A video recently posted on Bitchute features an unidentified rabbi explaining to his congregation how Jews made all the wars in Europe possible by controlling the supply chain for the raw and manufactured goods necessary to wage war — and became enriched by doing so.
At one point in his talk, he slips up and admits that the Jews “back stabbed” their clients while engaging in this shady business as middlemen — tries to recover by quickly correcting himself — but he clearly was thinking about how Jews are infamous for “backstabbing” in business transactions — although when it happens to themselves, they call it “economic genocide.”
It’s no wonder that both Henry Ford and Joseph Goebbels observed, “Jews produce nothing.”
There’s an old Jewish saying, “I can get it for you wholesale” — in fact, it’s so much part of Yiddish culture that they made a Broadway play about it — featuring a best-forgotten, banal song aptly titled, “What’s In It For Me?“
This rabbi reveals to his congregation the secret of Jewish success — how Jews have always managed to avoid working for a living by exploiting the labor of others — ironically, the Jews largely comprised the “bourgeoisie” — the exploitative middlemen who controlled the means of production — which the communists targeted for elimination, thereby controlling both sides of the false communist-capitalist dialectic.
And it’s significant that this talk takes place in a synagogue — supposedly a place of Jewish worship. A synagogue is where Jews traditionally get together to network and do business — and worship Mammon, their true god.
The rabbi wants all Jews in the synagogue to know how they — and their ancestors — have all materially benefitted from being part of this international network — this kosher mafia financed by international bankers— and if they step out of line and become a “moser” who exposes this “international brotherhood” — this Judeo-Masonic conspiracy — they might actually have to — “God forbid!” — work for a living like the goyische “schlubs.”
Here’s a transcript of the rabbi’s talk — and we’d emedded the video below in case it gets removed from Bitchute:
How does somebody supply the army? How do you actually come up with 120,000 meals a day? How do you come up with 100,000 bullets…and a quarter million canon balls? How do you do that? Here comes Poland. “I need so many meals a day — a lot of grain and fodder for the horses. So I’m living in Germany, but I have a cousin who lives near the Polish border, and he has a friend who has a cousin who lives in Poland. That guy works for Kampotusky — the other one works for Kowchardarysky — and they’ve got lots of grain.
And it’s a matter of business….if the numbers work out — supply and demand — and if you tell this cousin, who tells Shmerl, who tells ‘I want to buy every piece of grain in this province now for this season. And tell your other friends over there, Mordachai, Shmordachai, and Kordachai….that they should buy up all the grain over there because we have a market for you. The market is the King of France, or the King of Sardinia, of the Grand Duke of Baden, or something like that.
See? And same thing when it comes to making iron. Here’s where the iron ore is, and there’s a place in Germany where they manufacture it, but I know Ira Friedman has all the contacts with the iron ore people, and Shmel Friedman has all the contacts with the German people, and then it’s got to be transported over here, and that’s how they did it.
It sounds like I”m making fun of it, but it’s really remarkable that all these military campaigns were supplied and run by Jews. That’s what they call the [Hooks Union??] — and it’s all back stabbed — backstopped by these Polish guys who can deliver their material, their goods. I’ve got great news, there’s a war in Italy. That means — you remember all those extra fields we didn’t know what to do with? You sell it all for top dollar. You know that extra forest we didn’t know what to do with? Now we make a mint because the queen of England is having a war with the King of France, and the Navy is going to build a…and the wood you have is good wood, and so forth. This is how life is done once upon a time.
Benjamin Freedman Speech.-Full
Bolshevik Terror inflicted on Russian Christians.
Dennis Roe
Christ was right about the synagogue of satan.
Prophet Daniel
We deserve these crooked people for our stupid interpretation of bible based on Calvinist Protestant views instead of Martin Luther’s views…
Martin Luther exposed the jews in his holy work called “The Jews and Their Lies”….
The Catholic church leaders were addicted to jewish money and investments of church funds – and jews know money corrupts.
God will burn these Christian leaders in eternal fires for their demonic embrace of the synagogue of satan…woe to these evil Christian churchmen.
Maria Farmer, one of Epstein’s victims names the Jew .
