Finland’s Supreme Court rejected an attempt by a “neo-Nazi” movement to overturn a state prohibition on its activities in the country, and by doing so effectively ruled that any organized opposition to Jewish power and supremacy is illegal:
The ruling upheld an earlier decision, which banned the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), following a recommendation by the National Police Board, with the court citing the movement’s hate speech against foreigners and Jews and its use of violence, according to the report.
Though the NRM is active in five different Scandinavian nations, including functioning as a political party in Sweden, the movement was first banned in 2018, when the appeals court in the city of Turku ruled they should be shut down due to its militia structure and a series of violent acts, including the murder of an anti-fascist demonstrator in 2016, according to The Algemeiner.
In 2019, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) urged Sweden to ban the NRM, following the movement’s rallies on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in the cities of Ludvika and Kungälv.
The court ruling is sending a clear and unambiguous message to the Finns — resistance is futile.
Remarkably, 5 million Finns are controlled and silenced by a tiny population of about 1,500 Jews living in their midst.
No matter how many people that the violent Antifa protestors injure, intimidate, or kill, they are never banned or outlawed — and the media praises as “law-abiding”.
Pravda 101.
Yet anyone who opposes Jewish power or radical nation-wrecking bolshevism is immediately labeled as a violent Neo-Nazi who wants to kill 6 million Jews — and absurd as that may sound, this tactic by and large has been very effective in neutralizing their opponents.
Over 100 million people who opposed Jewish bolshevism have been murdered in the last 100 years, yet despite that staggering body count, it is still perceived as “largely peaceful” — because of the Jewish monopoly of the media and publishing.
The Finns — and every other White Christian nation — have allowed these racial aliens to take control of all levers of power in their nations, and it would be foolish to think that those racial aliens would not use that enormous power to make it illegal to oppose them.
Jews don’t play fair, and it’s a waste of breath demanding that they should — their power come from an unabashed use of weaponized hypocrisy — you will never shame them because they have no sense of shame.
But remember, aside from Adolf Hitler, the Jews hate Christ with equal or greater vitriol — and if the Finns would start opposing Jewish supremacy as racially aware Christians instead of LARPing as “Neo-Nazis”, they just might start seeing some immediate results.
Poland and Hungary seem to have figured some of this out — how to use Jewish tactics and slogans against them.
European courts can ban “Nazis” but they can’t ban Christians. But that is coming.
Finnish composer Jean Sibelius wrote the symphony “Finlandia” in 1899 to promote independence from the Russian Empire — now it appears they are content to be a vassal state of Jewry:
Finland is a small place. If you can’t take the puppet masters to account, then take it out on the puppets. Surely everyone knows where the shabbos goy lawyers and politicians can be found and dealt with? It’s that time. Long knives and all that.
The jews have not drastically changed their methods, which they have developed over centuries. The excerpt below explains much about the methodology of [international] Jewry, whether it is put to use inside Russia, Finland or America. It’s entitled, “Catechism of the Jew in the USSR”.
[Scroll down at the link below [about 3 articles are ahead of it] for the full version. It’s well worth reading and keeping a full copy for your files].
“JEWS! Love one another, help one another! Help each other even if you hate each other!
Our strength lies in unity. Unity is the token of our success, and it is our salvation and our prosperity. Many nations perished after becoming dispersed, because they did not have a clear-cut programme of action or a feeling of comradeship. But we, thanks to our feeling of collectivism, have gone on for centuries and have survived while living among other nations. We have remained intact, have multiplied and have grown stronger.
Unity is an objective, but it is also a means of achieving an objective. This is the point….
“Accuse of antisemitism those who try to expose you
Accuse of antisemitism those who try to expose you. Pin the label of “antisemite” on them, and you will see with what pleasure the other goyim will take up this version. On the whole, all Russians are antisemites, but as soon as you pin this label on one Russian, he becomes defenceless, because all the others will throw him to us as a sacrifice and will destroy him with their own hands. And we shall attach the stigma to the next victim.
Play on the soft-heartedness of the Russians
Play on the soft-heartedness of the Russians. Make yourselves out to be poor and unfortunate ones, arouse compassion and sympathy for yourselves, spread the rumours about the eternally suffering nation, about persecution in the past and discrimination today.
The tactic of the “poor Jew” has been proving its worth for thousands of years!
Even if the Russians have less than us, they will nonetheless help us to have more. The Russians like being benefactors and guardians, and every beggar strives to be a benefactor, because that raises his status.
The generosity of the Russians increases in the same measure as their ability to put it into effect decreases. Take from them what they can give: a mangy sheep will at least yield a tuft of wool!
Distort all phenomena in the light of our interests. Every phenomenon must, unquestionably, be considered from the point of view of the harm or benefit it produces for the Jews!
Inform one another about everything which may harm or benefit us.
Information is the Holy of Holies
Information is the Holy of Holies! Money, groups of specialists, and information: these are the three supports upon which our well-being is founded!
It is every Jew’s sacred duty and obligation to inform another Jew of what the Goyim intend to do. You helped me today, I shall help you tomorrow – therein lies our strength.”
Fr. John+
You know what this means, of course? The attempts by ONE (false) religion, masquerading as the ‘Chosen People’ of the call Christians call, Father – is the attempt to STEAL sonship from the One True God- divine Theft, in other words.
Which means this is a THEOLOGICAL heresy, and that war against the Juden is a HOLY WAR, that must result in the victory for King Jesus, and the obliteration of His foes.
As the Church has long said that the Jews are guilty of DEICIDE, they are thus, Christendom’s implacable foes, and no quarter should be given them. They must be routed out, in every place they have ILLEGALLY and IMMORALLY positioned themselves, because they are STEALING OUR PATRIMONY.
