The Vatican announced that Pope Francis is further restricting the use of the Latin Mass — the standard form of the liturgy used for the last thousand years and favored by traditionalist Catholics — because it calls for the conversion of the Jews — and that until 2008 — also included an “antisemitic” reference to Jewish “blindness”:
Francis’ declaration on Friday is a repudiation of an earlier decree by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who in 2007 made it easier to use the Latin Mass. At the time of that declaration, Jewish groups expressed concern because the Latin Mass recited on Good Friday included a “prayer for the Jews” that called for their conversion to Christianity and referred to the Jews’ “blindness.”
Jewish groups worried at the time that Benedict’s decision signified a retreat from the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, which declared in a 1965 document known as “Nostra Aetate” that the Jews were not guilty of killing Jesus, and condemned antisemitism. Accusations that the Jews killed Jesus have long motivated antisemitic attacks.
In 2008, Benedict reaffirmed his commitment to Nostra Aetate and omitted the word “blindness” from the Good Friday prayer.
Francis said he was restricting use of the Latin Mass out of concern that those who favor it also reject Vatican II, according to the Associated Press. Vatican II made a number of sweeping changes to Catholic ritual and practice — including allowing for Mass to be recited in the vernacular. A faction of Catholics who split from the Church over Vatican II had continued reciting the Latin Mass before Benedict’s declaration.
Now in order to use the Latin Mass, priests must get permission from their local bishop, who must also make sure that those using the Latin Mass accept Vatican II.
Basically, the Catholic Church has made a special anti-Christ dispensation for Jews — completely nullifying Christ’s plain statement in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
In 2015, Pope Francis stated, “Although Jews cannot believe in Jesus Christ as the universal redeemer, they have a part in salvation, because the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”
Interesting choice of words — “cannot believe in Jesus Christ” — as opposed to do not believe in Jesus Christ — which suggest a truth about Jews — that their ingroup identity and cohesiveness is predicated upon being in active, open rebellion against the truth of God though Jesus Christ.
And it is that active rebellion against Christ and His people that creates all so-called “antisemitism” — and the World Jewish Congress openly admitted that antisemitism is necessary for them to have a group identity — without it, they would cease to be a people.
Without that rebellion against Christ — and the resultant “antisemitism” — Jews and their enormous power would evaporate — and so their obsession with ridding the world of antisemitism actually goes against their own interests.
Pope Francis also exonerated the Jews from killing Jesus Christ — reaffirming the fundamental purpose of Vatican II’s liberal agenda.
Of course, since by their own admission today’s Jews are not Israelites, they did not technically kill Jesus Christ — although through their ongoing rejection of Christ, they attempt to kill Him and His followers as an imperative that is fundamental to their ersatz identity as Jews.
To better understand the irreconcilable conflicts between Christianity and Jews and Judaism, watch this debate between Catholic scholar E. Michael Jones and messianic Jew, Dr. Michael Brown:
I can’t find a recent article to post this so that many might see it, but there are many videos of Rabbi’s and other Jews admitting that they do not believe that Jesus is the son of god . Maybe someone who knows how to put these videos on the internet will do so. How do they get away with claiming also , making the Christian world believe that the Bible is their history and book.? I don’t know enough about it to talk about it. I ‘ve read some comments by people under these videos and they give the usual lack of knowledge of the information and brag or thank the Jew for informing them or referring to antisemitism as a reason for the jews problems in the world.
It is terrible about the war caused by Hamus and Israel, but if Arabs and the world keep at it , this is a time to expose the truth . There are many documentaries about how the British caused the Middle East problem, Israeli apartheid , Israeli hatred of Palestinian’s , killing, destruction of their homes etc. Up until this war , the Jews thought that they had the advantage by calling anyone who criticized them and antisemite, butr this war has given everyone a chance to expose the Jew while they can.
It’s UNDENIABLE that Jews run the porn industry.