The Jews, are a mishmash of Edomite Khazar tribes. And this is the prophesy for this people; “If Edom says, “We have been struck down but we shall rebuild our ruins,” Yahweh Sabaoth says this, “Let them build, but I shall pull down! They will be known as Land of Wickedness and Nation-with-which-Yahweh-is-angry-for-ever. You will see this yourselves and you will say: Yahweh is mighty beyond the borders of Israel.” Malachi 1:1-5
So, since God warned against the Edomites against “building Zion With Blood” at the penalty of being referred to as “Land of Wickedness and Nation-with-which-Yahweh-is-angry-for-ever.” What response would you expect such people to provoke on the rest of humanity? Respect? Love?
These people hate God, (whom they know not, and hate His creation, to spite Him in his absence) and God reciprocates, by making such people the bane of the world who then the world hates!.
Bigfoot, we wrote an entire essay addressing the prophecy of Edom in Malachai, and we suggest you study it along with the comments…..
What does “building Zion with blood”, which is from Micah 3:10, have to do with Edom being Jewry?
Let me try to explain my point. Apologies if the response is lengthy…but it might be necessary.
First, In the second century before Christ, a dynamic priest-king of Judah, John Hyrcanus of the Hasmonean dynasty, conquered the people directly to the south of Judah, the Edomites. John Hyrcanus gave them a condition, that either they submit to the traditions and practices of the Jews and then be allowed to stay, or they were to be expelled from these lands. Because of their love for their ancestral land, the Edomites chose to convert to Judaism, and from hence forth they too, were known as Jews. .”( See, Flavius Josephus “The Antiquity of the Jews Chapter 9 How, After The Death Of Antiochus, Hyrcanus Made An Expedition Against Syria, And Made A League With The Romans. Concerning The Death Of King Demetrius And Alexander)
These Edomite Jews, rose through the social political and religious hierarchies, such that by the Time of The Christ, an Edomite was King (Kind Herod) and even a substantial number of the people who called themselves “Jews” especially the Pharisaic and the Sadusaic element during the time of Jesus were actually Edomites, the descendants of Esau, and brother to Jacob.
This is revealed during Jesus encounter with the Pharisees where one meets them ranting at Jesus that they were free men and have never been slaves. It should be noted that in the audience present here, were Pharisees, the Jewish Elders. We read; “To the Jews who believed in him, Jesus said;” If you make my Word your home, you will indeed be my disciple, you will learn the Truth, and the Truth will make you free” They answered, “ We are descendants of Abraham, and we have never been slaves to anyone, what do you mean “You will be free?” John 8: 31-36.
Apparently, these Jews who were listening to Jesus were not descendants of Jacob, Israel, from whom came the Hebrew community who were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt. After all, they would not have claimed that they were never slaves to anyone, if they were the descendants of the Hebrew who were enslaved in Egypt.. We know, that the Hebrew people were enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years. How could they forget this enslavement whose redemption they cerebrated as “Pass-Over” every year! Besides, even if they forgot Egyptian enslavement, how could the Jews forget the Babylonian Captivity, which was even more recent?
And The Lord did not correct them, when they claimed that they “have never been slaves” He knew THEY WERE NOT JEWS!! And He made it clear, in the Book of Revelation, when He declared; “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:9
These were the Edomites who Hijacked Judaism, and crucified The Messiah! These were the Edomite Jews, which are spoken about by Prophet Isaiah prophesying probably the destruction of Jerusalem; who speaks to the Lord, asking Him; “ Who is this coming from Edom, from Bozrah in garments stained in crimson, so richly clothed matching so full of strength? –Its I, who speaks of integrity, and I am powerful to save. –Why are your garments red, your clothes as if you have trodden the winepress? –I have trodden the wine press alone. Of the men of my people not one was with me. In my anger, I trod them down, I trampled them in my wrath. Their juice splattered my garments. And all my clothes are stained” Isaiah 63:1-3
Why is the Prophet asking the Lord this question? It was because, “Of the men of my people not one was with me.” Israel, had been hijacked by Edom, who later, continued with Judaism of “Traditions Of The Elders” based on Talmudic teaching. This is the Modern Judaism, which the modern Jews, a mishmash of Edomites and Khazar proselytes who are “Building Zion with Blood” of Gentiles and “Jerusalem” with the blood of Palestinians!