For the Crown Rights of King Jesus, and the bounds of Christendom.
Where are the Finns? In 1940 the small FInn army prevented disaster and communist (jew) occupation by destroying the assault of superior Russian (Soviet) army. Their air force with AMerican obsolete Brewster Buffaloes destroyed the Russian air force. They were condemned as allies with Hitler by US media. Finns were the toughest fighter on the eastern front , which was not used by the Third Reich for the possible victory in the North.
WHere are these Finn patriots today? Good news : a few of their grandchildren , great grand children are condemned again as nazi. Where are the despicable jew , that control the mind of the many? In critical places , law makers , teachers politicians!
You can defeat with courage and determination the enemy before you. But all fall victim to the traitor , subversion and coward behind. I enjoyed the music of SIbelius and the beautiful Landscaft of Finland.
Why can’t all the jews just F Off to Israel and leave the rest of the world to itself ?!
I am so sick and tired of their meddling in everywhere and their influence in our lives !!!!
Why can’t they? It’s not in their nature. They are parasites who must have a host to feed off of. Even Israel, the country, is a parasite, feeding off the USA and Europe, and especially Germany via “Holocaust reparations” to the tune of billions.
That’s why Jews push socialism/communism: a parasitical ideology that transfers the wealth of White nations to the Jews, under the guise of equality. Why would they give up such a nice, easy arrangement to live on their own?
Fr. John+
HKW, read the Bible. This is a SPIRITUAL battle primarily, carried out on the battlefields of the hearts, minds, and SOULS of the WHITES of the WORLD.
Die Juden are ANATHEMA to White Europe and her Dominions, because We are God’s Chosen People, God’s Holy Race, God’s Elect… and Die Juden… ARE NOT.
And never have been. And ANYONE- pope, premier, or president that stands in Christ’s People’s way, will suffer the Wrath of God. It is time for the Saxon to awake. Exaudi oratione nobis, Domine!
Where are the laws banning antiCHRISTianity and THAT radical agenda?
2,000 YEARS of Jewish JEWHAD on CHRISTianity
CHRISTophobia was “born” in the year 0. It was spanked into life by Jewish King Herod attempting to kill Him, and was “rung in” with the Temple Priests orchestrating the crucifixion of Christ, immediately followed by MANY agents including Saul of Tarsus being sent by the Temple priests to murder HIS followers. It has raged for 2,000 years from the Roman pogroms instigated by Jews, then instigating midieval MUSLUM attacks and enslavement on European Christians, through the SHOAH of 66 million CHRISTians by Jewish Bolsheviks and the SHOAH of 1.5 million CHRISTian Armenians by crypto-Jewish Turks directed by Rothschild for Baku Oil…… It is particularly virulent in persons of semitic background but springs up in pseudo-atheists , mutants, small minded bigots and self-loathing, low-self-esteem HATERS of Western, Christian, Civilization with Mommy & Daddy issues.
3,500 years of Jewish antiGENTILISM and 2,000 years of hatred of Christ and His followers is the cause of “antisemitism” in Christians.
My previous comment continued……this is a perfect example of ‘Abuse of Rights’ that government engages in. As a ‘minority group’ among the majority White people, Jews by virtue of their Jewishness and minority group status have legal rights and protections that the average citizen in any given Western country does NOT have. Although the right of the individual takes primacy in every Constitution in Europe people do not understand the basic principle that their Right to freely think is a natural right that does not come from government, that’s why the government doesn’t have legal standing to prohibit freedom of thought and conscience. Freedom of association is also a basic human right.
Freedom of association encompasses both an individual’s right to join or leave groups voluntarily, the right of the group to take collective action to pursue the interests of its members, and the right of an association to accept or decline membership based on certain criteria. Freedom of Association, The Essentials of Human Rights.
What the Supreme Court in Finland did in this case is thus depriving people of the right to associated with each other to pursue their interests. While at the same government enables Jewish supremacist to do as the please: abusing their privileges to trample and violate the rights of others. Abuse of Rights and perversion of the law as Bastiat made the case. The rights that the government creates for one group comes at the expense of all others individually and violates the very premise of equality before/under the law.
Europe and America are contradicting the basic foundational principles on behalf to a group of people just because they are Jewish and in that process they violate the rights of the majority who are all individuals.
If people keep railing against Jews and other non-White people instead of challenging the perverted laws created by those in positions of power they will keep losing their case….challenge the intellectual dishonesty of those in positions of power on a serious intellectual level…..
One more case how the law is abused to make torture and tyranny look perfectly legal. This is an example of White people setting themselves up because they rail against foreigners and Jews but really glorify the Marxist ideology that promises them utopia which is Judaism. Marxist need and underclass to maintain their positions of power and Jews need an underclass to secure their power and privileges in White countries…..non-Jewish Marxist hate their own kind and are the enablers of Jewish supremacy, birds of a dictatorial feather flock together.
Fr. John+
St. Philaret of Moscow once stated: “Love your personal enemies, hate the enemies of Christ, destroy the enemies of the fatherland.”
Arise, Finnish Orthodox. “Orthodoxia ki thanatos!”
New World Ebola
The matter must be settled directly at the Judge’s residence in large numbers.
Ironic in that it is the Marxists who are doing just that which you say.
It should be “us” out in the streets defending our Heritage and our right to be sovereign.
I don’t really mean this — but we deserve what we are getting.
I think the generation who really dropped the ball are getting off Scot- free! Well……… least in this life anyway.
They had the likes of Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh.
Who do we have??? Weev? Anglin? Kyle Hunt???
Praise the Lord for CFT!