(Israel National News) Jews have been baffled for 2,000 years why the world “hates” them so much — but a few Jews claim that they’ve finally figured out this millennia-old riddle — it’s not because because they are purveyors of treachery, subversion, and perversion — no, it’s because they are the unwanted “messengers of morality”:
Ever since I can remember, I have been confused by antisemitism. I get it, they hate us. But why?
Well, Jewish scripture says “Esav sonei l’Yaakov”—Esau will always hate Jacob. But that doesn’t sit well with me. They hate us just because?
I need an explanation. But I’ve never found one that satisfied me. Until recently.
Here is where it gets controversial and politically incorrect. If you’re easily offended, stop scrolling. Here goes:
Let’s examine the time periods in history in which antisemitism was high. You’ll notice an inverse correlation: The less morality in a society, the more antisemitism there is.
Think about it: Ancient Egypt, the Greek empire, the Roman empire, the Nazi empire and we’ll get to today soon. All those empires tried to annihilate the Jews. All those empires lacked morality. They behaved in promiscuous ways, they tried to deny God and put the human being and his ego in the center of the world. They tried to convince the world that the planet revolved around them. They wanted no part in morality.
Let’s remember what the source of morality is: It’s the Torah, the Bible, the Old Testament. Call it whatever you want, but the world knows it’s immoral to steal, lie and murder from the Torah. The Torah is the epitome of morality. Thus, the messengers of morality are those who delivered the Torah to the world—the Jews.
I am not saying that anyone who is not Jewish is immoral. What I am saying is that moral human beings learned what morality is, whether consciously or unconsciously, from the Bible.
So, Hitler, for example, comes to power and wants to convince the world that the ultimate morality is to cleanse the world of anyone who is not of the Aryan race. If you read his book Mein Kampf, you’ll see that, to do so, Hitler sought to forge a “new morality” that would supersede the “old morality,” which held that killing is bad.
How could he do that? Well, he couldn’t kill God. He couldn’t make the Torah disappear. What he could do is kill the messenger. Get rid of the messenger, get rid of the message.
Hitler hated and the world hates the Jews because we are the messenger of morality in a world that doesn’t want “old morality.” It doesn’t want right and wrong. It only wants “different.” Moral relativism. No right and wrong. Just different.
All morality is gone and things we’ve accepted as truth for thousands of years—gender, for example—are now fluid. Morality is irrelevant.
But you know what happens when morality is thrown out the window? It starts slowly but ends tragically, whether it’s in the form of genocide or, in today’s world, a clothing brand accepting and promoting pedophilia. Because when everything else is ok, where do we draw the line? Maybe pedophilia is just another preference…
…All morality is gone and things we’ve accepted as truth for thousands of years—gender, for example—are now fluid. Morality is irrelevant. Science is irrelevant. All that matters is the new “ism” of our generation.
But there’s a paradox at work: On the one hand, the world needs to get rid of the messenger who reminds them what morality is. On the other hand, those same people can’t bring themselves to completely give up on what is right. They don’t want to be reminded of it, but they also don’t want to totally forget it.
So, despite assimilation, despite the Jews in America trying to be more American than the Americans, despite Jews trying to hide the light of their message, Jew-hatred is at an all-time high, because the world yearns subconsciously for that light and hates itself for doing so. So, they blame the messenger. They blame the Jews.
This explanation, which I heard from a friend, really resonated with me. Morality cannot be erased no matter how hard they try. Jews can’t extinguish their Jewishness and the light that accompanies it no matter how hard they try.
In every generation, there is a new movement that seeks to erase morality and drives people to try to kill the messenger of morality. And in every generation, Jews are their own worst enemy, because they think that, if only they are like everyone else, no one will know they’re Jewish and they will never experience antisemitism.
You can try to wear a robe to cover the light, but when the room is dark, the light will shine through. It will escape. The darker the room, the more the light will illuminate the room. It can’t be truly hidden.
We bring the light into a very dark room. That light blinds the world to the point that they want to extinguish it. But they also feel the need to know that, if they want out of the dark room, the light will guide them. When we, the Jewish people, as a nation, embrace our light, when we own our light, we will be able to return to our role as the messenger of morality.