Wasn’t Playboy’s owner a Jew? My memory is poor when I sometimes try to remember things. I just saw a video of women, not one, but several ,standing in glass or plexiglass enclosures , for sale in Israel , in a mall like setting with price tags on them. People strolling by.Some looked bruised or mistreated, depressed. And a Jewish looking character if I understood correctly claimed that they were doing this , what they did in secret or underground. So, it must be true , that one can be so traumized that one will not resist or seek help[, even when they can ,because others are indifferent, or accept it or do something about it. When the Arabs were coming in mass to Europe and the United States and tearing up the cities, destroying and taking over areas .I made CD’s and DVD’s of the vidoes off the internet and sent them to newpspaers and politican’s in Washington. I have no idea , if they did any good, as none ever responded and why would they ? They must be careful to not offend the public if their true views are expressed. But I don’t care because I am a believer that even if I felt it may not have been seem by the politican, I t is recorderd in the spiritual realm. But I know some read them because i once gave a letter to a politican’s secretary and as I was shutting the door as I walked out, she tore open the letter to read it. And all US government letters are scrutinized for various threatrs, substances etc So someone seees them.. Israel is proving to the world, Arab neighbors and the United States that she is a power not to mess with, so she surely is working for the day when she will make her bid for world control. Many Jewish and Christian sites are talking about the EndTimes and to me the reason, Russia must be our eternal enemy and China is because they are the ones, all my life even by radio preachers that attack Israel in the End Times. To me, why would Russia and China have reason to attack Israel? They”ve had their own wars in their part of the world with each other and Europe etc. But Israel is thousands of miles away. So the only reason , to me , and I’m not referring to religion, but to the Jewish communism that the Jews brought to their countriues, and the sufferings of the peoples, if they ever wake up, have a lot of revenge coming against the Jews for their satanic , luceriferian rulership for decades.
anybody that the terrorist ADL attacks is my friend and ally
I can’t remember of ever hearing of a Dr. Michael Brown. but I was surprised to watch the whole discussion and see how relaxed and easy going Brown was. It was Huffman who was very serious.
I believe the closest to finding out the role played in the conquest of the world is the book : “The Secret Terrorists.” by Bill Hughes .If the Jews were the only ones involved in the world domination scheme, the Catholic Church could expose the Jews and stop them. I believe the Jews are allowed to be the outer face of the plot to rule the world and like Trump, they glory in it. What is strange is to read that the Church helped in the overthrow of the Christian Orthodox Church of Russia , through the Rothschilds, and overthrow of the Czar and murder him and his family because the Catholic Church hates the
Russian Orthodox Church. There’s too much to not believe one of our greatest enemies is the Catholic Church said to be ruled behind the scenes by the Jesuits. But that is the problem and why anyone believing in a world domination scheme can be laughed at. Some expose the Jesuits. Others the Mormons. Some ,the Catholic Church. Some expose Great Britain, others the Rhodes Foundation, others , the Council on Foreign Relations, others the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, The Rothschild’s , Others of Europe, some just expose Communism, Socialism, many blame the Jews, old families of Europe, Some going back to the Jews and Herod or Pontius Pilate , some blame Lucifer , Hitler , as though he is the only one, on and on and on.
The Jews tell us who to hate through their news media. They tell us who we are not allowed to not dislike or hate. Now we’ll have tens of thousands of Afganastan’s to have to think the way the MWO wants us to about them and mass immigration. I’ve read that most foreigners go to universities, so the 9,000,000 jobs, American companies can’t find employees for because they want higher wages and benefits won’t be taken by all of the Blacks, Arabs, and South American’s coming here, because they’ll be going to universities, and being given free housing, shoes instead of sandals, hats instead of turbans, clothes instead of robes, cell phones, computers , automobiles, and food stamps and welfare while there are millions of true American’s who are homeless and no one cares but ,maybe some organization who are just like the average American , who wants to help, but can’t help everyone. And this is what I have always heard of how the Jews and Catholic Church will take over the United States:mass immigration. Our traitors are not only all over the world, but also within our own country. Joe Biden is proving that .
