(Jerusalem Post) Roseanne Barr’s appearance on the Theo Von podcast caused a widespread meltdown in the Juden-sphere after she made a sarcastic remark alleging that the Holocaust didn’t really happen — but it should have:
“…During the June 14 episode of This Past Weekend, a podcast hosted by fellow comedian Theo Von, the Jewish Barr delved into the topic of the 2020 election and the concept of “truth” in the United States.
“Nobody wants to hear the real truth,” began Barr, before adding that social media guidelines have “mandated” what the truth is or isn’t.
“And don’t you dare say anything, that’s where you’ll be off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other ones,” she continued. “There’s such a thing as the truth and facts and we have to stick to it.”
Then, apparently, to emphasize the point, she said, “Nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now cause they cause all the problems in the world. But it never happened. But it never happened – Mandated.” These remarks were both shocking and deeply troubling.
Barr later revealed that she herself identifies as Jewish, which adds an even more perplexing dimension to her controversial statements. The actress started her career in stand-up comedy before gaining recognition for her work on the television sitcom Roseanne in the 1980s and the 1990s. She won an Emmy and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for her work on the show.
Barr, who claimed she was fired from ABC’s Roseanne reboot in 2018 for voting for former president Donald Trump, used the election results as an example of the “mandated truth” when talking with Von.
She was actually fired over a racist tweet about former president Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett…
…Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League responded in a tweet: “Sarcasm or not, Roseanne Barr’s comments about Jews and the Holocaust are reprehensible and irresponsible. This isn’t funny. And shame on Theo Von for letting it go unchallenged and instead diving into conspiracy theories about Jews and Hollywood.”
Von also responded: “This Roseanne Barr clip was sarcasm folks. A clip taken out of a long sarcastic rant she had during our chat. Can we not recognize sarcasm anymore?”
The comedian’s son, Jake Pentland, disparaged those upset by the remarks, telling TMZ that America had bigger problems to focus on, and that “We are embarrassed that people are stupid enough not to recognize Roseanne is being sarcastic.”
…In April 2023, Barr spoke with Les Glassman, in an interview posted on YouTube, about growing up with Orthodox grandparents in a “hotbed of PTSD” in the “Jewish shtetl” of Salt Lake City. She told Glassman that she had an extraordinary connection with Holocaust survivors, who had suffered “unspeakable things” in her community and had “numbers on their arms,” and that she felt a duty to make them laugh and bring them joy.
She also said she was traumatized as a child from watching the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann. “When I was three years old, my grandmother and her friends would watch the Eichmann trial. It was on television, and they would insist that I watch it too,” she said. “So that affected me in many, many deep psychological ways, and they would also tell stories of horror.
“And the pictures I saw, they showed me, and they said, ‘She should see, all Jewish children should see what they did to us.’”
In July 2009, Barr posed as Adolf Hitler in a feature for the satirical Jewish publication Heeb magazine (now online only) called “That Oven Feelin’.” The Nazi theme was her suggestion, and featured her with a Hitler mustache and swastika armband, holding a tray of burnt gingerbread man cookies the article referred to as “burnt Jew cookies.” The magazine’s publisher said the photos were taken for satire and were not done for shock value. Barr said she was “making fun of Hitler, not his victims.”
Of course many “conspiracy” and “right wing” websites triumphantly picked up this story as if Roseanne Barr really was a Holocaust Denier™ — and added her to the slowly-growing list of Jews who have openly questioned the Official Jewish Version of World War II™.
But it turns out that like many Jews today, Roseanne Barr suffers from Holocaust Derangement Syndrome™ (HDS) — as a child she was subjected to the worst forms of psychological abuse to convince her that Jews were herded into Gas Chambers™ and “gassed” and “burned” for No Reason Whatsoever™ except that they were Jews.
While most kids outgrow believing in the “boogeyman” who hides under their beds or in their closets — Jewish children are taught to believe that at any time, “gentiles” will turn on them for no reason at all and kill them using common household pesticides.
Roseanne has a long history of struggling with her self-admitted mental illness — and part of her neurosis is to try to get laughs by being “outrageous” or “shocking” — which she believes somehow is a form of “love” — rather than what it is — a narcissistic cry for attention and adulation.
And like many Jews, Roseanne is completely tone deaf to her own hypocrisy — she claims that the “left wing” media “mandates” arbitrary truth — and destroys anyone who doesn’t toe the line — but ignores the fact that the media is overwhelmingly Jewish-owned and -controlled — and that media will destroy anyone who questions the Holocaust.