The world will try its best to ignore and even eliminate the messenger, but they will fail. Ultimately, morality will prevail, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Jews, of course, didn’t give us the Torah — they gave us the Talmud, which is the basis of all Jewish “morality” and “ethics” — the basis of Judaism — and the essence of that “morality” is the denial of the Torah and finding ways around — and exceptions to — the Ten Commandments.
And all the “empires” that went to war with the Jews did so because of their subversion and insistence on having their own “nation within a nation” — and the rules which they observed always have conflicted with the morality of their host nations.
Whatever is “good for the Jews” is never good for the host nations — which inevitably led to the Jews being expelled hundreds of times — apparently For No Reason Whatsoever™.
Christendom — the prosperous white nations in which Jews prefer to live and feed off of — was created to glorify Christ and His timeless teachings of morality — and for 2,000 years, Jews have been at war with Christ and His followers, vainly trying to extinguish the truth that Christ brought to the world — and the foundation of that Truth is, in fact, the Torah.
This Jew doesn’t want to talk about Esau-Edom because he doesn’t want to acknowledge that Jews themselves fit the prophecies surrounding Esau — while Christendom has clearly fulfilled the promises to Abraham — through Jacob and the Israelites — and have been the “light unto the nations.”
Hitler and the National Socialists wanted to expel the Jews from Germany not because they were harbingers of “morality” — but rather because Jews, during the Weimar Republic — had run the nation into the gutter, destroying the economy and promoting all forms of filth and degeneracy.
If anything, Hitler was too lenient with the Jews and did not fully realize just how “powerful” and “dangerous” they were — the Jews had successfully leveraged most of the kindred western nations into destroying Germany for standing up against Jewish “morality” — just as Jewish leader Chaim Weizmann described:
“We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war [WWII] is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them within their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.”
—Chaim Weizmann, President of World Jewish Congress, 1942
And there were prominent Jews in Germany at that time — such as Walther Rathenau — who acknowledged that Jews were, in fact, responsible for subverting the nation through communist agitation and refusal to conforming to German standards of conduct and morality.
Any uptick in antisemitism throughout history occurs when Jews overplay their hand — when they push their Jewish “blessings” onto unreceptive nations — blessings such as usury, homosexuality, moral relativism, hypocrisy, degeneracy in art and culture — just to name a few.
So when Jews promote their soul-destroying agenda, Christian nations turn away from God as they become more and more Judaized, but there is always a small, faithful remnant of Christians who refuse to compromise with evil and tolerate degeneracy — and call out the Jews for their hand in it.
It is these Christians who are truly the “light unto the nations” — and they are the ones whom Jews fear most — the ones who are not afraid of being smeared as “antisemitic” for simply standing up to these anti-Christs.
As Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn rightly observed, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
CFT wrote, “This Jew doesn’t want to talk about Esau-Edom because he doesn’t want to acknowledge that Jews themselves fit the prophecies surrounding Esau”
I pray the prophecy of Obadiah be fulfilled soon, before more suffering occurs:
Verse NINE, “And they mighty men, O Temen, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter”.
Verse EIGHTEEN, “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining in the house of Esau; for Yahweh hath spoken it”.
I believe verses one to nine are unfolding as the Heathen tribes are turning on Esau over the Palestinian conflict.
Jews are evil, and I think the entire world is waking up to that fact, probably before whitey does.
“People hate Jewish people and it’s getting so much worse….”
Orthodox Jew claims that Jews are hated and attacked because they are “ambassadors of holiness and of God in this world” whose job is to “bring more light into the world, more good in the world”…..
They aren’t hated for usury, pornography, degeneracy, censorship, dual loyalties, or any of those “canards” they are so famous for….
Jews actually shoot themselves in the foot with attitudes like this. Because being unable to process the thought that their behaviour is the cause of the antipathy towards them they’ll never address the root cause. The fact that they use their media control to eliminate any such criticism only compounds the problem for them.
Get out of here, controlled opposition. Your blog has gone to the dogs since you habitually disrespected your #1 contributor, Flanders. He is now the #1 contributor here.
