Ten years after the end of World War II, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ran a story about a wealthy Jewish businessman in England who set up an endowment to fund the study and cure of schizophrenia especially among so-called Holocaust survivors who were allegedly subjected to traumatizing Nazi persecution:
Joseph Portor, a Leeds Jew, has established a 10,000 pound ($28,000) endowment for research prizes to be awarded to teachers or graduates in psychiatry at either University of Leeds or the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or to any qualified doctor who practices psychiatry in either England or Israel. The research must be in schizophrenia.
The British Friends of the Hebrew University, which announced the endowment, said that the entire sum of 10,000 pounds would be paid to any qualified person who, in the opinion of a medical advisory board set up in connection with the fund, discovers within the next five years a complete and permanent cure for schizophrenia. The medical board will consist of well known experts who will act in an advisory capacity to the trustees of the fund.
The announcement said that the “barbarous persecution of the Nazis produced a terrible increase in the mental illness of schizophrenia, particularly among the Jews who were the greatest sufferers of that persecution.” The announcement further noted that many of these victims of persecution had found a home in Israel.
It is rather remarkable that a fictional event like the “Holocaust” could allegedly cause schizophrenia to manifest in Jews — which, if anything, it proves just how gullible Jews are that they start believing their own atrocity propaganda.
And if schizophrenia can indeed be caused by Holocaust propaganda, then there is a very simple cure for schizophrenia in Jews — just stop lying about the Holocaust.
In reality, the official “Holocaust” narrative is so irrational, convoluted, unbelievable that it could have only been the brainchild of Jews already suffering from paranoia and schizophrenia.
And that is hardly far-fetched considering that, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, insanity is much more common in Jews than in the general population — and Jewish mental health ‘experts’ believe the cause is not Nazi persecution but rather incest:
As is the case with all the physical, mental, and intellectual traits of the Jews, consanguineous marriages have been considered a cause of a great part of the insanity among them. The Jews, it is well known, are very neurotic, as is manifested by the frequency of various nervous affections among them (see Nervous Diseases); and the marriage of relatives who are affected by a neurotic taint has been positively proved to be detrimental to the succeeding generation. In one generation the neuropathy may manifest itself as hysteria; in another, as some organic or functional nervous affection, then as insanity, etc. The chances of thus perpetuating the nervous strain in families by consanguineous marriages are therefore greater among Jews than among peoples in whom nervous diseases are less frequent.
One might be tempted to blame these consanguineous marriages on the small population of Jews in any given area, but if they knew this was a problem, given their notorious mobility — the wandering Jews — they could have traveled outside their immediate surroundings to find appropriate spouses besides their sisters or first cousins.
Perhaps incest is rampant among Jews simply because it’s just another taboo that they find titillating — for the same reason pedophilia is especially common in Jewish communities — where they don’t even make an attempt to hide it.
With this high level of insanity, neurosis and paranoia, it is hardly a mystery why Jews could easily experience a collective, mass hysteria about their Nazi persecutors and captors — inventing macabre, twisted, bizarre fantasies of mass genocide with psycho-sexual overtones — and even going so far as to blame those same Nazis for their self-inflicted genetic disorders like schizophrenia.
Some interesting links;
OCCULT FORCES NWO ILLUMINATI FREEMASONS 1943(second half of film very revealing)
The Truth About the Revolution(Police using IDF tactics Knee on head restraining thuggery)
Misuse of PCR tests – Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever
The Masonic Handshakes behind the War in Armenia & 911
The War on Armenia discussed here, its a War against Christians again,as if the Armenians have not suffered enough.
NATO is used to attack Christians.Ukraine is backing Azerbijan(Christian Ukraine backing Armenias enemies ,Ukraine is a lapdog of the Jews with a Jewish leader as if they Ukraine has not suffered at their hands of Masonic Jewry.Israel providing weaponry to Azerbijan as they did to India recently with their confrontations with Pakistan and supplied weapons to Argentina during the Falklands War after goading them into the Falklands War.
