The Conference of Jewish Affairs blasted Jewish Democratic U.S. Congressman Andy Levin Sunday night, accusing him of blaming Jews for anti-Semitism:
CJA spokesman Rabbi Aryeh Spero released a statement Sunday, lambasting Rep. Levin for his comments a week ago during an online seminar hosted by the anti-Israel group IfNotNow.
“Injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere,” Levin said during the webinar. “Unless Palestinian human rights are respected, we cannot fight anti-Semitism.”
Rabbi Spero called the statement “absurd” and “cruel”.
“In a breathtakingly absurd statement, Congressman Andy Levin (D-Mich) stated during a February 1 webinar that anti-Semitism cannot truly be defeated until ‘Palestinian human rights are respected.’
“Mr. Levin is blaming anti-Semitism on the Jews, the very victims of anti-Semitism. This is cruel. Anti-Semitism pre-dates the Israel-Arab conflict and will be with us, unfortunately, in future decades to come.”
“The world’s anti-Semitism is not a function of the lack of conclusion to the Israeli-Palestinian Arab situation. The Jews of Israel have made countless efforts towards peace and have implemented thousands of acts of humanitarianism towards the Arab and Muslim population, which is seldom requited back to them. Yet, anti-Semitism still exists. Jewish families and Israeli schools are constantly under bombardment by groups of Arab Palestinians whose hatred of Jews predated by centuries the establishment of a Jewish state. ”
Rabbi Spero continued: “Reading Mr. Levin’s other comments, it is obvious that his leftist ideology places blame on those parties continually demonized by today’s leftwing leaders. Israel is one of those targets. His statements show that he appears to see anti-Semitism as coming from the political right only. This willful blindness allows the widespread, dangerous anti-Semitism fomenting in today’s leftwing camp. It is obvious that Mr. Levin, as with many wayward Jews who sadly have lost their way, is focused much more on hurting the political right than actually stopping anti-Semitism.”
“Levin boasts of his friendship with Ilhan Omar and of his warm cooperation with ‘his sister’ Rashida Tlaib, both widely known for expressing disparaging and pejorative remarks not only about Israel but also about Jews who support Israel. This should be proof enough that Mr. Levin is not an honest broker when talking about anti-Semitism.
“That Levin blames anti-Semitism on Jews who do not surrender to Palestinian Arab leadership calling for Israel’s destruction is akin to blaming Jews for the dislike of them by the Third Reich.
Unfortunately, it seems that many people born Jewish, carrying a distinctive Jewish last name, are the last people in the world upon which the Jewish people and America should place their hope for eliminating anti-Semitism.”
Obviously, Congressman Levin didn’t get the memo that Jewish behavior has nothing to do with antisemitism — every other ethnic group can be criticized and be held responsible for their actions except Jews — they are sui generis — a people who have never victimized anyone — and have always been victimized by others — since the beginning of recorded history.
If one were to hold Jews responsible for their behavior, “another” Holocaust could potentially be set in motion — or at the very least another pogrom.
High level Freemasons in France seem to agree with Congressman Levin — that there is a noticeable “uptick” in antisemitism in Europe caused by brutal anti-Palestinian policies of the “extreme Right” in Israel.
Also, a survey in 2019 confirmed this trend — showing that Jews of Europe experienced increased antisemitism when the Israelis brutally slaughtered Palestinians — even when they claimed they were doing it in “self-defense”.
No doubt, Israel should be free to slaughter the Palestinians “in self-defense” without having to suffer the “cruelty” of antisemitism — after all, young Israelis overwhelmingly support the use of ‘torture’ against their perceived enemies.
People are being slaughtered all over the world, after all — why pick on just the Israelis for ethnic cleansing?
The Israeli military, in fact, assigned a secret unit to ensure that all evidence of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was “purged” from their archives — and if it is purged, then it never happened.
Guilt-free ethnic cleansing should be a universal human right — especially if it ensures that Jews continue to enjoy their cherished and well-deserved status as the World’s Ultimate Victims™.
Rabbi Michoel Green, who served for almost 20 years as the director of Chabad of Westborough, located about 35 miles outside Boston, has been exhorting the public not to comply with mask mandates and not to get the new COVID vaccines, which he calls “experimental genetic manipulation” and “100 times more dangerous than COVID itself.”
Quote from CFT’s final paragraph (above).
“Guilt-free ethnic cleansing should be a universal human right — especially if it ensures that Jews continue to enjoy their cherished and well-deserved status as the World’s Ultimate Victims™.”
I agree. Why should we care about the victims of crime? What right does anyone have to insist on “human rights” for these unfortunates when criminals have rights too? /sarcasm off
We REAL Humans, descended from the genuine Israelites, know the difference between right and wrong. The devil’s “jews” seem to lack this instinctive knowledge. They also lack the entire range of “higher values” that make us truly Human. That’s why I say jews are NOT Human. They’re the devil’s robots, programmed only to hate, defile and destroy everything that’s right, Natural and good (or “of God”). Given the chance, they’d turn this world into a lifeless cinder.
It’s our job to ensure that they don’t succeed.
A question of why a jew is chosen to play the latest antisemite ? It may be the arrival and ascension of a freshman congresswoman from Florida or Georgia, who has become the cynosure . She has been persecuted for forbidden averments immediately preempted as conspiracy theory by all the Sodomites and liberals.
Some of the “right” have quickly disassociated from her not to be tainted with truth. A reproach of antisemitism will associate the mass murders, bellicosity and conflagrations with the jew , who actually caused them.
SO she has not been awarded with the antisemite crown of thorns. That place has been presumed by a nice jew , who abhors the competition of this young parvenu . She is pious and churchly and consequently jew sin is unquestionable , Philistines are the traditional old testament nemesis. I assume (do not know) that this is her vulnerability .