Tony, there is no place for your dis-empowering, jew-serving whining without solution. I expect the jew cut your pay after your viewings collapsed. We don’t need jew-servants. We need men like Flanders / Normant.
SHEM NEVER EXISTED, Pre-historical story characters
From ‘Ask the Rabbi’
When going back that far into history, there are no real certainties. All we have are the recordings of other people.
We have a document that has been carefully preserved for millennia that describes his existence.
The oldest extant copy of the Torah that we have is from the 3rd century BCE, the Dead Sea Scrolls. It has Shem in it. IF we accept the veracity of that text, then we would conclude that he is a historical figure. (Hearsay)
The Ketef Hinnom silver scrolls contain the Priestly Blessing from the 7th century BCE. That is much closer to Shem’s time, but they do NOT refer to Shem directly. They are just the blessing from the Torah.
So, in summary, WE CAN’T KNOW FOR SURE. We trust in the Torah and in the process of preservation that has been kept among Jews all the way back. But we have NO direct, absolute evidence.
Sure, “ask the Rabbi”, he’s trustworthy. Rabbis lie all the time, or don’t know what they are talking about. They are experts in sowing confusion and doubt, the whole point of their Talmud. You won’t find any people here that are receptive to what any rabbi claims.
“Ukraine” so that is what it was all about!! Jew Putin used as Wolf(all theatre ,but deadly as all Wars are Jew Banker Wars ) to scare Ukraine and Jew Zelensky to join Jewropean Union -Jew Digital Coin Slavery-JewJab and Third World take over by open Borders.
Ukraine Is Now Officially A Candidate For The European Union.
Last White Christian countries follow suit with Jew inspired border conflicts the impetus, same as used against Germany with Versaille Treaty to spark WW2.
Georgia recommended for EU candidacy, but with conditions.
Moldova officially applies for EU membership
Capitalism and Marxism/Communism are two sides of the same coin with capitalist banking systems funding the exploits of global communism. Capitalism (democracy) and Communism (Marxism) are merely products of the Jewish mind manufactured to control slave Nations. Therefore, given the ‘divine right to rule’ both are ideologically lower than Judaism in the paradigm of the Jewish Zionist. The nature of the game for the Zionist Capitalist is to withhold a land’s wealth from its people. Henceforth the Zionist Capitalist gets immensely rich while the nations conquered suffer crippling dept. Consequently capitalism is basically state sponsored usury and any revolutionary response from the slave nations are corralled into Jewish Marxist (Communist) state funded trade unions whose organizers are earmarked to become the leaders of the new Jewish Zionist regime. Thus Jewish Zionism controls both rich and poor. This vicious circle is a representation of the Jewish Marxist one party state.
Schengen open borders death trap for Bulgaria Romania and Croatia.(As stated above Democracy is Jewish Govt. that takes decisions that are good for Jews and bad for Whites.)
Decision on Schengen membership of Bulgaria is expected on December 8.
Romania to be in Schengen in a month’s time, social democratic leader says.
Croatia gets green light for Schengen admission from European Parliament
Bulgaria’s experience of Afghan Migrant Rapists.
Jewish Epiphany: The World Hates Jews Because They Are ‘The Messengers of Morality’
I think the following makes a complementary addition to that article.
“What soon gave me cause for concern for very serious consideration were the activities of the Jew in certain branches of life, into the mystery of which I penetrated little by little. Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light” (p42)
“And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew. I am defending the handiwork of the Lord” (p46).
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf.
This makes interesting and thought provoking consideration, in regards to the above article by CFT.
Jesus warned us about the nature of yids 2000 years ago. They have not changed since then and will never change.
John 8: RSV.
v43. ” Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word.
v44.” You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
v47. “He who is of God hears the words of God ; the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God”
True then, true now. The yids follow their father’s “cookbook” the Talmud, not The Bible. As CFT has said they do.
Jane Doe …
Do you believe in the Serpent Seedline Doctrine?
Hi West.
I could give you a simple one word answer, but I don’t think you would want that. So I’ll explain my answer.
in the past I’ve often vasilated between “yes” and “no” regarding your question. Some would say that’s because I’m a woman and I can’t make up my mind.lol.