nifgrs if Colubus,
So many have their views about the Jews and Catholic Church and how they interact with some saying the Jews have controlled the Church since its beginning, or the real Christians were killed in the Roman games , that the Jesuits founded by a Jew are the real behind the scenes rulers of the Church etc., etc. I may be wrong, but I believe the Catholic Church could stop this world domination scheme of the Jews if they wanted too, but somehow are working together. Authors and news say the Rothschilds take care of the Church’s finances. If books by various authors are used as proof of the truth of personal, world events and history, then there is plenty of material to prove that the Catholic Church, Jews, Great Britain, and other groups , families, organizations are behind and working to achieve this world domination scheme. The reason, it seems that it is called ” conspiracy ” by the news media and those that don’t want to be accused of it and get away with calling such things conspiracy is because they have control of the media and some do not have the nature, intelligence, exposure, knowledge, experience or realization of it. Maybe they are the ones who are the “lost sheep.”
Speaking of E. Michael Jones, when he’s been asked how to fight the ongoing Jewish revolution in our countries, he recommended two things, “Get baptized, and start going to church.”
This where his slavish devotion to the Catholic Church becomes self-defeating when trying to respond to the Jewish onslaught, especially in our personal lives. Christ is the answer….not the Catholic Church.
Jared Baylor
Jews (like Tim Wise) are fellow whites when they demonize whites for slavery, the “Holocaust,” and the “genocide of the Indians.” Every single time you will see prominent Jews spewing blood libel on whites while pretending to be white.
But then when they switch to victim mode…..they become poor Jews….the world’s biggest victims….the most helpless people on earth…..and to prove how helpless they are….say something about them and see what happens to your career.
Coffee Boy
This is no pope. He is a Marrano jew impersonating a Catholic and a pope. Whether he’s kissing black feet, or encouraging Europe to take in more refugees (while his Vatican City takes in zero), I have no respect for him. My wife can verify I refer to him as either Pope Frank or Big Frank. 🙂
Barry Huwhite
The jews killed Christ…..and Sarah Silverman says, “Yeah! We killed Christ! And we’d do it again!”
She is NOT kidding.
Christ came to save the jews from their selfish ingroup talmudic insanity….they chose to crucify the Son of God rather than submit to universal love.
Rabbi Glickman
E. Michael Jones PROVES he’s a Christian anti-Semite by beating up Dr. Brown the way he did. Ohhh… my people!
John Anon.
You are sadly under a great delusion, sir. Jews are NOT Semites, as Dr. Elhaik’s (himself a [sic] ‘Jew’) DNA studies have shown.
(Copy this, CFT readers!)
If you people would stop pretending to be ‘Chosen’ and instead just simply say, ‘We worship the Idol of Talmudism, which warps and twists the Mosaic witness to Christ as Messiah,” I think we’d all get along a lot better. Oh, and give back the land to the Palestinians you stole it from….
Christians For Truth
John Anon.: “Rabbi Glickman” is not a real Jew; he’s making fun of the anti-White, anti-Christian Judaic mindset. You have failed to pick up on his ironic tone. If you become a regular reader here, you will see that…..
Justin Trudeau
angela a
Thank god orthodox Jews can’t believe in Jesus. The man who never married or had kids because he like all the priest are homosexuals and had to create a religion that would allow the “roman” way of living, eating and their pagans style of worshiping statues to exist while covering their sin as the word of god. Catholics are like liberals the only reason to be a liberal or catholic is to legalize sin.
Angela, you have a split personality.
And both of them have sit personalities.
Al Liguori
Put down your Jack Chick comic books.
Do you have pictures of your family? We do.
Do you worship “graven images” of your mother? Neither do we.
John Anon.
Angela also re-uses the cavil that ALL RC clergy are sodomites. But, the question posed in ‘Goodbye, Good Men’ by Rose, twenty years ago, needs to be asked, first.