But they will bare the cheapest epithet to “upstage ” this honest if naive , young woman . Her punishment is best relegated to obscurity like the rest of her “colleagues”. Left alone in the dimming light is the long suffering jew , call him anything but veracious .
This story highlights the HUGE schism between Zionist Jews and the majority of American liberal Jews, like Congressman Levin. American Jews, by and large, are lukewarm about supporting Israel. Sure, they may support the idea in an abstract way — a “Jewish Homeland”, but they do not feel any overwhelming connection to it, in the same way an Italian-American would care about internal Italian politics. The Italian government in WWII did not receive much support from Italian-Americans, for example.
So, unfortunately for the Zionists, liberal American-Jews sympathize with the underdog, and that’s the Palestinians in this case, and their Jewish ethnicity does not make them more sympathetic to the Zionist oppressors.
Over 70% of American Jews marry non-Jews, which is a significant problem in encouraging pro-Israel feelings among those mixed-race young Jews from inter-marriage, many of whom “celebrate” Christmas in some nominal way.
In other words, more and more American Jews like Levin will be smeared as antisemites for not supporting Israel’s side in the conflict. And the more liberal Jews who are accused of antisemitism the better for everyone, as it will highlight the absurdity of the whole idea of antisemitism.
Several links detailing various jew, B’nai Brith and Freemason connections.
“…There is a legend, which is occasionally mentioned to this day, that B’nai B’rith was founded because in 1843 Jews were barred from membership in the Masonic orders and the Odd Fellows. Obviously, that was not the case, since several of the Order’s founders were themselves members of those organizations. We have fragments of memoirs written by Jones, Rosenbourg, and Renau, as well as by others who joined B’nai B’rith soon after it was founded, which leave no doubt about this…
In 2000 it was reported that Mr. Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, was working with the Grand Master of Anglo-American Freemasonry HRH The Duke of Kent, the founder of the Jerusalem Lodge, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy Count Giuliano di Bernardo, and the Worshipful Master of the prestigious Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge Lord Northhampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting ‘studies’. Evidently these mystical adepts intend to reconstruct the 2,500 year old King Solomons Temple. It seems the brethren are anticipating a forthcoming resurrection of Grand Master Abiff’s architectural endevours…”
“GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (The Protocols of Zion, 4:2)
“A speech at the B’nai B’rith convention in Paris, published shortly afterwards in The Catholic Gazette (London) in February 1936 and in Le reveil du peuple (Paris) a little later, stated: “We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honour, a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose…”.
An English Jesuit Freemason, Edward Jenner, was the “father of modern vaccination”
“Erasmus Darwin (another doctor) was the grandfather of ape-man Charles Darwin. Since Jenner claimed that humans and animals shared the same diseases, the next step was to promulgate the idea that they had a common ancestor.”
“IT has already been shewn in this pamphlet that the basis of “Speculative” masonry, its symbolism and code of ethics, is Jewish Gnosticism. The question which arises is, where does the control of Freemasonry lie to-day, and how is it controlled? To the first part we unhesitatingly answer, in the B’nai B’rith, {Literal translation, Sons of the Covenant, the covenant being that of circumcision.} and to the second, through the higher rites, especially the Rite of Mizraim.
The B’nai B’rith was founded in New York in 1843 by a number of “German” Jews, and its organisation into Lodges stamp it as a Jewish Branch of Freemasonry. In his book “Adriano Lemmi,” page 225, Domenico Margiotta gives the full text of a secret treaty made in 1874 between Albert Pike, as representative of the Supreme Dogmatic Directory of the Scottish Rites, {Headquarters at Charleston, U.S.A., on the 33rd parallel of latitude.} and Armand Levi for the B’nai B’rith of America, Germany and England. The following is extracted:—
“The Supreme Dogmatic Directory of Universal Freemasonry recognises the Jewish Lodges, such as they already exist in the principal countries. The secret of the existence of the Confederation (of B’nai B’rith lodges) will rigorously be kept by those members of High Grade Masonry to whom the Supreme Dogmatic Directory will judge it advisable to make it known.”
Chaplain Bob Walker
I wonder what church goers are going to say when they find out that a number of Palestinians are Christians who were being killed by the antichrists who Jesus called the children of the devil.
Ask your average demon nominational church goer who killed Jesus and they will say the “Jesuits” went back in time and killed Jesus with the Vatican plotting the entire thing, or something along those lines….
Jews must of invented fake wrestling. And always stand on both sides of the fence.
That’s not what this is. At least in modern times, there have always been jews who call among their own for moderation of bad jew behavior, not out of real concern for the victims of the jews, but rather due to worry about jews suffering repercussions as a group. You’ll notice that’s the case here when the jew Levin implies that the motivation to not treat Arabs badly should be the potential to reduce hostility to jews.
You can see this same dynamic in the Knesset. The “liberal” wing, the Labor Party, generally supports policies of accommodation of Arabs, “land for peace” deals and the like, in opposition to the more hawkish Likud party. But it’s not out of any desire for justice or equal treatment, rather a fear of reprisals. The jews who generally give into their timidity in this manner seem to continue to be proven wrong by history, as their more aggressive counterparts continue to get away with their crimes without the blowback from the aggrieved goyim feared by those more timid jews.
This dynamic is so poorly understood that it’s what has caused the confusion about the Obama administration being known as anti-Israel. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama was made and controlled entirely by such liberal jews, and they did not oppose Israel, merely the currently ruling Likud party, and is why they advocated for paying off Iran rather than a push to destroy it. The friction between the Obama cabal and Israel was just internecine jew vs jew conflict, no different than you find in the Knesset every day.
Ok how about not trusting A jew unless they are telling the truth about jews and their Talmud . And we should have a word like anti-white-christian anytime we hear anti.