I came across so many “ifs” about Genesis 3, which in turn led me to this vasilation in preventing a permanent answer.
Presently, after much thought and study, I don’t believe in the Serpent Seedline Doctrine. I say this because of the following points:
(a) Why in Genesis 3 it does not name the devil as the devil or Satan? The devil was named in the Book of Job and in fact had dialogue with God. The content and subject matter in Genesis 3 was much more important than in The Book of Job. In Genesis 3 it was about the knowledge of good and evil and affected all mankind, not about one man’s faith as outlined in the Book of Job. Yet there was no dialogue between God and the devil in Genesis 3 as there was in Job. God was in the Garden of Eden, but the dialogue was with a snake, not the devil.
(b) The snake could have been ‘a go between’ or a ‘mouthpiece’ for the devil to speak to Eve, as Lucifer (the devil) who as brilliant light, as the name implies, perhaps was unable to be seen. As people are unable to see the face of God because of the intense light.
The voice was the devil’s voice appearing to be the snake speaking. It has to be, because as we know snakes can’t speak.
The snake as the go between and it’s part in the deception of Eve, would account for the animosity that now exists between human beings and snakes. As God said (paraphrased) people will kill snakes, and it is usually by the head that snakes are killed, and snakes will attack the heels or lower legs of people, as usually the snake attacks are from snakes on the ground.
In short, because the snake did the bidding of the devil, and Eve listened and acted upon the the words spoken by the devil via the snake. This enmity between people and snakes is eternal.
The mention of seeds I believe are the seeds of human beings and the seeds of snakes-nothing more than that. There are seeds of human beings, seeds of animals, and seeds of flowers and other plants. I don’t believe seeds can be of the devil. I say this because Satan before the name change was an archangel, and Jesus when talking about the resurrection said in Matthew 22:30 ” For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven”
So they can be no literal seeds from angels, of which Satan is an angel. True a fallen one, but an angel never the less.
(d) life is from life, and kind is from kind, people beget people, not animals, nor angels as stated in Genesis1:24 “… according to their kinds”
This is my present viewpoint regarding your question, “Do you believe in the Serpent Seedline Doctrine”
I went into some detail as to why I believe what I do. I took the liberty of thinking you didn’t want a simple “yes” or “no” answer.
I can’t see my viewpoint changing regarding the Serpent Seedline Doctrine. I believe my vasilation is over for good. I’m satisfied with my viewpoint on the subject.
The above are my beliefs on this subject. I am not a biblical scholar. Perhaps, a biblical scholar would have a different take on what I’ve outlined, but I am content with where I am regarding your question to me “Do I believe in the Serpent Seedline Doctrine.
Regards. Jane Doe
Hi again West.
Later in the day, I thought about why you asked me the question on Serpent Seedline Doctrine.
I thought it might be because of some association with what I posted concerning John 8:44. and Jesus saying. “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires…” and you associated this with Genesis 3. and the serpent story.
I don’t believe Jesus was saying that those Jews were actually the seed of the devil. But followers of the devil, adopted sons, if you like.
‘Father’ can be used actually or figuratively.
A catholic priest is also called ‘father’ but you would not call him a blood relative . And addressing an elderly man out of respect, by calling him father. We also have The Founding Fathers.
In the Merriam – Webster Dictionary, it states:
2. as in founder.
‘A person who establishes a whole new field of endeavour’.
The devil is the founder of a whole new field of endeavour called evil, so he becomes the father of evil. And those who do evil can be said to be like your father the devil, not necessarily blood related.
Jane Doe.
Hi Jane Doe …………………
Awesome reply. Thank you so much.
I spent 20+ years in Judeo-christianity. Of course I am so thankful our Lord delivered me from that deception. However, there are parts of it that I miss. The biggest would be “Fellowship” with actual real people. It was a type of Fellowship. Fellowship without Accountability. But it was nice having like minded friends to talk with. Talk about real issues. Not just who is going to win the superbowl. I just don’t have that anymore. I have even lost my own flesh and blood family. So, I can’t even engage with them. I am truly thankful for CFT but sometimes I simply get tired of all the jew talk. I enjoy the deeper Theological Questions. Yes — we need to expose the JQ. But it would be nice if more of us enjoyed the Sharpening of Iron with one another.