The fact that she can’t even sarcastically mock Holocaust deniers shows just how brutally the Jewish media enforces this false reality not only on the public, but on their fellow Jews themselves.
And to illustrate what a prominent place that the Holocaust has in the Jewish psyche — while France is on the verge of breaking out in civil war as violent Muslims rampage across the country, all the Jews are concerned about is how “disadvantaged” Muslim youth spray painted graffiti on their sacred Holocaust memorial in Nanterre.
Sure, burn France down to the ground — those racists and antisemites deserve it — but how dare you deface our ugly Holocaust memorial — for that you deserve to be “punished to the fullest extent of the law.”
Jews love the psychological prison they’ve created for themselves by insisting that the Holocaust really did happen — at least in their own minds — and as long as they insist on living this lie, they will remain a danger to themselves and all mankind.
Thanks for posting this, your site is like sanity in an insane world. I can not tell you how many zombies I have argued with trying to tell them that clip was like a spoof, taken out of context and in reality Barr was being sarcastic and actually saying the exact opposite. Even battled with Jon DeNugent ..( he is definitely either losing it or he is controlled) ..
P.S Barr is just a right leaning jew..who believes the hoax conspiracy theory with zero evidence just old wives tales and kosher lies for proof. Her problem is Hollywood is left leaning ((communist)) so she is out for now. You can literally line them up ((left)) and ((right)) but they will all defend the hoax and IsRAhell right to exist although it is just a squatter state in Palestine
Kathleen Bankhead
I do think the Holocaust is exaggerated so certain people can profiteer from it or get more money to take over the world by or wage wars by or commit more evil deeds by. Certain types of Satanists of various races,tribes,ethnic groups, corporations, dictatorships😈, governments,secret societies, subversives or PACS or Lobbyist groups or religions or cults want to rule the world or nations or as many victims as possible and enslave them to become even richer and more powerful and don’t care where they spend eternity. They have made a terrible choice and people should become real Spirit filled Christians and join the actual truth seeking Jews and others in the battle for truth which is required to have if we want to make progress and head towards the Kingdom of God on Earth.We must try to work with Creator God and His Son our Savior to get out of the DEADLY MESSES WE ARE IN AS CERTAIN FOOLS SEEM TO DO THINGS THAT MAY CAUSE NUCLEAR WARS AND THE DEATH OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH!!! READ THE BOOK THE INCREDIBLE POWER OF PRAYER BY ROGER J MOURNEAU AND PRAY THAT GOD WILL HELP US PAST THIS GREAT TRIBULATION TIME AND INTO A BETTER RUN EARTH!!!
The World Conquerors 1958. by Louis Marschalko..
Can great cities such as Berlin, Vienna and Budapest get along without Jews? Can a nation really live without exploitation, without a Jewish nationalist press, without the films, theatre and Jewish “mercenary spirit”? After all, we have kept the whole world under our influence for centuries by suggesting that without our cultural activities, our business sense and supercilious intellect all nations would perish and all “progress” would cease. And now Germany prospers without us — with a prosperity which is the living negation
of our arrogant nationalism. Anybody looking at these steadily growing garden cities, at the satisfied and happy people and at the prospering intellectual and economic activities can see that our great
nationalist writer, Bettelheim, was wrong when he predicted that world civilisation would perish without the Jews. So far, these Christians are becoming more and more satisfied, while we Jews are losing more and more ground. If the rest of the world learns about this on an international level, and if the foreign tourists and the world’s proletariat see that all this is possible without us, indeed, even against us, they will realise that we have lied to them. Our politicians, journalists, trade union leaders, capitalists and labour leaders will all become liars! Therefore we must destroy the proofs!
[Page 77]
World Jewry must be regarded as the sole war criminal of the Second World War because, in the first place, it prevented reconciliation between the nations and the possibility of cooperation, destroying even the prerequisites to these aims. With the help of untruthful propaganda and falsehood, and by use of radio and press, it projected a totally false world picture before the eyes of mankind. It created a general world atmosphere in which the mere utterance of the truth in connection with the German question might entail danger to life or loss of livelihood, or suspicion of high treason. All peace offers made by the German statesmen were labelled sheer lies. It derided all sober and honest plans. It made all social achievements in Germany appear as reactionary red tape, all the progress as an anti-progressive obstacle, every manifestation of the elite concept as barbarism and all forms of anti-Bolshevism as anti-democratic.
In 1948, Paul Rassinier, a former Socialist and critic of National Socialist Germany who had himself been interned in the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dora, published Crossing the Line (Le Passage de la Ligne). In this work, Rassinier claimed that the Germans had been benign, if not positive, in their motives for putting enemies of Hitler’s National Socialist state in concentration camps. Rassinier claimed that the concentration camps were a “gesture of compassion” since inmates had been placed where they could “not hurt the new regime and where they could be protected from the public anger.”
