, to assist the Red Army and replace the slain and deported in their positions. It followed later with thousands of Latvians being arrested without warrant, loaded onto railway freight carriages and deported to the far east to join their leaders in frost-bitten death camps, or they were just outright murdered in their homeland. This left the blood-soaked nation leaderless — until the onset of the preemptive German mobilization of Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet aggression toward the west — who arrived in Latvia on Sunday June 22, 1941 and, finally arrived at Riga on July 1, 1941. They were welcomed as Liberators by the Latvian people, who then turned their suffering into revenge against many of the Jewish occupiers….but they are now referred to as ‘Pro-Nazi Sympathisers and Collaborators’ by the victors.
What the Jews did in Latvia is the same modus operandi they used in Poland in 1939, orchestrating the slaughter of ethnic Germans in the Danzig Corridor — which ultimately caused the Germans to invade to put a stop to it.
Latvia: Year of Horror 1940 — if you can stomach it — graphically details the utter blood-thirsty savagery of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Latvia — with plenty of rare — and never-seen-before photos — of the killing fields.
And as this book rightly points out, the Germans were welcomed by the Latvians as liberating heroes — who spared them from further murder and cruelty under the Jewish Bolsheviks.
Under these circumstances, it would be patently absurd for the Latvians not to help the Germans rout out these Jewish traitors who had sold out their people to the Soviet butchers.
And for this act of self-preservation and justice, the Jews have demanded millions in compensation for the last 30 years — since the fall of communism in 1992 — because they knew they’d never get one red cent out of the communists who understood the cynical game the Jews played.
Declassified documents from the British Information Ministry reveal that the Jews fabricated the “Holocaust” genocide accusations against the Germans to cover up — and distract the public from — their own butchery and mass murder under the fog of war — Latvia and the Katyn Forest Massacre are prime examples of this.
And whatever mass killings were done in the Ukraine — such as at Babi Yar — were certainly orchestrated by the Bolshevik butchers — not the German liberators.
Did the Germans kill Jews who collaborated with the invading Soviet armies? Most certainly. But these collaborators proved to be enemy combatants who were a threat to the German armies.
80 years later — and nothing has changed — the defeat of the National Socialists ensured that the world would be safe for the Bolshevik mass murderers — and that their crimes would be covered up and blamed on the defeated Germans.
Not one communist mass murderer — especially a Jewish communist — has ever been arrested, held accountable, charged, or jailed — instead they’ve retired in style in Israel or America living off of “Holocaust reparation” checks courtesy of the German taxpayers.
Jews in Christian nations are still selling out their host populations to their Bolshevik overlords — Lord Rothschild, Lord Goldman, and Lord Sachs — and no one dares mention it.
They can’t even leave tiny Latvia alone. The never-ending money grab by the jewish bottom feeders is getting really old. They seem to think every single piece of art, jewelry, or money that was stolen during WW2 was theirs. 80 years later, when they are not hunting down 96 year old Nazi secretaries and the like, they are trying to shake down every last penny they can from the European nations.
They are pushing their luck too far, because I see an amazing amount of people online who are wising up to their machinations, from their role in the Bolshevik revolution and mass slaughters, to todays incessant whining, shakedown schemes, and anti-White activism.
As Napoleon is reputed to have stated, history is a set of lies agreed upon by the victors. Never has that been more true than about the period between 1914-1945. The jews won so they get to decide what the ‘history’ will be.
Even though they are vile parasitic life form, responsible for more human suffering and death and cultural and environmental destruction than all the rest of the world combined, they can and do portray themselves as the great and eternal victim. They can do this because they control the narrative and have the money ensure that only their narrative is the one that is heard.
Of course, the supine behaviour of the European people in the face of this outrageous lying by the jews is the reason that they continue to get away with it.
The book “Latvia: Year of Horror” is extremely rare….you won’t find a hard copy on any of the large book seller sites like amazon, etc. The last copies I saw, maybe a couple years ago, were selling for over $200, and those are all gone. Somebody doesn’t want you to see it. Hopefully, someone will republish it, and give it a new life that it deserves. A very unique and important book.
Seems the Latvians have short memories..
What is Order #0428 – commonly known as?
[now confirmed by todays Russian Government]
Stalin’s Order #0428, commanded on the 17th November 1941, declared that Partisans wearing German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 – 60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, who would report the staged “German Atrocities.”
This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Jewish-Russian Partisans wearing German uniforms.