Rambling …………………. thank you for the time you spent answering my question.
You wrote — “…I thought it might be because of some association with what I posted concerning John 8:44. and Jesus saying. “You are of your father the devil…”
You are exactly right. 🙂
I’m just overall very curious what others believe about this topic. Not sure why. I just find it very fascinating. Not sure if you have caught a few of my comments — but I continually ask the question —- Where is Ground Zero for this creature called “The Jew”. When did they emerge? Where do they come from?
My first week of hearing about CI(10+ years ago), I jumped on the Bill Finck bandwagon and accepted “Serpent Seed” without question. I went around with plenty of Zeal telling everyone I know that the J’s are actual descendants of the devil himself. Of course now I feel very foolish for doing so and I also probably ruined very good opportunities to Evangelize properly. Oh well ………………. I can’t take it back now.
I gravitated on your word —- “They”.
…….They have not changed since then and will never change….”
A conversation was started here — https://christiansfortruth.com/john-mellencamp-reveals-secret-to-success-defend-powerful-jews-who-enrich-and-enslave-you/#comment-140525
If it interests you to read and comment yourself.
Hey ………….. thank you so much! 🙂
I really enjoyed reading your comments (mind). And I agree with you.
Hi West,
Thank you for your post and comments. I was happy to help.
First, I must reiterate what I’ve said previously and that is I’m not a Biblical Scholar. But if I can shed light to your question: “The Jew when did they emerge? Where do they come from?” I am happy to oblige.
I read the link you provided, by the way.
My answer to the question you pose is this.
The word, Jew, is originally a knickname for a Yehudi. A Yehudi is a person from the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. Take the word Judah and say the letter J as a Y sound as some languages do, and you will get the word Yudah. Look closer at Yehudi and you’ll see the link between the words. Yudah the tribe – Yehudi a member.
I believe it is impossible to say where ground zero is regarding your question. The word Jew is lost as to when it first appeard to describe a Yehudi. Furthermore, different ethnic groups mingled in The Middle East to form a collaborative group we now refer to as Jews. Sort of calling all the white ethnic groups over the last few hundred years in the USA Americans and trying to separate the decendants from the original groups.
So in short, Jews are a mixture of ethnic groups which will be impossible to separate now, and so we lump them all as Jews. How can a Yehudi be distinguished from the group known collectively as Jews. They can’t.
So the question you ask cannot be answered. We’ll never know when they emerged as a collective group of mixed ethnic tribes as it was an ongoing thing over a long period of time. We can only say broadly that they came from The Middle East.
However, what we can say is that they are not a good race to know or have any dealings with. They follow The Talmud which is far from Biblical and they have corrupted The Bible via The Talmud so that their religion is a false religion that they practice. This applies to all their different forms of Judaism, Orthodox, Reform, Modern, and Conservative, except one. There is a form of Judaism called Karaite. This group does not follow The Talmud and are quite vehemently opposed to it. They adhere to the Hebrew Bible only. Because they oppose The Talmud, the other forms of Judaism look down on the Karaites as does The Modern State of Israel. There are about 1000 Karaites in the US mostly in California, about 40,000 in Israel and a little over 1000 in the Ukraine. They are a fairly closed group and do not take new members easily.
So, your question about the Jews and ground zero, has to be put into the too hard basket along with “Which came first, the chicken? or the egg?”
Jane Doe.
Hi again West.
I ommited to tell you the Karaites accept patrilineal descent in determining who is a Jew according to the Bible, not a matrilinial descent as proscribed by The Talmud. Another deviation from The Bible by Talmudic Rabbis overriding scripture.
Thanks for the contribution.
I you haven’t yet, give Charles Weisman’s treatise a read — “Who is Esau-Edom”
If I was guessing, I would tend to lean towards Weisman’s theory. Makes the most sense to me.
Peace to you. 🙂
Well done CFT!
An article of depth as well as truth, facts which no preacher in any of the churches are preaching. The churches for the most part have no idea of the corruption and evils caused by the yids.