In a previous transmission at fromrome.info they mentioned that the Former Soviet leaders in Eastern Europe the Communists are still in power kept their positions and just changed name to Social Democrat, fits in nicely with the Perestroika Deception.Angela Merkel Christian Democrats joined the Social Democrats,she hates Christians and Germans,so it fits nicely.
Erdogan a Donmeh Jew more here.
Zionist Falklands War
Perestroika Deception.
Trump Masonic Grip.
hebrews were notorious for insanity, long before WW2. the word hebrew is from ancient egyptian and sumerian: ‘habiru’ or ‘hapiru’. it means ‘murderer’. and thousands of years of inbreeding made them even more insane.
from the 1901 jewish encyclopedia:
‘Mental disease. Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews.’
This conclusion is valid only if jew is considered another “human” race . What if they are not?
Allen Black
It saddens me, seeing the damage these psychotic Jew are inflicting on western civilization….But what makes it worse, is when you KNOW there is a solution, and you see your people trying everything but the one thing that could make it right…We cannot win this war against the Edomite Jew without Christ. Without God we are lost…And yet that’s the ONE PATH our people don’t take. I hope they figure it out soon…
There should be literally 1000s of websites like this one, flooding the gatekeepers and preventing them from hiding the truth. At least we have one. God bless you for standing strong and telling it like it is, C.F.T.
Yes, psychopath’s are at the helm. And they are psychopaths who want our people exterminated. 3 generations of lies, and now their own children believe they are justified in whatever they do to the white race because “once upon a time, in the mists of time…..” And the ones who ARE in the know are not only still lying about the holohoax, but have convinced every non white person that they are entitled to our nations and that we deserve whatever punishment they can concieve for perceived wrongs all of which are grossly misrepresented or exaggerated by the Jew to weaponize the heathen against the Christian white nations.
We are in real trouble, and only God our holy father can get us out of this mess at this point. I know I am supposed to have faith, and I do….But knowing what I know, concerning the violence they hide from people against us, its not always easy. What the Jews have done to society sickens me.
This isn’t our world. I pray our eternal King comes soon. But the way our people are still in rebellion, I feel its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Somewhere along the line, our people forgot that Judaism was the antithesis to Christianity.
To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ — this is the height of psychological luxury; the most delicious of moral treats.” – Aldous Huxley
See: One Jew to Another
Open Letter To: Mr Simon Wiesenthal
The treacherous ongoing actions of Jewry cannot be blamed on a mental defect, even though there is no denying that as a group the jews suffer from many. Jesus Christ described their actions as being children of the father of all lies [Satan], and their deeds prove the truth of that. The so-called “religious” conditionings they receive from the inception of their communal lives act to reinforce their actions. Herve Ryssen understood that. If you will see the link at the end of this comment, he will explain that it’s more than mental defects, and that the Talmud is a continual source for the intentionally taught jewish problems.
“All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation
which, consequently, is entitled to seize it without scruples… A
Jew may act contrary to morality if profitable to himself or to
Jews in general.”
TALMUD: Schulchan Bruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.
“We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the
goyim by rearing them in principals and theories known to us
to be false although it is by us they have been inculcated.”
John 2: 22: Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Ryssen explains:
“In Judaism, there is a conviction that the coming of the Messiah – “the birth of the Messiah” – will occur in the midst of dreadful sufferings. Terrible catastrophes, terrifying wars, will destroy a large part of humanity.
Isaac Abravanel, who headed the Spanish Jewish community at the time of the expulsion from Spain in 1492, wrote : “The times of the Messiah will be preceded by a great war, in which two thirds of humanity will perish” (Masmia Jesua, 49a).”
[Jewry is following perverted Messianic messages of the Jews “Pesachim and Sanhedrin treatises of the Babylonian Talmud”, which has influenced all of Jewry’s continuing actions].