WHO PUT SUCH PEOPLE in positions of power, to KEEP godly celibate men from the RCC Priesthood, in the first place? You have to go back to Nostra Aetate, and the JEWISH ‘advisors’ to Vatican II, to note the rot started, there.
Notice how in that video debate that Dr. Michael Brown keeps referring to himself as “a Jew” even though he allegedly converted to Christianity 40 years ago. If he admits he’s an ethnic Jew, then he falls into E. Michael Jones’ trap — of defending Jews as a “racial” identity, not religious. This is the problem with Jews converting, they keep their Jewish identity even after conversion because Jewishness is seared into them. He defends “religious” Jews who read the Talmud as “upholding the law” and implies they are the moral equivalent of Christians.
Their identity mutates into whatever it needs to in the moment, and there’s usually “Jew” in your camp to “correct” your view of what they are.
…And if you disagree, you’re a dirty anti-Semite.
Yep. Theyre Jews one day, Whites the next, depending on the needs of the moment.
Same as it ever was.
“a “prayer for the Jews” that called for their conversion to Christianity”
Could this be a good thing? Has converting the Jews en masse ever worked out for Christendom? It certainly backfired bigly for Spain and Portugal, and it allowed them to compromise Christianity through their Jesuit sect.
I suspect the World Jewish Congress is selling itself short, because if there were no “anti-semitism” then they would still have a group identity as kikes are all brothers by way of their spiritual father, Satan. Also, weren’t the Jews themselves considering abolishing and replacing the term “anti-semitism”?
Of course, since by their own admission today’s Jews are not Israelites, they did not technically kill Jesus Christ
The Jews certainly tried to kill Jesus (eg: John 8:59), but couldn’t pull it off and ultimately had to harangue their Roman shabbos goyim into doing it for them. Does their failure to kill Christ suggest that the Jews, by which I mean the religious leaders who plotted against Him and who ran Judea in large degree, were not Israelites even then?
If Jews aren’t the “men of Israel” (Acts 2:22-23) who killed Christ, then how are they responsible for killing Christ? Are you relying on a mistranslation of “Jew’ in John 8:59 to support your case?
The “men of Israel” that Peter is addressing in Acts 2:23 are those among Judeans who were duped by the kike cabal (Matthew 27:20) into forcing the Romans to crucify Christ.
The ones who were so duped that they even joined the cabal in the Matthew 27:25 blood curse.
This is why the “men of Israel” present for Peter’s speech are so “pricked to the heart” (2:37) and that “fear came upon every soul” (2:43).
Edward I
I looked up the term “kike cabal” in an online Bible and could not find it anywhere. And it certainly isn’t mentioned in Matthew 27:20, which refers to the high priests. And if Matthew refers to them as “high priests”, shouldn’t we assume that he meant they were legitimate high priests? After all, if they were not legitimate high priests, wouldn’t Matthew or the other gospel writers mention it?
I looked up the term “kike cabal” in an online Bible
Unless you’re reading a translation written by modern memesters, you of course would not find that term in the Bible.
The kike cabal is explained by Jesus himself, an example being Matthew 16:21 where he explains that “he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes…” The cabal being those elders, chief priests, and scribes.
Matthew 27:20 tells us of chief priests and elders persuading the populace of Jerusalem to force the Romans to crucify Christ.
We know that these high priests in Matthew are not legitimate because Scripture tells us that they repeatedly worked against the religion and God that they were supposed to be serving.
John Anon.
You’re asking two completely different questions.
1) Who Killed Christ?
2) Are the ‘men of Israel’ the Modern day [sic] Jew?
It’s a fair mistake to make. After all, for 2000 years, the [sic] ‘Jews’ have been trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the WORLD, to make us think (((they))) are ‘God’s [sic] Chosen People.’
Well, here are honest answers.