Not only did the concentration camps protect anti-social elements in Rassinier’s view, but they were also designed to “rehabilitate the strayed sheep and to bring them back to a healthier concept of the German community.”1 According to Rassinier, the German government was helping those whom it committed to concentration camps by putting them in a setting so that they could be rehabilitated into more productive members of the German community.
In 1936, the question was raised for the first time as to who would take care of the children when both parents were prisoners in concentration camps. Instead of taking the children away from their loving parents as is now done in countries such as the U.S. and Great Britain, the National Socialist authorities in Germany decided it would be better for the children if the parents were released on a rotating monthly basis so at least one parent would always be there to care for their needs. This rotating release continued until one of the parents was released for good.
Needless to say, this program did pose a slight security risk to Germany,
The Gas Van is coming for Roseanne, and she knows it . It will pick her up and then drop her (ashes) off in the Lake of Fire.
Does Roseanne have a choice as to Eternal Life or the Lake of Fire?
That question might be above my pay grade, West. If I was making the decision, I would have to give her a NO to Eternal Life and a YES to Eternal GAS in the Lake of Fire. I don’t like gray area, as it reminds me of Lukewarmness. . Make askenazis ash again. Keep it simple. No need to confuse this (((matter.)))
Cordreanu said it best —
“…A Nation has the jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only survive in the swamps of our sin.”
I feel your frustration. But we only have ourselves to blame. I don’t mean you specifically. I mean our parents and their parents and on and on.
Why did not God allow the NSDAP to succeed??? Its a Rhetorical Question. I don’t know that answer.
If we didn’t indulge in their temptations, the jew would be of no consequence to us.
Have faith. The end is near.
West, why didn’t the NSDAP National Socialists succeed?
I think the western Allied nations needed to be shown the consequences of siding with the Jews. By the early 1940s, America had already fallen under the spell of Jewry and would not listen to reason. The Jewish press had hidden the true extent of the Bolshevik genocide from the American people.
Hollywood sold the war to the American public, and they just lined up like zombies and went along with it.
Now it’s time to pay the piper as we watch America and the West turn into the new Weimar. How much longer can the Jews keep this great con game going?
The “Hitler was right” memes are powerful. People are starting to realize that everything they now are fighting against is the same as what the Germans fought against. When the floodgates open, the Jews won’t be able to stop it.
Petr ……
Thank you for your response.
You said — I think the western Allied nations needed to be shown the consequences of siding with the Jews. By the early 1940s, America had already fallen under the spell of Jewry and would not listen to reason…….Now it’s time to pay the piper as we watch America and the West turn into the new Weimar.
Yes, I believe this is a very integral part of the explanation. We have the jews we deserve.
You then said —
“…How much longer can the Jews keep this great con game going? The “Hitler was right” memes are powerful. When the floodgates open, the Jews won’t be able to stop it…..”
I pray you are right. We are just speculating now, but do you believe this is how it is going to go down? That we will see a revival of White Nationalism across the fading Western World?
I don’t know what your thoughts are on Eschatology. I was a Preterist for a little while. Probably an over-reaction to my Dispensationalism upbringing. I’d say I am a Partial Preterist today.
I can’t shake Luke 18:8, I have to admit. It’s not an encouraging Prophecy.
I’m older now but I still have a good 25 years left on this planet. If not a Second Coming, I sure pray and hope you are right!!!
It doesn’t seem fair that we had hardly anything to do with what we are seeing today. We are suffering for the lack of Spiritual Wisdom of our fairly recent Ancestors. I put a lot of that blame squarely on my own dad. And mom. My mother’s mom, my grandmother, was very anti-communist and racist. But my mother shut her up. I wish now she would have “let her speak!”
Thoughts on Eschatology??? What the next 10 years may look like and where are we in Prophecy. Cheers.
I suspect it was because the NSDAP also had “the jews it deserves”, and the turncoat officials who took their shekels.
Recently, American Renaissance had an interview with the spokesman of Orania, and he says that Orania has not been subverted because 1) it only allows Whites to be laborers & 2) it’s a Christian community, by contract, and so anyone who goes against the community is named, shamed, and eventually ostracized.
On a side note, did I somehow get my wires crossed in thinking that Ron Howard and Jessica Chastain were Hollywood jews?