“All borders must disappear. In this perspective, the liberal model has obviously succeeded where Communism so lamentably failed. It is therefore necessary to take all steps to set up democratic regimes all over the world, and impose upon the peoples the model of an mercantile society, open and multicultural, which permits the dissolution of all feelings of belonging. In 1997, the famous philosopher Emmanuel Levinas already spoke explicitly of the “need, in a planetary West, for the coming of the Messiah”.[420]
Judaism, as we see, works frenetically for the destruction of the peoples and the nations. All civilisations must be crushed, everything must be torn down, leaving only the human dust which will then coagulate into a vast planetary ensemble. Thus, the very essence of Judaism is to destroy everything which is not Jewish. Their project naturally makes the Jews the “enemies of mankind”, as the Greek and Roman thinkers called them. For 2,000 years, all the great thinkers of the Church, through history, have warned Christians against the detestanda secta – the abhorred sect.”
Inbreeding …….
Jews have been practicing eugenics for 3,500 years. Jewish mother “makes” you a Jew. Jewish father decides your tribe.( A get-less woman cannot remarry within the faith, and any children she might have will not be considered Jewish.)
They have practiced eugenics for 3,500 years …. both Mother and Father are supposed to be Jews for true membership.
Those ghettoes they decry and moan about? THEY created them to keep their children from integrating with the Goyim.
They maintain the same Black ghetto’s in America and make a good living doing it courtesy of the gazzillion government programs that they helped to put in place.
It is true jew vaunt consanguinity , The hierarchy decides through jew family or SIppe who rules by virtue of purity . But it is relative. Also true they must use other races as has been averred here already to survive and perpetuate. Hollywood is not just a business for making anti-culture and propaganda. It is a breeding place where the beautiful and talented young women are harvested by jew. Genetic law are defied with jjews. They must have vital race to exploit. 1/2 jew = 150% satan . Invariably , each victimized race or culture ancient or modern will be left anemic , apathetic and moribund.
When God “chose” one race of people of all the families in the world to love (Amos 3:2), these Jews were the best He could come up with? Seriously? Just one look at them is all it takes to intuitively know that there is something very wrong with their adopting that conceit. There is one race whose accomplishments tower, literally tower, above all others, and it ain’t the Jews, the pygmies, or the zulu.
Chesterson, God would certainly choose a racial family who loved both Him and His earthly Son. You mention Jewry’s conceit.
Jewry works to teach other jews how to subvert others [on a “British” website intended for Jewry only].
“Chagall coyly plays with Christian iconography…. Not only does he pin an infant Jesus to the cross instead of a predictably mature figure, his inclusion of the child’s father as well as his mother brings Jesus fully down to earth, undercutting his identity as the Son of God.”
“By portraying Jesus as a Jewish martyr, Chagall follows an established tradition of Jewish artists using the image of Jesus to indict their Christian persecutors, while at the same time hoping to arouse their empathy. Chagall’s primary role model in this approach was his Russian predecessor, the sculptor Mark Antokolsky (1843–1902). In a bronze statue from 1873, Ecce Homo, Antokolsky cast Jesus with a distinctly Jewish physiognomy, payot—the side curls worn by Orthodox Jews—and a skullcap. Explaining the rationale behind this overtly Jewish Jesus, Antokolsky remarked that Jesus ‘was and died a Jew for truth and brotherhood’ (Amishai-Maisels, 2001, 58). Like his precursor, Chagall hoped his own work would call attention to the hypocrisy of Christian persecution of Jews. If in the blood libel, resurgent in Russia at the time, Jews were accused of draining Christian babies of their blood, here Chagall points the accusing finger in the opposite direction. By placing his own Jewish parents at the foot of the cross, and adding stars of David to the loincloth of the crucified child, Chagall insists that it is in fact a Jewish child who is killed by Christians. Through their persecution of Jews, the painting declares, Christians crucify the very essence of their faith.”
The link above is from the “British Association for Jewish Studies [BAJS]” – jewish resources found here: https://britishjewishstudies.org/links-and-resources/
[The link above is from – Primary Sources – holocaust]
Marc Chagall is a terrible, puerile painter–who became famous because the Jews who control the art world heavily promoted him–and the dumb goyim went along with it. If his paintings weren’t hanging in the Museum of Modern Art, I wouldn’t be shocked to find them at a garage sale getting passed over in favor of a portrait of Elvis on black velvet.