In Christomdom, the Catholic religion being the worst of them all.The Catholics have altered so much of the Bible to suit their purposes. They are the “Christian” counterpart of the Talmud. Both are corrosive to truth and the both evil to real Holy Scripture.
The churches put out syrupy platitudes and neglect what’s important.
Hosea 4:6. RSV.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge. I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God. I also will forget your children”.
Keep telling it like it is CFT because the churches won’t.
66 million Russians butchered. Two World Wars started. The 9/11 False Flag & the looting of nations wealth thru their central banks. Can’t get much more Moral than that!
If you know REAL history, this is what the Bolshevik Jews did to Russia. Tore or burned down over 50,000 churches & Christian schools. Some of the churches they saved they turned into pig sties & whorehouses.
Such beautiful people!
John 8:44
still no Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo
when did the Toe of Ra happen…?
Clifton …..
Maybe you should contribute to this conversation — https://christiansfortruth.com/john-mellencamp-reveals-secret-to-success-defend-powerful-jews-who-enrich-and-enslave-you/#comment-140525
When is Ground Zero for the first Jew?
Have you read Weisman’s book — “Who is Esau-Edom”?
Or do you believe the first “Jew” appears Post AD 70?
The truth about “Jewishness” comes from the Talmud.
Which is written @ 500 AD.
Concerning the “Ground Zero”….for the Children of Israel….See Deut. 28.
Before Solomon there was Cain, Canaan and Saul…..if you want to be pedantic.
But Solomon provides the Raison D’etre for “Freemasonry”
See: Mackeys Encyclopedia of Freemasonry….”Assassin, Babylon, Captivity…”
the key word is “Proselytes”….currently more than 90% of modern day
so-called “Jews” are merely progeny of “proselytes” to Talmud Judaism
look at Revelation 7, which tribe is {{{JEWISH}}}…?
Clifton ……
Why do you not make the distinction between Israelite and “Jew”.
You would never call Jesus a Jew. Right?
What is your understanding of the Origin of the non-white peoples? Where did they come from? If you don’t mind.
Have you ever heard of Michael Tellinger…?
Zechariah Sitchin, David Icke,…..or John De Nugent..?
One thing I Know for sure….It is highly imprudent to place
“OUR LIMITATIONS” on the Almighty.
Clifton ….
“…look at Revelation 7, which tribe is {{{JEWISH}}}…? …..”
None of them are jewish! This is the whole point of the discussion! Why do you continue to ask this juvenile question?
You are saying that “Jew” is a proselyte — or one who has converted.
Question —
So, it has nothing to do with Biology in your opinion?
Is it your belief that the 4 Primary races of man come from Adam and Eve — and or Noah and his family?
WEST: DO you feel like, or “Believe” that Bugs Bunny invented Wacism…?
if not why not..?
let me ask you this one, In Genesis 49 are the Children of Israel…
“White People”….?
The Story in the Bible is about the Children of Israel that have never been
“PROSELYTES” to Talmudic Judaism.
Do you feel like Solomon could have been the first… “PROTO-JEW”?
who said…..”Blessed are the pure in heart”….?
seems like you’re involved with a Zephaniah 3:9….ministry.
about time….EH…?
Clifton ………………
You wrote —
“….let me ask you this one, In Genesis 49 are the Children of Israel…“White People”….?
Clifton …………. you see, this is exactly my point!
Should not the answer be Obvious???
But the fact that you even have to ask it confuses me.
Of course the Israelites were White Peoples!
This is the ENTIRE thesis of this website.
If you believe differently ………….. you should share that with us here.
Clifton …………………..
You wrote — “…seems like you’re involved with a Zephaniah 3:9 ministry. About time, EH…?”
Zephaniah 3:9 — “For then I will restore to the peoples a pure [a]language, That they all may call on the name of the Lord, To serve Him with one accord.”
So, Clifton, what does this passage mean to you? I’m unsure what you meant by asking me if I was involved; or perhaps I should be. Your question/comment was vague.
I believe this passage was fulfilled in the person and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I “hope” there is some dual meaning here in that there will come a time in the Future when Jesus returns and gathers His Remnant and we ALL speak in one accord.