3000 Babies delivered in Auschwitz by Polish midwife Stanislawa Leszczynska.
We are told that anybody who couldn’t work was sent to the gas chambers, but there’s no evidence that any of these 3,000 babies born at Auschwitz were immediately killed. And newborns need to be breast fed, which makes the mothers less useful to work, and they weren’t killed either.
Link Not Working…
This is a Good Summary — “The Auschwitz Baby Boom —
Surprise, surprise. (((YouTube))) has suspended Theo Von’s podcast for one week and removed his interview with Roseanne Barr where she supposedly denied the holocaust, proving what Barr said is true, that holocaust indoctrination is a “mandatory truth”.
I’ve often wondered why jewish holocaust memorials are so ugly, grotesque, and alienating.
Just look at this one in Miami….not sure what Miami has to do with the holocaust except that it has a lot of Jews living there, but….
Maybe these monuments reflect the ugliness of the jewish soul. Jews abhor physical beauty even in art because they are not a beautiful people, and they want their “art” to be a reflection of themselves and how they see the world and how they want the world to be a mirror of their tortured spirits.
If there is an art museum in hell, it would be filled with jewish art.
Even PALM trees can’t be spared of their hideous dark lies. Yes Florida is overpopulated with the freaks. Governor DeSantis has made it a hate crime to mention the HOAX depicted in this adNAseum. Miami is a Gay fest as is one of their unlimited hallmarks like a toilet that doesn’t get flushed. Home of con-nard Trump, a jew kike and a runner up pres DeSanta.
Wherever these evil demons go they leave their insanitary dysfunction. Let the tiger and hammerheads swallow them as the their names depict. Let a tsunami wash the state clean. They have destroyed this once beautiful nation, as lies do to anything living. Boycott them in every shadow and rat infested corner.
Jews invented the gas chamber grimm’s fairy tale because deep down inside they knew that’s what they deserved, and if we had done to them what they have done to us, they would throw us all in gas chambers. Pure projection.
Just like the knee to the neck of George Floyd fame was developed by IDF to subjugate the Palestinian people. Much police brutality in America is derived from Israeli training.
Robert Tate
Yes indeed ,the Bolsheviks invented Gaz chambers in the 1920s.
Big Foot
Jews are like Judas goats, trained to take the sheep to the slaughter, but where they themselves are spared……that is, until the end. So, it therefore means that the “psychological prison they’ve created for themselves” is actually meant for the non-Jewish Masses. The Jews, will be spared by their Kabbalist Monsters of leaders, ……untill the end.
Kathleen Bankhead
I do not have time to make more comments now but this is a very interesting site and I hope I can read much of it and comments too. I hope you are never censored or defeated. Perhaps much truth is coming out now. I hope so.
You mean Roseanne Barr who was the first to (screechingly) declare “I’m a bitch and proud of it!!!!”?
And whole hordes of sheepettes who followed suit and made it “cool”.
Like Carlin and The Seven Dirty Words You can’t say on tv? and suddenly it was “cool” to repeat it ad nauseum?
I remember it very well….and watch the moral slide speed up.
All part of the plan.
Well, if you listen to the whole video, she eventually says that the Erev Rav, such as the Rothschilds committed the holocaust, which is correct, according to what I’ve found out. 25,000 Jews and Nazis died of typhus in those camps, even if 6 million didn’t die from Zyklon-B. Well, watch my series Fake Diseases Real Poisons wherein I prove that typhus is actually deadly nightshade poisoning, so indeed Anne Frank was murdered in Auschwitz, but by the Jewish doctor mafia, who are the only ones privy to these kinds of secrets. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoUlnwsY96PB7rEf9HPklZz7wvD88lIsj
Anne Frank wasn’t “murdered at Auschwitz”. She was moved to Bergen-Belsen where she died of typhus, caused by the Allied bombing of Germany, cutting off food and medical supplies to the camps.
Typhus is not a “fake” disease. Lice carry it, and the Germans did everything they could to keep it under control, which involved using Zyklon-B, the pesticide. That’s why all new inmates had their heads and beards shaved. Hygiene.
Hygine and Jews? Bwahaha! They fantasize about feces and menopausal blood smearing on each other in Jerusalem, capitol of the greatest lying gayest community on earth.
I saw a recording of a Jordan Petersen (aka “Juden Peterstein”) college class where he dared to show a vintage Nazi propaganda film about the jews, and it was a factual account of how the jews in eastern Europe actively chose to live in unsanitary conditions.
General Patton also remarked that while the jews aren’t the Lost Tribes, they are “lost to all common decency”, and chronicled how corporal punishment had to be used to get them to practice sanitation in the refugee camps.