Almost certain their penchant for ritual Sodomy would do very little to help if not worsen the Jews already schizozoid condition. What really amazes me though is how the jew up to now has apparently defied all laws of natural selection and not yet lmploded & self-destructed. They Must have something in them that ain’t normal regular human.
Schizophrenia is not so common as it was after the war (s). It is a collection of symptoms that have afflicted many western European peoples especially in environment perverted by the oppressive presence and inevitable domiination of jews It is an unnatural and hostile environment . Other diagnoses as the number of patients exponentially grew may be diverse interpretations of the same phenomenon. Mental illness is a true epidemic but because most or all are white middle class the reality is oppressed or redefined. Mental illness is no longer a family , individual and for a nation great concern because the AMA and governemtn has persecuted it with imprisonment and protracting it with indefinite chemo therapy .
Like the present contrived epidemics with other causes they promise the simple “one pill solution ” to trivialize it. Also it has become a political weapon . Antisemitism is invented the same time as schizophrenia and is now interpolated to a mental illness . Treatment is therefore not motivated by compassion nor any real interest in helping . Obviously, mental illness, which are not necessarily chronic is the business of the medical profession to determine how to exploit. Since most sufferers are destitute and the disease prolific it is suppressed and a casualty of the afflicted culture the jew has assimilated.
Jews are just evil . They have no conscience, compassion nor have any spiritual qualities that other natural races have. They pretend to be ill when they are not worshiped as the divine they demand they are. To be mentally ill is a rare human indication that jews , who are not human envy.
This simple one pill cure for mental illness is consistent with the virus epidemic and the wonderful discover of its cure by preventive vaccine . Hopefully, no one will believe this. There is no simple cure for mental illness. Except for the jew . Just let hom be god , the identity with which he is obsessed and it will remove his / her jew is androgynous , symptoms , which are entirely histrionic.
Incest or endogamy is a long established jew method of “keeping things in the family. The congree prostitutes hace reserved bills for laws legalixzing incest and even marriages of father daughter. Gets more jewery all the time. “But exogamous marriages are necessary or jew , already infertile will die. Jews must live amongst a healthy always foreign race to take its blood and renew its dying ichor. The host is often depleted and deracinated for its foolish indiscrimination and loss of integrity . Those vampire stories that once amused and terrified are not fiction.
Over 50% of Jews marry out, that is, marry goyim in order to get an infusion of healthy White European blood. Jews aren’t just dependent on us economically, they also depend on our bloodline to stay alive, like vampires–without that regular blood infusion, they’d literally become mental cripples and die out. This is how a parasite fools itself into believing in its own superiority–it cannot and will not recognize its infantile dependency.
I said it before and say it again, without the White people (Christians, Anglo’s et al) they love to hate, Jews who claim to be God’s chosen people are niente, nada, zilch…..
Lisette, that’s their ultimate “get out of jail free card” more so than the Holocaust. If White Christians ever came to the realization en masse that today’s Jews are actually Edomites impersonating true Israelites, Jewish power would evaporate within months–all of it would topple. It is that false belief that Christians hold that Jews are Israel that keeps us from criticizing or holding their feet to the fire. That lie must be exposed to the world–Jews are Edom. White Europeans are true Israel. When that truth comes out, the jig is up.
I think the great awakening is happening…its a helluva job to undo the more more than a century of indoctrination but it can be done…it started with this…“In the Treaty of Versailles and the other treaties following the Great War the Jews of Eastern Europe were put under a sort of special protection, but not in a straightforward and positive fashion. The word “Jew” was never blurted out it was replaced by the word “MINORITY”…people need to understand that ‘minority’ is a legalized Bolshevik communist psychological torture weapon. I lived and learned that Jews like no other use and abuse the law to justify their injustice and crimes against humanity. They may be mighty but not Almighty…if they remember Brutus, they will realize that what goes around always comes around.
Patrick White
Reparations and repulsively ill-gotten financial gains lie behind every single Jewish malady. That, and screwing their relatives using mutilated tools.