As to #1- Jews today say THE ROMANS did it. Thus, a) averting their own crimes of Deicide, and b) making the ‘gentiles’ (in their eyes) “guilty”- while at the same time, among their own, they read (if religious) the Talmud, which is full of blasphemies and HATRED against Jesus.
But here’s the truth: “… the passage suggests rabbinic willingness to take responsibility for the execution of Jesus. No effort is made to pin his death upon the Romans……. Jewish apologetics that “we could not have done it” because of Roman sovereignty ring hollow when one examines the Talmudic account … (“Jesus in the Talmud,” Steven Bayme, American Jewish Committee National Director, Professor of History at Yeshiva University, September 24, 2003)
As to #2 Let’s hear from some [sic] ‘Jews’- from their own mouths, and from writers of Antiquity.
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (pg 3 of the 1980 Jewish Almanac).
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ — (Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23)
“Modern Jewry” descends primarily from Edomites who converted to Judaism in 130BC, NOT from the Biblical 12 Tribes of Israel. Modern Jewry is largely descended from Edomites (Idumeans) who were forcibly converted to Judaism in 130BC, by Hasmonean Leader Johanan Hycarnus and absorbed into Judean society, recorded by Flavius Josephus in “Antiquities of the Jews” Book 13: Chapter 9, Section 1. http://www.perseus.tufts.ed…
The Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian Strabo further testifies to the colonisation of Judea by Edomite converts to Judaism in Geography [Bk 16.2.34]
“The Edomites were conquered by John Hycarnus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants.” See [The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, New Revised Edition, 1966]
Christians For Truth
John Anon., you’re obviously new here. We are all aware of how the Jews are and who they are not. We suggest you read our articles on this subject before you make the false assumption that our readers and commenters don’t know what you are rehashing here.
Start here:
John Anon.
Well, if you KNOW this stuff, then why do you let posters on, who don’t?
They are not goin to read your posts, and their disinformation merely confuses new readers (like me) who DO know the difference.
‘Re-hashing’ things is putting medicine where the bug bite is, IMHO.
Christians For Truth
John Anon., you are misrepresenting what our readers know and what you believe to be “disinformation”. It’s you who is repeating disinformation, and if you thoroughly read the essays that we’ve suggested to you, you will see where your errors lie. But from the sounds of it, you are convinced of the certainly of your own righteousness, and are quick to those who disagree with you as “disinformation” or “liars”. Perhaps this isn’t the forum for someone with such a mindset. You will have trouble convincing anyone here that Chesterton is a “disinformation” agent.
Who cares Catholicism is judaism for gentiles. You want to be a jew, be a catholic, and whoever is still a Catholic after the revealing of all the paedophilia is revealed you are a serious degenerate
The catholic church just gets more silly every day… the only things they have goin for them in the eyes of the crowd is the traditions of man, huge deluded fanbase, and the fancy theatrics. Jesus will say “I never knew you”, to the popes on judgement day, I reckon.
The pope believes someone could not follow Christ and not be blind… I guess he is blind!
It’s real simple… Christ is the King of kings. All who deny Him, or pander to those denying Him, He will deny before His Father.
“And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
Al Liguori
The Church is occupied territory.
Anti-Pope Bergoglio is Talmudic, not Catholic.
He cannot be the earthly head of the Church to which he does not belong.
Today’s Jews may not be responsible for the death of Christ; but can anyone doubt they’d be screaming “Crucify Him!” if the opportunity presented itself again? But they can’t, so they go after His followers. Hopefully Pope Poppamomma will have time to reconsider the many errors of his ways before he goes under that ax.
I think he and his fellow defectors must justify it to themselves borrowing an excuse from LBJ: “In politics it is sometimes necessary to do an evil in order to prevent an even greater evil.”
The pic of Poppamomma kissing that Jew’s hand would be more appropriate to show him kissing another part of his anatomy.
All extortionists using Christs name for their own enterprise have made His gospel into a prostitute.