But then you say that;
(1) Edom is used only as a shadow — and that these things are promised for all of the nations.
(2) Because those from all nations who do not serve Israel through the Lord Jesus will be destroyed, as Isaiah 60:12 says
(3) Edomites are not Jews.
(4) Malachi 1 is referring to Edom rebuilding the land of Seir, not the land of Judea.
(5) Edom is being used only as a shadow for something which applies to all nations.
“All nations who do not serve Israel through the Lord Jesus will be destroyed, as Isaiah 60:12” Wow……….Just Wow!
This shows that in your own opinion, the nations MUST SERVE ISRAEL THROUGH THE CHRIST. I guess that explains the foundation of your believe system, which is TOTALLY WRONG!!
Bigfoot, we wrote about this very topic in the article leading up to the Malachi article: Edom In The Old And New Testaments
Whether you believe dual-seedline or not, the essay still touches on many general CI beliefs.
We also addressed John 8:33 more recently in our article, John’s Baptism Of Repentance — And Why All Israel Will Not Be Saved.
Give them a read and if you disagree, please comment on the articles themselves. Other users will see them in our Recent Comments section.
Well, CFT
What exactly do you mean by “Israel”? And what is the role of your “Israel” in God’s Salvation plan?
I think your answer will help tremendously.
Bigfoot, you will find in our Biblical studies that “Israel” means Israelities according to the flesh — that is literal descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel and who also are the “children of the promise“, that is, those Israelites who also have the faith of Abraham and conform their lives to Christ. A true Israelite must be the physical seed of Israel who is also fulfills the spirit of Israel — of Christ.
This idea is spelled out in our different essays, but you can start with the following:
And, yes, we believe that you will find Israel among white people of European descent, but not all of them.
You say;
“A true Israelite must be the physical seed of Israel who is also fulfils the spirit of Israel — of Christ.”
I guess we will have to disagree on that one. You remember that Lord Yahweh, after Israelites infuriated him with their constant disobedience and whining, The Lord told Moses that He would destroy the whole of Israel and raise another nation with Moses. But Moses persuaded him not to. Then again, when the Israelites doubted that they could overcome the Amalek, The Lord swore that none of that generation would inherit Cannon. And they did not. All those who escaped Egypt dies in the desert. Again, when the Lord sent a series of Prophets to the Northern Kingdom warning them of Apostasy, he eventually despair of them, and surrendered them to the conquerors. The Ten tribes were lost, never to be heard of again.
What is my point? My point is that the Prophesy of Daniel 12 :1-10 has already been fulfilled in the Christ, and through the Christ. The History of the Adamic linage ended with the Christ! Christ is also the promises. And The Christ is, as the Apostles testify, is everything! Colossians 3:11-12 So, The Christ is also The New Israel, which has been brought to being by God, through The Christ. He too, is The Promises.
So, it is, to me, irrelevant for us to speak of “Israel Of The Flesh” It does not exist, nor is it necessary.
Bigfoot, we suggest you read our article, Romans 11 And The Glory Of Israel’s Fulfillment Through The Nations where we cover the matter in depth.
Jesus, have mercy on these people for their sins… At least they appear to be confessing them, in a way.
What is yom kippur to lie and break oaths, it’s not about getting together for cookies . How can they be trusted?
“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’ The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).fevil
The Rabbi in the California synagogue shooting has admitted fraud.
We covered the fraud case when the Poway rabbi was charged:
Also when the same rabbi received his “new” finger that got “shot off”:
no dice
“Wars are the Jews’ harvests.”
—Werner Zombart, German economic historian
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
WWI & WWII should be renamed ‘War against Whites I & II’ since it was mostly white ppl who did the fighting & dying.
Over a hundred hears later, look at the DNA makeup of the West. A mish-mash of cultures, people, religions & societal norms, all working against the whites that founded that nation & brought it to prosperity, to then be looted by the Jew, who never tires of plundering Goyim countries.
Aided by killing off tens and tens of millions white soldier & the serious wounding of tens & tens of millions more of the brightest, bravest & healthiest men sent off to fight & die for the glory of Zionism & Mammon.
On a side note, the veil piercing LHC in Bern, Switzerland is to start back up this week, with three times the power.
Those idiots dont know what’s behind that veil they want to pierce & dont care.