It is ironic that you would quote such passage as it seems you DO NOT have a desire for all of us to speak “in one accord”.
Why? Because you don’t talk like a normal person. You seem to have no desire to have an actual “conversation”. Especially amongst Christians, here at CFT. We are supposed to be “Brothers” in the Faith — edifying and encouraging one another. But you are vague, obtuse and speak in esoteric language.
I find it sad, honestly.
Clifton ………………
“…..Concerning the “Ground Zero”….for the Children of Israel….”
No …………. I said — “when is Ground Zero for the first JEW”.
Israelite and Jew is NOT synonymous in our discussions here at CFT.
We are all trying to understand this Supernatural Creation —- Modern Jewry. Who are they? Where did they come from? Are they biologically related to the peoples of the OT and the NT?
These are the questions we wrestle with.
Do you want to contribute in an edifying way?
I hope you would.
Jews Lie……it’s what {{{{THEY}}}} do.
THERE ARE NO {{{{JEWS}}}} in the Old Testament.
….is there 400 years between the Old Testament and the New Testament ?
Did the Northern 10 Tribes from the Kingdom of Israel ever hear of the …
Did you get to finish …”In Search of Isaac’s Children”…?
I am not opposed to your knowing the Truth….Keep Thinking and “Faithing”.
What about that “Pure Language”….how many {{{{JEWISH}}}} lies are there
Clifton …..
“……Did you get to finish …”In Search of Isaac’s Children”…?
Yes, I did.
Do you agree with ALL of Martin’s teaching?
Willie Martin is “Serpent Seedline”.
Is this your belief as well?
Messengers of mayhem.
Messengers of malediction.
Messengers of mental illness.
Messengers of mendicancy.
Messengers of murder.
OK…Great article CFT. What is interesting is that just before I came here to read, I read an article from a blog that blows the whistle on peodophilia, elite satanism, and stuff that I really can’t stomach.
As the title addresses the genderless clothing line…it is a line directly targeting newborn babies…as you see in it’s promo vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSdSFKj-hOc
Her line is called Celinununu…and a product from an Israeli line called NUNUNU.
The article says it all. Unfortunately Celine has gone to the dark side which is all entertainment controlled by these ‘Morality Jews’. Beyond evil…this area I rarely tread…but I wanted to debunk the Liar of Liars, the antiChrist’s, the perverted and twisted children of their father the devil who replace Jesus Christ with themselves As you say A. Hitler was too lenient is an understatement. Children are now the ultimate target for their depravity to include animals. And yes…there will only be a remnant left according to the Truth which is the Bible with both covenants as both witness each other. So as usual with their shockingly brazen psychopathic lies…they are so depraved as to ‘replace’ other cultures, calling them evil, then calling for their destruction. They did it to Germany and now it is the US. There is one thing they will always do…and that is scream to the heavens what they will do to their enemies.
Here is an article that was pleasing to read for Germany’s hopeful freedom:
Sparrow, we ran an article about Celine Dion’s occult “children’s” clothing line back in 2019:
Ty CFT…l’m late on this dark subject matter as I can’t stomach it plus the fact that I don’t keep up with anything entertainment establishment. You all are on top of things and am glad to have found you ❤️. Be blessed as we try to keep our clothes clean (sigh).
this is my bitchuuuue channel exposing darkside of internet social media not many videos so far , i aim to expose anti white hate profiles on twitter and there are lots my guess a lot are run by jews https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nBxZiMBPYdd0/
omg CFT…(lol) As your usual posts do in highlighting pertinent subliminal words in very dark black…
I just couldn’t get past [The less morality in a society, the more antisemitism there is.] and busted out laughing…
Somethings are just too surreal when it comes to this tedious and arduous breakdown of ‘the theater of the absurd’. I mean just look at the ridiculous freakin hairdo’s in the picture which in every way causes me to go into severe anti shmenetic disorderly conduct syndrome reminding me of The Shining horror movie.
There…I will carry on with the….rest of the story. Just had to get that out of my system….but still lol.