For all their claims of being practitioners of Judaism, the modern jew sure seems to have forgotten all the mandatory and ritual cleansing that the Old Testament demands that they do.
A. Clifton
there are no -{0}-ZERO- {{{{JEWS}}}} in the Old Testament.
{{{JEWS}}} manifest from the {{{TALMUD}}} the exact opposite of the
Old Testament.
still no Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo.
Robert Tate
Tel Aviv is the gay capital of Israel.
A. Clifton
No one on Earth HAS to be a Jew, Ecks-seshully the so-called {{{Ashkenazim}}} proselytes
to {{{TALMUDIC Judaism}}}… . .
Still no Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo.
“…..No one on Earth HAS to be a Jew……..”
From the Article — “Who Are The Jews (And Who They are Not)”
“…..Genetic testing performed on Jews around the world shows not only that Jews are a unique race, but that they have also mingled and mixed with neighboring populations groups throughout their history…..”
Hard to change one’s DNA.
Now, if you are saying that no one on earth has to practice Judaism, well of course we all can agree.
Yes, Jews do have an identifiable DNA profile that is distinct from other people, though it varies depending on the type of Jew, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi.
And sure, identifying as a “Jew” is a choice, but a Jew that doesn’t identify as a Jew is still a Jew in the genetic sense and will show those proclivities.
Without Jewish identity was is a Jew? Just a random mixed race person?
A. Clifton
It’s a choice like being queer
RACE is a choice???
I am not so sure it is a choice, as I have met some jews who are not “religious” and are conservatives, but yet they still recoil when Jesus is mentioned.
A. Clifton:
If you are born a genetic Jew, then how can that be a choice?
Most Jews are atheists. They choose to be atheists.
It’s not necessary to follow the Talmud in order to be a Jew.
Only 10% – 20% of Jews are “talmudic” Jews.
Your comment ignores this fact.
A Jew is a Jew regardless of what they believe vis a vis the Talmud or the Bible.
Even talmudic Jews believe that “jewishness” is inherited genetically.
Only ultra-liberal “reform” Jews believe that “gentiles” can convert to Judaism.
Gentile converts to Judaism cannot get citizenship in Israel.
Most Israelis are atheists who believe jewish identity is inherited genetically, not a choice.
Time to modify your thesis about Jews.
A. Clifton
What about a {{{JEW}}} who finds out the Truth about Talmudic Judaism and Chooses
to Believe the Truth and stops being a Synagogue of Satan so-called {{{JEW}}}.
What about a {{{JEW} who knows the Truth about all the lies…? and stops being a {{{JEW}}}
and accepts the Truth and {becomes a Christian}…? Whether mizrahi or Ashkenazim…?
No one on Earth Has to be a {{{Jew}} , queer or nigger.
No one on Earth has to be BLACK???
I dare ask —- What is your belief on the creation/origination of the 4 Primary Races — White, yellow, black, red?
Are you a believer in the ONE BLOOD theory? https://christiansfortruth.com/does-acts-1726-prove-that-all-races-are-of-one-blood-in-christ/
bebop delux
Sounds like Clifton believes that Jews can choose to sincerely become Christians. That seems to be the answer in his mind. Good luck with that. A scorpion cannot choose to be a butterfly, just as a Jew cannot chose to be White.
Never could stand the wo-man. Brash, loud, disrespectful, did I mention ugly…
Like all jew kikes, the height of idolatry demands their adoration and wealth. They remind me of the Roman Colosseum where undesirables, animals, women and children were put to entertaining bloodthirsty death. Just the hideous nasal voices coming out of these (p)edomites is enough to kill you. 🤮
Kathleen Bankhead
That Jewish training of our police is mentioned in a book by Jim MARRS called POPULATION CONTROL HOW CORPORATE OWNERS ARE KILLING US. THEY have militarized the police and someone is allowing illegal alien enemy INVADERS to take over
our police and our military!!! I pray the American people will get help and guidance to defend themselves!!!
Barr has been playing the goyim like a fiddle for decades.
Like in her self-titled sitcom about a “blue-collar” American family where lesbianism and premarital are promoted as normal and even “American “.
Never trust someone that inflicted Sandra Bernhardt on us!
This time I wonder if she played herself as saying that the 2020 election was stolen and that the Holohoax didn’t happen, but it should, helps move the Overton Window.
Akin to how (((South Park))) made it kosher for Gens X & Y to criticize jews, or how the (((Borat))) movie sought to satirize Mel Gibson’s moment of truth but instead made “da goyim” feel at liberty to to question jewry and see it as a group.
Ultimately she is highlighting that there are things that we can’t say, and this makes people wonder why it is they can’t say these things.