… this truely is laughable, … it demonstrates how the Jews reverse accusations, … like when the Jews firebomb Dresden and Tokyo, … then they accuse the Germans of “holocausting” them, .. so now, when the Jews say they are messagers of morality, … it means that they are destroyers of morality, thus, reversing the accusation as a defensive ploy, ..
Jews are known to project their intense hatred and other mental and emotional short comings onto others, because in all honesty, that is how they perceive themselves. Along side negroes, Jews are the most self loathing group on this planet.
they hate us. But why?
They are returning a fraction of the Jews’ own hatred.
‘When the Roman historian Tacitus pointed out 19 centuries ago that the Jews are unique among the peoples of the world in their intense hatred and contempt for all peoples but their own, he was only repeating what many other scholars had discovered before him. For the next 1,900 years other investigators came to similar conclusions.
‘Notable among these was the reformer, Martin Luther, who in 1543 wrote in Von den Juden und ihren Lügen:
‘“[Jews] hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they are of the noble blood and circumcised saints; we, however, are cursed goyim. And they are the masters of the world, and we are their servants, yea, their cattle.”
‘The Jews responded to Luther like they responded to all the others. They put him down as just another “hater”, blinded by religious bigotry. And today that’s still the Jews’ standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about them except the most fawning praise.’
Oddly enough, having spent about 10 years now in CI, I never bothered to inquire about what others during the time of Christ had to say about our peoples — the Israelites.
This conversation should really be inserted elsewhere — https://christiansfortruth.com/john-mellencamp-reveals-secret-to-success-defend-powerful-jews-who-enrich-and-enslave-you/#comment-140525
Where is Ground Zero for the first Jew?
I will include one except from “Tacitus on the Jews” — “….But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or intermarry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred…..”
Well ……. this is encouraging if Tacitus is speaking of Israelites. I would like to have more information of course. Tacitus says that they hate their enemies, but I think it has been confidently established that their “neighbors” at the time of Christ would have been mostly other White Adamic men and some “lost” Israelites. So, this does not sound like men who have the heart of God. We were commanded to be friendly with “strangers” in the land. Which in my opinion, would have been other White men and women of the Genesis 10 Nations.
So ………… we’d have to unpack Tacitus a bit. I’m not sure what Tacitus implies speaking of sexual relations when he says — “…between themselves nothing is barred….” This is disturbing to me. He gives no specifics, so I have no idea what he means here.
I think these quotes from Tacitus can favor the theory that there were “jews” during Christ’s time and there were not “jews” during Christ’s time. I find it to be a Neutral source of information.
I think it is widely accepted here at CFT that “jew” means non-Israelite/non-Judahite, just for the record. So, who specifically is Tacitus speaking about? Israelites? Or, if we accept Weisman’s theory — “Jews” i.e., not pure blooded Israelites. Or even pure blooded Adamics.
Question for Historians —– are these the only writings from Tacitus on the Jews?
Thanks for sharing that information Johnny. I’m embarrassed to say that I have never read Tacitus.
West—It’s only since I started reading CFT that I’ve become aware of the arguments and counter-arguments regarding Jewish identity; of all those who comment here I must be the most ill-informed on the subject. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.
Thank you for your honesty. But definitely think about “who” Tacitus was referring to. Because it is the consensus here at CFT that there were only White Adamics and Israelites in the Levant during the time of Christ. So, Tacitus must have been talking about Israelites (Judahites).
The English translation of “Jew” is simply a translation of one of three words — Judean, Judahite, or Judea. I personally think it can be a general term for Israelites……but I can’t prove that.
Now ……………. when we speak of Martin Luther, he wrote 1500 years later. So ….. Luther was speaking of those ancestors of Modern Jewry. Not Israelites.
Does that make sense?
West—Yes, it does make sense, thank you.
“Everyone is just jealous of me.”
– Jews
Naturally, they are backwards; yes, esau hates Jacob, but WE are Jacob and what few of them that are Adamic are esau.
Of course, everything they claim is backwards…jews, ‘messengers of morality?!?!!?’ What a larf…
Oh, I guess if by ‘morality’ they mean the system of their father the devil, then maybe thats right….